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Kim Caterwaul edish
remember the pooBC meme?
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Reckon I'd make a great lawyer. Shame I'm already balding or I'd give it a shot
prime minister nigel farage
I've got a big jiggly arse
ABC, it's easy as bum poo wee
It never even made sense
rorke taking a break from posting the most abhorrently racist things online to nip to the cornershop where he says "thanks mate have a nice day" to the Pakistani guy on the till
>be a fat autistic savant
>develop the software
>get your chad brother to market it and be the face of it
based nikolai
>UK POLITICS IN FREEFALL: Starmer to call snap election for October
What the actual fuck
You jest but stoners did this here outside parliament for decades and now boomers are dying after taking too many edibles
poo sex arse
i'm not an underage zoomer so I don't need to worry
Ah... yeah, that makes a LOT of sense
Yeah but I'm talking about those BASED black guys!
Lad has the perfect body really. Reckon I could look like that if I really tried. No point though really is there
need to stop coming here because it's doing nothing but exacerbate my depression with all the negativity, but i have no other social outlets either
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stole a packet of biscuits from work and I don't even want them
genuinely brutal being that ugly and having a brother thats relatively attractive
What you reckon left's weight/ body fat is?
bloke on the left honestly looks like being a fat virgin would suit him more
Literally no one is actually right wing.
This general isn't so bad at all negativity wise. Just avoid outer int and pol
Weird thing these days is all other forms of social media are worse. Most forums and stuff are tranny controlled or full of nasty arrogant people
It’s all shit these days and 4chan generals are probably the least shit
72kg 12%
If you spent one tenth the time you spend shitposting here on exercise and diet you’d be fit
77kg and 13%
Baffling post
You're a great person and I'm glad you post here.
no this place has a big time crabs in a bucket mentality, it's quite antithetical to my growth as a person, but i'm like a retarded dog chasing its tail
sippin on lean
why do chinese have that wood panelling
retired from shagging when I split with the ex gf
virginity has well and truly grown back now, mental what just 3 days without shagging will do to a man
Started going to the gym and just going to get strong as I can. Not going to bother confusing myself with too many other considerations. I'll start fine tuning once I've actuslly got some strength to work with.
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Getting there mate. 2025 is our year
i dont even shag my gf once a week anymore, probably more like once every 10 days over the span of a year

