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Is America the only country with people obsessed with homesteading? You never heard about people here doing it.
american land is very cheap compared to elsewhere. Obviously you're not going to be homesteading in the UK if all you can muster is a terraced house with a garden the size of a postage stamp.
No, it's just tradcucks who want to force people o live their shitty slave morality ideology, because they're incapable of finding purpose outside of their biological urges and they need to drag everyone else down with them.
It is one of the few first world countries that has potentially enough land for it.
I don't think that you would count subsistence farming in some african poorcunt as homesteading.
Even then though how do they afford it? Surely you'd need a decent paying job to be able to afford enough land to live that kind of lifestyle.
America has a lot of agarian land to homestead on, anon. So why not have a wanton for homesteading? You’re just talking about a minority of Yankees anyway who like and/or do it.
At least not when there is no preassure applied.
This woman and her family are multi-millionaires. They're not really homesteading, they're playing a LARP, imitating a dead lifestyle for social/identity clout.
slave to corporate interests or slave to family, maybe even both, in any case you are a slave even if you deny it
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I know a few of those homesteading evangelical types. They are extremely rich and addicted to social media. they own some property they don't live on, take some pictures there, go home, and try to look perfect. I know one couple who is very miserable but they just stay together because they are afraid people in their church will get mad.
it's impossible to be a land owner here if you have no mafia connection. They would steal everything and destroy your propertry ( chopping off trees, open fence and let their animals forage in your land etc etc)
>t. trannies mad because traditional men and women are enjoying life
In your country, wasn't essentially all the suitable land settled a long time ago? Brits did plenty homesteading elsewhere in the world.
I remember once an american woman bought a dilapidated country house with a land here , spent a shitload of money, then had to resell it in a few years. googled her name after a while and she had committed suicide, sad
They do the same here. Suicide, someone gets murdered, or there are other private things like: Wife found out son was going to have down syndrome so she got an abortion discreetly, deacon's daughter got pregnant and went out of state to "visit aunt" when in reality she got an abortion, husband is fucking men while wife plays clueless, someone overdoses on pills. Bunch of drama.
The average american can't live like that, moron.
the sad thing is she had some italian ancestry and wanted to came back to wewuz
Why did she have to resell it?
You're an urban country.
The only wewuz Americans I know are "we wuz Swedish" or "It's the Swedish in me" when they have no connection or ancestors.
Yes because here houses are more expensive in the desert countryside
Is it really that common to get fucked by the Mafia? I thought they only really operated in the very southern parts of the country like napals?

I doubt somebody bought it
trannies & traditional men two same of the same cancerous coin
>food comes from the grocery store
see, you liberal >>200284884
America is unironically full of religious schizos
They’ve even got their own version of Islam for white people
You’ve got to watch what you say if you travel out of the cities, they take their religion seriously
fuck off with this feminine instagram larp
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I have 40 acres and do nothing with it. I do have cherry trees, apple trees, grapes, hops, all kind of berries, but I don't work the land
seek mental help
Homesteading by definition is about self sustenance.
Explain why you haven't turned it into a monster truck course
I don't think you know what slave morality is, Doreen.
I bought some honey that my neighbor made and now I want to do beekeeping too, its shocking how much better it is than supermarket honey
Chuds really will surrender all levers of economic, industrial and political power ever to exist just to do little larps. And thats a good thing.
Nope, he is right. Chuddery is peak slave morality.
>Nietzsche traces the roots of slave morality to the oppressed classes, particularly the slaves in ancient societies. These individuals, who lacked power and were subjugated by the ruling classes, developed a moral framework that inverted the values of their masters. This inversion served as a psychological coping mechanism and a means of asserting some form of moral superiority over their oppressors.
>Central to slave morality is ressentiment, a deep-seated resentment and hostility towards those in power. This feeling arises from the impotence of the oppressed, leading to a moral revaluation where the traits of the powerful (strength, pride, independence) are denigrated and those of the powerless (meekness, humility, compassion) are exalted. Slave morality is fundamentally reactive, defining itself in opposition to the perceived evil and oppression of the masters.
>It lacks the creativity and affirmativeness of master morality, instead building its value system by negating the qualities of the ruling class. Values such as kindness, empathy, and charity are elevated within slave morality, reflecting the lived experiences and needs of the oppressed, who benefit from social cohesion and mutual support. Slave morality often associates power and desire with guilt and sin, leading the oppressed to internalize a sense of moral superiority by framing their subjugation as a form of moral purity, in contrast to the perceived corruption and decadence of their oppressors.
>praying and reading God's word
Praying does nothing and reading any "holy scripture" is just allowing Jewish brainrot inside your head.
>lifting weights
If the author can't be any more specific than that, then it's nonsense advice. Which weights, how often?
>going outside and getting some sun
It's pure cancer these days, great advice there, especially when you already have to spend your time on the weights and the desert fantasy scrolls.
>asking a REAL woman on a date
There are no more REAL women, so that's gonna be impossible.

