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/brit/ acknowledges the
Traditional Posters and Custodians of the threads
on which this thread was produced
too right
not the fucking w_gs or the p_kis that reckon they own the fucking country
the fucking english that run this fucking island
hate myself
hate how my life turned out
feel ashamed to show my face anywhere
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>when he whips out the HDMI cable
Arachnophile FREAK
elon promising free speech until it cost him money
imbibing an almond adjacent drink
At this point, I believe the only non-partisan issue that has united everyone on X is making fun of India. I've seen it from the right, from the left and from centrists. I've never seen a singular topic like this before.

Stacked on top of each other, I saw someone from the far left and someone from the far right both posting about India exactly the same on my FYP.
All the tech workers who told coal miners “learn to code” are being replaced by Indian workers in unprecedented numbers. Moderates and liberals see it. It impacts them personally. And they resent it.
but what if my netflix box is connected by hdmi
might just get back on the drugs
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why dont shitskins from the bbc have to acknowledge the traditional custodians of britain
I'd subscribe to netflix for 'rena
go on then
you only live once as it were
It's not really a cope, I don't feel strongly about it either way. To esablish if bullies go on to live happier lives we have to esablish who actually was a bully in school.
gf has yet to invite me around to hers tomorrow night
what's going on? we usually meet every friday
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people are just too sensitive
Indian racism is becoming acceptable because it's a brown race that even middle class lefty libs can't avoid and pretend are actually innocent little angels. It would be socially acceptable to hate every black/brown race if middle class people had to interact with them on a daily basis.
Konnichiwa, one chicken katsu bake arigato gozaimasu
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Every ancient culture in the world believed in dragons, ghosts, spirits, magic, and supernatural forces.
How have you established
>it's a common cope for bullying victims to claim bullying is a good thing
which you said with such confidence and is the only point of this discussion
if by your own metrics this is unproven, unfalsifiable nonsense that you said just to feel better about yourself then theres no reason to continue
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I never said that, was a different anon
i had 5 days off opiates for a tolerance break
popped just 60mg of dhc today and feel marvellous
sounds peng, is it peng?
You're busy trying to work a job and get sex
I'm busy at home all day as a meet reading the deepest corners of Elder Scrolls lore and documenting it for personal reference
We are not the same
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Vile. Genuinely vile.
If you dont have an Anglo-Saxons folder you need to fuck off because youre brown/jewish/french and dont belong here.
love the get intellectually obliterated then claim you're a different person act because you're too narcissistic to even feel wrong on an anonymous forum for 80IQ autistics
bunch of superstitious fools
sugoi, nihongo jouzu...
for me it's teriyaki chicken umai sugoiii
sir peer reviewer
>*nervously clears throat*
h-hello everyone
my name's Tyler and I'm a redditoholic
racism towards indians is fine because they have a caste system so if you're a middle class lefty you're only making fun of working class scum
Which beer should I get drunk on tonight?
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someorinarygamers got so triggered he left twitter
text her in the morning and ask what she wants for tea tell her you will pick a takeaway on your way over
only ancient cultures you're familiar with are the ones breeding on your mum's unwashed feet
If bullying is just cruel and sadistic it's wrong but if someone needs to be taken down a peg it's acceptable
i'm not who you're replying to but you were obviously bullied and this is your little cope
>a-actually it was a good thing i was bullied!
if it makes you feel better bullies are usually just the runty middling kids who got smacked around by their stepdads and wanted to pick on the loser spacks like you to feel more powerful
just sad now mate
Killian's Irish Red
Prefer Kirin to Asahi but it's hard to find unless you go to an East Asian specialty store
I dont get it. Why are all those plates of food just sat in a corridor and what pleasure is she getting from touching them with her dirty feet?
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Yeah it's just a coincidence that everyone believed in the same things which are totally not real, everything is just atoms my dude
sir sneed feed
lads ive tried my hardest to not be racist all week but i can feel the biggest hard r extravaganza building up inside me
What is dhc?
tummy is full of booze and all sorts of rancid muck
going to be pooing it all out tomorrow i suspect
incredibly dry
low trust society
that is what we have become
in Japan they have vending machines by the side of remote roads in the middle of nowhere
they aren't even electrified, they just ask you to put your money in a pot