not really much excitement there for me anymore
probably doesn't show up grease and filth the same way normal walls do
Turn 30 in less than 3 weeks and I've never had sex
idk something about him just looks inherently nerdy, he shouldn't be that chiseled or he should at least get rid of that ridiculous goatee
just break up with her
this is no way for a man to live, and it’ll only get worse
Looks traditional doesn’t it
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just ate an entire bar of galaxy cookie crumble
feel ashamed of myself after that wank
I'm black and this is what I find attractive
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what is happening in ireland?
don't worry about it, turning 30 is one of the most freeing feelings known to man if you're the sort of person who's neurotic about wasting your youth, you don't have to worry about it anymore, plus 30 isn't really as old as you thought it was when you were younger
one of the big ones?
How many arguments has Diego lost today?
holy grimole but still would
the crime rate just keeps dublin and dublin
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l ai ut dh ie o
Don't know
how about you leave my country woggo? heard of a little place called africa? it’s where you belong
you’re a day early
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This is what the average British tranny rented flat looks like
/brit/ is very mindful, very demure today
114g bar, I don't know if there are bigger ones
forehead is dry as fuck
I can smell this picture and it's not good
Don't worry about it
where can i buy one of those 9/11 posters
foreskin dry as fuck
Fuck off back to Denmark Anglo-Saxon
why do they just have a big picture of 9/11 on the wall
Fake news slop directly retweeted by fascist extremist billionaire Elon Musk
need an alcoholics anonymous but for /brit/
need me one of them posters
feel like SHIT
ktim, the part around my eyebrows is flakier than a croissant
*googles what demure means*
how do you fall asleep with your gf?
me? we hug and interlock for like 5 minutes, then i give up and roll away into my normal sleeping position. don't know what she expects. how can anyone actually fall asleep when you're locked in their weird arm spagetti hug thing
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>Have a thought
>Forget it
>Can't for the life of me work out what it was
>Just know that it seemed like something important or significant
>Get increasingly frustrated as I struggle to work out what it was
This happens far too frequently
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Matched with a peng black woman on bumble who's into film
Reckon she knows about the new cut of Caligula that was released this month?
Mine's slick as an oiled whippet
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Hyperborea beckons...
I wouldn't know, i've never had a gf
You post about this every couple of threads. Go to the doctor already mate
Alzheimers, you've got less than a decade left. Sorry.
sounds like you need to start journaling
with the ex it was arm under neck just before the pillow and then cuddle the willard up to her arse
very easy to fall asleep like that
decided i never want to share a bed again after having to experience someone else's farts or subject them to my own farts, if i ever get married we'll be in separate bedrooms like an old victorian couple
Doesn't look peng
nobody that has any real interest in film thinks VHS tapes are worth collecting
Don't think you get to decided what people are interested in desu
You get used to it
I am deano.
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>get to decided
scared that simply living in this country has caused me to develop genetic adaptations that make me more like an abo for simply having been born here
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well said, simon
actually yes I do
10 years ago I was in my second year at uni and I was interested in things. Was reading 2 books a week minimum and had loads of friends who were actually interested in talking about intellectual stuff. Now I work a boring job with dullards and read a book a month at most and just can't be arsed with anything.
>then i give up and roll away into my normal sleeping position.
I did this then she gets annoyed that I didn't hug her in the morning
The petrol sniff is calling danny boy.
caught yourself craving a cheeky sniff of petrol?
I write excessively
I forget things almost as quickly as they come up
There's a vogue for it now, you clueless oaf. Some leftypol breadtuber put out a video essay on the aesthetics of VHS.
blud's getting TV reception with that hair
wonder what that one's injecting
Seriously why don’t jobs ever post the salaries or pay grades. Looking at internal positions in my company and I can’t figure out if anything is even worth the time
corrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr *eyes pop out of head and heart beats visibly out of my chest* *drool comes out of my mouth*
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this is the type of cringe shit you can get away with saying to black queens when you're a white guy
i have tried petrol sniffing when i was a teenager and honestly it's not bad, you can absolutely trip balls on the stuff, i haven't done it since i was like 15 though because mumstein caught me doing it and was absolutely furious like nothing i'd seen before
Stupid hair
self harm, hard drug use, suicide, idolation of every form of extremism is very common in the British tranny community
Go to any tranny rented flat and you will find coke/ket/smack/acid, razorblades and sex toys everywhere, flags of dixie, isis, north korea, russia, probably also someone playing a gamecube or ps1
it's just how these fuckers live
I don't care if there's a "vogue" for it, VHS tapes are a fucking awful format and anybody that thinks it's worth saving is a retard
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Timmy bros... we're gonna make it
Deary me
if only she could see you now, addicted to opiates
those photos look AI-generated
Okay plebe
why do Indians love Israel so much, love Trump and Musk, hate black people?
They act like US republicans on steroids and are totally oblivious that people they idolise hate them
A Blackbull fuckhorde just flew over my house
What a fucking stupid face
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this is what I was replying to

