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Bumgarian waste disposal edition

Nothing to smile about in my life
suffer hehe
Everything to frown about in my death
>some gypsy in some abandoned village throws trash WAOW bulgarians eternally btfo I'm gonna post this a million times now
You don't get how in a very niche space full of extremely mentally ill individuals, repetitive insults can bring about their complete breakdown? Look at Sashe's insta stories, he is walking around in circles around his house half-naked in the morning for hours talking about the CIA and Dijana because said torbeshi spammed a tranny for a few days.
The absurdism of that image is quite amusing however

You're not the only one faggot
You made like 20 posts in a row about BG bro
you look so mentally strong when you write that in caps lock to distance yourself from him
haha, i suffer
I remember when I used to open pornhub and immediately got hard to random porn. Nowadays I open it and it really needs to be the most humiliating niche porn to get me off. Porn definitely fucks with your brain and easy access to it creates neetdom and low birth rates.
it do be true doe there is litter errywhere air ground and water
If it ain't a bi threesome involving bibisi, with timmy in chastity getting bibisi'd and pegged, I don't even bother. Matter fact I quit watching porn years ago because not enough niche content was produced.
Vanilla normie porn is boring that's why. Pornography should include passionate violent sex. That includes the fetishes and fantasies. hetero stuff is absolutely unbearable for example. Obviously hot girl pretends to enjoying stuff is literally for tiny little children.
cold calculated repetitive autism > histrionic womanoid outbursts
the niche content: april olsen bi pegging scene
i still get boners on the street from random women but im fit so its understandable
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Pale devil rod rubbing might fix this
I'd much rather watch sashko schizo meltdowns than read the same exact post over and over again like the shining
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Krasnoyarsky travel to Moscow to buy adibas from talcioc

here's a good one
*keeps coming back to /balk/ expecting a different result*
what was the definition of that, again...
This isn't sexual porn.Both sides must enjoy it.
As I said some autism is funny other is annoying
I don't approve of that thread and it's videos though, just felt like sharing. but you can tell by how posting slowed down, certain mentally ills went off to beat their meat to womanoids suffering
half the country is an abandoned village
Bring me a bottle of local samagon when you will travel to west you retarded buryat
>I don't approve of that thread and it's videos
FSB dodged... for now
I am anti-alcoholhuman sweaty
Animale sub-danubiene
>t. churkish
los churkos do drink and do drugs though
did you really think that because they claim to believe in peepeeslam that means they follow it's tenets
Yes i saw interview with Khabib and shit
Lots to smile about in my life
Saw all of the webms
Meh, old and couldn't get my pulse up
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I approve of it, every whore deserves that.
All of the bitches were ugly too.
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>I approve of it, every whore deserves that.
Imagien using a kike feminist word like that made to put even the most degenerate cunts on a pedestal.
I expected more from you, really hurting my feelings here
Kek. Nigga, it's a joke, relax
No, i feel deeply betrayed and emotionally scarred, time to off myself.
Nooooooo, mangal is supposed to do this, not you bro
You know, unironically mangaloid is more adjusted and normal than me, despite being a mentally ill attention seeking faggot.
See he was even posting earlier about how good his life is, pisses me the fuck off
Then again his definition of happiness is getting his turk asshole fucked by a bulgarian gorilla.
Anyways i think i'll be going to bed , today was rather calmer than usual, though i did click on the /gif/ catalog and saw a white whore rim a nigger when krasnochurka linked that thread.
It reinvigorated my hatred of whores and made me post what you quoted , but it is what it is. Good night mpro.
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>His breakthrough came right around his seventeenth birthday, when he dropped his song "Cap Freestyle" that soon became a viral sensation. From there J capitalized on all this action and recognition by doubling down on growing his fanbase.

