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>Brazilian ingenuity
I really needed one of those a few weeks ago when my water heater broke but I guess you also need a 50 amp circuit for it to get warm enough
I really wonder how thirdies think of electricity, like to them is it just some dangerous creature that lives in the wall and can jump up and bite you any second
mine is 220 V, 6800 W, that makes 31 A
very comfy and safe
so might be able to get away with a 30A breaker
I think that's a firstie thing too
An ampere is enough to kill you. All it takes is one short and you're done
mine is a 32A breaker, just checked
based gigaIQjeet
31A?! You're going to die bro if that thing fails.
no one dies from electric showers, saar
you should try them at home, it could be perfect for india
Actually 30 mA is enough to kill you because that's the point of amperage that can cause respiratory failure.
I literally never hard about a single person dying from one of those
also that's obviously a meme since the person wrapped the wires in plumbing tape
Nah most people understand the very basic rules of electricty, I think Brazillians must just think of it as this weird genie that lives inside appliances to make them work but also randomly kills people
If Brazilians were people I’d feel sorry for them
Das rite
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people wash their dishes with them as well
would you buy an electric suicide tap?
The electricity is the only thing that can warm my heart
post the apu
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would you mind taking a shower with an electric showerhead if it looked like this?
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Works fine in my country.
Why don't you just use a water heater like normal?
Cute hands
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>Uncovered electrical taped wires
>number of deaths a year caused by electric shower heads: 0 (zero)
thats fucked up man
Many more people die from gas heating than eletric showers.
This shower is widely used across the country, being purchased anywhere at a very low price, and installed and maintained by the individuals who bought it, with very little assistance.
If the electric shower were truly dangerous, the number of deaths would be extremely high
>gas heating
how do any brazillians survive to adulthood kfc
that is a water heater. I know you meant a centralized water heater tank, but they work in the exact same principle
I've lived with both and I would say a high end electric showerhead is better than the 2-knob system, you can tune a dial to set an specific °C
>adulthood kentucky fried chicken
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Brazilians are indeed ingenious and smart in many aspects. We are the only sugar cane producer that doesn't burn the fields to harvest.
Not to mention we make the safest planes in the world.
>há 5 dias
I'm so bad in portuguese that that seems wrong.
bad at english too bro
90% of the country doesn't get cold enough to justify installing normal central heating
most people only need water warmer than 30c for 10 minutes a day
i unironically see people afraid to plug a fucking socket with a completely isolated wire while wearing rubber sandals,same fuckers that will use an eletrical shower and pay some retard to hotwire high tension lines to steal energy from the public posts.
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>have that exact model
>set up the exact same way (wires out all over the place)
>it throws water everywhere too
How many Nobel Peace prize winners does Brazil have compared to the United States?
a brazillion
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I don't get it do they not teach the basics of electrical work in school in Brazil? I'm not even an electrician but like this is the basic don'ts of electrical work this is almost India tier electrical work.
>gringo retard doesn't understand the concept of "zueira"
Macacao anon you are fucking stupid if you think water which is the most conductive element in regards to electricity flowing next to uncovered electrical wires is safe.
Nothing ever happens
pardo thread
Look at >>201510325, >>201510303,>>201509085
fake news, fake videos.
it's so "dangerous" that no one pays to install the electric shower. i've installed about 4 or 5 myself
That's what the post-larval stage is called in americans, what's the confusion?
i see thanks for clarifying
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this is less than $200, gas is cheap, and if it malfunctions it will not kill you
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>water which is the most conductive element
gas is good way to get yourself killed
This nigga takin golden showers hahaha
thirdie moment
>doesn't know how electricity works
>proceeds to project his lack of knowledge
The current doesn't go trough water because the resistance inside it is where the current goes trough. The water is nowhere near as conductive as that metal and at best, you'll get a small shock everytime you turn the shower on if the house/shower doesn't have a proper grounding and grounding is super easy to do anyways
Electric showers are perfectly safe if you aren't a complete retard. When properly installed they work flawlessly and are a low cost and effective alternative to things like gas or central heating.
Not even trying to be a dick, but are central water heaters that uncommon in Brazil?
we don't need that, this is a tropical cunt
I've seen them before, but it's usually upper mid class/rich people that use them. Electric is just cheap and effective
there's a solar central heating system at my house. it is so inconvenient to wait for the water in the pipes to run until the hot water finally arrive that i just use the electric shower in my daily 5 minute shower.
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>>Brazilian ingenuity
You have to understand that there's no reason to have that when most of the year it will never be cold enough inside the house to justify that.
I get that you don't need actual central heating, I just thought it be nice to have hot water at the faucets for cleaning and shit. But if you only need to shower I guess it'd be a waste to install a water heater only for that
You could use it to heat the water you are bathing in instead of using an insane and dangerous appliance