High trust society
Globalisation and mass immigration has made us low trust

Don't like it desu
friend used to say the n-word while playing video games
was very cringe even at the time. you could tell that he'd move his mic closer to his mouth before saying it so he could say it without his parents hearing it
blog on alkie
it's not a coincidence, humans are fearful and superstitious, simple as, what do you think is more likely that all those gods and deities exist in some form or that man invented all of them?
I'm a celt-pict chad you anglo-saxon immigrants can fuck off, JFs OUT
im a brown jewish french person and i will stay here and rule like my norman and jewish ancestors
listening to fucking bhenchod bitch brexit fucking bowie bastard
Almost like we're the same species and despite variations, our brains are hardwired to react the same way on average to a given input
Don't remember any real racial tensions at my high school except a lot of the Asians hung out together in a group of only Asians, even though they were from different ethnicities.

Some of the Asians only hung out with whites though.
indians harass and steal from elderly people inside their own homes, it's understandable why people hate them
>Dihydrocodeine is a semi-synthetic opioid analgesic
its just a mild opiate like regular codeine
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I actually like coffee that post in the last thread was just a joke
corr would love to go over there and steal from those machines
going to shag an irish bird this weekend
you've been thoroughly done here lad
gonna cry to the teacher?
deegs on the booze again
fat cunt
Pissing me right off with these posts
we used to be high trust, sad. but at least landlords are richer
if i die before i wake
at least in heaven i can skate
Absolutely SICK of being me
My 'significant' revelation that proves what Palace sources have been telling me - Harry is 'desperate' for a reconciliation with the royals
Being a slave to dopamine per usual

life in a nutshell
why's she putting her feet on those plates of food when she could put them in my mouth
just find black women more attractive than whites
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https://www.psychologytoday com/intl/blog/the-bullied-brain/202402/why-are-bullies-popular-brain-science-can-explain

>bullies have higher self-esteem and social status, as well as lower rates of depression and social anxiety
aka the 'bullies are just sad little runts who have worse stuff going on at home' cope is a fiction made up by television and film
>Childhood adverse experiences have been consistently documented to engender persistent changes in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis reactivity to chronic stress.
bullying victims are stressed out for life, even in adulthood they have worser stress responses, bullies on the other hand are calmer and more successful even into adulthood when compared to the norm (someone who wasn't bullied and didn't bully)

its not hard to look this stuff up, i encourage you to do so because its extremely well documented that bullies are just happier and that bullying people makes you healthier, more popular etc. (on average of course). The bullies being sad on the inside trope is just made up by sympathetic adults trying to make runts who get bullied feel better
find latina women more attractive than whites
just something about them
thesis due at 4 tomorrow. fucked it a bit still got to write half of it
I heard they're banning sausage rolls next
Absolutely SICK of being
Migrant hotel
Just another sign of this country's racism
and then im throwing dice in the alley
officer leroy comes up and hes like
hey i thought i told you
and im likeyeahwhatever
should be prosecuted for that
no you dont
evil trollops
oh right that is pretty funny if true
need a hobby
any suggestions?
I was sympathising with you a lot when I was reading this post then I saw >>201587907 and I started SCREAMING
always GUFFAW when people asterisk how good Singapore is with "yeah but it's so strict though :/"

that's why it's good battyclart
certain people are fucking animals and need to be kept on a tight short leash
what's the most serious topic ever discussed on /brit/?

