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Know your Nords edition

Unidentified : >>201555953
Good morning med, last 3 days of freedom.
I made a big Picard order, it's coming next week, I have to empty the freezer to get the space to store it.
We have our first case of monkey pox, which was unsurprisingly transmitted sexually.
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Had a crazy post apocalyptic dream, which started in media res and ended just as fast but it was good
>be in shackles, walking bruised and battered in some cold (almost snowy) and windy boat hold/port area that has been repurposed as an arena and execution post by some raider army
>see from afar one of my friend hanged from a metal walkway and the evil raider boss accompanying me tells me it's my fate
>get to the main boat hold area and there's thousands of raiders cheering from containers on people getting executed and killing eachother
>huge waves just outside bringing salt spray and foam everywhere, everyone sloshing in a few centimeters of water
>raider guy brings me up top of the building, unshackling me, where a crane will pick me up and down in the arena or on a walkway to get hanged, not sure
>see another female companion from before the dream already there who has been tortured and is missing an arm, stump stuffed with salt and gauze
>while close together enough, she dumps some lore and hints about the raider lord and that if I want to die quick, I might just jump in the water, might be a kinder fate
>a raider DJ starts some synthpop banger for when the next arena fight starts
>as the crane goes up to pick me up, I decide to jump instead and fall on it, pushing it away with momentum crashing into the crowd with me on it
>get up in the chaos and a pick up a gun from a dead raider
>use the shock and awe to start shooting just as the beat from the music drops
>dream turns into absolute carnage
>I mow hundreds of raiders down, running around like a maniac and picking up guns as I go while hyped up electro goes on the background (a bit like this https://youtu.be/cam9knMSJWs?si=6CS2uqOby9Dr1QqG)
>so much blood the water turns red
>wake up
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Also saw a cool crow
Too lazy to read but from the first line, I know you need to take your meds G-man.
I haven't dreamt anything crazy in a while, or I don't remember them.
I wish we still had crows here.
Good morning /med/.
I woke up this morning to two emails of companies rejecting me.
If I took the meds, I wouldn't dream no more.
For me, I don't remember them when I'm tired, so everytime I dream is a sign I am rested. I often dream crazy stuff but rarely as intense.
>we still had crows here
You don't have them anymore?
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I sent a message to the qt I mentioned yesterday. Hopefully I am worthy of her attention, like the picture of Catnigga say.

You were worthy of an answer, that's not too bad.
Nice, does she look like picrel ?
Last night's dream was basically me going through a huge street market.
>You don't have them anymore?
No, hunted to extinction. I hope for a reintroduction project akin to the current on-going one with the barn owl.
ask her if she has brown nipples
How would I know

>getting a match

Hunting to destroy them right?
Apparently farmers and sheiit paid my gamer ancestor to destroy their nests.
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I don't get it, are you sending a message to that Samia girl or is it someone else ?
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Horny Magyar sounds
The qt is another girl. I was a bit misleading sorry fren
Still, the qt might look different than her pictures, it's a first message only
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I don't know, to be honest.
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I see. Are there no pics of the qt on her profile ?
there are, but i won't post them here
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Vgh... Boobs seems big compared to her btw
I'm sure she told Chad to fuck off :)
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So you know what she looks like then
King Kong.
Asexual but on a dating app. Make it make sense.
Racist scum.
Yes. What are you going to do about it, whiny bitch?
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I didn't use dating apps for a few months now.
Post the webm that saved /med/
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asexual= Chad only btw
You can still pay for dates, of course
Good. Keep at it.
did not even realize the ucl changed
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Is it common in Spain to be turned into a woman by your girlfriend's dad?
and why, for fuck's sake? They keep wanting to change everything
i guess it's a mix between the super league they did not get and the ucl
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here you go
How anyone can find that even remotely attractive is way beyond me.
Total FIFA/football club owners/TV rights owners/sponsors death
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Ask her if she enjoys the art of William Blake
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made a Dunmer giantess countess for fun to try out the Elder Scrolls mod
ended up playing for 40 in game years and conquered my way through Falkreath and most of Riften, spreading the good word of the Tribunal Cult(Tribunal Temple heresy that maintains Daedra Worship alongside the Tribunal) to Skyrim and because of that being mostly aligned with House Dres
surprised how good the religion system and magic system are, can't wait to see what they do with the playable landless characters
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Recently there was the perseids
i was in some place with surprisingly good visibility by pure chance, allowiong me to see many shootings stars
and see some consellations
was kino fr
I like rocks.
I caught a cold and i'm completely destroyed, i start to work this next monday, god help me
How will I find a gf then?
Your mind is twisted by modernism. Women were hairy for thousands of years and a natural sex drive will be sent to overdrive by a nice muff.
Sounds like a kino mod, I'll have to try this out and the ASoIaF mod too.
I want to conquer the world for as a Dunmeri led empire, Hlaalu Helseth style.
>How will I find a gf then?
The old ways.
>Your mind is twisted by modernism.
I don't care. Hairy armpits are as repulsive as rolls of fat.
>The old ways.
Knocking her unconscious and bringing her home in a potato sack
>Hairy armpits are as repulsive as rolls of fat.
Both can be pretty hot under the right conditions.
>Both can be pretty hot under the right conditions.
Stop being a disgusting fat fucker simp Gman.
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Based, although it is something he rarely does.
I think that's the difference between Magyaranon and him.
Magyaranon is rotten to the core, he was born that way.
Gman is desperate for affection and his brain has worked on accepting the unacceptable.
I'm sure he didn't find fat women hot when he was younger and had more hopes to get a better partner.
Gman can be saved.
I just got a wide range of likes. Not my fault you got an palet just as underdevelopped for women as it is for food.
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>Gman can be saved.
>I can fix him.
t. some office qt