Just saying
It's not dangerous though
You only think it is because all you ever see is meme videos of nigger rigged showers
this is a very, very, very safe system if you install it properly
I've literally used these things my entire life and so has everyone I've ever know and literally nobody has died or gotten injured.
Yet. Nobody has died or gotten injured yet.
why are americans so dumb?
I have a dedicated 400V 50A breaker for the glorious near future when companies are finally allowed to make those 20kW showers again
american education at its prime
he's trolling, obviously.
The poverty of the average Brazilian astounds me
Electric shower heads were invented in the 1950s, and have been ubiquitous in brazilian households ever since, yet fatal accidents caused by said showers are so rare they might as well be considered an urban legend.
Half of brazil doesnt even have the internet there could be brasileros dropping like flies and you would never know, not like your corrupt incompetent government would ever report on it anyway
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Try 1/5.
What year are you posting from?
electroboom has a video about it if you're serious about this
to put it briefly, water is not conductive enough to be a concern in most cases, and the grounding takes care of the rest in edge cases.
old appliances like toasters with no insulation were way more dangerous than electric showers.
I made this webm
I hate you niggers, you wouldn't have 2 live wires just hanging from the ceiling and say " well if I don't touch it it'll be fine ". The only acceptable way that shower head would be considered safe IMO is if the heating element is away from shower head and connected with a non conductive hose.
why do you think it's not acceptable? i've explained why it's safe
yes, a central heating system is safeR, but not as easy to install or efficient, there's reasons to not have one.
You are from sri lanka
You are gambling with your life to save a small amount of money
it's not a small amount of money, you have to run a whole separate line of insulated pipes for every bathroom.
you take calculated risks every day, don't you? the lesser risk of central heating isn't worth the added cost. i would consider it if i was building a house, but i absolutely wouldn't break a whole house to install it.
You are from Brazil
I wish my wife's family had one of these. It's always cold showers when I visit
How hot do these actually get the water? Like, could you scald yourself or is the water only kinda warm?
It doesn't have to be central heating, just have the heating element separated so you dont bump your head into it or something. It'll reduce the heating effect but it'll be safer.
Yeah and I have to seen anyone use that.
Haven't* sorry
>just have the heating element separated so you dont bump your head into it or something. It'll reduce the heating effect but it'll be safer.
marginally safer, maybe. i believe a similar design exists in some places. this mostly a psychological thing, touching or bumping the shower head isn't an issue.
Its a population control psyop the water is already warm because Brazil is hot as fuck all the time
like 70 degrees tops? if the water isn't too cold to begin with. they're designed for low temperatures, mostly.
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i believe it
that still seems quite cold
it's 158 burguer units, should've said
they can get unpleasant hot, but not scalding. i usually have mine at the lowest settings since it's always 30C here.
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>Brazil is hot as fuck all the time
Near the equator, sure. Everywhere else, it depends.
ahh that makes more sense, i shoulda guessed. I gotta admit it doesnt sound unpleasant to have
>touching or bumping the shower head isn't an issue.
It iss that's why I said you can't have 2 live wires hanging around and say it's safe if you don't touch it. You have to make shit thinking that people are retards and they will find a way to hurt themselves.
looking it up, i think it's closer to 122F, 50C, i was thinking of solid surfaces.
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Brasilians be like
>hold on let me make some toast
nobody uses Fahrenheit outside of the US except for some literally-who islands
dont all former british colonies use it to some extent? I know for a fact canadians and brits still use it here and there
It costs something like 30 dollars at best, why don't you buy one and bring it to them?
I've already suggested it. Even paying a professional to install it. Has something to do with the electricity my wife says. She just says "old wires"
More like brilliance kek You guys are retarded
>Why don't you waste a lot of money instead of using this cheap alternative I don't like because retarded reasons??
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It's safe, retards.

>that doesn't burn the fields to harvest
KEK I'm inhaling sugar cane smoke right now
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Neither will ours, and it's way cheaper than that
Hard to believe we have posters the level of /bra/ with only 20% of us using the internet, dios mio
You are from the country soon to be Brazil 2.0
Savage, sad, hilarious and melancholic.
No country deteriorates that fast. Even Syria has more rule of law than Brazil.
dont lie to me
Look at the graph again.
80% of the country has access to the internet.
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Damn, I'm retarded
Are you really bragging that 20% of Brazil is in the middle ages?
No wonder /int/ was so much better ten years ago
Tap water includes impurities, such as dissolved sodium, calcium, and magnesium salts, thus it is an excellent conductor of electricity.
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Was a quarter of the US living in the middle ages until 2015?
That aside, good luck funding the construction of all the necessary infrastructure in the middle of the amazon so small poor fishing/substance farming communities can get access to the internet.
Really stupid comparison.
Your entire country is the size of a nickel with a population that could fit in a school bus. You have no excuse for bad infrastructure.
You were the one arguing that not having access to the internet equates to living in medieval conditions.
Even if you don't have access to paid service in America there's literally free service everywhere so literally that concept can't even exist here
seething thîrdie dog living in a Favela
hello chikaner
those are 100% safe shower heads and I would shower on them
they are nonexistent and the tubbing would make the construction cost much more.

