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bryan ferry barefoot edition
>Spainfreak was actually up until 5am seething about being called "bulliedbumholelad"
Oh my days we said he'd do this ahahahaha like clockwork
Who knew that his insistence on never using wet wipes would be the hill he dies on the autistic freak lmaooo
>lefties have hated every female pm ever more than the average male even
Women rivalry or something. But, really, women have no place in politics, right or otherwise.
get the old freaks out, get the new freaks in
whos molly mae never heard of her
Ever hear the story of Rita Mae, the metre maid?
some pornstar idk
when it gets dark I tow your heart away
sixth form
Bogged out love island slag
If you lookin for a man with a bulge in his pants and really ain't trippin about a one night stand, I'll be that dude that'll leave you wishin
Only just discovered that Radio 3 is Radio 6's more kino sister
Doing a poo and it's runny lava scorching my ring. Regretting the curry.
fizzy raspberry orange ginger pineapple lemon limeade
There aren't many things you can poke fun at for using wet wipes on your bum because it's pretty normal

But there's millions of ways you can joke about having a shit encrusted arsehole

It was his Stalingrad. An absolute disaster. Don't think spainlad will ever recover from this to be honest, people will be bradleyposting about bulliedbumholelad for a while.
why did /brit/ stop hatting people?
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at the 'rinal
just thinking about if my daughter dies before she reaches adulthood. i wonder the legalities of harvesting her eggs and having a grandchild from donor sperm and donor womb
hopefully she’ll be blackedraw and have a black baby inside her before that’s a concern
wish i could piss that powerfully
i agree i just find it funny how you're sexist if you dont vote for a left wing female, racist if you don't vote for a left wing shitskin but an evil bastard if you dare vote for a right wing* conservative** female or shitskin

*/** in name only
you've got the sides mixed up dumb reddit spacing phonemong
wanking into a gaping arsehole
the more bevvies i have the more heavy and powerful and thick my piss stream gets
think caffeine must tighten up the piss tunnel and alcohol fights the caffeine
cope on bulliedbumholelad your damage control didn't work I'm afraid
Rub my winky til yowza juice comes out.
its pretty clear and explicitly stated that everyobne was laughing at the wetwipe using spastic who was crying about how bullies are all actually really sad and thats why they bullied him lol
the threads still up so your revisionism doesnt even need the archive
your homosexuality is pretty clear and explicitly stated
fucking bashing my cock until i get a neck cramp
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he genuinely looks 10x better after a bulk holy fuck
Last time you updated your will?
impressive but then you realise all these bodybuilders are like 5'8 and it stops being so impressive lol
yes I agree
try smashed up crisps on vanilla ice cream some time, the saltiness with the sweet and the crispy crunchy texture is very nice
the flavor is reminiscent of chips dipped in a vanilla shake and the salt/sweet ratio is similar to chocolate covered pretzels
In pissing and pooping in this very moment
Packing up the house to move and 90% of it is just the wife’s shit, all pointless garbage that we don’t need and she’s mad I’m not packing as much as she is

She also got mad when I suggested we throw most of it away
*to the tune of Rock the Casbah*
What’s the point of this? Women find it hideous and it isn’t functional because you aren’t flexible anymore and also it shrinks your balls

