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dog schlop edition
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i was an xl bully
all about the fucking money isn't it
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Do you lads seriously just dab a bit of dried tissue paper on your bum and carry on with your day? It doesn't clean anything, you must leave skidmarks in your underwear constantly
don't think bulliedbumholelad will recover from that
he's squirming in his crusty poo chair as we speak lol
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>crusty poo chair
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alri bulliedbumholelad
cant tell which side of the argument anyone is on now
or what the argument is about
spotty bint
you just know she has BO problems
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>he's squirming in his crusty poo chair as we speak lol
i doubt it!
Everyone's just laughing at pooeybulliedbumhole lad who wipes his arse with wet wipes.
Me neither, didn't see the original post but some lad has decided that it was incredibly funny
So Sally can wait
She knows it's too late
As we're walking on by
are you american?
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Do you have what it takes?
I use wet wipes, but the person who came up with the funniest insult is the obvious winner here.
mate you're the butt of that joke

or should i say, bum of the joke. as in bulliedbumhole ahahah
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looool hello bulliedbumholelad
Yeah, my mate has a skip.
We're laughing at you mate
You were seething about wetwipebumholelad posting bradders in the last thread
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its always brown people who dont use toilet paper and theyre the smelliest homos of all so im inclined to side with paper
you reckon
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>ummmm akshually
bulliedbumhole lad is NOT happy
kek barry stanton is back on twitter already
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alri bulliedbumholelad, got a crusty bullied bm today?
Actually hilarious that they've decided the best strategy to beat Trump is to keep Kamala's mouth shut and rely on the fact that she's a woman of colour and not Trump to win the election
rorke's mum fastidiously washing his skidmark stained boxers
leftypol meticulously applying lemon scented bum wipes to clean his bottom
>n-n-n-no were laughing at you not me!
bulliedbumhole lad trying to laugh along with the lads
is it ACTUALLY hilarious?
Explanation for those who have just arrived: He's called bulliedbumhole lad because he was bullied in school and wipes his arse with wet wipes.
barry stanton is speaking on twitter live and he sounds like a young fella from somewhere up north
Brit cornholio
Explanation for those who have just arrived: He's called bulliedbumholelad because he was bullied in school and has a crusty pooey bumhole.
Because maybe
You're gonna be the one that saves me
And after all
You're my wonderwall
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>Explanation for those who have just arrived: He's called bulliedbumhole lad because he was bullied in school and wipes his arse with wet wipes.
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>Explanation for those who have just arrived: He's called bulliedbumholelad because he was bullied in school and has a crusty pooey bumhole.
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Feeling a bit wild, a 2nd cuppa green tea is on the way... this sober life is really something
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the descending order of arse cleaning techniques is shower > bidet > bum wipes > tissue paper > bog water > indian
he's on a bradone
'Cause all of the stars are fading away
Just try not to worry, you'll see them someday
Take what you need, and be on your way
And stop crying your heart out
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fucking mental how hard you try to force this shite
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He's actually raging he's been done so badly
Ukraine Gaza Jews immigration Israel Pakis Bradley random who from twitter screencap reddit post bpd attention whore insecure poster with schizophrenia
Dog tongue
>bog water
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imagine getting off the bog without wiping and then getting into the shower and just slopping the poo that has now mushed around your arse cheeks around and going 'yeah, im an hygenic person'
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bulliedbumholelad's mum here
he is very upset right now he has been flushing wet wipes down the toilet for an hour now muttering 'stupid, stupid, stupid'
an anon here claimed he uses water from the toilet to clean his arse after taking a shit
obviously grim for men that this ever goes on but pretty sad for her too. shes obviously never going to get what she wants
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>Dog tongue
fucking HOWLING
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Did you really howl though
What are you, a fucking wolf
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okay that one was funny
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bulliedbumholelad's dad here

you lot are a bunch of cunts he's standing in the bathroom sink trying to scrub the crusty poo stains off his boxers
the banter here is dead
i'm imagine a big ladle hanging where the toilet paper roll is supposed to be
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Deeply unsettling photo
First funny post in the thread
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why are you wolfophobic
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i might actually vomit laughing
The chest compressions is the howling anon heard
I don't even use toilet paper, just use my hand and then wash the poo off in the sink
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member when that lads dad came here to tell us he killed himself and a few lads went to the funeral
rip lad x
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Indian on a vpn
Get in there
She's had plastic surgery, right?
the bradleyposter has officially lost it
are you Indian by any chance
would you use wet wipes for vomit though or is that another dog tongue situation
i use an egg beater
No dude it just makes economical sense
was just watching joe dirt yesterday, an early 00s classic as far as i'm concerned
It's really not funny
think it's safe to say that wetwipeslad has won this and bulliedbumholelad has been thoroughly done in

