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/brit/ edition
bouncing on my dildard
mental how fit they are
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going to go to bed once this caravan palace album ends
not long now
I'm a broken man
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The lunchtime kizza arrived de leds :3
my dad's mate said I'm the spitting image of mark lamarr
>alcohol dehydrates you
>coffee dehydrates you
Yeah if you're eating coffee beans and drinking isopropyl alcohol. Otherwise it is mostly water and hydrates you.
Some of you mongs need to learn what diuresis is
asian gf 2024 is a go
Insane how Private Eye is just a clone of the Guardian now
Sad really
Previously yes but by the time this book was written clean water was available in the village and the passage I posted was specifically about drinking at the pub as a social thing
He also talks of an institute which was provided as an alternative but rejected
>It is idle to pretend that the "Institute" which was started a few years ago provides a satisfactory alternative. Controlled by people of another class, whose "respectability" is irksome, and open only to members and never to women, the Institute does not lend itself to the easy intercourse which tired men enjoy at the public-house. Its billiard-table is not for their heavy hands, used to the pick-axe and shovel; its card games interrupt their talk; its newspapers remind them that they cannot read very well, and suggest a mode of life which they are unable to share.
little pot of elton on the side x
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no it didnt
*glances at the calendar*
ummm... mate?
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Vile. Genuinely vile.
It is genuinely depressing how little the average person uses their brain, they want everything spoonfed to them. No wonder they all voted for Brexit *sigh*
you think you want this, but you don't
they make u piss a lot though
leave it on outer /int/ next time
Hyperborea beckons…
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Mad that British food has the reputation it does yet some of the world's most famous great chefs are British too
he was seething at this yesterday lol
yeah haha
imagine haha
so 'vile' haha
Don't understand what's going on. Why is there plates of food lined up on a hotel hallway floor?
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is that right?
burial vs cremation vs ???
what do you want?
i like the idea of scattered ashes
moving the hyperborea with the mammoths and reindeer and whatnot
Greng is penger than peng
just fucking explode me nigga
Have a day off spaino you gimboid
burial under a tree or something so my nutrients feed some plants and animals
sky burial for me
Just give me a stick to fight off the wild dogs
lad in my year (who was eventually expelled) beat up his mum when he was 13
always preferred cute women rather than sexy women you get me
100% all of the "English women are ugly" discourse comes from that horrible fake tan trend of the 2000s.
im not spaino you schizo
Seeing Lawrence of Arabia at the PCC this Saturday. Care to join?
sky burial feed me to the fucking birds
it’s one thing to suck toes whilst shagging
quite another to have someone stamp on your food
not on
Anglosphere culture is still the dominant culture and of course anglos are going to be promoted within it. You're not going to see some inarticulate ESL spaniard getting shilled on the tele are you.
>how do I spend my free time as an unemployed dosser? well, I find pictures of low quality pizzas served by kebab takeaways and post them anonymously on a website for anime fans, under the guise of it being food that I have just had delivered to my home. epic!
fake tan hands and a hoop
Because most Bri'ish can't cook and are deathly afraid of seasoning or any other method of cooking veg than boiling them to death.
Properly done British food is fantastic
mums getting married again 3rd time lucky hopefully
How much should I spend on a wedding gift as best man? Opt for £40-50 as a regular guest usually, but not sure I can get away with that as the best man. Might have to be £75
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How do you know I was even talking to you?
Think you're the schizo
Skull preserved and displayed decoratively as a family heirloom
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aw, i like this
if you're willing to eat food left on the floor next to dusty skirting boards I don't reckon you mind some slag's foot on it either
give it a rest you fucking autistic cunt
It's pretty funny how even eminently normal attractive girls here lather themselves in fake tan and bimbofy themselves when basically all other cultures take the piss out of them for it, even other northern euros. Not even an exclusively working class thing either.
because im the kizza poster
these discord nonces really are fucked in the head
stop copying me
He is right though. You could be learning spanish or exercising or something instead. Absolute state of you
The only people in this country that can cook are solidly middle class people
upper class twits don't cook as they have people do it for them and lower middle and below just eat ready meals or slop
basically only 20% of the country, if that, can actually cook a number of solid basic meals from scratch
doubt it
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at pub
exploring the works of lily love
throw me in a pig pen so they scran me and turn me into bacon that some peng girl eats and poos out of her bumhole
what does 'discord' have to do with it? you autistic freak
says the cunt on /brit/ at 12pm on a thursday
sausage egg AND bacon sandwich for luncheon
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absolute state of women
We are just in sync
Two ships passing in the night x
We do have a lot of genuine munters
That said it's rich coming from yanks when 99% of their women are sheboons, honey boo boo or la goblina de americas
It's bizarre because in Australia women go out of their way to stay pale, you can tell British tourists often by their fake tan or their sunburn.