>He also accomplished all of this before turning 18 despite having four major physical disabilities, namely scoliosis, a cleft palate, club feet, and Distal Arthrogryposis.
ushkub just had its sunrise prayer
I browsed that thread he linked and I'm more worried about the op's mental health more than anything
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I was being ironic. Maybe I am more 'adjusted' but that's just a facade. I had the potential to be normal but I am still a schizo autist.
It's not, but if we was a loving and moral person then I would not mind that too much.
u remember being a teen
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Xave you txanked Mitsotakis today?
thanks to the frequent increase in minimum wage my family is going out of business now
based çorbaci
aametce dogankoski dabna na debeljance
can't get increased wage if there's no where to work at
>pp pooopoo intelectuals
not our problem, seliandouros provincialis *limps wrist*
you should too bad you're too stupid to
where do u think the seliandouros provincialis will go to ?
we'll just import 3 million streetus defecaris
ko stana s anona deto otkaza da odi v shveicaria? zemi ma men da oda kat ne shtesh?
Who the fuck thinks greeks are less paid that tatars?
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I honestly don't get these videos at all. Why murder a woman when you can lock her in the basement to use as a sex slave?
with dredd, mandingo, brickzilla & co?
You are all porn addicts here aka mentally ill. Don't worry, women ain't much better, they are social media addicts which might be even worse.
what do I care about womyn when I ain't ever getting one
very complicated issue

maybe what you want isn't what you need right now
Damn look at Timmy go.
I have never seen a manlet beat a 6 feet +
this is a bigger fantasy than women beating up men
I hate dogs so much

Least powerful bugar-exyu collab
this is really low T

C i g a n i
What attracts Mudslimes, Pajeets, and Spics to these autistic asian cartoons? Like flies to honey.
If the manlet can punch and isn't actually scrawny then he can hit the tall guy at an angle and the giant would fall down in an instant. Issue is you have to get hit if tall guy uses his longer limbs to keep his distance this is hard.
You have to take body weight into the equation. If he is over 6 feet and fat there is no way you are getting him down.
You need to land a good punch in his jaw to knock him out. If he's so fat he has fat on his face chances are he can't even walk.
they're white
find Arsenie Boca
Not obese, but the weight difference from a 6+ to a manlet is significant. If the tall guy is out of shape and the manlet has been training martial arts since he was 6 then you have a chance, but if you put them on equal grounds no way is the manlet ever winning that matchup.
A hit in the jaw is a hit in the jaw.
>6ft is a giant
The mistake in that video was that the tall guy went for punches when with opponents that size all you need to use is your legs for kicks.
Ez to grab and bring you to the ground. Short fighters are honestly a pain to deal with if the height difference is too big.
VGH the hand-to-hand combat analysts of 4chan...
this, vanilla is acceptable when it's good but it's almost never good
You have to admire his tenacity. If he spent all that effort on actually improoooving himself he'd be dangerous.
His IQ is a hardcap and he doesn't have enough relatives in Germoney.
>thread deleted as I was starting to have some fun
praying for ikigay rn
hopefully satan gives him more challenges so he becomes even more powerful
10 years larping as Greek while speaking 0 Greek has had a serious toll on his brain
>A 16-year-old boy has a severe head injury and his life is in danger after falling with an electric scooter in Barnsville. The incident took place on August 27 at around 20:40

I've gotten so good at gypsy curses that I didn't even curse this kid consciously
>latest rainbow six siege operative is a wheelchair driving woman
she is also GREEK lmaooo
Is it a woman doe?
her name is skopós you bigot
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>tactical wheelchair
>Kure "Skopós" Galanos (Greek: Κιουρί Γαλανού)
Written by someone that doesn't even know the Greek script
I want to break things
>Rainbow Six Siege’s new operator won’t be physically inside the maps. Instead, the character will control two humanoid robots from a safe distance.
massive opportunity missed, she couldve been the first shootable disabled person in online fps games and tom clancys lgbt sex couldve been the first game with special wheelchair accessible maps
she built two humanoid robots but couldn't build working legs
That would be ableism bro
Dismantling the biopatriarchy from the safety of disabled privilege
Peak feminism
patuljko would have the robot carry him in a backpack and rub him into as many serbs in the serb metro (heh) as possible
they already have gay, trans, non binary and black operator and now cripple operator too
theyre running out of stuff represent, next operator will probably be a gypsy or woman with pcos or bulgarian or something like that
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How people even live in the north, I can't live without seeing Sun for more than 3 days
It'd be cool to own a boat
Imagine sailing by yourself to Thasos or whatever