Won't even entertain the last part. This reads like it was written by a 40+ blown out roastie trying to shame men into settling for her.
Honestly I wish that people who post that kind of shit could just be rounded up and put in a mass grave. Putting this "heh gotcha mad" trash on the internet to farm hateposts should result in immediate execution.
lol, I have a race track for remote control trucks on it, with banked turns and berms
are you seriously asking this? because unlike you we are a free country. your govt regulates every aspect of your pathetic lives and sure enough this would never be allowed ever.
>Values such as kindness, empathy, and charity are elevated within slave morality,
All values I associate with chuds.
retard, check /diy/, there are homesteading threads occasionally, regular folks post pictures there. they live on cheap land.
This guy has never met an Italian-American ever, presumably he lives in the middle of nowhere around the Great Lakes.
he's probably seen them, he just wanted to talk shit about america
weird that you specify the UK when house types and sizes are incredibly similar to the netherlands lol
I mean, this country was largely built by homesteaders and many of its descendants are the descendants of homesteaders. This sort of industrial America vs. agricultural America debate goes back to Jefferson and Hamilton. The industrial team won decisively after the civil war and only now in retrospect has that wreaked havoc so people want to reclaim that agricultural identity or else use it to drop out of industrial America. It’s the American dream really.
I don’t know why you think you must be impoverished to be a homesteader?
Many people don't practice what they preach.
I find it hard to believe that the mafia has its mitts on all land in your country.

I personally know an America who built a house in Italy on a large property and I’m pretty certain he has no problems with mafia.
the owner of that twitter account is a bald virgin manlet
sorry chud, I don't take my food from tradcucks who produces poisonous non-organic agriculture in mass
It’s probably for the best. Relatively small-scale farming or gardening seems to be pleasant, but most people I know that are homesteaders (and I know a lot because I worked at an ag supply trader) are miserable because money flies out the door and they spend so much time driving.
My neighbor of the house I grew up in started keeping bees and so I chatted him up about it the last time I was home. He shared some honey with me and you’re right. That stuff is good. It seems so interesting and yet easy too. I think I’ll do that when I’m older.
So you believe chuds to secretly be a bunch of cuddle buns instead of asocial mass shooters
unfathomably fucking based, i unironically kneel
LOL, really?
that's odd, why would he come here. because there's plenty of opporunities for that on /diy/. in fact it really triggers euros posting there when they realize how good we have it here. and most of them are virgin freaks who never leave their room as opposed to most americans who post on /diy/ who tend to be normies (although a bit on the weird side). like for example when bepis accidentally doxxed himself it turned out that he has wife and kids which disappointed a lot of basement dwelling autists who were sure he was one of them.
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>dude just cough up several tens of thousands of dollars for land, building a home, proper equipment, etc
Homesteading is pure soul
OP: "you never heard about people here doing it"

obviously I'm responding to that you illiterate nonce
I prefer not being a welfare leech
this has to be a parody
chuds should be forced out of cities for this reason alone
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No, people are doing it everywhere.
>You never heard about people here doing it.
Exactly. Because people who living a peaceful self sufficient life is the polar opposite of being an insta/twitter/tiktok whore.
The people you're watching are not interested in homesteading, they're interested about promoting themselves on social media, and homesteading is just the niche they found.
>I don't believe in God but have read the Bible, Quran and Bagavad Gita
>I do
>I do
americans are the most delusional people on earth
their idea of rural life is just a suburbia

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