Why not just lift natty and get somewhat large and just maintain that
Why did you vote him in? Nothing would have changed anyway, democracy is a joke
>In Pissing and Pooping
The sequel to In Bruges?
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dont see why heigh makes a difference to how impressive it is
eric janicki is 6'1" though and he's fucking huge
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because short men look stupid whatever they do.
Women love roidheads, but you must not overdo it, it will still hurt you anyway. The problem for a natyy is that women will be miring until they see a shadow roider and then compare you to him, and they see lots of shadow roiders every day thanks to internet instagram etc. It's a lost battle, just do it for yourself
>why do something if women don't like it
its a hobby and they look infinitely better than the average male (who is a fat sedentary retard, literally 60% of Britain's men are overweight)
very feminine to criticise people like this for working on something you don't want to work on desu just let them enjoy it
sam sulek (the one you replied about) is 5'11 hes not short
hes not tall but he's still a huge guy overall
think you're just coping cause height is the only thing you have going for you like 190
Once again I am picking my nose, breaking a crusted piece of mucus free from its inner wall, and depositing it in my mouth.
the Tories were a shit anti-white government but even they weren't as actively hostile to the freedoms and rights of Brits as this labour government has been
20% of the country effectively voted in an angry nanny state dictatorship
is that one of ours on holiday or one of those creepy orange scandis
bizarre projection. can only imagine this vitriolic response is because you're a short-arse. grow up mate
free protein innit
never saw the problem with this its no different from sniffling fundamentally
dont think you understand what projection is given that you've just accused me of projecting while also accused me of definitively being the opposite
no need to be so mad
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Where have all the good men gone and where are all the gods?
Where's the street-wise Hercules to fight the rising odds?
weird to think that there are more real numbers than there are natural numbers even though both are infinite
yeh ok manlet
sounds like gobbledygook to me that. someones getting paid to say this to people
Imagine, if you will, a Spoons with an infinite number of urinals.
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At 5’11” you are taller than 75% of all American (and British) men
>unhealthy, ugly, social failure, 4chan posting, virgin freak skinnyfat mong needs to tear down millionaire bodybuilders because he's insecure, calls anyone who points it out an insecure manlet then claims they're projecting
strange isnt it
coping manlet lol
is quite strange that the Roman spelling of Hercules has become the more popular mainstream spelling over the Greek Heracles when everyone knows it's a Greek myth
this includes shitskins though remember
at 5'10 i am a manlet compared to white people
for example the infinity between 0 and 1 in the real numbers is larger than 0 to infinity in the natural numbers
can hear the tears behind his keyboard
very good post
will be interesting to track average height in european countries as we open up the borders to 3rd world manlets
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I am 175cm and I feel shorter than 90% of the men out there
dont spend your friday bitterly seething on 4chan lads
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nth for the baddiedem
no ill have to spend it cleaning up my toil fuck ups from the week in a minute *le sigh* ill seethe at you all tomorrow instead
Don’t tell me what to do. You’re not my job coach
yeah we get it mate you just watched some soon to be outed as a paedophile balding nerd on youtube like tom scott or matt parker explain something epic and wacky and now you need to tell us
ngl cantor's argument for different sized infinities still filters me slightly
lot of shaggable blokes out and about these days
why not
dont understand this one bit. how can infinity exist between two finite things
does your morning bowel movement come before or after your morning erection
see >>201599756
They coincide. I can only get hard when something is going in or out my arsehole
dont spend your friday smugly telling people what to do on 4chan lads
got a shy bowel can't shit until my neighbours have left
nice natural shoulders
go outside nigga
Personally I come to 4chan whenever I don't want to see angry people posting mean things because I'm a retarded nigger that intentionally seeks out the opposite outcomes from what I desire
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Tia is a peng gyal
>ban smoking in beer gardens to reduce load on the NHS
Lockdown really did a fucking number on us didn't it.
Making laws to "reduce the burden" on public services is fucking deranged
holden nobody likes you and youve never been funny
you're as transparent as a tranny's sperm
the establishment doing literally everything they can to avoid naming the one consistent thing putting strain on infrastructure, housing, and public services - immigration.
do you have a problem with matt parker?
fucking hell is that actually his reason?
just been to lidl bakery corrrrr
How many numbers are between 0 and 1? There's infinitely many
unc has lost it
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>we need to reduce the demand or increase the supply for public services
>do we stop foreigners from coming to the country in the 1000s every day and millions every year
>or do we tax the citizens more, call them burdens, take away their freedoms, arrest anyone that shows dissent and cry fascists did this when the plan fails
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London is a strange place
How so?
eating poo (from lidl bakery)
Our civil liberties are all lambs to be sacrificed at the altar of RNHS
gregs out of poo?
doing a lidl poo aldi time
rorke angry that tax payer money is being spent on saving the lives of vulnerable refugees and not paying for his unhealthy lifestyle
it is gross how blokes think street pissing is completey fine on a friday or saturday night
Why are people still posting about spainlad? He hasn't posted here for weeks
This is seriously unhinged behaviour
>inb4 you're spainlad
no mate it's just too dear. £2 for a four pack of poos? no thank you
hm it appears you are correct.
but thats only conceptual so has no real world implications. therefore i can dismiss it as gay nerd shit.
Why don't they monitor street shitting dogs and their owners as well?
can get them half off when they're near closing if you don't mind a slightly stale poo
Hate conflict, it makes me nauseous
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*pushes you*
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if you use the word "poo" i won't see your posts
watched a thing on youtube about the Hasidic community of jews in new york and how they had all the rules to obey and they had a wedding. i started thinking so this lad and lass have never had sex, never masturbated and never touched someone of the opposite sex now at 21 they're getting the right to do whatever they want. the lad at least bust have the most insanely intense, extreme full body orgasms. imagine going from totally restraint and deny then full blown sex with a woman. then i realised for about a thousand years that was the norm for most people in europe.
that's true mate just prefer a fresh poo and was in a bit of a rush this morning so it was that or some horrid slop from the diarrhoea van near toil
the summary of the argument in this helped me understand it
Physical conflict is different, adrenaline carries you. Now social and inner turmoil, uurgh
cannot believe hes been saying this
Brewing up inner turmoil and a big poo simultaneously
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squelching a poo
You're deluded if you think these people don't have a cheeky wank as a teenagers, even Bin Laden was a top wanker
felching is hot but its such an ugly word
I don't even smoke, it's still insane. Might as well ban rugby because of le burden on le NHS as well
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get the tortoises posted
Women fucking hate roided out dudes
lmao cope harder everyone saw how it went. You got sent flying after claiming you're happy you got bullied because it was good for you, then you decided to claim in a separate autistic argument using wet wipes is weird and that normal people walk around with pooey arseholes. Someone put the two together and we pissed ourselves laughing at you.

