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aussie power hour sponsored by china edition
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Where can I buy fags online?
i remember they'd let you buy little pots of ice cream during the intermission
(back in the 90s, don't call me fucking old)
they should drinking, it’s bad for you
people should drink ayran while enjoying some helal kebab cuts
nothing better or more British if you ask me (and the prime minister!)
with wooden "spoons" in the lids
Nicotine is a dogshit substance that occludes how mental it makes you until you've withdrawn
Strong link to psychosis
Won't ban playing loud music in public spaces though will they
Because the cops are afraid to confront those types
>Although 227 minutes long, Lawrence of Arabia film has no women in speaking roles. It is reportedly the longest film not to have any dialog spoken by a woman.

Might give it a watch
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howling when the <90 iq mongs start crying when i state that brit has an average iq of around 90
why, you're already living it
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Would love to be frogmode
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>back in the 90s
so true got neck ache atm which must have been from too much time at the bad screen, good screen wouldnt do that to me
check out the thing too la :)
>get home
come join us in 2024 any time, those screens sit next to eachother
this sort of power tripping freakoid would be a high ranking member in the soviet government.
Islam has it right about women, that's all I'll say.
There is no worse character trait than being snarky imo
used to think the police here were alright
can see now they’re a bunch spineless wet wipes who hate their own people, lost all respect for them
Lawrence of No Labia
imagine putting a phallic object in your mouth and sucking on it all day when swedes have brought snus worldwide
not even being a paedo?
Fuck me when did they discontinue Choco Malt
Having a bit of a proustian moment remembering my experiences with those motherfuckers
Might move to China.
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You are ngmi if you eat random food
snarkiest post ITT
was an utter wanking coom hound as a teen rattling my wilbert off to all sorts
can’t imagine how bad i’d be now if ai had been about to prompt to make all sorts of rot
Yeah, there definitely isn't worse characters traits lol.
done that freak
might get the sheets in for a wash today
sent that freak into intergalactic orbit
you ever feel sad about your libido decreasing with age?
had sex with the gf last night
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>Strong link to psychosis
Smoking fegs literally reduces psychotic symptoms in schizos. Native Americans used tobacco to exorcise unclean spirits which was probably just their way of acknowledging that it did the same thing. Anecdotally I've personally known two people who massively increased their feg consumption when they started hearing voices and it effectively subdued them, I saw online someone saying that they knew a guy who was hearing voices and they repeatedly told him to stop smoking lol.
went into the woods once when i was about 15 and had a wank with my pants around my ankles while insects were biting me
erm can I get some (You)s for this witty post please >>201560067
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ancestry dna says I’ve got less than 1% jewish dna
what am I supposed to make of that
rorke immediately buying 50 tickets
When will Keir ban alcohol?
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Morning fuckos
Mad how it's so addictive they will literally put you in a psychotic state with drugs to help you get off of it
went into the woods on holiday once when i was about 15 and had a wank over a local lad also having a wank
Native american tobacco is not the same as the cultivation you smoke today there was another constituent
chop off your pinky toe to rid yourself of it completely
yes im definitely going to listen to the opinion of someone who looks like that
ha ha
Love how it's "Jewish" DNA
>Lawrence of No Labia
my 5 inch BWC could never
Decided to not have depression anymore. Suggestions on what to do with my day now?
have a functioning wilkins but once in a while will pop a viagra to get a steel rod that doesn’t go down like i’m a teenager again
not even joking lads, I'm addicted to bbc cuck porn
don't get how it happened to me
reckon I need to have an internet detox and a good long bit of nofap
For me it's 2% Basque
means your ancestors didn't spend all day on /pol/ being brainwashed into hating everyone slightly different than themselves.
britain can still make good things. damaris evans is at the forefront of high brow british culture
this is unironically true. Nearly all schizos are heavy smokers as a form of self medication, it seems to calm and focus them. As a mentally unstable individual, though not a schizo, I can attest to this in my personal life
Same cunt
Yeah I think the reason why most tobacco now is corrupt is because of the ammonia content, even 'organic' brands like American Spirits add ammonia. You can get ammonia-free tobacco but you'd have to order it online. I've heard kreteks are good too.
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cheers lads x
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It's because there are groups of people dedicated to sharing that type of porn.
You can decide why that might be for yourself, but there isn't such a driving force behind any other porn genre.
unironically the only way to get rid of a racial fetish is to stop being racist and start viewing blacks as normal people
Yeah, we know
extremely witty post
The one group of doctors who had problems with campus-wide bans on smoking at hospitals was psychiatrists because as you say it's therapeutic for schizos
ironic that the jews now have your genetic data
every time i see people on YT smoke cigarettes from ww2 they always say how nice it tastes.
Shut the fuck up your indian bro
Yeah but they'll still be normal people with giant cocks and rambunctious swagger
It's because black men are physically superior and you are a natural beta male. Your libido has decided to accept this. Learn to love your sexuality and enjoy cuck porn to your heart's content. Ignore all the rorkes, you're never ever going to change who you are.
Oh no, now they can... uh..
job interview toil in 3 hours
you don't eat or sleep or mow the lawn you just FUCK your uncle all day long