It'd be free too if you used the wind or whatever
isn't it funny how the H word has been banned much like the N word
boats suck
im fixing my sleep schedule so its haha, suffer day for me today
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The jpg that broke f20
Is f20 on a 3 day vacation?
The truth of balk is that all of you except me are just extremely low quality people pretty much like goycattle but even more bitter and gay.
I come here to laugh at subhumans (including you)
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he's getting jailed I think
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Is that from today? He doesn't have no new stories
44m ago
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>mr Janev, did you threaten any kid or women this week? Our report say you did, which is a violation of your parole

>2 reports say i dont have diagnisis so please dont be ignorant and where you ignore the writen part of the reports While the f20 was given by a mistake and for years now professors give a report of that the f20 was a false diagnosis For example Psychiatrist who is just a doctor needs a second oppinion as given here in this document! *kills the prosecutor*
>government mandated porn is real
Thank you Germoney, who else?
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That homo obsessed with sashes bbc doesnt see that in the very near future he will kiss the quran and wash tajiks feet
Near future? Musulmans already rule Monkeydonia.
I have awaken
Here he looks like a rural priest
He got the wrong pills for 8 years so he had to become the leader of the q continuum to change the weather in balkans to kill the bad ingredients in the pills he was given, crazy that.
No, i need to take better care of my mental health and not watchshit that willpiss me off.
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Chocolate princess
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I could easily hold down and rape this anglo bulgar mutt whore if i wanted to.
Women sports are a joke
New ecofascism kino dropped in Thesoluniki
They also called hatchery plants "concentration camps for animals"

