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blueberry bunny edition
eating poo
cheers janny thanks
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He’s awoken!
60 posts just got nuked from the previous thread and all, old mate must've really pissed off the mods and gotten himself a sitewide spanking
Old thread now only has 249 posts. I reckon we should migrate back to it.
ringo starr defected to the united states so he could warn people with peace and love
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is it heathermong who posts the irish diaspora stuff? i reported him and then the thread went lol
nah fuck it let sleeping dogs lie
made by someone who has never heard a british accent and has only seen it in memes
she wants a man who has never had sex
cherry ginger lemon limeade
noooo please not the jannies
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The British were right. We should have listened
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I will be moving to the UK in September to start my degree at Oxford University!

Do you have any tips for living in the UK? I have been practicing drinking in Taipei in preparation already (I can drink 6 beers now)
Your /pol/ thread was a viral sensation
Hang on
Be street smart
Don't walk around with your phone in your hand
wtf did they really just set up a financial services company using John Hancock's name and signature even though it has no connection to the man himself
The GALL of these hibernian charlatans
What will you be reading?
fuck off tarq
been rewatching office space (1999) and lurking its early life section out of trivial curiousity
did you know everyone from the main cast is still alive today, even the older blokes? kind of hard to believe for a 25 year old film tbf
Word challenge of the day: Use the word 'apoplectic' in conversation
Seeing your boring post leaves me feeling apoplectic.
just wait for a melty d from one of our world famous /brit/ schizos and you'll be golden
got a headache
i dont speak to anyone
you'll find yourself
doing the lambeth wank
*gives you a glass of water and some paracetamol and tucks you into bed*
the most autistic rule I'd put in place if I were a dictator would be to ban anyone using the term "world famous" since it's impossible to prove or quantify in any sense
hate it
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PEE YOO Emma that’s vile!
you'll always be world famous to me
very horny need to cum in a woman consensually then die
morning emmayank
i would prohibit films and musical bands from calling themselves common parlance words or phrases so that they don't clog up the google search results when you google that word or phrase
alri beelad
*chucks the glass off your head and starts throwing punches*
Good morning.
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just bought this hat
*accidentally kills you in the ensuing scuffle*
*dismembers and disposes of your corpse rather than alert the authorities for fear of catching a manslaughter or murder charge*
fatyers day in a few days lads remider for you
that's 2010 as fuck
*detective asks you where were you on the night of my murder*
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Turns out she's innocent lads
no body, no murder
y2k is in right now
only doctors can save lives stands to reason that only doctors can take them

clearly a scapegoat
here's what i think, she was getting bullied by her colleagues and they blamed her for what happened and probably got away with it scotfree

i've seen nurses stand around doing anything and generally not give a shit can't imagine what it's like in a neonatal ward or what have you. hospital nurses typically attract the scum and villainy more than the florence nightingale
cuff him boys
You ever have that moment when you pop in to post something in /brit/, but the thread is so terrible you just close the tab?
what is the charge?!
being australian
mad how people actually just want her to be guilty, don't care if she is or not, never seen anyone so viciously kangaroo courted
the public loves a monster too much, normies are so pathological about shit like that
incelwalking has reached other boards
Oh no please don't ship me off to Australia nooo what about my ISA aha x
the virgin walk meme has been around for years lad
We are the ministry
>A staffing rota also showed she had been on duty for every suspicious death or collapse between June 2015 and June 2016.
>The rota was a key part of the case – a striking visual symbol of the case against her. But a number of statisticians have publicly questioned its usefulness.
>The chart appears to be very convincing, but there are a number of issues with it.
>A big thing is that it only describes 25 of the bad events which happened in this period.
>It doesn’t include any of the events that happened when Lucy was not on duty
>During this period, there were at least six other deaths and numerous collapses.
Bro is referencing Monty Python...
they should give incels a voucher for 1 free sex at a beothel so they can see what they’re missing out on and reintegrate into society
>Kangaroo court
great idea, can your mum organise it for us?
Orwell you dolt
Go back to sniffing petrol
catberg looking like a very elegant and handsome toad today
I'm not an incel because I don't have sex, I'm an incel because I want to genocide women
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seen a man try to light up a cigar in his car at the petrol station last night and when I pointed it out to the man behind the till he just laughed and shook his head at me
Nurses are truly scum
Should replace them with robots
just done a really big poo
Currently going for a poo PB meself
don't be ashamed, i'd be perplexed too (though i am similarly burdened with autistic proclivities)
yeah nice one mate…
finally a sane post
I heard the Irish like them darkie fellas, is that true?
yesterday's news is tomorrow's story
walked into the break room this morning and someone shouted "there he is. top shagger!". I looked over both shoulders then pointed at my chest and said "me?".

