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Large Bradley Waslh edition
didnt ask
dont care
very unsatisfying poos today
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any other good generals on 4chan

don't wanna post with you mongs any more
It is with a heavy heart I must inform you Barry Stanton has been banned from X
account was run by a yank anyway, good riddance
poor copy of the original
Whole board for you over at /lgbt/
he should leave racism to the professionals
Im pretty sure i hear he gets banned every year.

I still have twatter fatigue in all honesty. Not used twitter or reddit properly in years
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My daughter will look like this.
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>people autistically obsess over early news
>make a new thread 30 posts before bump limit
>no deletion

I have the key to janet's cock cage
mr janitor?

My horny ass could not have a daughter.
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me on the right
who's janet? yer da's alter-ego?
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Absolutely done him
might get drunk and make tiktok hyperborea agartha edits
might get drunk and make tiktok hyperborea mason order edits
Janny, you gonna let him get away with that? You gonna let this fuckin’ punk get away with that? What’s the matter with you? What’s the world coming to?
Name one thing that isn't shit
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JanJan kneels to Big Brad Cock
i'm a cuck
Alton Towers is well good
I thought keir stormer was a joke til i saw his smoking ban interview. Fuck me it's like he's just realised if you control what everybody does you can on paper make things better. We should ban alcohol and tobacco and kill anyone using them too.
as in chivalry 2? do you play it?
Don't see much of Right Said Fred any more do you

you now remember the most kino main theme song.
>We should ban alcohol and tobacco and kill anyone using them too.
this but unironically
ban viagra too. theres no reason old men need to be having sex, they had their day
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those fucking buttons
the riff at 3.30 on wheels of confusion
Women always said labour was the most painful thing in the world, now I see why!
I played some Chiv 2 over the last few months but not loads like when Mordhau or Chiv were in their hay days
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he was doing odd things
omg boobies
police interceptors
I play quite a bit, what lvl are you?
Feel like just going somewhere in Europe for a week close to Halloween kind how's Berlin that time of year?
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the system shock remake
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had a dream i was a shapeshifter and became a big shark to attack migrant boats in the channel
gay and german
been reading the song of ice and fire books. already know what happens because of game of thrones but still enjoying reading them
always love it when a blantantly obvious virgin freak brags about normal adult activities on /brit/ as if it’s some kind of win
often looks like this
>went out to the pub tonight with some lads and got drunk. you? sat in your bedroom on 4chan lol
can tell they’re genuinely proud of themselves too
a grown man reading fantasy books. reading about dragons and orcs and spells

got the in my time of dying on
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i post about my gf as encouragement.
seriously, i was a virgin a couple months ago. all it took was a kick up the bum here telling me to download a dating app. lo and behold, it worked.
if she’s a munter it does not count
not all girlfriends are created equal
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Yuh yuh.
Throw a handful of pennies at a girls face.
Call it Jewkake.
i look like a slug
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Dont know if i should push it and make an early new for my early new thread
shame about the face. not attractive imo. and way too much makeup.
holy raping hell
hate women
I'm this bloke's brother >>201579423 and I'm considered the ugly one

I managed to read the entire series when I was around 14/15 just a little bit after A Feast for Crows came out in paperback back when it was a fairly unkown series and it was super weird to me seeing a then niche fantasy series become an overnight sensation and the average normie knowing who Ned Stark or Tyrion Lannister were or what The Red Wedding was.
sitting in your smelly childhood bedroom still, yeah? x
my willy doesnt work
got no money
dont have anything to offer
shut it u fucking bender
she's fit and id give her a proper seeing to
smeganon's not gonna like this post
boring wanker award's in the post
been to a pub on about 4 occasions in my entire life and I'm 31 years old

never had a drink with my dad or anything like that either
why the fuck would you pick up a song of ice and fire? you know theyre never going to get finished don't you?
>OMG are...are those...pouches of saline that a Jewish man inserted inside a mentally ill woman after slicing her chest open?!
wonder what age the average femoid starts girlwanking these days
only time ive been to the pub was a like 2, maybe 3 time on a sunday after a dog walk with the family as a teenager. never went with mates.
>never had a drink with my dad or anything like that either
been to the pub many a time but never actually had a drink with my dad
don't really like him tbqhwy
What's it like to have a childhood bedroom? Does it feel like a safe place?
I moved around a lot as a child so I never really considered myself as having one.
why are you such a neek?
i like my dad but i’ve always viewed getting pissed as a mates thing
doing it with my dad feels awkward for some reason
who's this bint?
They're great books if you can just enjoy them for what they are and, as you point out, go in with full acceptance that you will never get closure.