It was a slam dunk, you got humiliated and you're still here 12 hours later coping so clearly you're upset
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kek good image
FFS lad just end it he's clearly been bullied enough
bizarre our late seethe retort kek
Women generally think roided=Ronnie Coleman
They think your Mike Thurstons and Chris Hemsworths are just really into fitness, go to the gym a couple of times a week and eat salads for lunch
defecating a poo
Women have no idea what a steroid user looks like. They think Thor and Dwayne Johnson just do 20 push ups a day and eat lots of fruit
hate it when you have too much caffeine and constantly feel the need to piss but just little winky tinkles comes out don't you just
Spainnonce go to sleep
Make sure to use wetwipes on your way lmaooooo
Huh? What's the difference between adding 1 to a natural number and adding 1 to every 0.n... decimal ad infinity?
don't you have dogs to nonce lad log off nigga
fuck me hes on one
Reckon I have the biggest willy of anyone on /brit/.
is it actually spainnonce?
hes been up for like 5 hours in the dead of night pissing and shitting himself about bullies being mean and wiping his arse with wetwipes
>the Albanians control the drugs
>Nigerians are involved in fraud
>Arabs are trafficking people over the channel
Do we even have any home grown gangs in the UK anymore? Seems like they're all foreign
ok thanks i've seen some popular videos and read pop academic works but none has worked for me completely on it but i'll give this a go but very busy with work atm x
its funny cause its happening in the usa too
the black gangs are being completely cucked by the cartels and are dying out because the foreigners are just more organised (due to having a base of operations in a third world shithole like mexico) and more ruthless (due to being thirdies)
>you got bullied
>no you got bullied
>no YOU got bullied
>no YOU got bullied and you’re spainnonce
>no YOU got bullied and YOU’RE spainnonce

repeat for 8 hours
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this is my life today
they're irish
arent they irish
do they count?
they're Irish and should be deported en masse
they're FUCKING irish you FUCKING dickhead
welcome to brit
the only funny post of the whole saga was the mum post
Hi, I'm Adam Barrett. Come buy a lovely new build property today.
my belly has gotten bigger thanks to that place
i know bryan ferrys son
hes a right posh prick
travellers are irish mate fyi
ai allowing schizo retards to feel creative has proven to me that they should still be locked up in freak asylums
got nigella on
It doesn’t matter if people like Chris Hemsworth are on gear because they don’t LOOK like they’re on gear, that’s the point, it’s not the actual act of taking steroids but becoming fucking neggerhuge with 5%bf that women don’t like
Don't think this has been addressed yet but travellers are Irish
pricks a prick mate
what makes a prick posher than other pricks?
a distinctly norman glans?
gippos are from west britain
might illegally purchase some cannabis
its basically saying
1) map every natural numbre to a real number
2) heres a way to construct a real number that isnt any of the ones you mapped
3) therefore there are more reals than naturals
got the nigella sex arse in the sex arse warming dock
Can't decide if Millie Bobby Brown is qt or not
mythbusters yaoi
Aparently I should answer this with "they are irish".
mate you're so incensed that you're replying 3 times
genuinely seek therapy lad. Childhood bullying shouldn't cause you this much anguish. And learn to take a joke.
good lad
don't forget to check the oil, I didn't last week and it ran dry, ruined my commemorative lady di sex arse
she has that perma child look that some actors have
seasideMARK sex arse with authentic fishy poo lube
Diego loves claiming to be a Christian but never actually behaves like one