we can stop the bradleyspam now
For vomit you use dry paper to soak it up, for poo wet wipes are better because it dries and goes crusty on your arse
Doubles as epilation of the bum hairs
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Done him
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he's gone flying
Note to self: never buy white underwear
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Flushed that cunt like a wet wipe.
how long after shitting are you using the wipes lmao
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when will he come back?
You know, the Italians consider us animals for using tissue paper
When the poo crust is ripe for picking
Vaguely funny premise but whoever is spamming the bradleys is genuinely retarded
she does look slightly bogged yes, also a lot older than 30
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Frugal and thrifty living my mans
Toilet paper is a scam
Just like washing up liquid, water filters and laundry detergent
but your hand is pooey
we're sgt fuck off bastard dickhead pepper bhenchod band
when are they giving him the chair?
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cute when animals do this
don't wipe your crack in anger
evil fuck but he had aura no doubt
Nothing wrong with flushable wet wipes
Who's this lad, then? This friend of yours!
Do you not wash your hands after you use the toilet?
What are you an animal
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personally wage war upon my arsehole every trip to the porcelain throne
ooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooh yeah

everythang gonna be alright this mornin'
what a fuckawful /brit/ this is
sir wet wiper's pooey memoryhole
bulliedbumhole lad pacing his room at this very minute with crusty poo flakes falling down behind him
Yeah but I don't use my hand as a poo wiper, I have to eat and shake people's hands
Those are not real bunnies tho
Ask the swede about bumwashing
These dudes spray water up their bumholes
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fuck sakes lad hes had enough
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not a fan of wet wipes I take it
gonna cry? great big bastard blanket wet blanket dickhead keep fucking moaning big wet fucking soppy tit
Should have been asleep 4 hours ago but im laughing
Do you eat with your hands?
Civilised people use cutlery
Gross dude
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better version of that brad for you to use if you want it matey :)
>great big bastard blanket wet blanket dickhead keep fucking moaning big wet fucking soppy tit
Are you okay? Do you need someone to call an ambulance?
do you reckon?
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Like my shirt /brit/?
I eat sandwiches and burgers with my hands
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Too that Aussie who posted this image, thank you so much. Been looking for it for years
why does this nigga have 4 loaves of bread
still giggling at this ffs
dont think basedness is covered by nhs youll be alright though
Brit hitting new lows
Even the kpop schizos would be ashamed
Don't think they are furry wet wipes
> on July 2021, the Joe Biden administration issued a moratorium and halted all federal executions while the Justice Department conducts a review of its execution policies and procedures

>Why was Dylann Roof given a free Burger King?
The police chief who arrested Dylann Roof revealed that officers treated the 21-year-old to a free meal from Burger King not long after arresting him, the Daily Mail reported in 2015.
not very based to call yourself based
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not a big fan of these sober tricks
Any of you ever used a piss bottle?
just think, everytime you have to open a door in a public building some dirty bastard with a poo covered hand also touched the handle
You aren't allowed to talk about THAT topic here or else janny will give you a 3 day holiday.
Should pribably pull a new out of the package stingy
yes i tried it recently but was surprised by its difficulty my cock couldnt fit in the narrow bottle opening properly
yeah, I also used to piss out my bedroom window in my feral days, I was an animal
the thread has had this weird thing for a couple of years now where a few bradposters decide to pretend something is really funny
just a sign of how unfunny most of the people left here are
How can be that lazy honestly and why would you want piss smell in the air when you’re on the pc
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wetwipeslad came up with it so he wins
You know how much bacteria is on your mobile phone right now ?
Remember to clean and disinfect your phone
thinking about weeds
it was pretty funny finding out that lad just walks around with dried up poo on his bum all day
Feels like all the normies and the shaggers left /brit/ a long time ago and we're stuck with only the severely mentally ill anons left. This place is /britfeel/ tier now. Ironically /britpol/ is more tolerable
is that his tooth there
>white underwear
Bro wearing tightey whitey v fronts past the age of 8 lool
Just entered the thread and feel like I’m a few posts behind
Been the case since mousenonce
and also that he got bullied. makes it a funnier combination
did this on a freezing cold night and a load of piss on the patio my piss flecks from splash on the glass patio door downstairs froze and stayed there frozen for a week
Say what you want about us but at least we know how to handle the browns.
Once I did and it spilled all over my carpet in my room
Room stinks of rotting corpses to this day
Oh just fuck off
bulliedbumholelad got his pants pulled down to reveal his crusty pooey bumhole to the entirety of /brit/
You don't put your dick in the bottle dude, just the tip
The real issue with piss bottles is the bottle now being big enough and having to stop mid flow so you don't splashback and piss allover yourself
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which side are you on mikey
wet wipes or dry bog roll?
captain bernard on a proverbial madone
That's Kingdom Come Deliverance? Wtf? Why does it look like a PS2 game?
Why not just piss in the toilet, it can't be that far from where you're currently sat
they often give crims a free meal when they're doing prolonged interrogations don't they?
tbqhwy the best feeling ever is filling up an empty water bottle completely in one go
Start my grad job in just over a week. First job I've ever had
couldnt get me tip in properly. not even got a thick cock or anything think the bottle was just wrong, was one of those 500ml coke bottles. yeah for me i never piss that much at a time but from what i hear of other peoples pissing they let a few pints loose in one go
Are mace and tasers not sold in the uk?
Do you have brain damage? Why are you doing this?
oil tell ye hwart, oim fookin oirish as fook
sometimes you just don't want to leave your room because you're avoiding your parents or whoever else you live with
Yeah. I was offered a choice between spaghetti bolognese and curry (I chose the spagbol)
oh boy ive been trollolololed!
>but from what i hear of other peoples pissing
you're that type of annoying twat who makes a one-off funny zinger in a conversation and just references it over and over again for the rest of the evening aren't you