I'd go so far as to say stop after the end of book 4 (the 2nd half of what is book 3 as a whole). Feast and Dance are both pretty shite
the goonerwebguy is one of the better schizoposters

much better than the gyaldem faggot
He said, after posting this
guernsey in the /'rit/
If you're paying 3 figures to watch a band play
Especially one as mediocre as oasis
You're simply a goy getting goy'd
shan't be answering if you won't even give me the dignity of a (You)
Yeah it feels great, it can also be a hindrance. My family home is pleasant, and my bedroom is so nice that I'm still at home in my late 20s because it's almost dissuading me from moving out. If I move out, it's an immediate downgrade because every rental property is complete dogshit.
>liking boobs isn't for adults
just spent £7 on soy sauce
got a double date with my mate soon
i’ve not seen him for ages and he’s hopeless with women, he’s brought me along to try to get into the woman’s friend, who is a right munter
only going out of boredom tbqh.
If you still live in your parental home in your 20s/30s you don't shag.

>um actually I just go to her place
you don't shag
ah yes the singular canadian
chinese or japanese flavour profile?
imagine posting in the shaggers general when you don't shag, couldn't be me
DO NOT go out and spend money on life experiences like a golem
DO invest it in an ESG fund
Mad that in my 30's, after spending the majority of my life online, someone can still post an image of a big fat bum or a pair of tits for the millionth time and I'll think it's amazing. Never get tired of seeing them.
for me it's indonesian sweet soy sauce (kecap)
shagging comes as a result of socialisation
most women are more desperate than you think
Beggars belief, ive got 2 spiders round the same part of the house.
One is a bit bigger and the size of a childs hand.

One in the bathroom right next to the sink.
The other on the wall by the stairs.
Literally cant avoid them
can't even imagine what it's like to shag
>flavour profile
nonce alarm going wild
buy me book lads
>One is a bit bigger and the size of a childs hand.
hoovered one of these up earlier in the week
these are the survivors of the summer
need taking out
it’s brilliant craic
i’ve done loads of drugs but none compare to shagging a fit woman
On the lemon Fanta like I'm on holiday in Majorca in 1998
bilingual welcome sign at the Jersey airport, in English and Jerriais
*humps you*
flavour profiling a poo
They've got their own language over there?
which app? not having much luck with tinder

dunno like below level 15 probably, i installed and had this issue with launching it and then didnt play it for 6 months.
Actually we're in Jersey and she's speaking Jerriaiais, Rorké
>talk about savings, that any 26 year old should have
>talk about cooking
oh that's alright, lets talk about poo and trannies then, i love posting in /britfeel/
rorke never recovered from that incident with the woman speaking welsh on the bus
I'm not social at heart really
Nice guy but I'm not what women want
I'm just kinda weird
I could yet fluke a long term partner but idk
rattling a poo
you need to be saving money so you can spend your 50s and 60s... uhh... not doing anything?
get the karts smashed
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settlement in the Minquiers Islands, part of the Jersey Bailiwick

>In 1998, some French 'invaded' the Minquiers on behalf of the 'King of Patagonia' in 'retaliation' for the British occupation of the Falkland Islands.[2][11] The Union Jack was restored the next day.[12]
aye go on then
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Feel like shit, want are rog back
pooing a tranny
Why don't I just spend my 20's and 30's doing nothing and then work in my 60's and 70's?
Same difference really
Keir wants to give it them back
Where is he???
I'm almost lvl 900, you should stomp a lobby with me
>imagine posting in the shaggers general when you don't shag, couldn't be me
I do actually just go to her place or meet in hotels, rarely get birds near me
bummed within an inch of his life, strangled, then thrown in the thames
Girls can tell
bummed to death by keith starmer and jimmy savile
for me it's not working during my 20s/30s and then simply ending my own life when things become intolerable
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women hate me.
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Incredibly dimeless parliament building
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having filthy chemsex with diego in a flat above the londis on dagenham high street
but why? think of the uninhabited rocks...
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Used to genuinely seethe over this lad being on posters all over Manc when he's clearly been dead for years, feel bad for him now though
I'll be a 35 year old virgin in less than a month lads
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open the fucking pubs
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Sometimes I'll be going about my day and randomly think of Bellsprout
Congrats. What age are you going for the prostitute route? Before 40?
bizarre thing to seethe about
when your nan voted brexit what she was voting for, knowingly, was a five-fold increase in non-EU immigration