Pretty sure Andalu-sama just don't want to spend too much money and fuck up his carefully planned diet.
It's not too late, you can take back control of yourself and stop being a simp.
>Pretty sure Andalu-sama just don't want to spend too much money and fuck up his carefully planned diet.
No, I'm a very picky eater.
And I could buy cheaper food.
Tell mom to teach you cooking now!
it's over for me but not for you
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My problem isn't lack of skill cooking, I can learn to cook from YouTube.
I just prefer eating the same everyday, it's easier for the dieting part, but if I wanted to eat a varied diet it wouldn't be that varied because I'm a picky eater.
Today's training.
Block bench press 3x1 with 150 kg, 3x6 with 130 kg.

Today's training was much shorter because I don't feel my shoulders recovering enough even with the lower weights.
Going through this page to torture myself.
I was surprised, the name of the account gave a magyar vibe
quit bullying Gironde
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I'm not bullying G-man, I'm trying to save him.
Another company rejected me.

Same as >>201602515
You could try to save yourselves first, before judging others
I'm not a fat fucker simp though.
I am not into that type of chocolate.
Yeah, hence the surprise. Either it was not women, or you decided to be a tolerant-scum.
Don't torture yourself too much
when is the next weighting?

I'm working on it doe?
>thin tight girl with a cute face
>hairy armpits and bush
On the 20th.
Qrd on the previous weighting I missed ?
Nice, went to the archives to see the previous weight.
What do you think about "rich people" food, /med/? For instance, I tried caviar once and it was honestly mid, while on the other hand truffle is amazing and I would eat it very often (thankfully I live in an area where it grows so it is somewhat affordable)
I don't eat rich pipo food
sometimes i ate stuff with truffle oil or some shit like that and it tasted bad fr
Oh, right. Yes, my bad. I was 94.2kg.
>What do you think about "rich people" food
I don't.
I don't think I tried any rich people food.
The most expensive thing I've eaten is steak, and just regular steak not some wagyu 300€/kg steak.
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>The most expensive thing I've eaten is steak, and just regular steak
shrimp? salmon?
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Good day sirs. Couldn't fall asleep until around 3 AM and I had to do the needful, so I'll only go to the gym around 2 PM.
What's shocking is that as I was laying in bed I didn't feel tired at all, rather I felt really energized, which is why I couldn't fall asleep and I'm not tired even though I probably didn't even sleep 4 hours. Weird.


I can't imagine myself using a dating app desu. Would rather not have a gf than use dating apps, feels like a humiliation ritual.

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I won't eat the pancrustacea
I tried pic related and prefer tuna.
in truffle oil there is barely any truffle
well, the question was not really directed towards you
turkey slop, pasta, pepper bell, pepper, simple as
I ate a little bit of chocolate, but no more.
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The only time I've ever eaten rich people food was (ironically) when I worked/volunteered for a charity that provided food various organisations, and we would get donations from all sorts of places, including upmarket richfag shops in Central London.

I dunno if I would call caviar a rich people food though, I mean you can buy it any supermarket, including Lidl. I think it's nice, but I'm British, so I naturally enjoy strong, salty foods. Also love truffles, it's just a shame that a plate of them costs more than my entire net worth.
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I already slacked this morning, I need to do something this afternoon.
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> I need to do something this afternoon.
That's not the Brune I know.