love reading how reddit think a 16yo (looks indian btw too) should be imprisoned for life cause he raped a woman, but a black kid knifing a white kid is society's fault and the black kid is the real victim
>start viewing blacks as normal people
wish I could mate
do you think they could start acting like normal people first?
I’m white but you can think whatever idgaf
there is no actual evidence to support either one of them, my advice is to actually talk to a black person irl
got the sheets in for a wash
put a cup of oxy-action powder in for good effect
I started to become attracted to men the month I sent my DNA to 23andme. Can't be a coincidence.
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Same song 3 times
That's a decent troll
We own you bitch your country and your women belong to us now hahaa
That's pretty funny
knew KNEW these lads were fucking based, i just didn't know by how much
as you were x
>there is no actual evidence to support either one of them,
Ask your mother
problem with having this discussion is there's multiple people in the thread right now who get off on posting that sort of porn or pornographic thoughts in the thread daily. it'll only give them fuel to keep doing it.
i swear chris martin used to be white
Was the act of spitting into the flask innit
You couldn't help imagining it was some bloke's hairy arsehole
Oasis will be doing this during their gigs. They're listed as 20 different songs but really there's no difference
it leaves residue I don't appreciate it
That's a fallacy, you don't need a big dick in order to penetrate a large bottomed female
rorke eats ice cream for breakfast
cant stand this cunt looks like a combination of every single aids and monkeypox victim
How could they tell
a *snort* phallusy *chortle* as it were *guffaw*
ice cream and chocolate cake is a very nice breakfast
so is strawberry ice cream in a waffle cone
see and there’s your problem
fetishes stem from things we feel strongly about, either positively or negatively. Yours is basically just sadomasochism coloured (no pun intended) by racism, probably because you were raised with a strict idea of what it means to be a man and have a gnawing insecurity that you don’t live up to it, and then feel relief in enjoying a fantasy of ultimate emasculation, watching “your women” as something you do or ought to possess as a man be degraded by a fantastical idea of a black man who in your mind is a subhuman yet ultra masculine beast. start by completely deconstructing your worldview and recreating something more accurate that will actually lend itself to something resembling a healthy lifestyle and sexuality. Inb4 nary a syllable or whatever
Do they even have 3 songs. There's Yellow, that one which just uses the Kraftwerk sample over and over adding nothing to it whatsoever, I assume there must be a third one.
>you know people are being exploited in sweatshops for you to buy that stuff online