Has anyone's life ever materially improved due to their /brit/ usage?
Need off the dopamine train
Should be shot
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sausage roll tax raid
cuddling my dog
Yanks and their obsession with always making money and working.
So why do bullies pick on people?
How many people from your school are dead or in prison? One kid I knew is serving 16 years for raping a 90 year old woman after a night out
Dopamine is an essential neurotransmitter
four out of date starburst from the back of the cubberd down the hatch
learned behaviour
look at that nigger leg in the first frame of image
Catberg's his his teenage years, he no longer wants to sit with me on the computer. He'd rather go out shagging and killing birds
Lads, maybe Peter Hitchens was right
one lad killed himself that I know of. haven't heard of any going to prison
state your case lad
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>One kid I knew is serving 16 years for raping a 90 year old woman after a night out
obviously you have to speak in broad strokes but its just because its a self-rewarding act
it makes them feel better, so they do it
that we've known for ages, but what's been further documented is that it isnt because they are sad, its just they like being happier than they already are
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>One kid I knew is serving 16 years for raping a 90 year old woman after a night out
obamna trooned out
white women are horrible and vindictive whereas black women are nice and kind
>Media producers
Although my work can be copied infinitely, its production is not possible without reimbursement

Yeah but like think of it as a loaf of bread bro
I'll be real with you lad
The DAY that Sixth Form ended I deleted my Facebook, changed the PW to some random autogenerated shit so I couldn't get back in, and then never looked back.
Haven't had contact with a single one of them since.
Except once 2 years ago when I bumped into black one and he was a homeless.

Fucking despied secondary school. Worst part of your life if you aren't popular.
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Absolutely love life and everything i love you all i love the memes i love the culture I LOVE IT ALL
*nasal virgin voice*
So why do bullies pick on people?
have a look at yourself/ves
>raping a 90 year old woman after a night out
you didn't happen to receive this information from a friend who was taking the piss?
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This one guy (guy means bloke or chap) with whom I went to high school got permamnent brain damage from doing too much ecstasy.
what really is that what happens to them
>deleted my Facebook, changed the PW to some random autogenerated shit
If you deleted your Facebook then why would there still be a password
He was walking home after a night out, knocked on a random door, an old woman answered and he raped her right there. He was always a little shit but I didn't imagine he'd do something like that.
Sewn him up in a hammock and buried that cunt at sea.
rorke taking a flint and steel to the wooden platform while shouting "POO BARMER" at the top of his lungs
Isn’t it interesting Islam banned alcohol and has seen basically no positive effects on a civilizational basis. This suggests Puritanism on this sort of thing is probably less effective than people think.
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They got Barry. It took millions of Indians on social media to stop one man. Crazy
thinking about how heavenly the female form is
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hate the world but love life
not miserable at all but also look at the world and think its mental and way worse than it could be
just gotta get along init
when you deactivate it if you log back in it reactivates. used to be how it worked at least
On facebook if you deactivate and then log in with your old password, it simply reactivates the account as if nothing had happened

I changed it to a PW I wouldn't remember so there was a 0% chance of getting back in.
exposed yourself as a socialmedialess incel
how sad
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love this image
16 years for giving an old bat the night of her life, Starmer must step in
the benefits were negated by permitting and even encouraging inbreeding
>got permamnent brain damage from doing too much ecstasy.
So what's your excuse
>Catberg's his his teenage years, he no longer wants to sit with me on the computer. He'd rather go out shagging and killing birds
Don't you mean slaying birds?
They just drink behind closed doors or they do drugs and buggery.
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Accidentally clicked on the /lgbt/ banner and was greeted with this sight.
get the niggers housed (in minecraft)
pre-islam mesopotamia boozed and was one of the earliest empires now look at the state of it
Barry Stanton tweeted nigger 50 times in a row and said other races smelled bad.
Not really sure what his exact purpose was.

It's like he was satirising something but then became it.
Bloody weird chap.

Call me a Pajeet if you must. I'd bet my bottom dollar I'm 10 times more racist than anyone ITT.
Deactivate isn't the same as delete thoughever, and there is a delete option
what's the little smurf fella doing?
This isn't really a serious thread because people can just poo at will over any post, or make offensive remarks to deter genuine discussion for comedic effect
If you want to evoke feels or serious discussion you have to be subtle about it. Shan't be happening with that flag
>I changed it to a PW I wouldn't remember so there was a 0% chance of getting back in
Bro has never heard of being able to reset his password...
is that an ad for a knock-off smurfs game
Pajeets are extremely racist so I believe you
well idk it was 10 years ago lad
clearly not the original barry account who tweeted about foreners etc.
probably a yank
vamos muchachos
>you didn't happen to receive this information from a friend who was taking the piss?
No, I found the news article confirming it.
Lockdown... what a time that was...
I went with michelob golden light
the news was taking a piss
This one time this Aussie was talking about going to a chip shop and being scared they'd judge him for ordering too much food or something, so he didn't end up getting what he actually wanted