I think it's partly because Australians have it reinforced how dangerous the sun is for us, that and there's been some huge psyop to convince british women that having pale skin is somehow unattractive instead of the most desired skintone.
Yeah, not posting pictures of random peoples takeaways like some mentally ill schizo
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anime mentioned
same kind of girl to post about feminism on all her social media
do you want to get married then
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second camera this month not for are mark de lads. should get £360 back and only cost him £440 the other week anyway
Italian-American women love to do it too, like Jersey Shore and Sopranos women
dont get the picture but i like the dog, its nice when animals curl up like that
London Keyes Sex Arse!!!
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what the fuck? i only ordered a figure from japan
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sorry to hear your genius gimmick of finding a pizza on tripadvisor and posting it here wasn't appreciated mate, all that effort gone to waste
I've actually mentioned this before in here but I think the UK is the only place where the men are better cooks than the women. I've found most people's das tend to have a kino signature recipe or two up their sleeves while their ma churns out the direst of slop. This is unfathomable to other cultures.
takes like two seconds to find one on google or ratemytakeaway's twitter
and it makes runts like you seethe for no apparent reason
Clearly a coerced victim of sex trafficking
Seize the lada right now
There's a scene of her with that big Nacho Vidal fella where he spits straight down her throat and she loves it
posted it again award
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bomb squad mentioned
Yeah but why are you doing it?
a 'figure', don't lie mate it was some loli fleshlight or something.
they're calling it a bomb just to throw you off. police are on their way as we speak to throw your nonce ass in the slammer.
It's mostly a trashier contingent of them that do it though. It's basically universally practiced to some degree in Britain even among relatively middle class girls (not all of them but a substantial number)
how do we defeat the bbc menace lads?
white women are lining up for bbc and we white bois need to stop this
they cooler, stronger and sexier! what do we do?
it's funny
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don't worry it's fine
just seen a reportable post.
ive decided to wear a black polo shirt, grey shorts, and trainers to the job interview. its only a supermarket delivery driver job and thats probably what ill wear while working so I think it will be fine.
lie down and take it like the rest of the country. not even metaphorically
what could possibly go wrong
Just stop giving them welfare and they will perish. Literally just don't do anything whatsoever and it's OVER for them.
love fat arsed 32-26 year olds
they’re usually gagging for it too
I wasn’t always like you guys you know. I used to have sex and be popular
who built all the mosques in the UK?
i did
i turned up to a job interview in hi vis orange and still got a job. it was for the bins and didnt take it didnt wanna stink of bin haha
In think in younger people sure, but for me at least my mum is a superb cook and I'm very lucky that she made me fantastic food growing up and taught me a lot of kitchen skills. To the point that I can reel off a bookfull of the classics without instruction and can make a solid effort at more adventurous stuff with a bit of guidance.
Virtually every single one of my mates is a better cook than his gf, me included. Only one of them has a gf who I would say is a really good cook and she's a micro food influencer with like 20k followers on insta.
leftfield permutation
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elon mosuqe
Relax virgin
Bet you were the runt that sat at the back of the class making screeching noises because you found it funny
saudi petrol money
its not
English people
they weren’t mosques until the wogs infested them
I'm talking about the older generation as well. What I gather from your post is that your mum is an exception.
Jobcentreberg on a mad one, told me he'd ring me but has not and now I've been marked as failed to attend. Reckon it's two-tier Kier keeping us persecuted White British diaspora down
We all did! (not me I don't pay taxes)
its pretty funny as a spectator
there is no greater feeling of love than raising your wife's bull's black baby
anyone starting at Warwick I’m scared
Wouldn't worry about it. 80-90% of white women are still just going for white men and 70-80% of white men are still just going for white women.
The minority of white racemixers are creating new races of Anglo-Mulattos and Anglo-Hapas whose whole existence is to be used for pleasure
Meanwhile the blacks and asians who are racemixing are NOT sufficiently breeding with their own kind here so they will eventually racemix themselves out of existence since they keep breeding with whites

