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Codsworth has Kellogg for breakfast edition
sex blood elves
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Catberg stanced up like he's going to attack me
Calm down mate
got baby fever me
need to impregnate a woman NOW
I actually like oasis despite them being knockoff beatles.
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>On my third cup of Tetley
>Zyn starting to make me feel a little woozy
>Still playing Shin Megami Tensei: Lucifer's Call for the PlayStation 2
for me its sex dwarves and goblins
he'd destroy youu
I like them but I dislike this reunion because they're clearly only doing it for the money
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who asked
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redditors getting upset cause nobody likes their AI slop
blog on
Mad how much I've mentally deteriorated
is it a sex dwarf in a bathtub?
ok fuckign albert einsteen
its changebergs™ time. the new. we are together tony blair™ tone™ its blair trivia. time forchange™
I'm currently playing trannyvegas
fallout 4 is just too boring to play again
i thought the monkees were the discount beatles
ah yes because all artists should be charities
Getting blacked
me? mad ferret
but also too skint
Monkees were cartoon Beach Boys
thread hidden
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I’ve had enough. I have decided to go mental. I’m not following the rules anymore. From now on I shall be doing whatever I want and not giving a shit about what anybody else thinks or worrying about how it will affect my future. I’m just going to do stuff and see what happens and where life takes me.
Or “YOLO” as the kids say nowadays.
stop trying to rape it then

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For me? It's Fallout 3.
where do the wiggles fall in the beatle-esque band hierarchy
rorke and the scorching summer of '24
got pointer sisters on
They're a toddle music group, they're basically the kids equivalent of a boy band.

>Cheeky activists who defaced more than 20 town signs in protest over sewage spills could face criminal charges

cheque's in the post
Get the cans on
fruit salad, yummy yummy
Cats and cat owners are disgusting
The International Hatsune Miku trend but for the British one she's wearing a North Face coat and trackies from Boohoo
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I have terminal arse cancer unironically (or ironically I suppose). I bequeath brit with my arses. Is there like a HQ or PO Box I can send my arses to?
catberg NO
>Moment police arrest 14 riot suspects in early morning raids including child, 11, who becomes one of the youngest to be held over disorder that followed Southport stabbings

>Landlords are preparing to dispose of homes and investors are set for mass sell-offs of their assets before Sir Keir Starmer can strip them of their gains via widely anticipated tax hikes in the autumn budget, financial experts have told MailOnline. The Prime Minister sparked panic with a gloomy Downing Street speech on Tuesday, in which he warned Chancellor Rachel Reeves' upcoming budget would be 'painful', with 'those with the broader shoulders' expected to 'bear the heavier burden'.
First gen Wiggles were very beatlesque (can you point your fingers and do the twist) and certainly have a cultural presence like the Beatles' in Australia
And so we descend into winter
just leave them on your doorstep, I'll come by and pick them up
Your police are so wacky haha
Do you really
get the bloody niggers wanked!!!!
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fuck off LAGERBOY
richoids cant run and hide now haha
got jock itch
No you don't you're an obese autistic incel and so on
thread hidden twice. fucking leftypol
it's so over for lagerboys
probably more likely to get cancer then isn't he
mad how labour aren't even pretending to improve the country and are just admitting to everyone:
>yeah its going to be shit and we're all gonna be poor but what are you gonna do about it, chud?
Shit wonder if landladyberg might hop ship
Won't this lead to a crash in housing prices?
at this point finding myself routinely in what can only be described as a dire state of affairs
for example: a dilemma from earlier today- to shower at work at the end of the day, or wash at home in a bucket filled with hot water from the kettle
and this evening, shall I drive to KFC (about 20 minutes away) or shall I make instant noodles in the microwave
in other words, it's so over
Can I have the Huw Edwards one please?
have had two women almost approach me this last week, could be my vanity speaking but i saw it in their eyes
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I have a big bloated belly full of extra spicy korean buldak noodles, 3 pints of lager and half pint of coffee
>I voted Labour and all I got was an affordable housing market
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Do women enjoy looking sexy or is it more "I have to because that's what society wants" type of thing?
go get your fuckin shinebox
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you're a gimp, swede
lmao nice cope
Anyone here had sex with a native Indian?
That’s great mate but yeah as I was saying I’ll have a footlong meatball marinara, onions, peppers and extra cheese and toasted cheers
they love to do it for the goons
a very attractive gimp, it seems
Native to where?
nobody on /brit/ has ever had sex and anyone who says otherwise is lying
corrrr imagine the smell
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god damn you half jewwwiiissh girls
give it to me every time
9 years ago... Aaaaa
keir's just setting the stage for next year when he will take credit for the improving economy
if he said things were great right now that's just saying the tories were good, as labour hasn't had a chance to do anything yety
I almost had sex one time.