Getting better at social interactions lads
foids using the detached and impersonal phrasing of "the guy I'm seeing" versus the possessive phrasing of "my rapist"
give it a rest werner herzog
Then everyone else clapped yh?
>no smoking in pub gardens
Starmer is a loathsome little prick

Speedrunning alienating British people
This could be the day I finally build up enough courage to kill myself
leccy bill is 240 quid this month from having the fan going constnatly
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Stinky farts, yucky sharts, from Emma Watson’s private parts
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fucking JOKE this country
Need a homo erectus gf
No alcohol consumption allowed in the pub.
Good. Smoking and drinking is haram
Only for you
get your cancer stick out of my fucking face
I feel the same way about your cuckmobiles
with a car you can go anywhere you want
run out of toilet paper now
wiping arse with fuckign kitchen roll
fuckign sick of this SHITE
Corbyn needs to fucking rise up and defeat this tyrant Sir Qur'an Child Beheader
how would Jeremy Corbyn have responded to the riots as Prime Minister

i think he would have shown up at an anti-racist counterprotest linking arms with Muslims but I also don't think he would have it in him to sic the police and the courts on angry scousers
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Letypol speaking facts
oh how i've been done
*jumps off stony head playing aerosmith - dream on*
Why don’t you plan ahead and buy toilet paper before you run out? That’s a part of being a responsible adult.
Wonder what this fag’s opinion of the NWOBHM is.
have never once run out of toilet paper in my adult life
can't imagine letting that happen and then becoming infuriated over it
what a shame
Why are leftists always snivelling ugly little goblins?

Every fucking time
I don't buy toilet paper
Stop funding deforestation of the Amazon
fuck off you insipid freak
clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right
howling we've all been there had to wipe my arse with novelty packet of union jack tissues once
>wiping your arse with the flag
not on that really is it
I'm not the one attempting to wipe my arse with kitchen roll and then getting angry at others because of it
Just use a shower head to wash away the poo particles. We've been doing it for thousands of years, leftypol
Do you reckon i should get in the ballot for oasis tickets just to resell them if im lucky enough
i don't know if he'd sic them on them either
probably just be sik on them (sic)
might buy one of those blahaj sharks
Don't blame me, I didn't vote at all
didn't see what the big deal was with toilet paper during covid, if you run out you can just hop in the shower and get a cleaner arse than if you'd just wiped it anyway, normie logic will always remain mysterious to me
bandle in one today
Power cut lads
Have to upload a thesis before midnight
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Halloween coming lads!
Reckon Elon was reading /brit/ and saw how we put x after posts
i'm wondering how many of the dates one person can apply for and for how many tickets
cos yeah it's worth getting tickets even if you don't want to go
Great, love it when the kids come a knocking asking for treats
rewatching burn (2019)
only watched it the first time because it has a scene where an autistic femcel ties up a guy and rapes him with her vagina
Welcome to UR Cristiano - the official YouTube channel of Cristiano Ronaldo. SIUUUbscribe!
That's retarded babes x
I remember getting into bit of a row with a heroin addict annoyed with the kids knocking on his door during trick or treat on /brit/ a few years back haha
I'm closing in on elon
His inner circle is now my acquaintances
Soon he'll give in too
it's 2 months away you freak
Do you remember the cut scene in GTA III, when a group of women tie a guy down and cut his half his penis off, then say it's weird how its all bubbly inside. That shit made me diamond
But shower head will be covered in poo if you scrub your pooey arse with it
no those games are for retards
not being able to do small talk is i think the biggest social turnoff for normies
being able to small talk shows subconsciously that youre predictable and safe ie not a dangerous freak
>Over the last three years, the department's initial estimated budgets for asylum, border, visa and passport operations amounted to £320m.
>But the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) said it had ended up spending £7.9bn over the period, £7.6bn more than forecast.