that sounded really serious
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It wasn't even funny though.
>Hate the jooz. simple as
Trying his best to sound like a retard but saying something he actually believes.
Just queer.
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Rorkes whip
stone cold classic
should rewatch evangelion sometime
Are you retarded my nigga, I dislike Islam but many philosophers and mathematicians came out from the Islamic golden ages in Iraq, Syria, Central Asia and the Iberian states. Religion doesn’t really effect civilization if that civilization can adapt the religion, the only religion I can think of that’s hindered a group of people is probably Brahmins Hinduism which forces you to eat a veggie diet and makes you stuck in your cast.

Unlike Christianity and Islam where nobility can be earned and even surpassed by mere slaves, I.e. Mamluks, Generals, Knights Popes etc coming from slave families
He's eyeing up that flower.
>I'd bet my bottom dollar I'm 10 times more racist than anyone ITT
Huge claim, I need to see evidence.
"black men were 2.4 times as likely to be arrested as white men" in England and Wales.
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>the troon on /ita/ is on a samefagging walltexting rampage again
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>No, I found the news article confirming it.
>Chinese Children
i'm not familiar with your ethnic homeland but its probably a lot different to how it is in the west. for example in yankland apparently boys get bullied if their dicks arent cut or summat idk

>bullying victims are stressed out for life, even in adulthood they have worser stress responses
yeah because bully victims are archetypal autistic spergs, if they're ostracised in childhood they're likely to be ostracised in adulthood and feel bad.

>The bullies being sad on the inside trope
the "trope" exists because it's a real phenomenon that's been observed by most people
the only exception would be private schools or elite grammars, where the bullies usually are chads and go on to be rich and successful. but for most schools the bullies are losers who go on to be unsuccessful.
dont they get a high from those hooka pipes?
>Newport crown court heard Dixon began randomly knocking on doors at 4am on 24 May as he walked home from a party.When a woman in her dressing gown opened her front door, Dixon forced his way into her home
What's a woman in her 90s doing answering the door at 4am, what a silly old bat
rorke junior on the ropes
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how is this funny
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>doesn’t really effect
but 10 times more likely to commit crimes
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Bongiorno, mi chiamo Bruce. Bruce Ketta
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What ancient empire did cats come from?

>11 years old
>same height as grown men

what the fuck are they feeding these kids
>the "trope" exists because it's a real phenomenon that's been observed by most people
you're just saying things you wish to be true with absolutely nothing to back it up while poking holes in the minutiae of the litany of evidence for you being wrong
gonna start reading my first book in, what, 10, 15 years?
already tried but got bored on the 1st page. my attention span is ruined. gonna force myself to read it.
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mamma mia!!
This real? tf
>arresting kids
sir child harmer
>aka the 'bullies are just sad little runts who have worse stuff going on at home' cope is a fiction
Eh, the bullies in my school mostly ended up in prison, a grave or as deadbeat losers paying child support. And I mean the proper bullies who used to assault and steal, not just the lads who bantered. Kids with a real nasty streak usually end up in a bad place because that behaviour stops being excused when they're no longer minors.
elden ring vibes
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Do you get it? >>201588934
>After the attack, the woman, 91, was found by police shaking in the hallway and still clutching her telephone. She stayed in hospital for two weeks before being transferred to a care home. The woman was later unable to return to her home, which she had lived in since she was a child.
mad how they inform the press illegally so they can try get the kids identity, dox him and ruin the family's life
just this image will have him doxxed and they know it
italians really be like "ciao"
heh :)
me on the right
>1/3 of all people are Indian or Chinese
mad that
and that doesn't even include Indian and Chinese derivatives (Pakistan/Bangladesh/Vietnam/Taiwan)
>deadbeat losers paying child support
fuck off yank lmao
as if i needed more proof you're just raised on television and all the shit you've 'seen' is from TV shows written by jewish bullyng victims
(ca)r(t)hage of course
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Bruce Ketta? Ti stavamo cercando.
Coi saluti di Don Corleone
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why did you squash stepan
and neither can put an even half-decent 11 out for a game of footy
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this is a very common zogbot phenotype,
the square headed manlet with the features all squished together
what phenotype is it? some sort of irish?
yep, that's the one
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This is very serious, Barry
Get them all housed on an archipelago in the northern Atlantic
We now have direct confirmation of a disruptor in our midst, one who has acquired an almost messianic reputation in the minds of certain citizens. His figure is synonymous with the darkest urges of instinct, ignorance and decay. Some of the worst excesses of the Cheadle Incident have been laid directly at his feet. And yet unsophisticated minds continue to imbue him with romantic power, giving him such dangerous poetic labels as the One English Man, the Opener of the Way.

