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nice bear edish
Want to give a bear a hug, a bear hug, haha.
doin’ a poo out me arse
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Nice bear, that
And of course the Doors were great obviously.
that is a nice bear
I'm Welsh and could batter any nancy boy englishman
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Prove it
saved, thanks!
Good evening my british friends, what's been happening on /brit/ today?
mad how wales is literally the poorest part of britain
even poorer than the north east
what it lacks in money it has in sovl
Sneedence Snearwater Revival
just battered three welshmen. had one hand tied behind my back. embarrassing for the taffies tbqh.
swiping through the apps is so fucking grim. almost every woman is fat as fuck and holds their weight poorly. it’s actually over, there’s hardly any women who are a healthy weight or look a little fit.
Alri Antoine from eurotrash
you should have sex with me instead lol only joking haha that would be mad though
It's the poorest part of western europe, it's like a little pocket of Russia or something
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All the fit birds are in Germany.
I prefer Italian
Boomer pop culture didn't really have the self-awareness that's prevalent in millennial/zoomer pop culture.
There are some exceptions like the more underground/alternative boomer bands like The Velvet Underground.
not ready for autumn lads. feel like we never had a proper summer. hate it being cold and dark all the time.
>British Heir to the Throne
called the Prince of Wales
>French Heir to the Throne
called the Dolphin

on google street view it looks pretty normal
any genuinely attractive woman with a bit of glass is like gold in this country these days and if you want to be in with a shout you of course need to look the part, have a steady and respectable job, be fashionable, have a social media presence (validates you’re not a freak), be able to spoil her occasionally, etc etc.

elaborate mating dance for an actually decent woman, can be exhausting. and if you do get her, her DMs are full and she has literally hundreds of men to choose from. if she isn’t loyal, she’ll cheat almost assuredly and even if she is, she’ll still be heavily tempted leading you to doubt and paranoia.

Fucking brutal man. Phones ruined the bloody world I reckon.
ok tyrone
I'm cold
wtf, I'm white
Might google the age of consent in each country
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>tfw no cute russian bf
just removed the instagram profile picture
going fully incel now
well Saskatchewan has the highest poverty rate of the provinces in Canada but if you look at Regina on google maps it looks fine too

Wales is a complete shithole lad
Bizarre that they still get immigrants
Who the fuck is moving there
You're describing an attention whore, not a "decent" woman
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who mogged who?
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had a long nofap streak going and then I wanked twice today
ffs lads
weird. i've visited oldham and bradford and both were literal ghettos compared to the bits of wales i've seen. anecdotal mind so i probably just didn't see the really grotty bits. feels like it should be all valleys and sheep and stuff though.
You see that thing about Jess Philips getting priority treatment on rNHS because she's pro islamic? Mad. It's like the history of socialism repeating itself.

No more of the rich getting the best stuff comrades, nothing is too good for the party functionaries.
>Laura Jones, from Cardiff, said she wants her Muslim faith to be a part of conversations in Welsh.

>Despite being translated into hundreds of languages, there is no full Welsh translation of the Quran.

>She said with more Muslims now speaking Welsh, it is a good time to translate more Islamic texts.

>"Because I'm Muslim I want to try to bring Islam into the Welsh language," she told BBC Radio Cymru.

Im surprised there isn't a Welsh koran. is there a Manx koran?
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Government legitimately spending more than a third of a billion pounds on a Grenfell memorial
*poos on a Qur'an*
did you read it in the express gramps?
sure individaul towns can be worse than Cardiff itself
it's just on a province by province basis (north-east, north-west, etc)
Oldham and Bradford are in proximity to enough better places to drag the average up.

Grimsby is the WOAT for England arguably.
Either that or Nige's constituency.

But yeah North Wales is a dump.
just found a forum used by Isle of Man residents to discuss their island going ons
She told an audience m8. She can and should sue if it's fake. Wouldn't want people to think we have a two-tier rnhs would we? Could lead to more riots.
Wales has Charlotte church, that's a win for them
all the ducks are swimming in the water
Two tier queer sharter
Wales produces nothing so it has low GDP but it's a comfortable enough place to live thanks to English money. The only really rough parts of it are some the council estates on the outskirts of Cardiff and some post-industrial shitholes like Myther Tydill. The rest of it is nice.
If Isaac Asimov had a flatulance problem he'd be Isaac Gasimov.
No I’m not. Any young, attractive, moderately intelligent woman in a metropolitan area is going to be absolutely swimming in potential men and will have very high standards. This does not change depending on her personality, it’s much harder compared to what even our parents generation had to go through in finding a partner.

