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Crazy how uniformist westeners dress. Its like they create them in a factory one after another.
>Jaниc Jaнeв
Reality is stranger than fiction
Did you send the BWC picture?
Not yet bro
I wonder how many here will have to answer to police once the ---medically attested--- schizophreniac stabs some random passerby in skopje
Bout to hit the shops for some grated grain fungus feed wastewater
Any1 want anything
I've completely given up
Lay's chips, cheese and onion flavor bro
That'd be mad funny doe fr
i literally have no idea about all the janev drivel i see balk spammed with every day
don't read a single of his posts or yours
tried to read a few times made no sense
Schizophrenics are untouchable. He can't go to prison. He'll be sent to Bardovci for a few years then let go.
Stop bullying Sashko faggots.
I urge the representatives of the Skopian Ministry of Interior and Interpol to take note of this post.
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If I see even one non-huwite in gayreece I will have an aneurism.
Imagine the scenario. Police investigates his stabbing and questions his parents. His mother will say that he gets ideas in internet. Also his stories. From law perspective he is probably treated as a child. Luckily for the makes here he does not seem the violent kind, he has not even physical outburst episodes like daniel larson. Not sure if schizophrenia is a progressing illness, someone might check.
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He mogs you so hard bro
>Most people with schizophrenia are not violent. In fact, they are more likely to be victims of violence than perpetrators.
I see you posting black dicks and trannies every day. I never see you posting actual women. Lets be honest already and drop that bi charade, its dicks what you are after.
Join combat sports so that you never get hurt in a street fight.

Result: Never have a street fight and get injured repeatedly in training.
This is what happens for the AsianJew many tricks
Boxing is the only valid sport you need
Nigga should sue immediately
Imagine this scenario:
>sasho submits a cyberbullying complaint
>the courts take a look at his criminal record
>attested schizophrenic, charged with making threats and has restraining orders from his victims
>case dismissed on non compos basis, he is asked to file a complain through his father rick
Bold of you to assume the courts work.
Still no new stories
It's over btw.
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my MCU waifu
>There are EU initiatives that address elements of the issue, but there is currently no EU-wide anti-online bullying law. There is no commonly agreed definition of cyberbullying in Europe or at international level.
Absolute state of this decrepit union
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>greece overtook us in corruption index
>post article about chyna
>tatar posts demographics of his own county
Bro, China only owns inner Mongolia, chill.
>encyclopedia fyromica
Guess her body count
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Is he some kind of masochist? Should have quit the Chinese crap and do boxing, something the US military used to require you to know and teach before they soft-banned it because it actually worked. Martial arts are for effeminate pampered faggots who watched shitty Asian movies and think this crap works irl and isn't just dancing for men.
>le cyberbullying

did you thank mitsotakis today?
wish janis was rimming my ass rn
That video has to be a joke... or this dude is seriously retarded.
>gets cornered by 5 guys
>punches a guy in the head and knocks him down
>decides he will do aikido now
>gets peppered sprayed and runs away
>his master at the dojo tells him he can't use the asian crap for combat and kicks him out
>dude jumps on another asian scam
1 year of boxing and wrestling and you will destroy all traditional styles, is a Bruce lee quote.
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Waxing my arm hairs rn
VGH... the street fighting experts of 4chan with their hot takes
Disgusting americanized bitch.
V00t has much thicker arms than me i'm sure ^-^
What do the funny ears of wrestlers come from?
Trauma, same as ending up on 4chan
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мoжe дa мaхнeш cтapaтa физиoнoмия вмecтo дa yгoлeмявaш физиoнoмиятa нa янeф зa дa я cкpиeш
It's a-me, Mangal!
this, my mom bf when I was a kid was an ex-boxer and sadly completely nuts from all the head trauma
was genuinely terrified he was going to snap and kills us
pink schweppes tonic for me bro
I wish mizera and mangal were never born
To improve birth rates worldwide everyone needs to legalise and encourage gay buttsex and also teach their toddles about gay sex.
Your mom
I wasn't supposed to be but I am here now
fuck off
fags still end up procreating
imagine this scenario
>trans woman gets with a lesbian
>trans man gets with a gay man
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>mmmy thread
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>i wish
ear flesh is barely sticking to the cartilage so when trauma makes it swell it just stays bloated like that with blood pooling in because ears have very strong circulation
draining it fast can stop the swelling and the deformation
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Thinking of replacing adjustment water with fancy homosexual french water for aliexpress elites
Should i go outside drinking with friends or should i stay on balk inceling arround with bulgars and makis
>socialize like a proper human with temporary frens vs parasocialize with subhumans you know will always be here for you forever
depends, are you a drunk?
inceling on balk won't destroy your body
>he thinks he has friends
One day the successful humans of this thread will stop coming back like Xpozed did and you will eat crow
>successful humans of this thread
Do like a foid / normie drone and chill with your friends and whenever it gets boring pull out your phone and shitpost. This doesn't have to be a one or the other type thing.
he is talking about Mangal
Grim. Bulgayria just banned LGBT class so they'll lose billions in tax.
If Bulgaria becomes a Russian totalitarian shithole I am out of here
All these gay billionaires just about to invest scared away
I just wiped away the tears your post caused me with a hundred euro bill
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Best millionaire is gay.
bro rubbed a filthy french replica of the Ancient Macedonian triumph arch on his face
disgraceful act
look at the brave beautiful souls defending their rights... 90% kids for some reason
When I was in HS in barnsville many years ago there wasn't a single mention of lgbt. Most we got was AIDS awareness classes a few times and these were ok because that meant they replaced an hour we would have otherwise had to spend with our class responsible, which listening to her dragged out nasly voice was a fucking headache. Don't know what millennial parents are tomba. Is it that bad in Goyfia?
It's time to leave my friend, they arrest you for burning russian flags in Sofia
Im far from such achievement
I thought you were joking... this is very alarming.

