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How do you respond to this without sounding mad in your country?
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I wouldn't say a single word to them, I would listen. That's what no one else did.
>brownoids flinging shit at eachother
laugh at denmark I guess
What can i say.they just want to take our country into them
Common bharatian W
There's nothing to cope about. I think it's unlikely that this anon lives in a favela or is going through some sort of economic hardship
No need to respond to the pajeet, he's right about leaving that shithole. About the rest (favela, etc), is just cope. Basically no one who has a grasp of english here live in a favela.
I would only laugh at Europe for getting just another street shitter.
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It's wild that thirdies have so many channels to move to the Europe while it's extremely difficult for someone like me to find a job there and vice versa with Euros trying to move here
the goal of every pajeet is to leave India, that place is so fucked up they prefer end up living in some apartment with other 20 jeet than staying in their own country, they will eventually find their way in some first world country, or even second.
I have more respect for the most impoverished favelado than any visajeet
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get off the vpn ranjesh
are you kidding? it's absolutely fucking nightmare dante must die mode for thirdies to move to europe legally
refugees are something else, with a lot of them fucking dying or being abandoned on a rock in the ocean by the coast guard
there is simply so many fucking indians that even 0.01% of their applications being approved is a massive number
you're also welcome to come here and just burn your passport
but you won't, because you know how much it would suck to live like that
for thirdies that terrible life is better than home

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