You need to be physically attractive, confident, fit, and in stable, respectable employment as well as signal to her that you’re a normie. Remember that she’s got loads of men to choose from. Women viciously judge each other and a lot of the thrill for them in getting a boyfriend is “one upping” their friends and acquaintances. I’ve witnessed this all first hand and any lad that has also been around women a lot will understand the often hidden, but cruel nature of female competition between each other.
Quran made out of bacon
Just want a qt welsh gf to cuddle with and her to make me feel all tingly with her lovely sing-song voice
hes gone woke
Sir tony Blair
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You're just incel ranting, not every bird wants a bunch of creeps DMing her, the good ones usually have private accounts and just want a decent man in their life
wine and yes
Wales produces a lot of FARMED goods you imbecile
its an agricultutural nation
and they make lots of bara brith!!!!!
This culture of dianafication and endlessly memorializing the same trivial shite is such a grim English phenomenon. Compare the 1971 Ibrox disaster with Hillsborough. Rangers fans hardly gurn about the former and as a result Celtic fans don't mock them for it. Meanwhile in England you're expected to NEVER FORGET hillsborough and mourn it in perpetuity.
You actually need 4 horses to get one horsepower
car like beer
Oldham is just one shithole in an ocean of shitholes, Lancashire is a giant dump. Horrible grotty place.
>agricultural economy
like africa
good job kek
i love watermelon, been scoffing it like a greedy chimpanzee
Candy Kong is fit
Wales was the first nation on earth to have more of its population employed in industrial work than agriculture. The fact that it is an agricultural nation again is a sign of regression.
I’m not an incel, I know how the dating scene is like these days for 18-35s.
>wants a bunch of creeps DMing her
Where did I say that? I said she has hundreds of options. Dating apps, instagram, snapchat whatever, a moderately attractive woman could pick and choose of any of the hundreds of options she likes on her social media feed. Very few men except the rich and famous get this privilege. It’s just a fact, men are desperate for sex and women can give them if she so desires.
>want a decent man in their life
that’s what i’m talking about. The standards to be a boyfriend to one of these women are very high.
>its an agricultutural nation
but the land in Wales is awful for agriculture lol, their biggest treasure were the mines
No Smoking With That Beer Keir
>but the land in Wales is awful for agriculture lol,
nah its not
explain why everyones a farmer there
farming SHEEP
that’s grazing not agriculture, mong
sir beer stomper
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You are a right spastic aren't you.
I don't fit in here so I left to join the hobby boards
they're sheep farmers because they can't grow anything else, all the sheep need is grass
livestock is agriculture yes
maybe life is just cheaper in scotland
What hobby? Being a fat homosexual?
My grandfather died at Auschwitz, he fell from a guard tower.
mad some welsh poof tried boasting that he could beat up englishmen and the whole thread has morphed into a serious discussion about how impoverished wales is lmao

think before you post
love the second fella he's like a world weary pirate
>socioeconomic factors
What do they mean by this
Is code for black people right?
sir near farther
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For me, it’s the heilan coo
Was he trying to escape? Shame he couldn't make it
one half russian half north korean gf pls
No he was a Nazi.
it's an interesting discussion desu
not trying to be edgy but Anne Frank's diary is boring and gay tbqh
Bet this cunt stares down at his hooves when he moos
sir paul blarter, pub cop
bedtoil beckons
wales? shithole m8
I'm not telling you you'll gangstalk me and find clues about the things I create
Started eating grains again today
Had some bread for first time in like 4-5 months
Doesn't taste have I remember ans have me belly ache
Thanks for reading my blog
>literally going to be illegal to have a pint and a ciggy
not really
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do you ever fantasise about sucking draenei futa cocks
hate the nightshift bed toil, love the morning shirt sleep toil
My friend sends his daughter to a Jewish school in New Jersey and says here kindergarten schedule has a full year of Mandarin
love french bread me, the baguette is the one good contribution france made to humanity
You could be both Ashkenazi and Aryan I mean look at this dude
Iranian Jewish?
english girls? they love big welsh cock, we're so rugged and wild and untamed, not like you sissy feminine english boys
they literally invented photography and videos thoughbeit
Invention idea:

Cars powered by pee and poo, limitless fuel.
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are scotch pies common in england?
randomly got asked if I were Jewish today
I'm welsh jewish
croissants are good and pain au chocolat (though i call it bread of chocolate)
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Yeah they know America is fucked and China is going to be the next big dog lol
my Malay brother
wee scromit
looks like a shite version of a steak bake
What a twat
such a boring bastard
what a boring cunt he is
Prettiest girl I've seen was Welsh
Quite odd because she wasn't popular and got pissed one day and was lying on the kitchen floor babbling on.
just a shite image
a well made scotch pie with brown sauce is fucking quality
Died at ginsburg
Guy is a massive fag
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>rugged and wild and untamed
literally nobody sees the welsh this way
sucking off a capri sun
Really? Welsh girls generally aren't pretty, and the ones who are usually have English or Italian ancestry
the Soup Nazi in Seinfeld is Iranian Jewish
He's a lawyer what did you expect, stalin, hitler and Mao?
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Just ordered this
So you saw my candy kong post and decided to ignored it like the lazy selfish cunt you are?!
Increbidle news. The woman upstairs has actually complained to the council about my farting. I eat well and sometimes get really bad flatlance, which as anyone in my position knows, is a very enjoyable experience. I love the satisfaction of letting rip. Anyway, it turns out that in the dead of night it's more than loud enough to disturb her sleep, and she even claims to be able to smell it. I really don't see how they can enforce this, I'm just going to claim it's a medical condition and act all offended.
knew a couple of really fit ones from up north but one was rich
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>wesh girls aren..
I think it was a case of she didn't know how pretty she was. She acted as a subordinate to this trashy Irish lass.
>stepped down after eight years
huh? his term ran out. whoever wrote this is a mong.
>I think it was a case of she didn't know how pretty she was.
the best kind
alri pete
pretty grim lad

not sure what they're feeding you in wales but I'd suggest stopping
he did nothing wrong
you're not you when youre hungry

eat a snickers
Noted how uncomfortable he is around white men and has to surround himself with light skinned blacks and jewish women. It's not a dinner party its his dream orgy.
watching lola gatsby sex porn
Very obvious she'd been tricked into having horrible lip filler and botox surgeries. Sad really.
Also what the fuck was that bollocks about the moon. Hate when people on reality TV act like retards to appear likeable.
The Welsh are not indigenous Britons. They are Iron Age Gauls that arrived in 700 BC, same as southerners although they were later Germanised. They are continental invaders.

The true natives are Irish, Scots and Northerners. They’ve been in these islands since the bronze age. A native Irishman from Donegal is more closely related to a man from Lincolnshire or Kent than he is a man native to Cornwall.
Wales was just some poor shithole England used as a source of cheap murderers and thieves to serve the empire
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so this is rorke
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fake image fake news
she said she didn't know who Cleopatra was and the welsh poofter chastised her for her stupidity and said "are yae thick? she was an egyptian goddess"

absolute clown country
i am not just a cat
i am an iams cat
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Decided to become a dairymaxxed milkchad
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giz a bit
washing machines live longer with calgon
sucking a snickers
it's funny reading how many pirates and slaveowners were welsh, they're a nasty bunch but almost nobody knows about their crimes
Is there a new season of big brother?
How much have you lads had to drink?
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aye in October
posts above pertain to the one from last October
we love our based Principality scum
I don't drink alcohol, it's tastes bad and is unhealthy
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it was winter time wasn't it? assume so and shall be making my presence felt on the general
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the american /brit/ poster aesthetic
3 tins and a spiced rum. going to pour another of the latter now.
don’t get why people act shocked by this
it was the BRITISH empire, there were English slavers, Scottish ones, Welsh ones, Irish ones. People from all 4 countries did bad things and other people from all 4 did good things.
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>I don't drink alcohol, it's tastes bad and is unhealthy
bedtoil beckons
I avoid the self service till all together and confidently walk out
Yeah but propotionally speaking the Welsh were perhaps the worst of them all, they're only a tiny people. The Scottish were also worse than Engand.
alcohol is a weapon used by the kikes to pacify aryans
very high on floor weed
put things through as bananas. won't work in your small supermarkets cos they ask for a number of bananas and cross reference the weight, but the ones where they just weight the lot of bananas and charge you based on that works. test it on a bottle of wine.
>The Scottish were worse than England
Were they or is this just hyperbole
lol do you really think drinking alcohol makes you a hard man? It just makes you an easy target. 90% of the time when a bloke gets battered it's because he drank too much and couldn't defend himself.
could sort you some bum fluff to huff if you want?
da joos
lmao go to bed retard
cannot even fathom the amount of dust and dead bugs you must have just smoked
at football? massively. embarrassingly.
I just walk in with a carrier bag, put shit in carrier bag and then walk out
Would enjoy getting shitfaced right now but doing it alone on brit is grim enough for me to reconsider
whilst we're chatting about the lesser constituent nations of Britain