Enverbey required watching
The troon is actually an albo?
wasn't that bad for me either in the middle of affluence. everything slid like crazy in the past decade
slop content
besides I don't wanna get into another sopranos clips binge
Jesus Christ this is scaring me now...
You already started watching it

Don't lie
Blood clots you retard, it's called cauliflower ear
Yes, tosk from struga bro
no I just recognized the channel which has been recommended to me a thousand times. ain't spending my life watching some dork entry level psychoanalizing and morafaging to me
She had a Buga and AMERICAN citizenship and was acquitted of her petty hooliganism charge
The court released her and declared her arrest illegal
1PПУ в Coфия e вceизвecтнo c pycoфилcкитe cи изяви (+ oбичaт дa бият пpoтecтиpaщи)
>Caмo нe пaлeтe флaгoвeтe нa Бългapия и нa EC – „(2) (Изм. – ДB, бp. 10 oт 1993 г., изм. – ДB, бp. 92 oт 2002 г., изм. – ДB, бp. 38 oт 2007 г., дoп. – ДB, бp. 95 oт 2016 г.) Кoйтo пo кaкъвтo и дa e нaчин oпeтни гepбa, знaмeтo или химнa нa Peпyбликa Бългapия, или знaмeтo или химнa нa Eвpoпeйcкия cъюз, ce нaкaзвa c лишaвaнe oт cвoбoдa дo двe гoдини или c глoбa дo тpи хиляди лeвa“.
Good, I am calm now.
If Bulgaria turns their butt cheeks to Russia again first thing they will do is murder the Ukrainians, and second the Polacks.
Mentan from what you said always assumed he was a timmydonian, so albos are the rieal timmies in Fyrom?
I see bro
You've already sent it
Anyone with 130+ IQ will suffer
No, they'll first murder anyone who opposes bending over for Rassija
What do you think is his body count?
I noticed a lot of cunts have this retardation, where a schizo can stab someone, get sent to the looney house for several months where they are "treated" and once outside they stop taking meds, stab someone, repeat
you are such a little babby underneath, no?
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This one is a real schizo bro
Good evening Martinis, how is /balt/ doing these days
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>It's a-me, Mangalio!
Zero, Nordic Macedonians are some of the most alpha and straight chads on this peninsula, they would never fuck a disgusting troon.
We buck broke him, it is over, he might stab the troon to prove he's not gay.
If they locked me up with him for 24 hours and without condoms he wouldn't be able to walk for a year bro
Ever thought of visiting mangalia?
Adjustment water be hittin
штoтo cмe в ey и ce финaнcиpa c пapи бyквaлнo твa e пpocтo някoй ce e нaмъpдaл дa лaпa лecни пapи
Reckon he takes bbc?
So true i'm a softie deep down inside, i only insulted you because i don't know how to make friends.
BSC sending status?
How about your dont burn flags?
what do u mean? im in it
Big Bulgarian cock? Yeah, mine.
I don't like poles, they give off golem vibes.
The Romanian black sea town bro.
You can burn any flags (other than the bg one) freedom of expression and speech, retard
He has dry anus energy. HRT is a hit and miss for troons. Some reclaim their horniness but others lose it. He sounds like he never had it to begin with.
Need to make a fake account first bro
As soon as I get home I'll do it bro
e tuka si diskotiraha planovete, postnah go predi meseci
What happens there? All I know is shipworker strikes.
How can you say that when we fight against Golems since the very beginning.
You should be able to burn the BG flag too if you had freedom of expession and speech.
Why would I watch this shit. Why would I care about a handful of screeching freaks. I don't know a single person who identifies with this.
schizo actions are unpredictable, jeets could provoke him and he could get angry at chinese in his mind(how, idk)
>t. had the displeasure of knowing schizos, two of wanted to kill me, one of them stabbed his father
idk, I rarely visit balt, I just come back to int to mock jeets and jews, now I'm just prepping my drinks and planning to go to work on personal projects
you don't need to watch it, but those guys were really freaky looking
No idea, i dont follow Romanigger news and i havent been there in over a decade.
Watch this nigger mocking hellenic culture in preparation to your Greece vacation