We're literally just serfs to them
i recall no such thing and i played that game quite extensively when i was a nipper
quite a decent film that's aged well, if I recall
it's not about being predictable, it's about not being fearful
frightened animals are dangerous
Absolutely cute.
strange post mate
Nice weather we've been having
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orrrr... didntknowwhatwasgarnon
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small talk is boring as fuck if you're going to talk about stuff make it interesting or don't talk at all
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i'm not in into this small talk bullshit im not into big thangs big stacks know wut im sayin baby
Won't be going to oasis me. Sitting in a stadium for 2 hours drinking £7 pints that take 20 minutes to get served, listening to 2 old men screeching out overplayed songs because they've ran out of money, surrounded by sweaty zoomers in green coats who were in primary school when oasis split, and rich cunts who've brought their children who'll spend the whole show glued to ipads, then waiting for another 2 hours to get a crammed train back to an overpriced hotel.

I'll be in my smelly bedroom talking to you instead.
unc has officially lost it
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it's fucking BEER WEATHER LADS
have I had a beer? You bloody bet
going to pub later
i will be imbibing various beers there
it was brown people buying them all up
thought that was dennis hopper in the thumbnail somehow
GOOD lad love the pub me
Have a suspicion that the absence of said cutscene featuring sexual mutilation in your copy of the game is related to the flag by which your posts are accompanied
Maybe you had the censored version
grand theft auto: australia
thought Australia's brief era of overt video game censorship was long after the GTA III days
would probably be a good game tbf
Australia is chronically underutilised as a video game or film setting, would be fascinating if the rumours about Red Dead III being about Australian bushrangers come to pass
the craze started in australia among bogans who thought there would be shortage because they (incorrectly) thought we import most of our bog roll from china and then spread throughout the world like a mind virus, even though the perceived problem was specific to australia everyone started following our lead because they're retarded normies
i reckon bushrangers werent a thing and the government just made them up like the anzacs
that post gets wilder as it goes on
wait are you lads actually serious? i thought you were just mucking about
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go the blues
nigga sex
CK3 nearly got banninated in Australia due to the nudity and the incest
listening to australian crawl
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feel sick
i play that with extra incest mods (makes my pee pee aroused)
feel better soon
how can australians sleep when their beds are burning
Using this in the soundtrack to my zoomer remake of the film Gallipoli
barely slept the last few days staring at my pc staying in my tiny bedroom going a bit mental
too tired to do anything but cant sleep either
mental how much can be expressed through the eyes alone, i reckon you can even roughly gauge someone's IQ by looking into their eyes, window to the soul and all that
goes for dogs too, my mums has a poodle and a french bulldog and you can just see in the poodle's eyes that he's clever as far as dogs go and that the bulldog is retarded
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The arramge marriage girl asked me "do you drink everyday? " "No", I said. " Not when I'm alone "
https://youtu.be/VHKMsNv0kpU?si=8AAJXe3jT--ovn8V after minute 7:00
catbergs are harder to read, i reckon it's the slitted pupils
it is interesting how mental illness is conveyed in the eyes
they're certainly more expressive than we tend to cotton onto consciously, but subconsciously we do
This is me irl
Currently taking a break from screens
ooooh nevermind i remember what you're talking about now, your description of it wasn't quite like how i remembered it
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one of the stranger (You)s I've received today
hes special :)
your looking at one right now though
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what's my sceeeeene
what's my sceeeeene
what's my scene?