Why don't we have one unified football team?
With rugby I get it cause only about 10 countries even bother playing it, but with football there's no reason not to.
It's time.
>Not really
ah that's it settled then
england aren’t exactly world beaters either pal
don't want to
if you lived in wales you'd probably want to leave and become a pirate too
need my bollocks farted on
Nobody wants that. England vs Scotland is the oldest football rivalry and forever may it remain so.
because we literally invented the sport so seperate institutions evolved here in the constituent countries (remember this was in the victorian era) for convenience. The first “international” matches were played between Scotland and England. As the rest of the world began to play football, there was no reason for us to abolish the separate associations so we kept them
A Welshman, and Englishman and a Irishman walk into a Scottish pub, and the barman says "Which one of you has the biggest nob then?"
The Englishman says"It is I, I am blessed with the most luscious pecker" and whips out pecker.
The Irishman says "No that'll be me me laddie" and whips out his respectable pecker.
The Welshman starts crying and runs home
at least let Rangers and Celtic in the English football pyramid then like you have with Cardiff/Swansea/Wrexham

They'll start from the Conference
They won't mind
feels like that is noticeably more impressive than scotland no? or did scotland also make the final of 2 of the last 3 tournaments? i'm sure i'd have noticed if scotland had played in that last euro final. were they there? i may have missed it, do correct me if i'm wrong.
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Never got getting shit faced on your own at home, seems mega cringe and sad to me. Drinking is a social thing, not a sit in on your own in shit stained under pants necking frosty jack in silence while staring at a TV shouting at the man on the screen thing
Absolutely love football

Love men

Love grass

Love balls

Love the kits

Love it ALL
Business idea:

Poo pottery
No. Horrific idea.
Look for other ways to raise the standard of Scottish football. I would never be for Celtic and Rangers competing in England.
t. celtic fan
A former subordinate asked me for a reference for his new job in Austria. I had to fill out a big form on their corporate website and the options for my "Title" were "Mr", "Mrs" and "Other (Diverse)".

Did a sensible chuckle at that.
any sit in on your own in shit stained under pants necking frosty jack in silence while staring at a TV shouting at the man on the screen man in?
it's got a ring to it.
>They'll start from the Conference
>They won't mind
Yes they fucking will

The one thing they hate more than eachother is the English shitting in their mouths
walked it mate was a very simple path for england even most england fans admit it, the squad was an utter shambles and southgate fluked it. Netherlands was the only good performance I witnessed from England the full tournament.
och aye the noo
you want to watch them play St Mirren and St Johnstone week in week out
With them playing Wolves at least they'd get a game
Just bloody dull