does this look AI generated?
technically opiOIDS but that's a rather miniscule distinction in the grand scheme
reckon they're doing much less harm to my precious brain than the 'trol was
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might make some sort of chicken based dish for dinner tonight
She's gagging for a white man
no but i've been wrong before
Nothing even remotely peng about this, give your head a wobble
Odd similarities between trannies and /brit/ posters. Much to consider.
*googles 16 cm's in inches*
what's your fetish?
for me it's tights
I'm sorry, but I can't fulfill this request.
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You want this
>police assaults during 1 week of "intense rioting" across the entire of England
>police assaults during two days of family fun and celebrations in one neighborhood of London
700 million chinese women in the world lads, just saying
remember when we used to call them mobile phones and yanks called them cell phones and it was a whole thing of slight linguistic differences
now everyone just calls them phones as if there's no other different kind because no one uses a landline anymore except office workers
Interview went well. Thanks for the moral support lads.
would do serious damage to her subsaharan arsehole
Fishnets milf tights leather buxom oriental
Hope you get fired
blog on
You will never experience sex unless you pay for it, you'll never experience love
bizarre movie, kind of kino
You will never live in a majority British society again
Did you ask about smoking in the van?
i didn't give you any moral support because i wasn't here but congrats anyway lad
oh yeah I like tights. High heels. Office/professional attire but with a saucy short shirt or cleavage on display. And watching women pee.
I hope you get fired for a fake a sexual complaint to HR and blocked completely from that industry
I still do retard
wigs me the fuck out that you lads have a photographic memory for inane blogposts
attractive women
being older than me but only by a bit, like 3-5 years or so
current gfberg is 2 years younger than me the stupid worthless cow
i have drank one litre of water :)
No you dont
There are 7 million illegal immigrants
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cheers to another comfy morning with the lads
i've had it up to here with pigeonberg's incessant cooing
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alri x
Your brain is broken by fake news that nobody with an IQ above 60 could fall for
what animal makes those daytime owl noises
According to supermarkets there are 7 million illegal immigrants
You oose
give him seeds
all I do is love
a lucky idiot ticket holder ever
like air utility dharma in others
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>According to supermarkets there are 7 million illegal immigrants
Schizo retard gibberish
I've spoken to 10 year olds smarter than you
me when I wank into my housemate's sock
>You oose
wearing tights
why does he look like a person of african heritage
No I thought i'd best not. He told me they do a ten minute vehicle check that takes 2 and you can a smoke then. I dont think it'll be an issue anyway im not a heavy smoker.

Thanks lad. There was a nice Aussie who wished me luck. I appreciate Australian posters.

I did see a fit bird out the back in the picker/packer area.
i find it comforting, for some reason it reminds me of being driven to school by mumstein as she plays her alanis morrissette cd in the car
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never trust a fart, lads
can’t wait to have another 10 million uncivilised wogs in this country
Dudes be like
>Nooooo my ex isn't allowed to have sex
poo scrambling
That's a bloke with his hands that is
shahar on a mad one
new laptop has twice as much ram as my old laptopberg but for some reason it's slower
just not on, this
He's just like me
it's a weird feeling thinking about your gf's past relationships, but you can't think about it too much. it is what it is, and it's out of your control.
According to the schizophrenic retard ITT, 1 in 10 Brits - or 7 million people - are illegal immigrants who arrived last year on a small boat.
His source is: "the supermarkets"

In reality, the government figure based on actual recording of arrivals, is 19,000 people in the last year.

Laugh at the retard if you will but most of you are barely any better.
>tfw they do have language capabilities but its telepathy
>humans can never answer
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Would like to spaff on a woman's face but never found one that's up for it
Granted I've only ever asked outside Waitrose - might have more luck at Aldi
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>The guy I am dating cried when I hugged him. What is wrong with him?
Your posts aura is all fucked up
Not gonna read it
Make peace with whatever vexes you so
throw a pokeball at it
Love these cute little fucking morons
M&S lasses are proper filth
pigeonposting for the next several is it
Only ever dated virgins personally. I lure them in with ciggies booze and sweets
under no circumstances will i ever inform my gf of how many prostitutes i shagged before i met her, not even if we get married and i'm in hospice with her by my side 60 years later
feeling wankful in my ways
I bet there's poo stains in your boxers. Go check for me now.
You keep count?
mental how fit they are
Wearing a loincloth mate
You'd be safer in the presence of a wild gorilla than walking through certain parts of London at night.
How many?
I beg your pardon
columba palumbus
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>bussin low key fire fr fr on god
I sometimes post the sparrows too
yeah but it's a relatively small number, i'm not made of money
is that you lachie? i know you've probably shagged every sex worker within 100km of you
>who arrived last year on a small boat.
>His source is: "the supermarkets"
I never said telhey came on boats
Who said 7m arrived on small boats last year?
There are 7 million illegals in the UK.
Most entered legally and overstayed visas.
Plenty entered illegally but only a relatively small amount came on small boats.
I wonder whether it feels worse to have a girl to break up with you, or for circumstances to cause her to just move away
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The lads.
No I thought YOU were Lachie
First has more closure
Obviously the former
The duality of man
not the point of the question, if she knew i'd seen even a single one she might seem not to mind (she's pretty liberal but stuff like this) but she'd lock that away in her demonic foid brain to save for a chance to use against me later
i've only shagged 5 prossies btw
Retarded freaks
Go wait for Andrew Tate or Stephan Yaxley Lennon to shart out more fake news racist slop for you to gobble up and unquestioningly believe and get angry over
People like you are too stupid to be allowed to exist. In my society you'd be sent to the mines and never allowed to see sunlight again.
he's talking about the pigeons
>or for circumstances to cause her to just move away
what happens in this situation? do you just have one last fuck and then drift away amicably?
leftypol claims to be a champion of working class people but he's perfectly happy for millions of cheap foreign labour to enter and form essentially a neo-slave class fuelling the gig-economy plus he's completely fine with all that cheap labour impacting working conditions of native brits.
Gonna cry?
mad how i'm completely aware that a cleaner diet and more exercise will improve the quality of my life incredibly yet i still simply won't do it, i just won't
lil rorke on the right
Itty bitty titties create 5'3 attitudes
5'3 attitudes create sneaky links
Sneaky links create fake tan hands
Fake tan hands create itty bitty titties
shut up blud
Shrieking like a banshee at this result
shant :)
cooooo they love a bit of it
wonder if women are aware of how much us lads think about our own dicks
wonder if they have a similar fixation on the vagoos
It's workers of the world mate, not white Christian male workers of Cheadle
And no, you fucking retard, it's the left that fights for workers rights especially for gig economy workers, and the right that wants them to have no protections, low income, and to be fired at the bosses whim
What mines? They all shut in the 80s, back where your mindset is stuck Tarquin.
Yes that's pretty much it
just need a job at this point, willing to do any old shite
yeah?ing at the top of my lungs
was wondering the other day how many hours ive spent holding my knob, mad how often your hand defaults to the knob