See you dogs in 1 hour and 16 minutes
This shizo in particular has restraining orders against him for sending threats. He's 30 now and hasn't actually done anything. I'm willing to bet he's the barking dog that never bites type. What were the ages of the schizo who stabbed his father?
Through insta or jewbook?
Whatever you say bro
I agree in principle
24, he did it because his dad told him he is not going to pay his rent anymore unless he goes back to the doctors to take his meds
UUUUUUUUM us vs them, chud
Very natural
I'd get him pregnant in 10 minutes if he was a girl though
I don't know bro, I'm asking
If I ever have kids im leaving immediately. Name one upside of living in this shithole peninsula apart from muh beaches muh nature
Our shizo's parents seem kind enough to let him run around the house talking nonsense but IDK what will happen to him when they pass (they are very old)
Idk yet, I'll do it in whatever way you want king
ROMANIA 1st world ulululului
Schizoid countries: Denmark and Uruguay
Imagine calling yourself a souvereign country and tolerating someone burning your flag
So I, as a Bulgarian, can go to Skopje and burn the Macedonian flag and won't get detained for it? Nice.
>Mongolia: why would you burn horsetail hairs
Of course they'll arrest you. Fyrom is simply larping as a civilized state.
America is the land of the free and so is Romania, why do you think Andrew Tate choose that for his hideout?
Might have to click off this slop soon

He's taking about some nuSoprano's prequel series that's filled with the ugliest people I've ever seen
just realized i have johnny depp energy except i'm unattractive
Time to burn the flag of this gypsy shithole.
just realized I have no energy except I am also unattractive
But on what basis? They have no law against that, they'll have to release me - if they don't, their facade as a civilised state that follows the rule of law will collapse.
heh i guess you could say you'll hold up a lighter to their facade and it will melt like styrofoam
Astronomic trvke from the Sopranos slop bibeeo

Half the problems in the series could be avoided if Tony never tried being a dutiful son and just locked his crazy mother up in an asylum
Desperate housewives for timmies
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I drink this now
>romani "people"
is it accidental?
He is a fucking Italian, he can't send his mom to an asylum.
diabetic piss taste-tier
Pretty sure albos at some point have burned make flags and have not been arrested
In Romania, there are no dark-skinned gypsies.
owned by c*n*dians
>no one comments on 0.0% alcohol
Maybe something to do with the fact that 99% of their police force is also Albanian
Hence the sweetness
woah mind blown
That's the sloptuber's point
That ironically enough, the least ""sexist"" part of he culture, ie putting mummy on a pedestal, caused him the most problems
This ends once I assume office as PM of bulgarodonia in 2040
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Look at this pale mangel
I hope he sees this bro
I did!
sssssssakam da mislis samo za mene
i da ispozabravis celoto vreme
sekoj den mislis za men
nezen sljunoobmen, turski saten
Ayo Meadow can get it fr fr
I am dar skinned but romanian
I am timmyskinned during winter and maymulatto during the summer.
Enjoy wrinkles bro
Guess i will stay inceling on balk today
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least bloody nordic ruin excavation
I haven't been able to finish a run of this slop since it came out and I was still in high school
You will get arrested and used for political points by Micko.
I'll show you a pic of the final product soon big boy
That bitch has less hair than most women.
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They were hairy like that.