Pull the fire alarm. Let the intrusive thoughts win.
I'm at home doe
a certain amount of work is required to fool them
>I'm at home doe
Set off the fire alarm at home.
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you won't triangulate my position
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Started working at 6am today, trying finish work before going on vacation next week. The suffering is unbelievable.
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I stand alone, shamed and shunned for who I am
You're not completely wrong but it is a natural thing. Very few women fit the beauty standards that we see posted here. Just like few men fit the chads. We all got quirks. I knew a girl with a long hair on her nipple, some got acne, etc.
I'm lucky enough to appreciate these quirks, it would allow me to love a girl with a great personality but not perfect looks.
It only makes sense as it is what I am too. I have a nice personality but lower looks.
I literally did this before kek
You always got my back fren. I'll buy you a pint next time, least I can do
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I took my afternoon off. I ate korean food with office qts and now I'm heading to a friend's house to feed her cat. Then I'm picking up another friend and we're heading down south in the Landes for a party.
Just be overproductive like Portubro and me, it feels good you'll see.
Truffle and caviar is alright but can get very nauseating fast.
I like aged meats, stuff that smell like a morgue.
>humiliation ritual
It is. But it's hard to find someone the old way.
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You should try your best to improve yourself and your profile. It's a circus, a freak show, an exercise of madness. But we gotta try nontheless.
The clock is ticking, opportunities decreasing, regret mounting. Will you fight?
The "rich" label is very vague lately, since you can get innards served at michelin restaurants, when they were once fed to dogs. I never tried caviar, i like truffle but don't go crazy for it.
I like good food. I can feel when i'm eating poor quality shit and i don't like that. A great roasted chicken with potatoes, to me, can be better than a fancy ingredient prepared poorly.
0 days since last scandal.
porca Eva, siete veramente degli italiani rinnegati
Had a dream last night I accidentally posted my face and details on /int/
I can't remember any of my dreams, that's probably for the best
Che orgoglio.
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>Will you fight?
Not sure I have the strength or will anymore. I just want to play bidogames and hang out with my friends.
I'd say that caviar is for everyone since everyone can enjoy it.
For me rich people food is food that is weird and people eat it only because it's cool.
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I know. Please, try anyway.
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I will fren, just need to recharge my batteries I guess. And then, back into it.
I thought caviar honestly deserved the hype
Is it overpriced yeah undoubtedly but in terms of flavors I found it unparalleled with the other fish eggs I tried. The texture too was extremely satisfying. If I was truly rich I would certainly buy some regularly

Truffles are 110% worth the hype they are amazing, taste like nothing else in earth, and very versatile. + You don't even need that much of an amount to flavor a dish or a sauce. It's a major yes from me. I buy one occasionally when the price is right, there is a producer where I'm from as well as "truffle fairs" basically markers dedicated to them. Not cheap but nowhere near as expensive as caviar

Champagne idk I like it but with wine in general my experience is that past a certain price (50-70€) you won't taste that much for a difference, price will increases exponentially but quality won't
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Well Catnigga? Could this Mediterranean lady suits you?

Sad! Story?
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hello everyone
>soyez plus grand que moi
No bundarolo so you don't care right?
Me too but that was around 2 weeks ago
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a nicely shaped, rounded bunda is more important than a big one
since I cannot see hers, it is impossible to judge
I thought bunda was only big ones fr fr
She's thin so I guess it's probably nice
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She has one of those faces where you can imagine her being a doting mother to three children (imagine if they were half-anglo babies).
Nah that wasn't a dream
Your name is uhhhhh Théo
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G-man = Theophile
Moselle = Eleuthere
Breizhotwink = Kentigern
Brune = Marcel Henri

And now for my next trick, I will announce who has an embarrassing mole on their derriere.
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Why are Spanish sirs joining an Islamic terrorist organization now? Are they going back to their historical roots?
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Well well
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When I look at such perfect bodies, I get the feeling like I should stop existing. If you do not match and impregnate her, I will never forgive you.
>le bristol
Why are you matching with French girls in the UK? This will greatly increase the difficulty of your task.
She's in Paris for a short time, want a date for tomorrow, and I ran out of likes
Not that i have any chance
would breed and create the new plantagenet doe
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>and I ran out of likes
Do you ever see the same people come up again if you didn't get a chance to like them the first time, or do they just disappear forever, never to be seen again?
they come back, just don't swipe no
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Nice body. One problem though - look at her back in the mirror.
i did the toast and you did the announcement
autists unite!
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big dookie poopoo shit funny funny brap shart
I hold no prejudice against ink. But i can understand your worries. Even so, it's the dark stains on their heart you should be worried about.
Pity you can't see them, even if you go narcos butchering style.
I should start writing smut and make a living off horny women. What a life.
>meet the author
>they learn you're virgin and you end up mass raped
>Implying I wouldn't be using a pseudonym.
1x9+2x12 lat pulldown
3x12 back extension with a 20kg plate
3x12 dumbbell curl
3x12 row
3x8 dumbbell hammer curl
3x12 low row
1x12 pull ups
Wanted to go for more pull ups, but I could feel my left arm hurting, so I stopped instead. Also, today was the first time I tried using the low row machine with the one-handed handle instead of the two-handed one and sirs let me tell you, it's a gem.