reckon im in the 10s of thousands of hours spent
Would you consider being a janitor for an image board?
>It's workers of the world mate, not white Christian male workers of Cheadle
why do we need to allow all of the workers of the world to enter our country?
can't they stay in their country and we all fight, collectively, to improve our own countries instead?
what about leftism necessitates open borders in your mind?
weird. im with the other anon. i would want more closure than that. dont think id be able to fully invest in another relationship knowing that my previous one was never truly cut off
I don't think you realize how long 10,000 hours is
no, i need money
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had to call my family in to the bathroom for this one
you need to find an enemy to beat. that’s how i ended up becoming the sex symbol in my village
clearly not yours. american toilets have far higher water levels.
Early 2000's energy about this photo
fucking hell get the mongpoose on that one
Why is leftypol so absolutely fucking desperate to get Lucy Letby released from prison? Just because she's a woman?

Multiple articles in the likes of the Guardian and the BBC over the past few days demanding she be released.

Seems like you can literally murder babies and get away with it but if you say naughty words on the internet, you're irredeemable and must be imprisoned for years. Absolute fucking clown country.
careful lad those things are deadly and aggressive
Not so different to a loved one dying
ktwm ended up taking a live chat agent job for £10 an hour, unfathomably grim
working as a labourer next week. always had the option but avoided it because I thought it was below me but i'm getting really desperate and don't care anymore
pays 14-15 an hour though which is mental
Clearly you don't understand what is meant by workers of the world since your brain is still functioning on a "us Vs them" logic after hearing the phrase.
There is no distinction between the workers. The proletarian masses are the masses regardless of their backgrounds or location.
Unc's shit himself again!
lies and strawmen
dont think you realize how long i spend holding my knob
>There is no distinction between the workers. The proletarian masses are the masses regardless of their backgrounds or location.
but why do all the workers need to live in one place? do you not believe in the idea of separate countries existing or something?
i wouldnt mind being a janitor if our country was beautiful. but i just cannot imagine getting up to go to work as a janitor, facing the ugly world, and then having to work in it.
like imagine being a janitor in some beautiful high rise building. would be much nicer.
my enemy is diego and i already get to beat him every friday
Almost every bad situation can be met with "it sucks but you need to get over it"
Why are you so angry about polish people doing the jobs you won't do?
For me it's greatness and beauty
And that can come from the worker or the aristocrat. I think the resentful class hatred of communism sets back the pursuit of greatness terribly.
The snobbishness of reactionaries also prevents great men of humble means from rising high, so I am against that as well.

