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Have you let yourself go in your country?
His fault for taking and staying at a job where they don't even allow him to go home
Been fat ever since I was a toddler.
Raised on junk food, soda and used to get drunk with dad when I was like 13-14.
White trash life forever..
why did he change his tie? First one looks better, the second one looks comically ugly
>That photo

Jesus Christ, I feel ashamed just being a 90Kg skinny fat. I don’t know how morbidly obese people go through life without being embarrassed.
bro ran marathons every morning
We don't care. It's that simple. I'm fat (136 kg) and I was at the lake today among everyone else with my keg and man tits in the sun.

You don't become fat if you care that much.
see picrel. i’m getting lovehandles
That photo is fetish porn
I actually lost some weight and gained some muscles in the last year
what kind of faggot are you to pose for pics like this?
>t. Fattoid seething that an american is in better shape than him
would share a beer with
wouldn't share a beer with
i'd tear your head off in 15 seconds
na he's right you're a FAG
so i will use an equalizer such as a knife or rifle to kill you, big deal
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Just get jeans with a higher rise. There's a reason women's clothing always go up to and sometimes over the belly button. They've been hiding their love handles for years.
these girls have lower bodyfat than most gymcels, what lovehandles
Go back to somalia
I gained 10-15 pounds in the past year since starting my first full-time office job
Before that I was a student walking to and from the bus stops, all around campus and just being very active
Now I sit in a chair all day and go cycling one day a week on the weekends
nigga has never heard of calorie deficit
same here, i've never been an average weight, always a fat shit since before i could walk
The fuck? All the Somalians are skinny alien headed people.
nah can't imagine doing that. out of shape people are legitimately weak and disgusting. getting swole over here in fact brah
It's just an example of the type of clothes women wear. I didn't mean these two specific women. I probably could've picked a better picture.
I'm skinnyfat as fuck
Such is life. Tried losing weight in my early 20's but self control isn't really my thing.
any extra fat deposit, even if you are skinnyfat, is caused by you consuming more calories than you burn. if you were calorie negative, you would be losing body fat. calculate your average daily calorie intake vs how much you burn in a day, then don’t exceed that limit for about 4 months.

you’ll lose the belly fat in no time
looking sick as fuck in that webm brah
new zyzz ova here
No, "letting myself go" in my case would mean eating pretty much nothing and becoming anorexic
there's also hormones like ghrelin and insulin that play a large role here
meant to say leptin instead of ghrelin, my bad
tags: forced 'cadofication
>another fatfag gainer fetish thread
We had one yesterday. We don't need anymore ever.
He's not ready yet

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