I can tell you all about it if you want?
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bro eats at subway :skull:
Opening the /brit/ minecraft server up as soon as i get all the best gear and have a secure base
get me a mending please
if I wanted to visualise a writhing slug making a fool of himself I'd flip over a paving stone outside my house
keep it to yourself
subway is slop muck for nonces
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kier will be david cameron 2.0 exactly the same policies and then he'll fail and make shit worse and so the Nazis in reform will win big in the next election and destroy Britain and repeal all our rights
that little gay dance gets me everytime
That simply can’t be true, I eat it a lot and I’m… oh ok yes fair enough
exhausted and it's only 8pm
not on
the economy won't improve
housing won't become more affordable
the cost of living crisis will not end any time soon
immigration will increase
everything is either going to stagnate or get worse
mongs thought that our country was in a shit position because of "da torees" but our problems are systemic and are not going to be fixed by a change of government
Leftypol enchanting his helmet with water breathing

Rorke enchanting his iron sword with bane of arthropods (hes scared of spoiders)
air conditioned nightmare
the curry is simmering away
only 15 more minutes. god im hungry
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Lil' Ben Shapiro wanking his lil' willard to his sister's giant milkers
I've actually had numerous gay men and trans women ask to fuck me but I turned them all down
I have never had a woman show interest in me
Something about me must appeal to the queers but not to women
mica my beloved
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I want Emma Watson to shit on my face.
anyone else have a female weight gain fetish?
I travel a lot for work to really grim shitty provincial towns and work let me claim back money for my meals if I have to stay overnight. Sadly Subway is often one of the healthiest options that seems to be available in basically every town, otherwise I would just be eating maccies snd KFC every night for weeks
I enjoy architecture
Worst thing about my life was being born biologically male and that's a FACT
emmayank world tour
Loved you in Goldeneye
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Rorke getting stone asap so he can make 10 furnaces and smelt his iron quicker
weird fetishist
me? kitted out in ben sherman.
rorke buying a PS3

leftypol buying an xbox 360
asked my family to name a foreign head of state and my uncle said "anthony blair? isn't he canadian?" love my stupid yank uncle
Yes she was a masters student over here
alri gen x lad
Are you autistic? I didn't say all artists should give their money away, but it seems quite clear the only motivation for this is money. How can pure greed produce good art?
Its actually the other way round

All the weird cunts hate Xbox for some reason. Rorkes (normies) prefer comfy xbox
ms13 thugs are tearing her apart
i remember she had a skin tag on her anus
gen z boss and a beveragino
what style? I'm a big fan of brutalist architecture myself. Hate expressionism.
leftypol got a wii
Catberg has had his knackers removed and is now stumbling around the house high as a kite
Mentally ill chink who couldn't appreciate a good pet apart from its presence on a menu
2014 - gen x boss and an audi
The roast chicken was absolutely bussin and I've got loads of meat and gravy left over

Makes the snide laughs from those kids worth it
Mad irony how crucial domestic American politics are to the state of the rest of the world and how ignorant your typical yank is of the rest of the world
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Imagine how quickly she'd be graped in India!
done so much pissing in public and never got caught by the police and fined for it
die nigger
>comfy xbox
Thank you for doing the needful saar, Microsoft will deposit your 2 rupees into your account tomorrow
I know it’s some white incel really but I always imagine the Belgian BBC poster looks like Romelu Lukaku. He’s the only black Belgian I know you see.
Mumsy on the phone:

>I don't even know who you are anymore; I don't know anything about you
>Don't you think that's sad?
yeah it's sad that you don't know your son
>you don't care; you don't give a shit!
right then
my white trash family has no bearing on geopolitics, but you're still right
timmy's weakness
belgian's portfolio has diversified
Mental how india news is just about people raped, blown up, killed in landslides and house collapses
strange feeling knowing my mate is literally shagging a woman as we speak and i'm sat in my smelly bedroom watching the refresh counter on /brit/
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Come on now, the Wii?
haha full chicken wanker
just accidentally posted something VERY racist on the family whatsapp
my life is over
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not bussin
Off to Japan 1st September!
Looks like i really struck a nerve if you jump straight to the easiest cope on 4chin
*Smeggy bedroom
Use the correct terminology please
blog on
the pee ess TRIPUL
Cuckspammers are literally all scrawny pasty self-hating white boys. Not a single one of them is black.
White piggu go home!
Fuck off we're full
Age of consent Japan
What was it
How'd you manage that
is it bollocks, you're a nonce and all
im going end of september (24th)
when are you there until
maybe we can meet up haha
go to an izakaya haha
what’s with the porn ads on blue boards then
zoomers really be fucking up their health for a few shillings
Need to get tied down and railed by a fit dominant man
That’s 4chan users in general tbf
Its one subhuman incel from Cheshire that looks like jabba the hutt with more acne than usual.
get me cuddled, get me snuggled
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Just got called a beefcake
Wonder if there’s any cuck posters that actually have a decent sized willard. Must be weird that. Wanking off your big fat cock while trying to convince yourself it’s tiny haha
Where are all the Vietnamese women at????
janny only bans porn on blue boards because it gives him something to do

he leaves the tranny porn up ofcourse. for the wanks
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you’re not wrong but i specifically meant the new(ish) ads of porngames and the sorts
when the timmy husband died but he aint put her in his will LOL
me after one sip of coffee in the morning
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In Vietnam obviously you dunce
Used to think i had a tiny white flaccid pecker but it turned out my pubes were just overshadowing it.

For some reason now all of it is falling out and receding
I wish there was just one
Your pubes are receding? That's not normal
yeah? been there have you? cunt
arse is blowing out some absolutely diabolical stench

is this the power of the keto diet?
Dont be fooled, 90% of it at any given time is Spainlard. He practically lives in this thread and its fucking dire honestly if i knew him personally i wouldnt even know where to start.
mental how Indians eat curry every day
no way I could survive doing that
No. Is it nice?
>fellas got receding pubes
measured old willberge two days ago me, not really related but thought i’d share x
which one of you saddos is this omdsss bruv
Britshits eat baked beand and heated bread all day LOL
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pooing up the wall again
for a laugh like
lads i am fucked
(non sexually)
got a pay rise de lids
definitely buying a 2nd flat now
6 year relationship in the bin lads
don't even remember what it was like to live without her, had three wanks today and now sat at the computer with nothing to do
avoiding the alcohol for fear of what desperate shit I might do whilst drunk
putting two slimy poos under my shoes and skidding down the road
That's not even half of my problems. Genuinely might kill myself by next year.
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if U done like it U can FUCK OFF back to where U CAME FROM
won't be laughing tomorrow lad

why did it end
actually its been a chilly summer
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chasing a poo down the street
it keeps slipping out of my hands like a bar of soap you see
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tell me more about... rorke...
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*enters brilp*
consider another wank
too pooey for her taste
think the last straw was when I sharted on her after a bad nightmare
yeah i wanna dance to me
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you'll be reet mate
my advice? get some scran in and watch a film
remember being similarly shell shocked after the last one ended and it's grim but the fog does lift eventually
chin up shag
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If you are not Chad and a girl has an interest in you, always shag her no exceptions. Make hay while the sun shines

If things go south, ghosting is always an option. Play the game
at toil, operating the forklift right now
never been in a relationship or even exchanged text messages with a woman

the notion that I could ever be is quite simply absurd
get the pallets stacked
get the lorries loaded
get the fannies shagged
get on the hinge asap
lol this is me
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>walking outside
>see this
>she walks past you
do you turn around and check her arse?
awful advice
crying and screaming for help as a poo keeps inching closer to me, lashing at it with my belt to keep it away, but it backs off a little less each time
i'd be skittering behind her on all fours like a feral ghoul getting a sniff
Arsehole spewing liquid shite
worked in a warehouse once and everyone who worked there was a rough and ready shagger lad, full of the craic and loud banter at all times