Good post!
Teeth whitening needs to be made illegal immediately

80IQ retards ruining their enamel so they look like cartoon characters
Yes but how did Stefan Janev cause this?
Those are fake teeth althogether poorgroid, nobody whitens their teeth post 2012 fucking selyak poorgroid
Unless they talked about politics in the chicken factory, doubtful!
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Bro she will headkick you so hard you will wake up in the era of cicero and buy out your citizenship from working all 3 months super hard as a surf while you were on life support in mangalia medical facility
Those are veneers actually, they shave off the front of your teeth and put a plaque over it
>i said they are fake teeth not whitened
>he links me dental clinics
Man life aint easy for you with that 67 iq im sorry
What if i pin you down, shave off your hair and paint your eyebrows blonde huh puto?
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The best womeme fighter would lose to the average physically active male, and that cunt is a PFL can.
Just because you are such a massive pussy that you think a woman can kick your ass doesnt mean everyone else is.
>buckbroke bumgarians so hard they fetishize me
I keep winning it seems.
Nobody does that
Everybody does that (in BG)
Bucharest has lately been filled with Andrew Tate wannabes from UK. They act out a cargo cult belief that being here will make them rich somehow. They will post shirtless pictures of themselves and their grinding progress on their social media and the only positive comments come from other shirtless dudes. They refer to each other as G's.
>sit down to pee because squatting destroyed my legs
>dick slaps across the inside of the toilet bowl
I suffer.
Romanianbros, i apparently got a recycled phone number when i bought a prepaid sim card and now debt collectors are calling and messaging me about the previous owners debts, should i try to speak with them (can they even speak english), or just block them and continue using OR get a different number and hope its not recycled?
>>sit down to pee because squatting destroyed my legs
Does this gayass nigga piss like a bitch by hovering over the toilet bowl?
Yes, I can fucking fly fyromtwink.
Those timmies built their airport inside the city lmao
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Damn, that mayor of Edessa should be minecrafted
Fyromtwink is braindead.
Why did they do it?
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No other position could cause you leg strain other than the gay nigga hover
Because they can, to put it simply
Not since 1927!
You're genuinely 80IQ if this is what you "undestood".
Standing doesn't cause you leg strain, you would only sit down to alleviate leg strain if your normal pissing position was the gay nigga hover
roasties pee like this so their bagina holes dont develop an infection from touching the seat
>fyromtard doesn't know what it's like to be unable to stand from workout
I had no doubt you were a poser but this is getting embarrasing.
Gay nigga seething cause he got #Xpozed
Get a wheelchair
Albovlach is the only poster that can 100% understand what he's reading. Every other poster fails at this basic task.
Many such cases!
exam status:passed
gonna shave my incel beard and buzz my incel head to celebrate
I see some asses itt were blasted, worry not, Xpozed Medical AB comes to save you
Never share your incel beard, I didn't even know this before I did but a girl liked my priestly beard.
ye, women love beards
mine is patchy as shit yet girls prefer it that way much more than when im shaved. however its length is starting to piss me off so it has to go regardless of what women prefer
In North Macedonia, beards are assosiated with:
>Unwashed hobos
>Unwashed seylaks
>mine is patchy as shit yet girls prefer it that way much more than when im shaved
Yep, I found this out too but my beard is no longer patchy and they love it more.
>girls prefer it that way much more than when im shaved
Do you even mew bro
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Vgh, limni Kerkini is so butifel, mental to think people prefer the islands over the mainland when the latter has more beautiful places
In North Macedonia, shaving beards is associated with:
>1000% increase in bibici fetishism
>80IQ shrubs that can't into philosophy
Redpill me on brown cypriot pussy bro, ever fucke done?
No but I had two Cypriot girls in the uni, when they talk their dialect you barely understand them
Sometimes that’s the only way to escape the unwashed hordes of Serbs and Romanians.
Is their dialect similar to the pontic dialect? Do you consider them greek or semitic? I remember greece used to send cypriot sluts at eurovision a while back, do they not have their own music industry or is it more profitable to whore themselves in greece?
the only jaw exercise i do is burning tobacco phallus inhalation until failure for 20-30 sets every day
No more hand grip exercises?
>women love beards
>a wild tatar appears
>read name
>Grisha Tatarchev
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Many such cases!
Not similar to pontian but their dialect is closer to ancient Greek than modern mainland Greek
Now about their heritage, some of them look typically Greek and others look Mena. Which isn't surprising because Cyprus had both Levantines, Turks and Greeks living there simultaneously

Yes they have their own music industry but Cypriot singers made their career in Greece (Anna Visi and Michalis Chatzigiannis particularly) because Greece has a larger market
women love beards

b - black
e - exotic
a - african
r - rapist
d -
>Michalis Chatzigiannis
Isn't that the one Sashko had a tab open of?
As for them i just aslways assumed they were their own and they came under greek influence during the classical perior, they were apparently a producer of copper during the bronze age and copper is named after the island. Since copper was the most important resource duing that time there were probably traders from all over the med region living there for thousands of years.
the dragonborn is currently digging through trashcans for gold coins so he can afford to buy the ingots necessary to temper his equipment
mods really fix the looting economy when shitty merchants buy my shit for 10 gold and sell it back to me for 150
Post the webm that saved the balkans
Ez, just steal everything from the merchants.
regular workout program will start again tomorrow, i had to take a break due to shit exam and some light injuries
also towel hangs are very fun to do but they will mess up your fingers if you do them too much, especially if you superset them with dead hangs
first part meant for romanian, missclicked and youd myself
what build you running?
also just make some waterbreathing potions and enchants and sell those
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Svrb grill places in Soyfia