Think he just likes theology and apologetics but not actually adhering to any religion
morning shaggers
yeah that's my understanding of it compared to say evens and every number where you can map each forever and hence are equally infinite
infinite: infinite
but i dont understand the exact mathematical reason why that is not always possible - but i've not read the article you linked yet
Hope she starts looking like a proper woman when she's about 30
contemplating the last poo
More of an evening shagger myself
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try again spaino
4chanx using gimp bet you use linux too
>because they don’t LOOK like they’re on gear
They literally do
I'm a strongman and rugby league player, have been lifting for about a decade and don't look anywhere close to as good as your average insta fake natty because I'm not on gear (and I like pints too much but still)
09:37 and deegsy is clearly already pissed
state of him
I find my best cooms are in the morning: imagination wanks in that hazy state between sleep and full wakened, where you're still sort of in that dream state.
Afternoon at around 2pm is my peak horny time
running around in the woods naked on all fours
Moved on
The only white 'gangsters' remaining are old cockney boomers trying to sell books and make media apperances
White organised criminality is now either financial crime or being very high level in the drug trade to the point of being removed from the violent bits
Doing my 4th fiery poo of the morning now, curryberg done a number on my gut.
Is that you? That is a body that women would like way more than someone like sulek
What's the deal with blacks having multiple names

Black people will just give you a random name that isn't even theirs
Met a guy called Courtney, later found out his name is Malachi
How do they get into the drug trade as the only Brits?
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Me and the gf are going to Gibraltar in late September
Went there in march, how long you going for? If it's longer than a weekend you'll probably run out of things to do
Monkeys are very based though
rootless cosmopolitans. names have no meaning to them
They are called "nicknames".
spainfreak/bulliedbumholelad was up until 5am seething and spamming bradleys because wetwipeslad mindbroke him so hard
so there's your answer
>Is that you?
Sam Sulek is several tiers above what most roid users would ever get size wise
Pretty much everyone regarded as being aesthetic on insta/in films is on roids
Shouldn't a Syrian be supporting Hezbollah given they fought against ISIS and align with their interests regarding Israel and the Golan heights?
alri autismo
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still chortle that the lad on the right lost a several hundred grand top government job because he couldn't help himself stealing women's luggage off the conveyor belt at airports so he could wear their clothes as part of his fetish
hello big man
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Who decided racism was bad?
me *cracks nuckles*
Nicknames are normally indicative of a characteristic (e.g Chinese Alan) or a shorthand of your actual name
Not a completely different one
not seen mousey in a while
I did, we have a meeting at /Brit/ headquarters but we didn't invite you.
she is making fun of him mate
She does support Hezbollah
Wrong. They can be anything, even other "normal names".
3 nights, Tuesday to Thursday and leaving on Friday morning. We were thinking about going to Marbella for a few days too, but we decided to leave it and save some money.
fucking get the oil just stopped and get every single city centre building torn down and replaced with prefab student accommodation megablocks filled with chinese uni students
he's in one of his calmer less manic periods at the moment. able to post more coherently and more infrequently. blends in better

you'll spot him when his presumed bpd kicks in again, and he enters a manic phase and is back to his schizo-babble and hostility
Fuck you
the idea that there is a hierarchy when it comes to various groups of people who look the same and that there is or should be a struggle between these groups is all a bit childish and simple minded frankly
Syrian girl is chill on X spaces
still in my bed after i shagged him to sleep last night
syrian girl is a woman
Not traditionally in England
What characteristic would the name Alan convey in a Chinese fella?
shut up you dunning kruger armchair shitter
Tall, good looking, big willy, shags loads of women
fuck off paedo
paranoid freak
You got a license for that nickname, mate?
Fairs, heads up though if you're expecting it to be a gammon enclave of Spain as I was you're in for a disappointment
90% of the language you hear on the streets is Spanish
I popped over the border to la Linea one night which while nothing special did have a few nice bars and restaurants and the gimmick of being able to walk back from a night out in another country to your hotel in 30 minutes is quite cool
everyone would be happier if you died.
I subscribe to the theory that he's a drug user and that these peaks and troughs correspond with highs and comedowns.

He knows how to get drugs, is very interested in stimulants (among other drugs) and perhaps most bizarrely seems cogent enough to deliberately never incriminate himself with regards to his drug use i.e never outright admits it.