>bigcock luvmesometits di malta il secondo
bunda literally means ass in huetuguese
big bunda = bundão ("ão" being the particle to indicate augmentative)
What's your nickname? <3
Fucking kek, didn't think it was that literally
More like argotic language or something
I have never enjoyed living in the world
Post your weights nigger, you seem to be strong
>Post your weights
>seem to be strong
Nothing hard about doing back extensions with a 20 kg plate.
>12 pullups in a row
Either you are a 50kg dwarf or you are strong
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Uhhh so you meant that. Yeah, my pullups were assisted pullups.
What a shame
>1x12 pull ups
That's good for just having started unless it's assisted pull ups.
Didn't see >>201613783 before.
I do 4x12 chinups at 60kg, about the same with pullups. At this weight, i'd say it's relatively easy.
I always write "assisted pull ups" when posting in /med/ but for some reason I forgot today. It's so fucking over. Sorry manchego.
Also I think you are doing too high volume.
Helps me sleep at night desu plus when exercising for a moment I forget that I hate myself.
Well I guess fighting demons is a good reason to train more.
I'm 80kg i can only do 4,much easier the less you weigh
I think he can progress as well with less volume, I think it's better to start with less volume and then add up as your progress slows down.
He's a novice in the gym, just a few months going to the gym, so he should progress with less volume.
Plus, he also does cardio regularly, adding more fatigue.
Although that amount of volume is probably fine twice a week for people with more experience in the gym, and some people could definitely do more.
re watched all of Dead Wood
I think we will seldom see such levels of kino in tv again
I didn't like it this much first time around but I was extremely wrong, it was actually great.
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Meds together strong.
>dark stains on their heart
Not a problem, I can fix them - and if not, they can break me.
Why did you give them Greek names though.
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Should I take umbridge at the presumption in your question that French people are unworthy of Greek names? Men of high standing, whose minds concern themselves with hows and whys rather than whos and wheres, often have Greek names.
Not sure, I always thought that we have at least one Jérôme here.
I always wrote that word as "umbrage", is your spelling more British or something?

Sorry Catnigga, but as the resident British poster you have to act as our grammar teacher sometimes
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I opted for the somewhat less common spelling. Too much time reading Harry Potter, I think.
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The ideal loadout for bus trips.
No, too much time spent on OSRS.
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I have played nothing of it since February. Like a heroin addict, there's always that niggling voice in the back of my mind telling me to grind for a few hours, but I've managed to keep it at bay for half a year.

They should hand out tokens like Alcoholics Anonymous for ex-OSRS players.
Good job.
>with less volume
How? Should I spend less time in the gym? Or do you mean that I should lower reps and lift heavier weights?
Just finished exercising, time for some Mario Eclipse playing
how long before children and dogs mysteriously start catching it
I meant total sets, but it's fine if you go over the volume and you enjoy being in the gym so it's fine.
I wrote this badly.
What I meant is that I think you are doing more total sets that you need for optimal progress but it's fine if you do a bit more, specially if you enjoy going to the gym.
It's not going to be a big difference in hypertrophy.
I hope not.
Forgot to mention I kind of napped during work this afternoon, sorry bossman, I will try again on Monday

Mid climbing sesh, did a short one as I did not climb since almost a month
Did a last set of 70kg at low row, damn it was hard