gta always did have trouble with designing oriental faces right up to gta 4, there are chinks that don't look anything like chinks, they just look like white people with ching chong accents
alri literally every piece of media related to rugby league in the 00s
only gta i played was 5 played for a few hours and uninstalled
boring game
Looks exactly like an east Asian to me, but not too much that she's completely hideous
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why yes, I have finished every Halo on solo legendary
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do i look like a nigga who cares
might get on the bevraginos
Mad how there's more people to the south of Birmingham, than that whole burning rock island
mental how tina turner is intimately linked with rugby league in the mind of boomers and gen x yet for millennials it's the hoodoo gurus, an australian act from the boomers
i've done 3, ODST, and reach
was going to try and do it for every game in the master chief collection but figured it would be not only extremely frustrating but also a huge waste of time, i've heard 2 is particularly brutal
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good lad
Listening to hyperpop and fairycore
yeah halo 2 is probably the hardest of them all, with Reach and ODST being the easiest
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gwan dua
*bums you*
every successful person i know was born into a well-to-do family, social mobility is a myth
depends on your definition of successful
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Starmer's Britain
financially, socially, take your pick lad, even the ones who are legitimately undeniably self-made it's all because they had the confidence and optimism that can only be afforded to you by a stable upbringing in a wantless household
can i pease browse twitter without seeing dead palestian babies
I need a fucking job
why would you want to browse twitter to begin with?
filet o fish up the arse
I thought you leftists love seeing abortions and dead babies. Make up your fucking mind
why on EARTH are you on twitter
*Shows you a blurred photo of the baby that got hot coffee thrown on him by the mad chink in Brisbane instead*
i was born into successful one etc but i'm a loser
so actually social mobility is true
simply dont understand why egypt wont open their borders to let the palestinians in
>Browsing X formerly
What rock have you been living under
reckon filet o fish is the only mcdonalds menu item i haven't tried
so what's the big mystery you ask? well it's quite simple, i just don't like fish, it's yucky
Even crypto twitter is full of these Palestine simps
Going further down the social strata is not what social mobility means

battied fish
Would be a different story if the Brotherhood were still in charge
The Greeks saw homosexuality as normal and had no issue with it.

The Romans largely saw homosexuality in a domination/submissive light where the penetrator was viewed as dominant and masculine whereas the penetratee was seen as weak and passive. Some Romans, like Hadrian, were of the Greek way of thinking however.

The Jews and subsequently the Christians and Muslims saw sodomy as being unclean and homosexuality as a whole as being fornicative, sinful and unnatural.

The Germanic and Norse saw homosexuality as weak and effeminate.

Not sure how Celtic people viewed it.

Inb4 some idiot complaining about redditspacing.
yeah you tell him lad
boggles the mind when you meet an australian that doesn't like seafood
An Indian? Turning up randomly?sucking all the cum out of Israel's anus clean? Well I never
the official claim is that they don't want to be implicit in the displacement of millions of palestinians from their home land that they'd never be able to return to

the real reason is that nobody wants 2 million+ palestinians in their country
I agree you probably wouldn't like the Australian filet-o-fish then because it's made with hake which has a bit of a bitter flavour
idk about any of that, but I know americans see gay sex as gay as hell
RIP this country. Sharia law next
don't see the appeal at all, mumstein gave up trying to get me to eat seafood when i was like 5 or 6 or so, i simply wasn't having it, ironically mumstein said she ate a lot of anchovies while she was pregnant with me
hit that temu vape and woke up with my left and right hands switched
Gonna ask to live with my mom so I can have no privacy anymore and grow some balls to get a fucking job.
Why should Egypt be forced to open their border because Israel decided to holocaust all the Arabs in gaza? How does that make sense!
bit odd as a 5 or 6 year old is exactly when you'd be the LEAST inclined to like seafood, makes complete sense that you'd be adverse to it at the time and confusing that your mum would push it on you then instead of encouraging you as you got older
or perhaps mercurially
I like that post so enjoy your (You)
Going to Germany for work next week, all paid for by my job. It feels good being a respected professional.
well i still don't like it, can't stand the smell, it makes me gag
haven't touched any seafood except for a few christmases ago when i ate an oyster because i was drunk and someone dared me
first day at work today
good post. people will act like enjoying eating fish is somehow sophisticated but it stinks, has a shitty texture and tastes shite unless you batter and deep fry it