I wish we had central heating though
natural gas grid coverage is very low in most of south america, something like 10%to 20% of homes if i recall correctly, but i'm too lazy to look it up
You retard. This has been used for a century all over the country. And there are generally more cases of people dying from gas heaters than electric ones. There must be 5% of society that uses gas and 95% that uses electric.
Use two neurons.
You don't live in a special place. We still have 10% of the population living in the Amazon region. Which makes things worse for your country.

Public Wi-Fi is not something that only exists in your country.
>You don't live in a special place.
We do and you wish you lived here too where you don't have to breathe gas and shower with a water toaster.
wouldn't install it even i had access to it
like this guy said >>201514881 it's actually less safe, gas pollutes and isn't cheap at all. it's outdated nonsense.
You know that electric water heaters are normally wall units, right? I can attest to the fact that even a third world shithole like Cambodia has those
My friend. It works. Brazilians take 2 hot baths a day on average. A Brazilian will take 58400 baths on a 35 amp electrical resistor until he dies of cardiac problem at 80.
The number of baths in electric showers that Brazilians will take in the next 80 years is this
In other words. It's cheaper than gas in Brazil. It's not dangerous because of the data from the last 100 years and a sample of at least 210 million inhabitants who will take 58,000 baths a lifetime.

No one is going to use gas here just because you do.
this thread again holy shit
you're dogs and you don't want your stupid Favela dogshit exposed to the world
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kek hues are so fucking poor
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No. I don't want to. If I wanted to, I'd just go in like every Latino who wants to does.
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My cousin in Guatemala had one and it malfunctioned when I used it
It started cold but became way too hot, I don't know if they ever fixed it
yes you do
the reason you seethe about Europe and America is because you cannot get in
31A is enough to power a whole kitchen. Jesus
You are illiterate
I really don't believe these can be real. Even if some in here said they are safe I just cannot think they are common in a whole country. They must have some special purpose like to cook, or they are just a meme device like an air fryer that only a few people got.
>cannot get in
How does this work in the USA? I just need to enter the country.
Also, if I wanted to go to Europe I would enter Portugal and get my visa there, I would go to any country in the European Union.

Literally living in America or Europe is not a block for me, one is literally just entering the other is just going to the country that gives the visa. If I want to go to Spain and stay there for 2 years, they'll give me a residence visa because I'm Latin too....
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Is this how brapzilians heated their water before electricity? Lmao
I'm not. I'm just a realist. There are 420 million baths in 35A showers in Brazil every day.

Our energy matrix is hydroelectric. So electricity is cheaper than gas.
You want to, you latins always flee your lands
you live in a third world shithole
you want out
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That's not what the data says about Brazil. We've even received more immigrants than Brazilians leaving in the last 10 years.
Would that even work?
>Look people from even worse Latinx shitholes move here, we aren't shit
It's badly worded. Should say countries with highest percentage of expats. Can promise that 0.3% of China is a bigger amount of people than 17.5% of Ireland.
Take 5 minutes and reread the post you replied to again
Of course it is. But the relative statistic is what correctly represents the willingness of people in a country to leave it.

Messi is still better than Penaldo.
>Cucked into shilling for enemy nation state for muh pan thirdie damage control
You can't get out, because you're largely retards in Favelas with no skills
>But the relative statistic is what correctly represents the willingness of people in a country to leave it.
It doesn't, you're not considering the feasibility of leaving. Moving from Poland to Germany is much easier than moving from Brazil to US, or any european country.
Brazil surrounded by other shithole countries, good countries are much further away.
Mexico would be much higher if the american border wasn't so strong, or if they didn't already have generations of mexicans living there.
Brazilians may be even more willing to leave than irish people, but it's not as feasible
>ITT first worlders babies who are scared of gas stoves and pressure cookers seething about yet another cheap and safe technology that works as long as you're not an absolute dumb low IQ nigger
You niggers deserve getting ass fucked by your government and kikes every single day. At this point I don't even feel sorry for you anymore.
Yes, because the vast majority of migrants arriving in Western Europe and the US are highly skilled workers kek.
It's definitely not difficult to leave Brazil and go to the USA. Even São Paulo has a problem with Asians coming down to go to the USA.

>enemy nation

Yes it''s really hard

>New York City

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You are BRICS and Argentina is CIA
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>NOOO we're not a shithole we really want to stay we're not trapped
poster from local Favela #957262
they work fine if a brazilian doesnt install them
They have schools in Brazil, anon.
Everyone knows that this clown is at the service of the USA. That doesn't mean that the average Argentinian who fell into this clown's trap is my enemy kek
yes it does
that's how nations work
We technically do have a Nobel Prize winner: Peter Medawar.

He was born and raised in Brazil, but he's not considered Brazilian because he moved to the UK as a teenager and we had a stupid law which made you lose your citizenship if you didn't do mandatory military service.
kek sounds like a you problem then retard

Progess and order
0 nobels
It's a kfc americans take when they reach adulthood

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