I show my skin to the maymun sun for 30 mins and I turn black. It's unfair.
>stealth attentionwhoring
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>why yes I am a maymun just like you
fucking dragons sure loved their caves
True! The dark skinned people are ethnic romanians instead>>201618716
Stop namefagging yourself
Heh, my detainment will cause BG-MK relations to worsen.
That would make you a fyromian agent or rather a useful idiot for Z
>bugi politicians try to deflect some deranged maymoon burning makke flag in their country by saying edin narod
Um bro but you see, youtube comments by 79 IQ kickball observers displays political power
>Da citizens are free to express themselves, fortunately, the Boogi state is more tolerant than some of our citizens, but alas, our hands are tired.
t. BG bureaucrat in the foreign ministry
If hate divides, will love unite? Will waving a banner that proclaims
>"Makedonski devojki = Top na sveta, sakam edna! <3"
be of any success?
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>>"Makedonski devojki = Top na sveta, sakam edna! <3"
Only if she was the edna
this the kind of woman who is solipsism and sophistrymaxxed and will claim to be vegan while trying to convince you that having a leather bag is ok
OK you niggers I will also pretend to have a life. Bye I'm going out with my normie friends.
Im here fren
I just want to marry the most beautiful and loyal blonde virgin teen girl. Is that too much to ask for?
C'mon tranita dont be like that
get a life of office work and then you can be here fashionably slacking off
Imagine if every year, one thousand of the lowest IQ fyromians got executed
In 100 years we will become Western Europe
This is my new anthem machedoneasca

In 100 years Western Europe would be African
You'd go down first.
I'd go down on janis istrefi's bussy
Tranlo is better
wonder if the 60 alboon who posted T O P on the troon's photo knows it's a man
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kek, poor boon
one of the bulgarians here is a textbook schizoid, I have never seen a case this obvious.
>The fat tranny from LinusTroonTips got fired

It's so fucking over troon sisters
nice legs
You inherit an apartment in Lyulin. What do?
I open Google maps to find out what third world country Lyulin is in
That's like 100k euros these days
> Expose children to modern western culture
> Son turns into a troon or nigger imitating retard
> Daughter turns into mental illness riddled narcissistic slut or a lesbian