Why are Tatars like this? Did they never invent putting meat on a grill?
We create gainful employment for shumadian swineherd tribe.
In reality it's just Tatars opening a grill places and calling it Svrbian as it's a mark of quality in the mind of the wider Tatargarian populace
We need a balk Instagram group
Not really, actual servs work at most of those places.
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Just bee yourself bubba
2 months of everyday meweing
You're not wrong
6umadija accents sound sovlful
belgrade accent disgusts me
No bro, let me tell you about how it's really like in your country
Its literal serbs bro
Hey bro, what's the most selyak/villager region in Croatia?
>selyakovic tries to make a joke to make himself forget his grandparents worked all their lives to feed Yugos and in exchange they got forgotten and snubbed by all of them

Can't make this shit up yo
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This is what gypsies are hiding in their hoods, take the gypsypill and familymaxx with a beautiful ciganka
She is half Italian half Brahmin saar our gypsies are Dalit sub creatures saaar
Half Italian and Brahmin you say...
That BWC Pakistani bitch is pure sex.
I wonder what happened 10k years ago to cause people to be distinctly stinkier when they're stressed out

Maybe only groups of people whose women managed to avoid incel rage killings through smell alone managed to survive the ice age or whatever
So full dalit?
>80IQ fyromtwink finds out people sweat more when anxious
Unreal discovery, give him the nobel prize.
^ Why is this chincel still on my dick
>Asians don't smell when sweaty
>Therefore they aren't anxious
Not doing justice to the flag of North Macedonia now does he?
You worked for 12 generations to feed Muslim Turks bro
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the refugee that killed 3 ppl and injured 10 more in sollingen was supposed to be deported to Turkgaria
Turkgaristan withdraws another 4 billion loan from the international jew
They're stressed out they just don't have the honesty signal to the rest of soyciety

Imagine you're minutes away from being a victim of a school shooting and some grotesquely smelling inceloid walks in
You're exiting the room immediately
Whilst Zhang turns into Linling's victim
Most cringy politician I have ever seen. Yesterday he was trying to explain EU that he doesnt build Corridor 8 because we were trying to bribe him. This was after he tried to argue that we dont build our part but then he was confronted we have only 2km left to build whilst he has 25km left.
just yapped at product about muh risks
I'm such a corpopilled agilemaxxer

ummm, but that's immersion breaking bro

pretty sure that's patched and also breaks muh immersion
also this faggy jarl sent me to kill a giant that one shots me and only gave me 100 gold, I need to install that bounty mod
He has single-handedly contributed more to disparaging every makke-flag poster than all the worst shit every macedonian has done since the Argead Dynasty split.
Go lick a BBC bro
>muh turkey muh ottomans
don't lash out against me bro, we were all poor under turks.

Then Yugojewery came promising gold today you and today, Slovenians live on par with Austria while you live on par with Kosovo and Albania.

Your grandparents were used like a lemon cup and once there was no more juice, you got thrown in the bin. Such is the reality of the Former former yugoslav republic of fyrom

