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Not invited: Germany and countries that speak German
Language(s) not allowed in the thread: German
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guten abend
Danmark taler ikke tysk THO
Hallo. Alles gut???
Ja, jeg har det fint.
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Werde nie haben eine Deutsche Freundin mit Schwarz haare
Mein Liebesleben leidet
Und du???
Ich nicht Weiß warum Blonde Jungen stehl unser Schwarzhaarig Frauen
Das ist nicht richtig
Alles kamp er unik.
I understood that
"Everyone's struggle is unique"
It's similar in Deutsch
ja, tysk og dansk ligner hinanden
Aber, Sie haben meine Frage nicht beantwortet.
Leidet Ihr Liebesleben??? Hallo??? Was magst du???
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>Leidet Ihr Liebesleben???
>Was magst du???
Øjne så blå som himlen, og hår så gyldne som solstråler
Btw, it is a pain in the ass to copy and paste scandinavian letters. I'm thinking of buying a danish keyboard.
Do you follow the /lang/ threads here? I bet they can help you with learning Danish. Anything that helps you "immerse" yourself into the language works I guess.

Do NOT use duolingo absolutely do not. I decided to give it a try and man had I no idea how bad it is.
>Do you follow the /lang/ threads here?
Have heard of them but never used them.
>Do NOT use duolingo absolutely do not
I use it to keep danish fresh in my mind, not as a main learning tool.
lmao it's a total Brazilian takeover here
Its OK, they are frens
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Nah, we were just taking care of the place before you europeans arrived.
Hallo Deutsche Freundin bitte
Driving back home, brb
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I've been mad productive today. Went for a short recovery run, mowed the lawn, went to buy new running shorts and started the de-rusting process for my barbell. I've already had my melatonin so I'll crash in my bed within an hour. Feels good.
Well done anon
>going shopping is considered productive in Uzbekistan
You'd be surprised by how many calories you burn walking inside a shopping mall
well yeah, it is. It means I did an hour of walking and I sourced an item that will serve me well presumably for years, starting tomorrow.
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I'm finally home.
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Anyone excited about TWAU 2?
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Dinner time.
what dis
I guess the Czech man was right
Upgraded ramen with tuna.
And some life juice on the side.
Now that's an interesting ramen. Some instant?
ramen with tuna and yakult, now that's some combo. I like to tune my ramen in more conservative ways. Egg, nori, some kind of oil (chilli, black garlic, sesame), char siu, depending on what leftovers are at hand
>Some instant?
Yes. I have actual, real ramen noodles in the kitchen, but I'm feeling too lazy to cook them tonight.
I should clarify that it isn't fermented milk, it is a iron supplement that tastes like monster energy but less sweet.
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Home is where your heart is...
Full tank at the start.
I've done exactly 200km.
Car showed me an average consumption of 9.4 litres/100km.
(18,8l 200km)
Stop at the petrol station and... 22.2 litres of petrol (11.1 litres/100km).
A difference of more than 10% is not cool.
my favorite ramen is at Ramen Ya in Amsterdam
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Uhh...wtf are you on about?
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I feel so unmasculine for not knowing much about cars...
Forgot the name
I want to try real traditiona ramen one day.
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Point is, the car is lying to me.
>You're literally a visa jeet
The car is NOT flying
I'm knackered, good night
they go to Prague, not the rest of the country
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In Polen? I can tell you this.... I am drunk as fuck....and I love Brazylian foot girls
I rode my bike around my neighbour hood today. Met hundreds of people. Saw zero jeets and one (1) white dude (in the mirror).
gn bro
Gut Nacht
Hab ein gut Schlafen brudi
>LOADS of Chinese
But there always were (bairro da liberdade)?
>and Jeets
Didn't know that.
I don't think I'd want to lick Brazilian feet.
Why not??
>Why not??
Ebony girl??? My peepee to her vegie, anon.
I didn't have dinner yet. Should I just skip it again?
>Should I just skip it again?
Only if you've already had some protein today.
Yeah I had a McDonald burger
Was passiert? Hallo???
Bist du da???
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Guys, why didn't you do what I asked?
I was lucky for only getting a warning.
the two subhuman tripfags have just been banned but they keep evading
please keep them here in their containment thread thank you
sry, playin vidia with frens
Du dumme Fotze
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Se fudeu, travesti.
Welches Game? Es ist Kühl???
PUBG mobile with old ppl
Posta a foto do cara que fala Alemão também
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>posted some pics with a wig just to troll /bra/
>almost a year later they still call me tranny
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>gets a boner when seeing himself crossdressed in the mirror
>"I-I'm n-not a tranny, I'm j-just trolling..."
Neither of them speaks german, they just use google translate.
Which is even more pathetic.
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I don't speak german and I don't use google translate for danish.
Brazilians are settling scores tonight.
He shaves his entire body on Saturday afternoon, right now is the best time for him to go cruising the internet for gringo dick.
He makes himself a shitty 3d printed metal for each cock he sucks.
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We are reaching fanfic levels that shouldn't even be possible.
These two are ruining our thread
They just spam and speak with each other in German
I'm sick of it
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Lots of off-topic posts on /icy/ tonight.
Well, I am just watching this show rn.
>muh fanfic
I'm posting screencaps your fake gringo "friends" could try and translate if they cared any bit about your tranny ass. They don't so your secret is safe.
>watching this show rn
which one?
Brazilian one
>could try and translate if they cared
but we know all of this anon
>this pathetic attempt at changing the subject
Your boyfriend is enjoying watching you get fucked and be embarrassed about it. You cucks really do make a nice couple.
Nice deflection
What's your retort?