Ultimately the highest greatness and most powerful beauty has come from the White Race. So I truly believe in a meritocratic, class harmonious and racially risen nationalism to take mastery of the universe.
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>Sir Keir Starmer has refused to deny reports his government is considering banning smoking in some outdoor spaces like pub gardens.

>"We are going to take decisions in this space - more details will be revealed," he said.

same. thats why i applied to be a driver for supermarket. only need to work 3 days a week but can do extra shifts if i want. and get a 10% discount on shopping.
ban boozing
Moronic child
did you just come in a time machine from 2007? polish people don't immigrate here anymore mate. we only get indians, pakistanis and africans
sir fun banner
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hes ultimately going to come for the final bastion of the white british man, the public house
poo barming
had a cheeky maccies lunch and i feel hungrier now than i did before
Okay then, why are you so angry about Indians doing the jobs white Brits refuse to do?
Are they actively trying to kill the pub industry? Nobody asked for this
How are they going to police it anyway, forces are stretched thin anyway they're going to waste time fining people outside the pub?
because it means i have to be around them
of all the people you could choose to defend why would you pick 20-30 year old men who believe you’re an infidel and probably hate your guts? who also are lazy and criminal for the most part
something really wrong in the heads of these people
drink ginger syrup
with lemon & lime
I genuinely believe it's going to happen at some point in the next 10-15 years.

You'll see a slew of news articles and campaigning about how "harmful" alcohol is and how it's costing the NHS X billions of pounds per year.

They'll also talk about how the UK's drinking culture is "not inclusive to people of Muslim backgrounds" as an additional justification.

It will start with minimum alcohol pricing (like they have in Scotland) and plain packaging, and eventually escalate to a full-on ban of alcohol. Mark my words, it WILL happen.
Surely Rishi Sunak has enough power to put this to a vote in the Commons and defeat this bill. Reckon even most Labour backbenchers would vote against
this is why i refuse to eat maccies not even a fat cunt but i can eat 8 quids worth of food from maccies and be starving a couple hours later
how'd you swing that?
Oh okay then, so your opposition to left wing positions ultimately boils down to the fact that you're illogically racist and have hate in your heart for anything different to yourself.
How sad.
you ordered the wrong thing
why do you support corporations importing cheap labour from abroad to undercut british workers?
what a cunt. hope we have more riots. Nigel needs to speak up about two tier going after pubs
find thin poos more replusive to look at
thick poos are more wholesome
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cant even have a nice fag with your pint these days without health and safety brigade piping up meanwhile we let in trillions of inbred deformed third worlders to use our nhs
>we need balance
The balance in question: blanket ban smoking in outdoor public spaces
yes, great balance
breaking news: you can go to a pub without smoking
yeah it cost me £8.13 and was shite

double quarter pounder with cheese, chips and a coke
id sooner ban vapes than cigarettes desu
I'm not actually a bigot, I've just realised over time that mass immigration isn't good.
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>Oh okay then, so your opposition to left wing positions ultimately boils down to the fact that you're illogically racist and have hate in your heart for anything different to yourself.
>How sad.
next time get nuggets instead of fries
fries are pointless
>Are they actively trying to kill the pub industry?
Yes, I believe so.

Neoliberal progressives have some kind of grudge against alcohol, they really really do not like it or anybody who drinks it. Same with tobacco. They love weed and all the harder drugs though.

Don't really know why but there seems to be a determined effort across multiple countries in the world to stamp out drinking and smoking culture while at the same time decriminalising every other drug.