Genuinely wouldn't care millions of foreigners were enslaved and tortured of I meant I got an extra 20 quid or so of a new pair of Nikes and I mean that sincerely
Kek look at this cope his own women hate him and want him dead while they want to have a our muslim babies this is too good LOL
have you put this much effort into understanding other fetishes or is it just this one?
Erm... viva la vida... or was that someone else
blud wrote the bible 2
coldplay are meant to be amazing to see live. my mate told me so
There's an alternative universe not far from ours where Travis, Coldplay and Radiohead have switched places
they are
I'm not the one who's into black lads shagging anon, I just want them to act as though they have a brain or conscience.
i quite like coldplay to be honest
like a chill radiohead
man solves your problem and you just look for a way to barb him with a venomous post like that. maybe what you really need is a bullet to the head.
Oh yeah the violin one. Might've been Keane but think it was them.
can honestly say you and me wouldn't be friends
based purely on that post alone
most fetishes are downstream of, as I already said, strong internalized feelings and are easy to analyse from there if you have a triple digit iq
ordered my incelvitamins from amazon
You may hate Coldplay but you have to admit that they are one of the best bands ever, with amazing lyrics and masterful artistry
Scranning a big white cock for breakfast
do exhibitionism
You’re not having sex why do you care lmao
for me its incest porn
i find the guilt and shame but also the intensity appealing
and the breaking down of moral barriers because youre so horny
i pretty much exclusively wank to audio porn because they handle it in a more intellectual manner htan the 'fuck me stepbro' stuff
132 IQ Aussie on a mad one
>getting off to women yapping about incest porn
just call your mum up and have a tug anon, get the real experience
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Those colours...
hehe "analyse"
couldn't survive off a big white cock on its own
has to be either 3 big white cocks or 1 big black cock to get me started on my day
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Crazy how 100 years ago Tolkien wrote middle earth to be so diverse and that it took so long for the real england to catch up
grim thread
christ who left the runt cage open
Where do you get your audios lad
can honestly say that I would win your friendship with my chill attitude and general likability
for me it's gay poo porn
lads I'm still raging about keir trying to ban smoking in beer gardens. there's nothing better than sitting in a beer garden in summer having a pint and a fag. he's gone too far now
black *clap* actors *clap* deserve *clap* to *clap* work
watching bart ehrman videos and getting angry
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aw sheeeiiiit
Mum called me up mid-wank once and I just carried on while talking to her until I finished. Not sure how I feel about that
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gonewildaudio i mostly listen to old and deleted stuff cus most new audios are tasteless slop
some proper nice stuff on Facebook marketplace

it's a real shame I'm too anxious to ever message or meet someone to actually get the stuff
quite good that stuff
found one where the script is your best female friend scrolling r/bigcocks with you
cracking stuff
watching peng gay twinks poo
Might do some stretching
Clear the old cobwebs off
Where are the cripples? This lacks diversity.
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You had your chance to vote for freedom
dogshit zinger
don’t feel like writing an essay especially after I already explained how you can think about these things for yourself. obviously has to do with insecurity and caring deeply about other’s opinions, etc.
from pint and a fag to a fag with a pint
dont know why they dont cast people with gracile features as the elves
like game of thrones s1 danaerys and her freak brother
want 2 smel potato
Ironically Othello is the most popular Shakespeare play with browns because it has the most evil white character
Good, we don't want council scum like yourselves infecting us with your poison due to your lack of self control inhaling poison.
unc has lost it
Drinking it is fine though
Whisky is the highest taxed drink in the UK

Yet this blatant racism is ignored by the government
managed to avoid a ghost shart disaster earlier
was getting ready to go out and thought i needed a shit so I sat down on the toilet but just ended up farting
or so I thought until I stood up and found shit literally all over the bowl and splattered up my arse crack to my lower back
could have been a right mess if I'd done that in Lidl
my guardian angel was watching over me
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I spaff to blacked and see black people as normal people