Great Replacement was secretly the Great Bleaching all along
hows a loli fleshlight differ from a normal one
That's the euromillions tickets bought. Shall be posting from my yacht this time next week
As a member of the non-productive classes Keir is literally your champion.
because it's made to look like a child's mate..
shut the fuck up you repulsive discord nonce, won't warn you again
right im going to brush my teeth then
Share some with me will you lad. I need to upgrade my goon cavern
hm, autistic incel gets upset his shit gimmick is criticised and now the bbc posts start

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>I’ve been laughing in my bed at Barry Stanton’s timeline.
>What have Indians done to this English lad?
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toss my salad
got to wear whats appropriate for the work. if i was interviewing for the bins id wear steelies, work trousers and my high vis coat. unless i didnt want the job then id wear a shirt and tie and trousers and brogues.
Give me 20k if you win please. Drop in the ocean.
I play the national lottery
£5m would do fine for me
Don't need £150m
Ticket's cheaper anyway
How do you know what a child's looks like? nonce.
Gen Z boss just had a go at me in front of everyone
Royal Mail don't tell recipients this, that's up to the police.
oh hahaha
when i hear 'britain' i just think of a big empty industrial estate with a few old HR crones and some boat people
very funny
mental illness award
why are muslims so conservative in the UK, what happened?
Police don't even respond to reports of drugs being sent through the post anymore so we just have a load sat in the damaged package bay. Allegedly, supposedly so I've heard.
first day here mate?
stupid question from a thicko
yes. today is my 18th birthday
Mum is an absolute fucking babe just done me a bacon and egg sandwich
a /brit/ old timer and legend pulled me aside in the discord to tell me he's seen my gimmicks and reckons i'm one of the best in the new generation. buzzing can't believe it
got the BBC on
why'd andrew tate go to prison for replying to greta? i'm out of the loop and clearly two threads behind you lads trying to catch up
aliens after they were done with stonehenge
Half of the current gimmick pool were created by me. I am the unnamed, unspoken, hero of Brit
blog off
>In the UK, from October banks will be legally required to reimburse scam victims
Might move to China.
get her shagged
i invented "poo barm"
also unsexed
we're all in here https://www.twitch.tv/vcr_fartknocker
just splashed myself with wee lads, fucks sake
>Southport chooses hope over hatred as it tries to heal

Don't look back in anger.
threatened to circumcise her
so now we can scam banks nice
>Send myself a scam email from an Indian VPN
>Scam myself
>Double my money
I'm going to get so fucking rich lads.
no you didn't, be quiet
very impartial language
when are you going to bring back the chocomel posting?
heard that japanese women will take their son's virginity
how horrible haha
Good morning sir Please do not redeem sir innit
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look at the bottom left
good thing you made this post to incriminate yourself
concert tickets are a scam now sadly
virginity only really exists for women 2bh
someone's gota do it cause they sure as shit aren't
...I've fucked it. Back to being poor I guess
bizarre unrelated comment
Britons are nothing without us. Their greatest inventions
this is simply untrue
ate some promethazine and 1/3 bottle bourbon
beating my insomnia tonight
in fact it doesn't exist at all. total social construct.
historically it was true
i read the wiki
thought i pooed the sofa but it appears i have just dropped an amount of pate during steamingtoil then sat on it
what a bizarre thing to do. isn't she still a child too?
yeah imagine haha
thats peng though
Pornsick freaks.
good post
Get the Japanese mums shagged!
oldest fetish on earth theres a reason greek nggas were writing about it
Made that up in jest lad
everywhere I look… MILFs
Didn't read.
your dad collects stamps
Mum hoovering your bedroom again is she?
sick of seeing ugly fat cunts
you did read it though
put mirror down
him done
take down your mirrors then
She is a milf but that’s besides the point
did him up like sunday dinner
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come to me, baby
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Royal dickhead Mail absolutely fucked me over here next day delivery my arse
we don't talk enough about how stressful costco is for the ADHD community
favourite rodent?
he sent fly
mouse !!!
doing a read. if this guy's a yank then how's he own 33 cars? surely he owes uncle sam lots of tax money
on rorpe
just seen this and burst out laughing
mice >.<
dadberg was 20 when mumberg birthed me
i am 22 and never had a gf
not sure if theyre rodents actually i just like them
need all of these to hit
bbc make them white gyal pum pum slick jah know
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fangs for the picture lol
just wait until you see bottom g
This guy was on big brother?
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once tried to rebook an escort and she declined ‘because of last time’
no idea what spacker thing i did desu
>In a disturbing confrontation at a petrol station in Yorkshire, Muhammad Hassan, 26, violently attacked three women after berating them for not adhering to traditional dress codes.