Let me remind all citizens of the dangers of magical thinking. We have scarcely begun to climb from the dark pit of our species' evolution. Let us not slide backward into oblivion, just as we have finally begun to see the light. If you see this so-called Rorke, report him. Civic deeds do not go unrewarded. And contrariwise, complicity with his cause will not go unpunished.

Be wise. Be safe. Be aware.
Please don't give me a (you) I'm suffering from inflation
the state of your cope, you've been utterly done lad
effortlessly debunked your flimsy chinese-made "evidence" with common sense and logic
you've got nothing
love this lil nigga he's such a vibe
bau bau micio micio
the yaxley-lennon
bet that redhead bint with the problem glasses is pure FILTH
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Buongiorno, hai visto il mio amico Bruce? Il mio nome è Aaron. Aaron Cheeny
I want to cum inside Morgana!
>aunt's a cleaner
>she had some arab client who said he had to have a picture taken of him in a bubble bath to prove he was on holiday to his boss and asked if she would assist
>she ran out of the house

mad what women have to go through
she was borderline in tears speaking to mumberg
always thought spitalfields was a bit grim name wasn't it but apparently spital doesn't mean leprosy in english like in sweden
kek im sorry you got bullied as a kid mate but you're not gunna convince anyone here that it isnt good by just seething and repeatedly claiming victory with nothing to show for it
child support exists in the UK mate, we just call it maintenance instead
She sucked him off and regretted it
got to go to court because I had a ciggie in a beer garden and called someone she when their pronouns are they/them lads
It's not the original account
The original account was satire and got suspended long before Musk took over
The recent account was someone who just took over the name and clearly was a different person. It seemed they were full on racist and used the Barry Stanton account as an excuse to say it's actually satire
You'll get fucking shanked for calling a Viet a Chinese derivative mate
whats the police version of a barrack bunny
I soon fear that having high metabolism will soon be discriminated against in the US
Everyone here is so fucking fat
it just isn't funny
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Can't think of any reason why Keir would be doing what he's doing aside from his Jewish relations
dey is doe
dat is wat dey be
sidewalks exist in the uk we just call them pavements
doesnt mean you cant tell someone is a yankified mong who grew up on television from the usa when they say shit like trunk or sidewalk
pretty common among kids especially the spackers, wouldnt be surprised if the bullying victim that said it was pretty young cause hes obviously still very upset about it
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Bruce Ketta? È con il Signore
truncheon clunger
Station slut?
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love her
Uh huh yeah and what have they done for the past 1000 years?
scotland yard skank
Oh yeah keep forgetting about that
hes a jewish bolshevik that hates britain and the british people because theyre too resistant to his ideology
you gotta understand that (most) political ideologues put their utopian ideas above people
him and his ilk will happily replace (and are doing so right now) the british people with 60-80IQ shitskins that are far easier to manipulate and control
theres an above 0% chance he gave her the saudi special (poo on her chest)
if I see that cunt in charente it's going down
male models should resemble the average bloke not a 6'5 androgenous anorexic african
thought she chucked herself on the train tracks
catberg singing a song
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Baton rider? Handcuff tester? Miss Darbie
Nobody wants to see you on a catwalk mate
Fuck off
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that is the average bloke now
reckon political parties shouldn't be allowed to do anything they don't put in their manifesto. if they had to be honest and say they're going to put taxes up and ban smoking they'd all actually have to get their heads down and put a proper plan together to sort this country out
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>white people