Some conspiracy theorists say its because the traditional pub is a venue for free, uncensored discussion away from the all-seeing eye that monitors you on the internet, and they don't want this to continue. There may be some truth to that.
100% cant believe how many places turn a blind eye to them puffing away indoors or obnoxiously
reckon if i were british i'd be white flighting and move either here or nz
Fact you have that image saved on your device speaks volumes
Sir Smoke Alarmer
I would be fine with it if the 'balance' was an agreement that having a fag in a pub or nightclub smoking areas were perfectly acceptable and exempt and it was only stuff like hospital smoking areas
Going directly for the jugular by not allowing anyone visiting a pub to smoke anymore is actually insane, genuinely bizarrely out of touch policy making
you must be joking
Any agoraphobic niggards in
Not as if Australia is any better off. You lot are busy deconstructing your entire national identity so as not to offend Aboriginals. Are you even allowed to celebrate Australia Day anymore?
whenever im inside of a a pub, i can't smoke
whenever im outside of a pub, i can't smoke
so smoking is just banned completely then yeah?
hospitals already said no smoking here
guess who the main outdoor smokers there are? the staff lol
Smoking is haram
pubs getting banned next, they're dangerous far right gathering hot spots
nuggets are shite here. probably better in the states
No it's not actually
not great really
>Going directly for the jugular by not allowing anyone visiting a pub to smoke anymore is actually insane, genuinely bizarrely out of touch policy making
Genuinely the only conclusion is they either want to kill the pub industry, or they simply don't care what happens to it.
hes ignored this. curious
i suppose from an authoritarian perspective you want to minimise use of stimulants and alochol while maximise people on depressants, weeed, antidepressants psychadelics and the like
anything to get the masses utterly placated or stuck inside their own head
dont want anything that encourages socialising or connection
just stand in the doorway blocking anyone from going in or out without walking through your smoke. fuck them.
i don't care what a bunch of deranged autists think about anything, at either end of the political spectrum, it's not real life and in real life nobody gives a shit except people who live in melbourne
>so smoking is just banned completely then yeah?
That's the intention, yes. Remember they passed that law which means that everyone born from 2007 onwards is never allowed to buy tobacco products. Effectively smoking IS banned, the ban is simply delayed until all pre-2007 people die off.
it really depends on whether or not they've come out of the fryer recently
if they've been sitting around for awhile they're awful
but not bad when they're hot and crispy
They'll force smokers into smoking shelters or out the front and treat beer gardens as an extension of the main no-smoking area
You'll still be able to have a pint and a fag 100% just instead of being able to do it at your table in the beer garden you'll have to go to a spot to do it
Smart pub landlords will probably just make the smoking area a mini beer garden itself
It's gonna be fine bros
Trump and RFK Jr were both flyers on Epstein's Lolita Express
>that horrible stinky habit that you do in your own home? yeah maybe don't do that in public
u were one of the most cucked countries in the world over covid
utter insanity what was happening in victoria
supine worms
an insane law
i made it through completely unvaxxed
speaking of which is someone making the new around here at some point? hurry up
Smoking should be illegal.
Get fucked freaks. Learn some self control.
does Hawaii have proper Yankee maccies? I'm going to go to Hawaii next year and want authentic maccies. Like a proper massive fuck off load of maccies that will make me overdose on salt and shit myself on the flight home
congratulations for being the exception doesnt undermine how dystopian it was
Literally nobody forces you to go into a smoking area, you dunce.

I don't smoke, never have, and I don't have any problem with it.

Why shouldn't people have the freedom to choose to smoke outside in the open air if they want?
Or, we are run by clueless school teachers who have no idea what it means to be a normal person
Honestly most politicans are absolute freaks or psychopaths
eye-rolling post
this desu only based thing kier has done so far
they should ban ridiculously high calorie meals as well at pubs and cut fat cunts benefits and put them in special weight loss camps
why not just make the entire beer garden a designated smokers area except one little table in the corner?
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>Smoking should be illegal.
>Get fucked freaks. Learn some self control.
It was only horrible and stinky when they could do it indoors
Then we told them to go outdoors and now we are telling them to fuck off from there as well despite it not being anywhere near the same level of harmfulness to others nor anywhere near as smelly
Bit ridiculous
literally nobody forces you to step on human shit, you dunce.
I don't shit on the street, never have, and I don't have any problem with it.
Why shouldn't people have the freedom to choose to shit outside on the open street if they want?
yeah except I’m not a soulless nomad unlike your forefathers
staying in England come what may
Mentally retarded post since Islam has nothing against smoking
*to the tune of Rock the Casbah*
Some pubgoers, families etc, will want to sit outside on a nice day and not be near smokers
I understand their desire and think that a provision in place to make this happen is fair, but blanket kicking smokers out of pubs is so hilariously dumb and unrealistic I can't believe they will actually go for it

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