she knew that's what would happen and that's why she voted brexit. To suggest she voted brexit because she wanted "immigrants out" or less immigration is, quite fundamentally, racist and not what your nan wanted
>If only you knew how bad things really are
what happened to make you this way
tell me this bint's name you faggot
40 year old virgin was meant to be fiction. it was a joke.
not exactly a hot take but is absolutely mind blowing how the simpsons is still going when it got embarrassingly bad in season 10
any episode from the last 15 years is outright demonic
widespread use of the word nan makes all your countrymen sound like babies. very infantile world
my nan is irish diaspora, she voted remain
salaryberg arriving to save my life in approximately 4 hours
When I was six I ate a bag of plums
misgendering a poo
yeah you're probably more familiar with naan bread
bizarre how they arrested two suspects for kidnapping when they kid literally just took off from his house and went to another city
can't wait for that 4.2k to land in the old bankbergowitz
i can move the 2k that's already in there straight into the isa to start growing
why do a bunch of onlyfans whores come on /brit/ to advertise?
my nan sits in her chair all day and shout the n-word at the tv whenever a black person is on an advert or homes under the hammer
Don't think anyone actually says nan, think it's a middle-class trying to sound working-class thing
she has a queen of spades tattoo and a white husband....
Why are millions spent on cases like Maddie McCann and Andrew Gosden but when random people get murdered with no news covered they send one incompetent police offer to "have a quick look"?
always been gran in my family
mental post that, won't be replying
marge's voice actress' voice sounds like razor blades
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this is the type of cringe shit you can get away with saying to black queens when you're a white guy

what should I reply with lads?
High-profile cases like those of Madeleine McCann and Andrew Gosden receive substantial resources and media attention for several reasons:

Public Interest and Media Coverage: These cases often capture significant public and media attention, which can lead to increased pressure on law enforcement and government agencies to allocate more resources. The widespread coverage keeps the cases in the public eye, prompting continued investigation efforts.

Unusual Circumstances: Both cases involve unusual or mysterious circumstances that make them more complex to solve. For example, Madeleine McCann's disappearance from a holiday apartment in Portugal and Andrew Gosden's sudden vanishing after leaving home for London are perplexing and have many unresolved elements, prompting prolonged investigations.

Potential Leads and International Involvement: The complexity and international dimensions of cases like Madeleine McCann's, which involved multiple countries and jurisdictions, can necessitate more extensive investigations, including cooperation with foreign police forces, which increases costs.

In contrast, cases that don't receive much media attention or public interest often have fewer resources allocated. Factors influencing this include:

Perceived Simplicity or Local Impact: If a case appears straightforward or is perceived to be an isolated incident with no broader impact or complexity, it might not receive the same level of resources.

Resource Allocation and Prioritization: Police departments often have limited resources and must prioritize cases based on available information, perceived solvability, and community impact. Unfortunately, this can mean that some cases receive less attention than others.

Media Influence: The media plays a significant role in shaping public perception and priorities. When cases don't get coverage, there is less public pressure for police to allocate extensive resources, often resulting in minimal investigation efforts.
wasn't worth posting the first time
Racism or something
mums side was nanny, dads side is grandma
they both chose what they wanted to be called which I think is nice
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>Don't think anyone actually says nan, think it's a middle-class trying to sound working-class thing
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this is what I was replying to
rorkes lair unmasked
that's a guy, cat fish. it's a common line used in cat fishing.
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do yanks really "sit out on the porch"?
>oh hells yeaaa
That should do the trick
just spent 3 figures on food
i mean, not even mid, but get your end away lad
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>Is this person dead? Yep they are dead. Case closed.
>Where is this person? Dunno, lets investigate.
Not hard is it