>bulliedbumholelad!! hahah bulliedbumholelad bulliedbumholelad! bulliedbumholelad bulliedbumholelad!! hahah his bum is crusty with poo! and he was bullied! no wet wipes ahah bulliedbumholelad innit!
fuck off
Think you've forgotten what PS2 games looked like
I used to do it because my sister made me not want to go to the toilet
Yeah? What do they look like then?
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Why don't you use wet wipes like a hygienic person?
>from what i hear of other peoples pissing they let a few pints loose in one go
i would do anything to be like this. i think i used to be but idk if i just remember things different to how they really were
Did she set up a toil in the hallway?
alright calm down

I use 2 litre bottles.
Always like a challenge of how much I can fill it
So satisfying when you fill a 2l whole in one go and don't spill a drop
adding "bulliedbumholelad", "crusty bumhole" into the filter then i see
Sorted that freak out
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Walked into a chippy this one time and the lads there were giving me some banter about not knowing what was going on.....so I stepped up to the counter and ordered 2 tubs of mushy peas. extra vinegar and the battered sausage. that shut 'em up real quick.

Even when I walked away with my food they stepped aside to let me pass like it was the goddamn Red Sea Lol
when, will i, will i be famous?
exact same here mate. all gone to shit. its over urinarilly speaking
>So satisfying when you fill a 2l whole in one go
utterly bizarre claim to lie about
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yank-sama... I kneel
Yea when I was like 16 I had a mental breakdown and would stay in my smelly bedroom for days without eating or using the toilet. Flunked a year of school. At least I got Gladiator in WoW
a what?
she just irritated me and was disgusting and intrusive
shut up you boring cunt
bulliedbumholelad is not happy lads
flakes of poo bum crust being kicked up in his bedroom from his tantrum
got ulcers on my tongue and an ear infection, all from the stress of trying to get a job
Imagine if the cynical Canadian was Emmett, that would be cool
Shut up cunt I'll stab you
I dropped out of uni at 19, just didn't like it and didn't want to do anything with my life, mumberg convinced to me do a video call with a psychatrist when I turned 30 and he diagnosed with autism. Now I claim PIP and am classed as a disabled person with moderate support needs.
wonder what ted kaczynski's teeth looked like after living in the wildy and presumably not brushing for almost 30 years
shut the fuck up
howling at bulliedbumholelad lore
Remember many threads a go someone here claimed to only wash their arse once a week because bacteria helps fights prostate cancer or something. Wonder if this are lad right now
business idea: order thousands of items that cost a few pounds from amazon so they don't make you return it when you want a refund and then get a refund for all of them
why wouldn't he brush his teeth? he still had water and could buy toothpaste if he wanted to
I've already got both, i reversed it so I could use it twice lol
pretty sure the cunt spamming bradleys in this thread is spainwog
he's done this multiple times when arguing about israel-gaza or whatever, replies to himself a dozen times and it's painfully obvious
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people use ellipses so fucking strangely in toil emails what on earth are they trying to imply
i unironcally haven't brushed more than maybe six times since 2017 and my teeth are surprisingly alright. slightly receded gums and that's it.
I did this, avoided my parents for months at a time (who I lived with) waited for them to go to sleep and then I'd run down get food and run back up stairs
Almost got caught few times and had to hide sonthey didn't see me. I knee they were going to tell me to get a job so I'd pretend to be asleep everytime they knocked on
shag count?
he was probably the sort of lunatic who thinks you don't need to brush as long as your diet is all-natural
no you didn't matey! the one you posted was from my original screenshot :) i can tell from the black bars! (i have a laptop with an odd aspect ratio) the one i replied to you with is the cropped reversed version, it's great because then he's looking at the post you're reacting to :)
wondering if i should get twatted tonight or not
Yep it's a brit poster alright
Well that's true, you don't really need to brush them if your diet is right but your breath will smell
How much do you get?