felt like a deer in the headlights at all times, quite obviously not fitting in being the speccy autistic virgin that I am. Stuck it out for a couple weeks then quit.
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It's so confusing sometimes to be a girl
the vanishingly rare good yankpost
doing a bbc dance
Playing black monkey wutang
amazing post big D
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get a sniff of this
getting blacked
>big D
far from it! it's like a mcdonalds chip
roobs has gone mental
shes lost it
on onlyfans now posting pics of her books
girly what the duck
>Stuck it out for a couple weeks then quit.
Based. Fuck warehouses
Dressed like a Victorian chamber maid
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good heavens
mid ting
set up a dating profile once
sent one message and couldn't sleep due to overthinking
got a reply but sent an absolutely cringe response and got blocked
deleted account and haven't tried since. this was 10 years ago
don't let the yank see this one or he'll be going on about it non-stop as well
would be very tedious
wonder if she's ever... you know...
i don't like to post about poo, it won't leave me the fuck alone
doing a little jigaboo bop whilst listening to african jungle noises
laughed at that post but shan't reply lest I get a decade in belmarsh as punishment
where's close enough for a road trip in autumn thats still warm
seems odd that my family have never mentioned that I've never been in a relationship or had a girlfriend. Presumably they talk about it among themselves but it has never been mentioned to me, ever, in my 31 years.
maybe because you're a tedious cunt and they know it'll set you off
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Just go to Thailand bossman. Nowhere in UK is going to be warm
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boiled potatoes and asparagus for tea
done him kek
erm you have to say "a post" not "that post". Saying "that post" defacto means the post above yours.

10 years in prison for you lad
i meant driving to europe dumb dumb
shut up nigga
*slips on my new loake chelsea boots as it were*
right lads, off to the shithole highstreet
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The watch
Have you booked your tickets to Oasis?
it's over
nice knowing you lads
make me? x
ktim in a year
Gyaldempaedo/Trannyspammer/Spainpaedo/190/VPN cuckspammer
world of warcraft goblin porn sex
didnt have my first proper gf until I was 24
reckon its over by 30 though you lads are finished
my cat gets a bit arsey sometimes but i win her over with cuddles and spspspspspspssssses
is poobloke in?
torpaedoed a dragon dildo up my arse which powered my willy into the gollum sex arse
all the above was simply an innocent mistake caused by the misfiring torpaedo fuse
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Why is it dark now? It wasn’t dark at this time last week
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kiss my arse
you tried opening your eyes haha
bit of a pooey thread, will come back when it's more slaggy and wanky instead
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ah so close
Wouldn't happen under marxism. There'd be endless summer nights.
half irish ex gf used to eat boiled potatoes all the time
must be in their blood
art attack
Lads should I watch from Beijing with love or gran torino?
Try not to these days
how do I make connections with rich people and get rich
bumpin "that"
how many collectible sex arses do you lads have? mum keeps moaning about mine taking up loads of space in the garage but i've only got 20 or so including the commemorative lady Di sex arse that was free with sunday sport a few years ago
so this is belgnonce
you'd think it'd be bred out of them since presumably the most potatoey ones died off in the famine
could eat my weight in watermelon and im not a darkie
be real... would you drink your gfs pee? would you let her peg you or sound you? would you let her punch your nuts and intentionally spoil your orgasms?
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this is illegal in starmers britain btw
proper degenerate little freak though aren't you? one step away from eating logs of shit out her arsehole
>would you drink your gfs pee?
yes why not
as long as she was well hydrated
this thread has opened my eyes, and i shall never poo again
grotty trollopian disasters have always been allowed to own cats mate
my gf has diabetes and her pee tastes sweet
wouldnt entertain the rest
i'm so julia
>would you drink your gfs pee?
>would you let her peg you
already have
>or sound you?
>would you let her punch your nuts
>and intentionally spoil your orgasms?
already have
contemplating making a tasteless shitpost but don't want to end up in gaol
so it should be, a woman over thirty *spits* disgusting wenches the lot
Freak kys
i don't really believe there are women out there who like to peg
>>would you let her peg you
>already have
was that by her request or yours?
wouldn't have dared request that, would be too scared to
Was it good?
only a matter of lad
at some point your existing posts will become illegal and you'll be banged up with a bunch of mussies who will probably stab you whilst in gaol
what on earth do femoids get out of that
>her pee tastes sweet
shes got diabetes, unironically
used to piss in my own mouth and it was sweet
found out i had type 2
must be their equivalent to faggots
new thread
yanks need not apply
Women love that kind of shit
it was alright, not as good as i expected
not even 9 and im fuckign ppissed
sick of this shite

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