The previous point is the weakest though since he has in the past posted several extremely incriminating things, stuff that would definitely warrant a door-knock, way more severe than admitting drug use.
We are linked to others more strongly by blood than others. You look after your own.
Applying for my cigarette licence
ai generated pic/video technology was created by the CIA in recent years because they know that there's a coming uprising from the bigfoot society and they want to be able to keep it under wraps when people inevitably see it and film it and post it online (oh thats just ai h-haha)
>I subscribe to the theory
Oh fuck right off you pretentious little wanker
yeah so i read a lot of political theory
i accidentally applied for the wrong one and instead of a ciggies arriving at my door, i received a hard bumming
calm down little lad
Only thing you subscribe to is onlyfans whores
i subscribe to the newspaper
I subscribe
I don’t think it’s a pretentious thing to say per se
have unironically considered subscribing to National Geographic to get the magazines posted out

seems comfy and is relatively inexpensive
Sam Sulek looks fucking grim, balding badly and has grim skin
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Can tell todays gonna be a good day there de lada
love these
doing my next poo at home surrounded by loved ones and a midwife x
That’s cool and all but it won’t help you in a wormhole, will it??
Where's the 10,0000 black men brought in for the British bbc fetish?
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Subscribe to Real Robots lad, it's on issue #1746 and the robot is nearly done!
right but he's not trying to appear in a Garnier advert or have nice skin

he's aiming to become monsterously yoked and massive via lifting, dieting and gear and, to that end, he is succeeding
wood smoke and bbq smell in the air
making me very hungry
one of the few genuinely good frozen supermarket 'zas i've come across
those magazines were such utter cons
for me, it was the james bond magazine
info about the films, spy tips, and your free gift of a pen with a microphone in it
very much into 007 as a kid, you see
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Turns out she's actually innocent lads
Wouldn't be at all surprised if he has a heart attack or two before he turns 30
Subscribe to culture wars magazine for the latest anti Jewish news
What's your full name, DOB, address, and most extreme political opinion?
deegz knew this
can't imagine what your life must be like
it must be really awful if you need to go online and say things like that to random people
I'm sorry everything is so messed up for you
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For me it was Jackie Chan Adventures, I had all the talismans.
>I popped over the border to la Linea one night which while nothing special did have a few nice bars and restaurants and the gimmick of being able to walk back from a night out in another country to your hotel in 30 minutes is quite cool
Yeah, we'll be doing that kind of thing definitely
wearing my rat talisman
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wachu know about new quay, wales??
The base on those pizzas tastes like a biscuit, and they give me the shits
hate it when you wipe your arse then more shite comes out. wish there was a better way to do this.
need it all knocked down paved over and filled with barratt new builds
Wow really
Same as the old quay
where's the diversity?
I bet the crime rate is extremely low and that is racist
we'd need legislation to ensure those homes are used by those who need them (migrants, asylum seekers etc.)
bet you don't look after your family whatsoever
Oh you say that about everything
This always happens to me. Wiping my arsehole stimulates it and so more shite comes out. The worst is when you flush, stand up, and realise more shite needs to come out, and you can’t be arsed.
Need a small Asian wife to beat me up, set me on the right path and give me something to work for
need a big booty latina gf as it were
Business idea: start building cities out of marble again
I do where I can but it’s interesting that you don’t actually have an argument
Drink less milk/consume less dairy products
Albion ROARS out for cute 5'2 French girls with bob haircuts, beret hats, and unshaved armpits
alri Julius Caesar
pooberg thrashing around colonstein desperate to be let out like an enraged ape trying to rip the steel bars of its zoo enclosure apart
it's interesting that you don't actually have any evidence backing up your theory
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Dating a latina girl who's about 21, and then secretly shagging her sexy big arsed mum is a dream of mine
Alri tarquinius
*bursts into the /brit/ carriage*
Evidence? It’s a way of seeing things. What evidence would you like me to provide?
been hitting the snackpacks have we
*shanks you*
*scurries off to the toilet*
I actually don't want to engage you in conversation at all because I don't think you're very bright and I don't think the conversation would be interesting or enjoyable
doing a spot of life admin there de lada
*pretends to be asleep*
Yes it must be hard to find people on the same wavelength being an obvious genius such as yourself
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prefer not to say x
mate I've been sitting on this post for 8 minutes now just fucking make the thread
you're obviously a freak and the world would be better off without you.
Have any of you lads been to Darwin?
Not them but no
i'm a stupid moron with an ugly face and a big butt and my butt smells and i like to kiss my own butt
Is that atheist heaven or something

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