I'm just watching some bored Brazilian having fun spamming the thread with stuff we've known for a long time.
It's probably one of the other manifestations of retardation.
I'm not embarrassed, but I do feel annoyed /bra/tards want to bring a comfy thread down to /bra/'s level.
>"noooooooooooo I want to spam your threads but you can't come post on mine"
Should've thought about that before you decided to be a shithead, tranny.
You don't understand. These two, they spam many threads with the same images over and over. I'm sick of it. You guys need to know about it. They also keep speaking in German and spamming blonde women.
>this post is off-topic
Well "krautzilian" is namefagging, and other one is new here, I think.
He's talking about boyfriend, dumbass.
>your* boyfriend
He admitted to everyone he is gay and a tranny. The other guy spams German babble, nazi shit and blonde women all the time. They're both awful.
Twinks are nice, but I prefer women.
The "women" you like have bigger dicks than the twinks you want to be.
Go fuck your "German speaking" boyfriend you literal homosexual
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Ok, I'm starting to have fun reading these posts.
You have a humiliation fetish, we know that.
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Bro, you first claimed czech bro is my boyfriend and are now saying krautzillian is.
If you want to multiate anyone at least be consistent with the narrative.
>the two anons posting here are the same person
I know you're dumb, but at least try and make an effort.
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>it takes 2 /bra/tards to do debate with me
Kek. Friendly reminder the average IQ in Brazil is 84 and mine is 121 (got a real clinical test).
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Semi cloudy, yet 22C and tropical night. AC on.
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What debate? You mean nordestino subhumans such as yourself are stupid enough to mistake this ass whooping for a "debate"?
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>ass whooping
Nobody's ass was whooped here, all I'm seeing is a brazilian favelado fucking a comfy thread.
Just like a nordestino tranny was fucking a /bra/zilian thread before. Maybe don't throw stones if live in a glass house.
Why are you taking others anons as hostage? You're doing a kind of Old Testament revenge.
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>pedos, schizos and political bots don't trigger Cleyton da Silva
>but pics of blonde women do
Makes you wonder huh?
>"Evil can not create anything new, it only destroys" - Tolkien
>"oh no I'm being persecuted, woe on me"
Oh, that's such a sad sad story, my dear gringo loving troon. I'm almost crying here.
desu I dont care, you are just bumping thread. But since you're here, I'm interested in your motivation and what you're trying to achieve.
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Nah, I'm fine.
See >>200263923
>I'm fine
Keep saying that, maybe you'll convince yourself.
sup silesiabrother
While I was smoking I saw a plane flying really high tonight, it was going south-north. Funny thing is that at the same time a helicopter flew over the house.
They say that helicopters are up to 13 times more likely to crash than a plane.
>I saw a plane flying really high tonight
My house is located in a major air corridor, so I can see all the planes to Katowice and Krakow (PL) and planes flying to Ostrava from the north. Fortunately, it is at high altitudes and does not disturb with noise.
>They say that helicopters are up to 13 times more likely to crash than a plane.
That's probably true. Two years ago, a helicopter landed in a neighbor's backyard. He had a heart attack or something.
I believe the sector is clear now.
Probably. What time is it in Brazil?
It's still early.
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You're calling it.
I guess I'm just gonna read a book and sleep.
Goodnight bro.
gn anon
If you are worried about a language staying fresh in your mind, you're at a very elementary level and should actively be using a more rigorous & effective material than Duolingo to get it to stick. However, if you have surpassed the need to keep a language fresh in your mind, there is no use for Duolingo anymore. Duo's paradox.
I am ok with my broken english.
Just as I was about to turn off the computer lol
Yeah, but finding content in danish to consume is kinda hard.
Do schools in the Czech Republic teach english?
Yes, it is out first language, no other option.
It's probably harder than finding content in Polish, I'll give you that. But even if you can't find much native content, perhaps you should look for translations & dubs. Read the Moomins in Danish. Set your computer to Danish settings. Read the Danish general on /int/. Just a couple of starting points.
>Set your computer to Danish settings
That's a great idea, I'm gonna do it
nightclub vibes.
Anything you do, just try to find a way to do it in Danish. Cooking? Read a recipe in Danish. Set your GPS navigation voice to Danish. Find some Danish Minecraft server.
What did you do to learn polish?
You're supposed to be sleeping right now, tranny.
What's the problem, can't sleep without your boyfriend's strapon buried in your ass?
playing sacred chants tonight
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Friendly reminder there's an option to report troll and off-topic posts.
You mean like we reported you when you came to shit on our thread? Now you want to hide behind rules but you have no qualms about breaking them yourself.
>burning candle
The right vibe.
You're from Sao Paulo or South?
True, but it is dangerously close to the edge of the table.
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Memrise, grammar & vocabulary workbooks, HiNative (an app where you ask questions in multiple formats about languages and they're answered by native speakers), listening to Polish music and reading the lyrics, shitposting on /polska/, YouTube Let's Play videos in Polish (in addition, I challenged myself by transcribing (writing subtitles in PL) these videos entirely), playing video games on Polish servers, setting everything I could to Polish (incl. video games, even finding fansubs), lots of reading...

Context for picrel:
"Elo robale" is a nonsensical meme on /polska/
"Robal" is a big bug
"Elo robale" is "elo (hello) big bugs"
I named my Pokémon group "grupa robalów" (big bugs group)
You seem very dedicated to it, that's awesome.
GN anons.
Robit v robotě.
I've been thinking. I will integrate Polish diacritics into text selection as seen here in these PL fansub ROMs myself.
*Gut Nacht

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