Modern Britain.
Modern Brit
I'm 36
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it's over for sorke

pic related
installer window for the software i'm downloading popped up just as I hit enter to make a post and cancelled itself
sick of it all, reckon there's a grand conspiracy to make my life as annoying and mildly unpleasant as possible
I'm talking about the investigation into the murder, even if the victim is known to be dead. One case gets £5 million fund the other gets shelved.
The fruits of unrestricted mass immigration!
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looks like a shit place to live because you would get cramped in that little house. i dont know how big the island is but it looks too small to go on walks.
leftyhole on a mad one
revving up the new
gonna be an early beddingtons for me I reckon

no point in being awake really. Friday tomorrow so a spot of steamingtoil on the cards then perhaps
Bought at auction by a Bangladeshi businessman to turn into an 8-room HMO
My IQ is easily at least 160
get it fucking made
the janny is a spineless wimp
Just make a new for every post then
Corr that's higher than that Aussie lad and that mensa lad!
Give us a wisdom
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the last attempt by France to seize Jersey was during the American Revolution, they were soundly defeated and drowned in the channel

when Germans occupied during WW2, they built fortifications that remain standing to this day. the Channel Islands were the only de jure part of Britain occupied. Armed resistance to the occupiers was non existent
the bum makes the poo,
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sir ganga farmer
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What's the usecase for /brit/?
Mad that.
bumfluff like this should be a war crime
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>the last attempt by France to seize Jersey
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If they want to come to Britain say okay and then send them to South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
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the new
My shins hurt
Sir New Poster
>doesn't have Belgium filtered
Mad that.
you a big fat lad?
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ah yyes ijll joost buy some poockets to oasis for 100 y not keir the grate nu timeline england is saved
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lad's sat there in his windies shirt and claiming to be the 'pride of britain' lol
i look like this however i do not say this
And I'm lonesome when you're around
And I'm never lonesome when I'm by myself

And I miss you when you're around
And I miss you when you're around
And I miss you when you're around
Mad how povvos in America have houses that are larger and have more land attached than "well off" "middle class" people could dream of in England
The pride of Britain was always black people
poo peer kier
suffering in America is a choice
for me it's spag bog where the base sauce is made from diarrhoea
shaved my shaft in case I get a shag tomorra
No cap kinda freaky how this Rocket league pro i thought was a boomer compared to everyone else but he was only like 2 years older than me and hes already gotten fat

You've never supped a pint in your life
had more pints than you've had hot dinners sunshine
Can't believe the fat neek is banning smoking in pub gardens
japanese nurses with enormous breasts
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what for
any news on this?
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Elizabeth my sweet, could you fetch me my jumper please?
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don't know
ding ding
i posted me drinking a beer with my dog in the garden in my shithole 1960s rental and people were genuinely shocked by my garden size kek
then again your house doesnt have asbestos in it and mine does so
Just painted a coin's chart red
It was up 9x from my entry
But i was a whale, a large shareholder if you will
Lost 10-12% in slippage while selling
So like, $600
Got only 8x
Maybe I shouldn't have sold
Note to self: don't trade when tired
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17 years ago
So he would be 31 now
BREAKING: Labour set to ban package holidays, ITV and "anything else poor white people like"
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I'm gonna cum
you posted that in response to me I think, it was twice the size of my garden but half the size of my grandparents'
we are getting poorer with every generation
well done, maths certificate is in the post
a few years ago I cleared out an old barn and there was about an inch thick layer of dust in the loft area, swept it out without thinking much but later found out it was almost entirely asbestos and rat shite
reckon i've got a grisly painful death coming in a few decades time
Are you guys all monolingual? Be honest. I'm so tired of being a monolingual brainlet
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die heathernonce
isn't that kid in coronation street now?
yeah tbf this house will get bought at some point, knocked down, subdivided and turned into two gardenless units for old people or indians
we're just a decade or so behind, you're world leaders as usual
he would have been posting here if he was alive today
My tweet with this webm went viral and United white chud twitter and kara boga black twitter into hating this woman. It even got published in I can has cheezburger
ding ding ding
Like how they assume he got a haircut but kept the same glasses
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stopped wearing deodorant and after a few hours my own body scent smells quite peng but reckon there's a fine line before smelling bad
new thread
what the hell are you playing at?
my garden is quite big compared to most as well, as I live in NORF england
my grandparents' garden was massive because the house was tiny and they bought it in the 60s when their village was a tenth of the size
my grandad was like that aussie family who refused to sell a strip of land for $60m
He'd probably be bald now
early that, very early, can't post in that can I
what is he thinking
janny AWAKES
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this thread was also disgustingly early mr janitor sir
Janowitz on a mad one
nice one spaino, got that one deleted
loooool get in
still to early for me, gonna have to stay here
Mornin' janny. How's it going?
it is so nice to see him having fun :)


Post-310 too
Get him janny
he's simply not having it
*snaps fingers*
real new
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i support janny deleting early news but also support the lads spamming news to annoy janny
pack it in you cretin

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