I've worked with many Indian women, but never found one attractive
Don't need to sign your posts mate
you read some hadiths (or ahadith to use the arabic plural prefix) though and it's mad the islamic golden age was even possible in the first place

There's one that says if your Emir steals your wealth and flogs your back, as long as he prays to Allah you cannot rise up and rebel against him.
Which makes the Pakis crying about their government utterly unislamic, not that they'd even know the illiterate retards.
Golden Age of Islam seems like a happy accident when you put the Quran and Hadiths in front of you.
This is such a lame insult
Black willards are peng to be fair
If I were a woman it wouldn't be a difficult decision
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What do british people think about Lily Allen ?
Bitch was active when i still used AOL and got my girlfriends from knuddels chat. I like SMILE and LITTLEST THINGS.... however she has become an unshaved leftwinged BBC sucking hoe ? what is her legacy ?
Islam yer ma's cunt
I know you are but what am I
why would i make a post that only included my signature?
think on you dense sack of shit, growing a brain good start
yeah mate you seem really emotionally invested in this i wonder why
i'm sure there are therapists you can pay to help you cognitively reframe your childhood bullying instead of trying to bore us with your tedious cope
your bullies don't think about you at all btw
A garbage man
Yea you're a real funny guy man and that was a really interesting story, very cool.
*walks away*
Stupid fucking bitch, HATE her!
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boomer women got to grow up in this and they're response was
>Ernie, get the niggers housed, it's the right thing to do!
>watching the champions league draw with dadberg earlier
>he had no idea what was going on cause he left school at 14
>after getting frustrated he called it woke and left the room

does he think that word has magic powers or something
utterly bizarre
Sent that freak flying into the lockers
Would kind of want to join the army reserve but my family would disown me as we’re Irish Catholics
dumb slag
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did you know Theon Greyjoy is her brother and her song Alfie is about him?
Agus an bean ghorm
yeah that happened
remember when she said the producers of game of thrones asked her to be in it and get touched up by her brother's character and then her brother came out and said the story was utter bollocks and she made it up

why would she lie about that?
you slumber, a cucumber
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Doing a mage playthrough of Morrowind
Resisted enchanting daedric tower shield with a machine gun fire/frost/reflect effect, I think balance is an important part of enjoying a game
and a blue woman?
why would you want to be a zogbot traitor to not only your people but your host country?
blog on
Any thoughts on losing your virginity this year
drunk man outside going UUGH UUGH UUGH
you mean the guy who literally lost his Bratwurst ? but he was brave against that blue eyed undead zombies to fair
makes me feel like a hard man and would like to get weapons trained
stood outside going UUGH UUGH UUGH
Was doing a Nord Battlemage playthrough but gave up last year because i find the game incredibly boring
boomer ass goldeneye graphics game

Try not to google translate it, just straight up google
can now benchpress 43kg lads
pack it in!
just lift weights and learn a martial art and aslong as you're above 170cm you could probably bash 80% of blokes heads in within 2 years
Was talking to dadberg then about paedo rings and stuff
Bro is learning martial arts to beat people up, who hurt him man...
you're allowed to count the bar you know
i understand the words without google translate, very basic gaelige
agus = and
an bean gorm = blue woman
so can my nan
you say the total not what you put on each side
shut the hell up
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Yeah thought I might join the local tabletop games group and get rogered up the arse
Can lift my whole 65kg / 10.4 stones body up in a door frame using my fingers
What's that like a crate of birra moretti
already lifting
like guns n that though
how do you pronounce that in english letters
Why would you choose a Nord for Battlemage
>if i samefag, i win!

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