Please don't spam bbs after this wrecking
dalmatia pipo are generally the biggest selyaks and the biggest selyaks in dalmatia would be in sinj and imotski+sorrounding villages
lika and gorski kotar would be the biggest selyaks but its very sparsely populated because the entire region is just mountains
If I found fyromtwink IRL I would sacrifice him to heracles.
eu4 game come join
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>If I found fyromtwink IRL I would sacrifice him to heracles.
Incel game
No sex having member of /balk/ would play such a thing
Braindamagemaxxing bros...
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I'm such a macepilled headsmasher
>Googled Imotski
>seeing this
Croatian do NOT suffer
Imagine rolling down that hill.
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My wife feeding the chickens on the farm
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Everyone and his mother goes to Greece on vacation and particularly to Sithonia. I need to find a new Greece because its getting crowded. Is Albania good?
Гpyзия или Чepнoмopcкa Typция (Tpeбизoнд)
There are not enough places on Sithonia for everyone and their mother, they go to Kasandra
Wont travel abroad for black sea bro
Plenty enough it seems because I know dozen of people that go there and few to Kassandra. Kassandra is party place.
We must destroy the bridges on the Danube and Greece will become great again.
If you want swimming together with glass shards, plastic, literal shit from some alboon toddler and general filth then go for it.
Need the expertise of a german flag on this statement.
Or maybe institute robbery bands and other aйдyци in the passes of the Balkan mountain.
Rob all the shitty Turkish drivers to Germany for their annual vacation
>The Hellenic Republic is currently tied for last among all EU member nations on Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index, trailing other non-EU countries such as Rwanda and Macedonia.
We really are one people.
>team lead said I'm working too much at 14 hours a day and they want to give me extra days off as appreciation
>they'll also apply to give us every other friday off starting next month
this is the power of a 10x developer, strategically working only when the boss is paying attention equals working all day long
I don't think I've exceeded 4 hours a day working since I started here
Why does Bulgaria have a lower minimum wage than Fyrom?
What a massive maymunsoon rain
Why does Sofia has a higher average wage than Bucharest?
More codemaymuns
Less gypsies for which min wage is essential
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More homosexuals
Listening to this gem.
Gypsies don't work, sounds like you're coping with your crippling poverty
You are my favorite user now, this song is SOVL
why can't straggots make money?
>there is another video on sashkos troon of on social media
min wage is gonna be 550€ from january and besides most people don't make min wage in practice
>tatar min wage is going to overshadow gayreek one in 10 years
They forbade him to say queen d's name lmaooo
I am not fyromtwink jyst fyi.
sounds like a Jovanko Jovanke cover
Bulgaria in GDP PPP is higher than us

I hoped you weren't
i go to phuket to take drugs
watching the news for 15 minutes made me want to nuke Tatardgaria asap
Just go to ibitha bro
Me but I watched no news
They do work here. Sounds to me you are coping with feeding your majority whilst they are neeting
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Cant afford it
He can't get those STDs in the Balkans for cheaper, fyi
New low for timmydonia lmao
Why are our "men" like this?
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its up
We have a mullato news caster on Kanal 5.
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First the Tatar on Sitel now a Greek

How low will this country stoop to
Post the mullato from Kanal 5 bro.
How would I know what he's called bro
I'm not some 50 year old with a cable connection
It's a woman bro.
How would I know what xhe's called bro?
>Greek man raped by american roastie
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I bought an azis album @ iTunes store. It's his best of work. You're welcome bulgaria
I'd fuck him.
Common Bulgarian W
meme of memes
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xis arms are bigger than mine
Bulgarians on /balk/ told me that living in Sofia is the same as living in Geneva, so it must be true bro
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You called?
He has hunter eyes, not chinky eyes
Do you know any torrent site that i can enjoy and download chalga without a being payfag?
Lol sure thing bro he is pure tatar from Krusevo(tatarevo)
>loran bajrami
Shqip taking shots of sisified timmydonians
Yeah bro, purchase power is a meme, definitely
Based x2 today
You just know she's got hideous looks
Imagine if the internet was like hell in Dante's inferno with different levels, but instead of sin it's your educational attainment that decides your circle of the internet

The master's circle of /balk/ would be like 3 people revealing the deepest truths of life whist high school dropout circle will be constant Nojkospam
>t. Nojko
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I have never paid going down because have like 40 2nd cousins there, still they count themselves as greeks but are so called slavophones at home

What if fyromians were the real tatars all along?
He was too busy making this thread >>201577301
I don't understand why do ppl who has strong bones and muscles wanna be a female.xe clearly has good body why would you wanna chop off that big penis also? Big adam's apple and thicc arms... such a waste.
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What a few years in Üsküb do to a gheg albanian

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