I think this whole dehumanising thing is an envious cope of tyrone's masculine energy
call of duty black niggers 6
drinking doesn't spray it into the mouths of strangers
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havent had a shower in 8 days
bore off 190
slapping myself around the room
Yep it does via water vapour, next cope incel who never goes to pubs anyway?
yeah not with that attitude buddy
you've got this lad
This is what Japanese blokes dream of
tobacco duties are 2% of UK government revenue when they keep saying there's a black hole in funding. we should be promoting more smoking not banning it
whens the last time yoi ate an apple
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Your first thought upon seeing this girl is "what would she look like with a black man..."?
Forwards festival in Bristol this wkend. any man going?
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This game is worse than the diarrhea bullshit that comes out of a dead nigger’s anus! It’s AAASSSSSSSSSSSSS!!
Drinking is more antisocial though
Smoking causes cancer not grievous bodily harm
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I had one earlier but before this bag I've eaten over the last few days I probably hadn't eaten one in a couple of years
eeeeer me now kier you kno u gotta legalise the ting gwan save this economy y get me
lol alright appleboy
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see her blacked
I've been noporn for a year and can easily spaff to the thought of women's boobs and bums and fannies again.
was tempted but the lineup didnt really entice me
Smoke-king are good
incels have such little self-worth they cant even imagine themselves having sex with women.
forever the only fruit i eat is frozen chopped up stuff, otherwise itll just go off
I like his makima blacked ai slop, love makima's fat arse begging to pop out of those skinny black jeans
on one
they should ban our children being stabbed by immigrants instead i reckon
Did he ever recover from this?
not at all, infact I follow her on twitter and liked a cosplay of hers yesterday
‘bout to scran a ‘bab aren’t i
get the fruit in on a monday from tom owens
support your local greengrocer anons
You don’t have children virgin
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country is finished
why is her email smalldickenergy
why is her domain name getalife
Raikage wouldn't do that
She oozes bbc energy
Why would they ban something they're orchestrating?
where the fuck are they getting a large toblerone for £1
He doxxed himself with his reply which led to his current legal turmoil so no
mental how badly she mindraped him
i think you should run out into busy traffic and get flattened by an 18 wheeler
He got arrested because of his reply to this tweet so no
paki shop
literally dont care about smokers, just ban ciggies
yeah thats such bollocks
I'd like to have all of those things
>why is her email smalldickenergy
>why is her domain name getalife
isn’t a pack of smokes £10-12 over in bongland?
This feels like satire
>She oozes bbc energy
reckon if you ever say something like this you lose your right to live and should be shot
been on the bog all morning
Yeah you’re a faggot we get it boy
I wish. £16 for mine.
also a bottle of cider
thats too cheap
funny how this was his only response, very indicative of his whole Ben Shapiro ermmm akshually the facts and logic I made up say x shtick
need mousey to come sort these freaks out
Ah yes a pizzabox with his address which.wae widely known definitely caused him to have over 30 women coming out saying he was a sex trafficker and rapist kek
yeah up there with one of the most dire posts I've ever seen
I'm white as snow, but was born with a bbc.
10 years ago maybe
fucking hell that’s more than double what it costs here for a pack
when i was in wales some years back think it was £11
People don't really buy straights do they?
might go raskolnikov mode and stop eating/massacre a pawn shop lady
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your wine gums are all different shapes, ours are all one shape
Business idea: Give mousey a gun and the names and addresses of every /brit/ poster. Reckon he will sort everything out
FFS why can't they just ban cigarettes altogether already.
despise fat people
Gay but kinda true. I just got back from Greece and most of the British Slags over there ooze bbc energy
Virgins definitely should not get to vote, same with non married men over the age of 30
because you can get tax off of poor people who voluntarily kill themselves
don't go looking in any mirrors then lad
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she's so fit
let people smoke if they want to you poof
Shouldn't cigarettes be cheaper and encouraged since people that smoke will die earlier and the government will save on paying them pension money?
Why are you going to pubs in council estates Tarq?
No, cigarettes are bad for your health!!!!!!
Genuinely the long term plan but there's too many people out there currently addicted to deathsticks to make it practical to ban them outright
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thinking about bums
Does Labour even pretend to be the party of the working class anymore?
I imagine a big reason why socialists gave up on class politics is because, when they interacted with the white working class, they realised that they had politically incorrect opinions and gave up on them.
my arsehole is oozing bbc energy
mental how normgroids think inhaling cannabis smoke is somehow infinitely healthier than inhaling tobacco smoke
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>poor people
Ok bud
Government's most absolutely LOVE ciggerates, they get to kill off the poor and stupid while making crazy amounts of money
ooze ITV energy, me
we've had multi-shape winegum technology for years lad, decades