And last but not least, I weighted myself in conditions approximately similar to 20 days ago, won 2kg, 72 !
A significative amount must be fat due to the sugary meals of the event
I envy my mum, she's going on holiday to Cyprus for a week and I'm stuck at home studying for an exam
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So you're telling me that let's say theoretically I do
5x8 bench press
3x10 pec deck
3x10 triceps extension
3x10 shoulder press
My muscles are supposed to improve, but if let's say I also do
3x10 skull crushers
3x8 assisted dips
on top of that, the skull crushers and assisted dips won't improve my strength that much compared to how it would have improved if I had done these 2 exercises instead of 2 other, because I already did enough exercises before?
>inb4 how can you be this retarded
I know I am retarded
>>inb4 how can you be this retarded
>I know I am retarded
It's not retarded, how much training volume someone needs for proper progress is actually quite hard to answer, without a solved equation that can give a straight answer.
Following your example, I think you'd progress better with only the first exercises because by adding more exercise you are increasing your fatigue without increasing the stimulus for hypertrophy as much to compensate for the bigger recovery needs you now have.
Although the total amount of sets is just a variable, the intensity of each individual set also matter, for example if you do sets further from failure for example with 3 RIR you'd need more sets than if you do all sets to failure.
But again the correct amount of sets to do is hard to decide, it depends on many things, so the normal approach it's to start somewhere that works for most people and then modify it to see how the trainee responds to learn about the individual needs of the trainee.
As I said before adding 6 sets per day wouldn't make a very big difference, so if you enjoy it more this way keep at it, it's not ta big difference and if doing more exercise help you emotionally that's a good trade off for maybe slightly suboptimal gains.
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So if I do let's say 13 sets, would doing 20 sets instead mean that my overall gains would be suboptimal, or would my gains on the first 13 sets still be the same. Would it only impact the last 7 sets on which the gains would be subotipmal comparted to if I had only done those 7 sets and skipped the 13?
This shit hard as fuck nigga. Go get your trainer certificate and get rich, you're smart af.
I mean that the gains with 20 sets would be suboptimal because you've got basically the same stimulus as with 13 sets but you add the extra fatigue of 7 sets.
All of this is considering you train each body part twice a week, and the number of sets would depend on the intensity of each set and the individual training.
>All of this is considering you train each body part twice a week
What if i only train each body part once a week? Should i add more sets?
I see. Will keep doing 18 sets a day though because even though I usually end the day with low rows and assisted pull ups, my weight are improving on low row. But now that you mention it, yeah the improvement is slower when comparing it to other exercises. Or maybe it's just that low rows progress slowly because I notice improvements on my assisted pull ups.
just realized i pronounced chore like core fr fr
I recommend training each body part minimum twice a week, but if you can only train once a week you should do more per session.
Still, it depends on the individual how many sets.

As long as you keep improving at a pace you are content with you don't really need to change anything.
I'm just nitpicky.
Proofs of high intelligence

>When you write a message in whatsapp rather than sending a voice message
That just means you’re a firstie instead of a thirdie.

Friday night motherfuckers! Also vacations for one week.
Thanks for the help anon, really appreciate it
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>ywn own a comfy house in the Basque country

Bukatu da
>Basque country
Basque reich please, use the correct term
Do houses look like that in Spanish basque part as well ?
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So it seems, i've never been to the mighty basque Überreich
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Would be a nice place for a med meetup with Gman
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>you are content
I am not content because I can't bench 5x10 100kg, squat 5x10 120kg, lat pulldown 5x12 90 kg.
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Another double from Thuram, but yeah keep saying he's rubbish
I don't care about his goals he's still trash
Autism at its finest
If calling a garbage player garbage is autism then I'm fine with it
he just scored a third one, pay attention to being so butthurt or you'll get hemorrhoids
Thuram being tossed into the garbage truck
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2 goals (one against Gibraltar, one against Ireland) in 24 games.
Don't care about his club performances fr.
Based and truthpilled
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Taking a break from the city
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Your fields look way better than my fields
South-west ?
Wtf Moselle may be actually retarded
That was not me, you just made a fool out of yourself
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Call Momo retarded once again, I dare you.
This is now a field thread
I will explore the woods by night.
Nah yours look very good too Moselle!
Yep, south west! Right on the limit between Lands and Pyrénées Atlantiques.
>Light brown tiles
>Dense woods
>Feels humid

Yup feels south-westy alright
They don't make em like that no more....
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My sister tried to die her hair brown, but she used way too much dye and it came out black instead. Now she's upset because it makes her look extremely pale like a corpse. Did it happen in your country?
tell her it's fine, halloween is not very far away
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Will wait until she's no longer within punching distance before I start making comments like this.
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Quaint night in town.
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Forest expedition soon
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Portuguese people live here.
Skinwalkers live here.
Comfy portuvillage
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Church is full, there’s a choir singing some nice songs (mostly religious).
And yes, our churches are special, they’re built sideways.
Already established in the village with my gf. There's lots of people outside because they are celebrating one of the many festivities involving alcohol (wine in this case), but since we're tired we'll go out tomorrow once we're more rested and done with cleaning the house. Work starts on Monday.
Looking good
Gross. I still would tho.
Usual felinegro W
Everyday is Halloween, you know.
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>3 year pass
No point making such a long commitment at my age. Three years, I could be resting in my coffin, oblivious to the world's problems.
Expedition cancelled, it rained a lot and we got soaked. My friends accuse me for being the brain of the operation

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