Yep and he always does it when he's on the ropes as well. Such an insecure shut-in freak he just has to save face on an anonymous website because this place is literally his entire life.
kek ive been that sperg on multiple occasions me
very british post
most WoW nerds i've known were shaggers
it's a shaggers game innit
just like runey
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here's bradders clapping 2!
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love sydney sweeney, prefer women who look approachable
Probably not so bad considering he wasn't eating sugary goyslop
When I was neeting i showered maybe once a week at best
Think my record was like a month
My bed sheets were full on yellowy orange
could sort of choose my dreams in naptoil earlier, quite cool
£550 a month for PIP
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i don't have bedsheets currently
recently went 7 months here
Nerve racking how one slip up phone posting can dox your email or post an embarrassing picture
That's it? I don't know what PIP is but I would imagine welfare stuff would be more than that.
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she doesn't look approachable
the 'adley 'llection as it were
I left the thread about an hour ago and I see bulliedbumhole lad is still here seething about his wet wipes lol
I claim other benefits, altogether I get around £1100 a month
Wonder the thought process that goes through a woman's head when she decides to sleep with a man or not
stick your finger in your belly-button and take a whiff of it... tell me what you smell
she does to me, she's the type who flirts with all men, even neeks
never understood this dog meme
runechads are proper shaggers
they just have that charm
She seems okay, doesn't look like a bitch. Taylor Swift seems like she would be a right cunt if you caught her in a bad mood.
even mousey?
13k a month for being retarded
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here's mine
Saw the phrase "gallows bait" when playing KCD

Made me think that i could make "janny bait" or something a /brit/ word

Example: "that annoying poster here is total janny bait"
tying a string to my poo before flushing it so i can pull it back out if i need it
that arse pic she posted on insta recently made me audibly shout
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omds bulliedbumholelad don't scroll up, you're not gonna like it
whole mandem was clowning on you rahhh they already coming up with new names for you like crustybattylad
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Never understand the fascination with tit's, I am gay of course, but still
What do you even do with them

here we go again
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>it's about 2 inches by 1 1/2 inch, so not very big
does the spade mean you're into blacks or something?
this post makes me think of big meaty black nigger dick
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there goes the whole of the next thread then
I did this and stuck a fuzzy up my nose
He will be up until 5am because someone called him bulliedbumholad. What a sad freak
Tbh in bed you just viscously suck on them
that's pretty much it
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Ah yes, that full on major depression and "I've given up all hope" classic look
they look nice, they're pleasant to bounce in your palms
Spaino doesn't know when to just take the L and call it a night
they feel nice to suck and squeeze, and are comforting when you hug a girl and feel them against your chest
going to get a buzzcut
the bradley gimmick isn't remotely funny and is simply annoying, a blight upon this general as far as i'm concerned
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>Spainnonce was bullied in school and wipes his arse with wet wipes
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mumberg shaves my head once a month, free of charge xx
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Consider if you did understand the fascination you wouldn't be gay
>y-you use wet wipes? hahah! thats so sad!

what was bulliedbumholelad thinking? maybe it was an own in his head?
Then what, can't really last that long
Ohlala squeeze
Not like a nice arse you can absolutely destroy and turn to a raw pooey betroot
once grew my beard out longish and buzzed my hair short and genuinely looked hard
felt powerful
What do you mean you look at them and feel them. Really nice to grope and cuddle up with, very soft and squishy
*bell rings*
*siren wails*
yu gi boooy

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