there's even systems in place to make sure every bag has an above-average number of black and red winegums, the superior tasting gums
how would you react if something mental happened
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what about the spouseless hags?
ngl im starting to feel nervous
I'm literally him
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rorkes granda
same. an embarrassment to themselves and an embarrassment to society. imagine doing that to yourself. no different to being a skag addict imo.
i wouldnt care if they all perished
come join us in 2024 any time
I'm fat :(
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I know youse are the originators and all that but in my mind it's not a wine gum unless it's this shape
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not fond of people that over react, mainly the gf
it’s a fucking squirrel you slag, why did you just blow out my ear drums with a harpiesque shriek
I'm curious why is it that blue,purple,red, pink sweets ALWAYS taste better than their other colour counterparts like orange, green, yellow etc?
watched a lot of Mad Men, like probably 5 seasons or so then just stopped one day

thought nah I can't be arsed with this anymore and stopped, never went back to it
Vape da herb all day on doctors orders
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nth for the baddiedem
thought that was a bradley profile pic
got bradbrain
not on
they look like midget gems (also enjoyable)
>can’t refute my point
You lost.
housed, fed, wanked
just invent healthy cigarettes. win win
did the same funnily enough. Really enjoyed it then one day stopped and completely lost interest. Mad.
orange starburst is way better than purple you nitwit
enjoying of your shit and chips sar?
snus is illegal
that was the idea behind vapes but the problem is lungs are fragile and not really meant to inhale anything other than air
It clearly isn't though is it, orange is easily the worst starburst followed closely by green
It is a legitimate question
The Left has been at a crossroads in the past decade or so and UK Labour is a good example of how there's a split between the Industrial Left, the Electable Left, the Youth Left and the Paki Left
Made a second ig account to follow my ex cuz she blocked my main. That’s not bad is it
imagine needing to dangle a tiny white phallus from your lips in order to feel "cool"
The only people who still buy ciggies from legal sources are the wealthy who can afford to pay those absurd prices. Ive not paid more than 23p for a ciggie in 2 years.
People freaking out over second hand cig smoke but are utterly clueless about the dangers of concrete
Funny world
im evil
bvut i dont want to be
but i am
The official /brit/ minecraft server is on. Join now.
wonder if oasis will also tour the US and AUSTRALIA
you can't grow concrete
cor, 100 million quid on the euromillions this friday, might get a ticket and if i win ill take all the /brit/ lads to vegas for a MENTAL holiday
Spengler said that immature cultures love the colours yellow and red, wheras sophisticated cultures love blues and greens and purples.
If you like cooler coloured starburst it is likely because you're an aristocrat of the soul.
No the idea behind vapes was to create more faggots and they succeeded
mouse :3
bizarre behaviour
Unironically enjoy the existence of sloppeople as I enjoy detesting them and it makes the rest of us look a lot better in comparison. I don't care for muh spiritual aristocracy but I imagine that nobles got the same satisfaction out of their malnourished grainslaves.
*smacks your head against the pavement*
saaar please fuck off
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Sorry u never experienced true love before swedish virgin
Sir Peter Hitchens
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green is my favourite. but i like citrus flavours above all else
>true love
Looool you’re a freak
This nigga be cutting wood
imagine like 30 pasty pale socially incept autists awkwardly shuffling around vegas trying to larp like they are in a film
And yet it was the yellow and red niggas who formed the Gaelic ruling class...
not really true love if you broke up now is it you sad cunt
Don’t play the lottery anymore what a scam man
6 million people in the UK smoke daily. Id wager that a similar number smoke socially. And at least that number vape or consume other tobacco products. Banning them would shut down the country. Every pub, nightclub, and paki shop would die overnight. And the black market would simply pick up the slack.
15 weddings
yeah I played twice a week for two years straight and never won once what a gyp
In a rough patch
I'd watch that film
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could build jurassic park here
golf ball down the gullet for lunch
plebs pay lots of tax and kill themselves earlier which eases the pension scam
blud got a mcdonalds logo for a flag omdz

Weird. I love Mad Men and think it gets better and better. But I had the same experience with Lost. I was really enjoying it then somewhere along the way I lost interest. Never finished it. Same with Oz. The first few series were good but eventually I got bored of it.
I should add that intervening to prevent people from realizing their potential so that you can hate them for it is corrupt but allowing them to blossom into the ugly bastards they were destined to be and despising them for this metamorphosis is kino
Love on the Spectrum crossed with Girls Gone Wild, I like it
Oz was extremely retarded, it was funny at first but I think I couldn't put up with it at about season 3

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