well well well...condolence to the shqiptroon's parents
my waifu is barbara gordon from dc comics
any bulgaria bros abled to explain to me the DPS situation?
why is this man like this?
What is there to explain, a mafia gang has split into 2
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I have no idea what's going on but it doesn't look good.
Do you mean schizoid as in schizoid personality disorder or... just a regular schizophrenic?
schizoid personality disorder of course, I speak in concise terms
turk allowed its little piggy turkgarian too much power
turkgarian got high on power
turkgarian got grounded
simpoo as
It's me, I hope.
you can never be too concise around these parts
ok so DPS got too much political power and people protested?
why would you hope for that? it sucks
I don't actually know to be quite honest with you. I read about mr. "improoved mai inglish" Barekov joining the protest today, on behalf of some turks and I got very confused.
Get out of my country
no, shishi tried to take over DPS but he's too hated by their eternal voters. He then started replacing dogan loyalists with his own and they got into a feud. now shishi is he'll bent on punishing dogan and the parry is split between corrupt shishibros and corrupt dog-anists. those "protests" you see were by the dogs.
oh and peef has boiko bent over the barrel and has the police in his pocket
apparently MVR got involved to defend ahmed dogan
and now you know who paid for his campaign and party 10 years ago!
genuine question!
when will we just deport them all to turkey and be done with it?
mhmmm and here I was thinking DPS was a type of healthy controllable parasite that made us slimmer
never? they immigrate to germany anyways
The political model by D(P)S +GERB is a brain prion that's leading the country to total state and institutional collapse.
stop talking to the schizoid, that counts as abuse
I just don't know whomst to like anymore. There doesn't seem to be a single parliament-able party that isn't pro-something foreign.
That's their goal, to confuse you and to disinterest you from voting. You don't need to like a party to vote for them, I vote on a contrarian basis on whoever gets attacked the most by the establishment media just to make it harder for (((them))) to steal
you're not making anyones life harder by being dumb. i just drank 45 biers with the retards i hate who have been my friends my whole life and their detestable loved ones i have always hated and im so glad one of my ex somehow figured out that you can add people on telegram much like viber just by knowing their phone number so i'll leave her on there till monday
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that's like 200 billion in old money
Please God don't let me rot away till I'm 80
woah, so considerate
90 year old customer once told me that the key to his longievity was good sex
mpasically you all dying at 40
Thank God
I automatically tune out anytime anyone above 60 starts talking
fagtalk for a good few days rn cant bear much more of this bs
What's up with pajeets bobbing their heads side to side
too many saaaaaaars screaming around you so the only way to communicate approval is through the visual
man when boomers ask a question and you do the muttmerican up and down head shake and they ask "NO? YOU DISAGREE?"
i die a lil inside
when some boomer turns around and asks woah ur still here?
i'll be here way after you ...
fuck I forgot this is a cursed thread that shouldn't be bumped
Can't die before bell angel.
fuck you
Hell is other people.
I have no desire to murder, but i would love nothing more than to build a imitation prison cell in my basement, with carpet and toilet/shower and bed, and keep a teen girl as my rape toy for years and years. I wouldn’t want her to feel tortured. I would allow her to earn some books and she could earn television for being especially obedient. I would serve her the same dinner as me. She would eventually fall in love with me but I would never release her. I would create an intermediary cell where I can enter, lock the door, then open her door so we can cuddle but she can’t have a chance to escape. Instead of keys I would use a combination lock so the code is in my brain. I would be extremely cautious about her seeing the code or having access to any type of weapon. I would choose only a petite girl under 5’4” and ensure her diet keeps her thin, not emaciated, but like 18 bmi. She would never have the physical ability to overpower me. I would round off/strip out all of the lug bolts holding the bars. I would use red loctite on every connection point. The bars would be welded and fixed into the concrete floor and secured to the headers of the ceiling. The ceiling over her cell would be covered by 3/4 plywood to prevent her from going “up” or having access to any wires or pipes running above the cell. Again the screws would be stripped out and painted over with a matte black paint to show signs of tampering. She would be subject to sex on demand, and she would be warned that if she attempts to use her teeth against my dick I will not kill her but I will pluck her teeth one by one with pliers. I expect after a cooldown period of about a week or two, the woman’s natural obedience would kick in and she would quickly comply. I would help keep her mind sharp by teaching her games and playing chess with her.
im starting a crusade against nordics since they called me brown
You can be a top tier chad looking masculine man with a successful business/career but whitoid woman will jump on the first jobless nigcell because she can 'fix' him.
she's in her bbc arc
she's such an AIDSpilled wineauntiemaxxer
>boomers don't breed enough
>zoomers completely oblivious to anything really
Yeah, everyone is crazy here
I haven't even opened that and I already know it's that homosexual self-hating serbian.
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We are all Greeks in this world
Whitoids really will just be responsible for all their deranged misfortune then blame the jew for taking advantage of their stupidity.
I don't blame jews but Russians, Asians and Muslims.
Exactly the same low IQ energy.


just realized it's a white supremacy cartoon
the main villains are a maymun, a homo and a spic gang
they also make fun of the timmyfication of the italian mob
Unrealistic. Little white girls would've been splattered by a truck in episode 1.

bwahahahaha they are so adorable
>townsville park
>a CLEAN place for CLEAN folks to have good CLEAN fun
>only whites
mad that they got away with this
>law enforcement starts ignoring the little crimes, so they can start learning to ignore the big crimes
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that's a jeet
>yes come slave in this country and pay tax maybe you can get a white woman
And the nigro who sounds just like Johnny Bravo had to lay off good ol' BRICK-HOUSE-KI


original dub
damn, the youtube police really crackin down on sovlful cartoons
>poles are niggers
Kek, they really slipped this in.
I'm laughing my ass off remembering shit now

they make fun of innawoods inbred shizos too
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Bro this is literally every balkanimal selyak. They still keep this mentality even after moving to the 'city'.

ahahahaha someone wrote a research paper on it

>The villains are represented as ethnic minorities through racialized anthropomorphism which associates their evilness to their ethnicity. The girls’ fight against “the forces of evil,” then, is a fight keep to maintain a society in which ethnic minorities are not welcome, conveying racist and classist messages. In this paper, I argue that Creator Craig McCracken produces a series in which places white male figures—Professor Utomium and the narrator—establish a white, middle-class, patriarchal society, or a “Townsvillian” society, that the girls must maintain.
>You should let people get on your property the same way I let people get inside my wife!
Case in point.

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