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>Russians are religi-ACK
it's crazy how China is less religious but still more civilized than America, Confucianism is such a huge buff
whats up with nicaragua?
The communists were right about religion.
we have more churches than in the whole europe combined
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Here's the unshopped map
>still more civilized than America
but fewer mosques
When people talk about "LE BASED TRAD CHRISTIAN" countries they are talking about anti-LGBT 100% of the time., I wish I was joking
Nothing crazy. It's thanks to the cultural revolution that China managed to move away from superstitions and become a world leader in science and technology. Without it they would be an Afghanistan tier shithole, constantly in a state of war over religious nonsense. Mao's economic ideas were shit, but he was right about everything else.
They also go berserk or grasp at denominational straws whenever the more pacifist/charitable side of Christianity is brought up instead of picturing crusaders beheading brown hordes
>it's crazy how China is less religious but still more civilized than America,
how's that surprising?
>the picrel
peak of cope, lmao
people in america kill each other for stepping in each other's lawn. people in america randomly shoot each other because they cant get laid.
not even wartorn african countries do that
Haven't you heard? You must worship jews to be civilized. Jews are the source of morality so if you don't worship jews you have no morals.
>In megapolis
>By country
Atheism = high IQ and education.
Idiot we literally have nine islamic republics innit
id become an atheist if i had to endure living in rashka
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>t. midwit
Oh ok let's just pretend they don't exist and commit terrorist attacks then
you couldn't even endure living in pigistan, Taras
And over 13,000 Orthodox churches.
145 million people, 70% of whom are Russian, 6% Muslim, the rest Buddhists and others. Most mosques are in Chechnya and Tatarstan.

Stupid pathetic creature from an insignificant country from the margins of history, forgets that Russia is an empire led by Russians, and the empire can be built only by unprecedented diplomatic, commercial and military skills inherent only in superhumans. Sit quietly, animal.
damn, i need to go to poland
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None of your numbers are correct and Orthodox are already a minority among zoomers. Cope harder
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Because unlike United Berlin Emirates, Muslims live where they should here
God bless American bible belt. Fuck Televangelists though.
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like in Moscow?
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>is still the hightest value
you've just contradicted your own pic
besides that kids grow up and become more religious which your table only confirms
i dont get it when did anyone ever say russians are religious. they are stereotypically very atheis
>The Russian Church has 36,878 churches or other premises

The Church now owns 36,878 active churches, 462 male and 482 female monasteries.

>The number of churches reached 41,900 in 2022
they are still commies?
too bad they are empty even on easter
>Another criterion to count religious populations in Russia is that of "religious observance". Based on this principle, very few Russians would be religious.
>It has been found that between 0.5% and 2% of people in big cities attend Easter services, and overall just between 2% and 10% of the total population (3 to 15 million people) are actively practising Orthodox Christians.
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Don't embarrass yourself, stupid retard.
looking at the state of Europe ever since mass secularization should give you an idea of what i mean by that
listen to his majesty himself
WHY are russians so asshurt all the time, use the time defending Puccia to learn chinese. Is this the new fsb shift that made rus?
face saving culture, you have to save rassiyushka all the time, if westoid says in russia they don't eat shit you have to vehemently argue that you DO eat shit and it's very tasty
>more of your people believing in ancient tales from the middle east is le good
I don't listen to voice mails
you wouldn't understand, selfhating is a modern trend in liberal europe
>Look, this is 1000 Muslims on one street of 13000000 city! Ha-ha, totally debunked
Cope n seethe, Mehmet
They're commie
>Le FSB won't let me just lie, damn Russians
life after death is thirdies cope
just like reincarnation
>between 0.5% and 2% of people in big cities attend Easter services
This is just a lie
Anything 49.9% and lower can still be redeemed, the rest is lost.
He simply meant absolute minority. Don't pretend you didn't understand this.
You claimed Russia had fewer mosques, not Moscow
We don't read Russian, and you obviously know this too. Definitely the lowest IQ trolling I have seen this year. You're a waste of Rubles
I'll take your word for it
Just do the math >>200255466,retard
Europe combined (without Turkey)has more mosques than Russia and Russia is 4 times bigger than Europe
>You claimed
I'm not
>absolute minority
Do you know what this word means, brainlet faggot
>continent with 600 million people has more X than country with 150 million
oh that makes sense
>Turkey isn't middle east-ACK!!
That's one of the dumbest posts I have seen on /int/.
And? Who said we're religious? After communism most of the people here are either atheists or just Orthodox who doesn't think about religion at all.
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once again abrahamic religions are to blame for all the evils in the world
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Less civilized countries are often more religious so I don't see how that's a surprise to you.
Shouldn't you be bissy doing funny experiment on your country ? Rather than niggering out about Ruzzia Mateo?
>that flag

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