leftypol DUMBFOUNDED that stepping foot on british soil does not make all people liberals
not one reply to my hilarious post
Using escorts is very grim NGL. Big red flag in guys.
My dad was 40 and my mum was 30 when they had me so I got time
sorry it went over my head a bit
social media + (gulf-funded) salafist preachers have ruined islam in this country
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sent him flying
You reckon anal sex is safe?
leftypol assures me that importing millions of people from ultra-religious, ultra-conversative, ultra-intolerant, and ultra-misogynistic cultures is actually a really good thing and has no consequences
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feeling curious jeffrey?
Depends what u use them for
Literally and unironically grew up on the same road as him just further up
not as grim as being a tranny freak
meds. now.
Hired an escort to go do my weekly shop with me because I get anxious out in public by myself
why does leftypol go completely silent when these things happen? usually he's very vocal about abuse, harassment, and intolerance.
always recall a poofter here talking about bumming someone who wasn’t prepped and pulled his willer out with a bell covered in poo then pissed a poo worn out when cleaning up
am i wrong?
Get the community leaders wanked off
want to chop some wood today but tis a bit drizzly
My dad had me at 26, but he died at 53
what happened in the end with those pakis who broke that policewoman's nose in manchester airport
leftypol: we must protect women!

also leftypol: we must open our borders to the most misogynistic people on the planet!

baffling specimen he is
fuck all
yorkshire mentioned
she apologised for having her face uncovered in their presence
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mad how yorkshire has the most pakified and grim places right next to ultra peng areas
sir queer got them housed, fed and wnaked
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>want to chop some wood today but tis a bit drizzly
jazakallah khair bhai <3
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>you're under arrest for being english

what would you do if this irish woman oppressed you?
Britain exists to house migrants.
The working class be like "yeah I'll eat nothing but potatoes, pastry and bread. that'll be mint"
currently in line for premium gash at the interracial breeding camps
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arse in a state
relationship in a state
back fucked up and in a proper state
this must be the 30s everyone’s waffling about
mad how leftypol is unironically mad
nothing he does makes sense to clear-eyed radcen and right wing individuals
got gashed up in waitrose and was asked to leave
ask her to oppress my face with her bum
absolutely fucked it lads. didn't bring nearly enough food to toil. going to end the day starving so I am. already wasting away.
Reckon I'll be having a little sleep de la dods. Been to work and done my bit for society so now it's rest time.
i think its actually a you problem, not an age thing
So, is that Free Jazz a joke or what? Like the occasional bit of Jazz, but Free Jazz is like listening to a woman being raped vocoded into a saxophone sound effect.
please invest in companies on the ASX
it fucking resumes
if she is irish why is she wearing. a british police uniform is she a orange galden?
>le salafist boogieman
browns could kill 500k whites tomorrow in a planned attack, and leftypol still would never change his 'thoughts and prayers, we must stand together in unity x' response

it's a literal cult
*jiggles your tits*
*boots you up the arse*
*slaps you in the face*
catch me if you can fatty
fuck off discord nonce, nobody enjoys you posting here
Do you not have food you could buy at work?
progism is just a replacement for christianity
I gotta check yo asshole
they should invent a soft insulating material that folds up into an incredibly tiny square. so you could have a cosy jumper that will fit inside your pocket
Japanese fella cracking a raw egg onto some rice
none of your posts phase me: i will be a good father to my daughter and will raise her in a just society
that'll be 500 dorra plus tip
weeabs online pretending its not grim as

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