Also this one
You're on fire Anon
good lad, love oysters me
Israel is based
/brit/ supports Israel
british culinary expertise on display
learning Russian seems like a skill that will always be in handy for MI5
thought muslims were all brothers
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good lad, hope it goes well
They're called conferences
Love the positive energy here today, everyone enjoying each other's posts and showing appreciation. Love to see it, it's what makes this community thrive
>ate an oyster because i was drunk and someone dared me
eerily similar set of circumstances to that lad who got paralysed and died from eating a slug
Creating a Facebook account.
Rest of the family thinks I'm the weirdo cos I like sashimi and oysters
chicken feet as well
good lad
always try to be positive when I'm here
*pulls my eyes*
No we don't GCHQ, shut up
i don't eat any meat from outside of my own phylum, vertebrates only for this little soldier
just a normal aussie power hour
*does a poo on my hand and starts lathering it in your hair like shampoo*
That's why they don't support the jew genocide of gaza, retard
heathernonce got banned
need a weird femcel gf who is teetering on the edge of sanity and is kind of unattractive at first glance but could be hot if she had a makeover
No sex
No drugs
No wine
No women
No fun
No sin
No you
No wonder it's dark
Everyone around me is a total stranger
Everyone avoids me like a psyched Lone Ranger
A girl I like from other state will be near my city next week. I want to see her so bad.
No calamari?
it's still funny, nige

bong women are vile xD
own-domain only eater, me
something seriously wrong with my wanking technique because every couple of weeks a pull my shoulder or back
need you out of business sunshine
Literally my gf, and I'm sick of her
Didn't your older relatives teach you how to wank properly?
going to take up smoking to stick it to keir
Not a conference, going to visit a client
the worst day of my life was when my uncle taught me how to wank
Sir Fag Basher
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for me it was when blair opened the borders to foreigners and pakis started swarming our island like in a zombie film
Sir Beer Stomper
i always eat too fast, not fat, just a glutton
good post
1997 was a bit of a turning point in british history
>princess di dies
>blair elected
>hong kong returned to the chinks
>first harry potter book published
still don't have my driving license
Hurt my back several times this year doing everyday bullshit
Scared of getting old las
Geri left the spice girls
you know all through the 80s
>leader of the country
>leader of the government
>most beloved person in the uk
princess diana
yet feminists are like "hurr durr patriarchy everyone hates women" utterly bizarre
the thought of a pint being stomped on instead of drank is quite distressing
ahaha yeah when you think about it this was one of the worst moments of my life as well
island of tribal spearchucking machete wogs now
Those were sex symbols, not respected women
just got arrested for smoking a cigarette in my garden smdh
dressing my poo up like a woman
better go and get it then mate
mad really how aussies all live in bungalows
How do women dress their poos, no idea me
and then undressing it haHA
you gonna make love to it like a woman too?
I cum as soon as the new is made
It is odd isn't it
I suppose a lot of them will either say Thatcher had to act like a bloke or she didn't count because she was a tory but both of those arguments assume some kind of lovey-dovey utopian variety of female leadership that anyone who's ever had a to collaborate with a woman knows does not exist
Women don’t poo, except Emma Watson.
pooberg doing a brewberg in colonstein
doing a little poo dance
what's the one thing that upsets you most in life more than anything lads?
for me it's seeing my mum cry
Wish I did actually
The goal now is to end up in a little single-storey brick job in an over-50s resort

out with the poo, in with the new
does seem to be a naive offshoot of feminism where women = perfect and all problems = caused by men
what is especially ironic about this, as you say, is that the majority of times women are putting down other women
the only actual common experiences (that are non sexual harrassment based) where men still dismiss women are in hype working class "tradie" areas like all other times there are problems in the work place it's women knocking down other women lol

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