You'll never go further than UCL league phase whilst playing in Scotland either.
And given you lose your auto-UCL spot next season it's arguable you won't be getting back in there probably ever again.
>Love the kits
Love a vintage kit when they were sponsored by breweries and that instead of massive companies
Getting bladdered on your own is mint. No cunts around you to ruin your buzz
Snorted more than 50 grams of dried spaff thinking it was gear and I’ve now got nose mites.
Immense hatred for those songs who sit there entering other people about the glory days of the British empire and how were still relevant; we're not, and it's just sad and embarrassing. Stop
sniffed a line and now my nose is bleeding
Done it then. Gave up a carefree multimillionaire life in the countryside and will instead return to Tesco toil in an immigrant heavy community in East London. Potless but with my principles intact. Reckon however I will surely regret this and off myself within a few months, especially come Christmas.
Went through my drawers looking at my old kits when i was a wee lad
no mate what's on telly though?
probably bits of glass nothing to worry about
What songs do you like then?
Thoughts on the actor Joaquin Phoenix?
If this is the type of mistreatment I'm subjected to then I really must go to the hobby boards and try to enlist a bit of a social element to the progression
do not attempt to besmirch the good name of st mirren on here ever again
Yes I would, we are Scottish clubs and it’s only right we play here despite how glamorous ties could be in the Premier League. It’s better for us, for the other Scottish clubs (contrary to popular belief), it’s more convenient and I don’t really like the Prem. I view it as a soulless mercenary league. The Championship is kino but I wouldn’t want Celtic or Rangers playing anywhere in England. We’re Scottish.
don't know what you're trying to say, either retarded or you need to turn off autocorrect
What hobby? Being a boring gay cunt?
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The Scottish coefficient also changes depending on our performance in Europe
what you done that for dickhead?
why oh why would you do that?
so true
Trying to catch this fucking gnat with the torch on my phone like how you have to keep the light off and then turn it on suddenly to stun ghosts in Luigi's Mansion. It only flies in the dark so this is my only recourse.
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will continue to pronounce his name Joe-a-kwim
Seems a nice fella
Like the real betis winger?
gay and cringe
Thoughts on Jack Nicholson?
yes the very same
Shit golfer
based madlad
Massive fan of the reds.
Shan't disclose which red team i'm talking about.
I fear he won’t be around for much longer
Celtic is Irish tbf
For me, it’s Deportivo La Coruña
is that a threat
Ever since I quit smoking I am addicted to taking long deep breaths of air
Good in Gladiator, massively overrated, hate his weak watery voice and I find his ability very limited. Shagging Rooney Mara was a good choice though I can't fault him there.
someone literally got arrested for posting this image on twitter
Didn’t see that one coming mate!
remember when he burst into tears because of cows getting raped

why are actors such FREAKS
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Because I would be taking advantage of a truly loving and sweet woman who loves me but who I don't love in return. You have to be in the situation to understand how wrong it feels, and even millions of pounds doesn't make it okay, it's just not right.
Mussolini's breakfast consists of a glass of milk, and it is a matter of one minute.
"I drink it at the table in small gulps," he says, "so that it may be properly salivated. Milk is a wonderful food, perhaps, the best food known to man. This one glass of milk contains enough nourishment to sustain me until the midday meal sir hours hence."
what rorke sees when he takes ket
bottom left is just ridiculous
he's on the mussolini gimmick again
Prefer not to say.
her thoughts on stinky american men?
you absolute fucking tit
you fucking dickhead
life isn't a disney movie you imbecile
you've fucked it mate, utterly utterly fucked it
Thread's been perturbingly Wales and Scotland centric.
Need I remind you that England is the main character.
Greatest actor of a generation.
mental this makes the news in america
why do they treat actors and singers like aristocrats if not living deities
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pooing out me battypipe
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Or so they LARP.
serious question:
do dark skinned people get tattoos?
with whites it's like colouring in, aye?
not sure what'd be the point if you were black
Went to Llandudno and it was just poos everywhere by the pier

Theyre scared of the open spaces and green places though. Also they dont like walking anywhere
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set her up with me then lad
What'd you guys do if you had a drug addicted family member whose livelihood you've been supporting for more than a year now and who keeps relapsing but refuses to get professional help because they think the pharameucitcal/therapy industry is a scam?

Asking for a friend (me)
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Irish diaspora having a raging fit over this and reporting to the police.
YouTube algo on a mad one
>family member
if not a sibling or parent cut off completely
why does /pol/ only come out at night
Mad how arabs duped us into thinking jews arent people and they are
What I want is a woman I love and who loves me, it has to be both ways. I would rather live in a shithole with a woman I love than a six bedroom house with a woman I don't, and I think probably most men would. Not at first, but after a while, the unease and guilt becomes a strong force you can't live with.
there's different types of tattoo ink
i imagine they don't get darker tattoos
done a wee in the sink again
I'm assuming it's a woman so call the Koala commies to pick her up and get her sorted
having a rustlers
sticking my finger up my bum
Never toast the Rustlers buns.
Just microwave the whole thing me. Keep it a thing of purity.
>supporting the jews
a nasty flag in an even nastier room
clean that shit up
Are you Irish diaspora?
love isnt real you spastic
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There was a horror movie where this junkie girl's family is trying to help her get clean and go to rehab, but what they think are withdrawal symptoms turn out to be demonic possession.
It was pretty good but I forgot the name and I can't find it anywhere ffs
Why wouldn't I support the Jews?
I guess you’re an Ulster Protestant with a fanatical devotion to Israel for some reason as seems to be the case among many of them
I was at my mates once and he offered me a Rustler's so I said go on then. We were chatting in the kitchen as he sorted it. Then I watched in disgust as he put the whole thing in the microwave. Told him what the fuck are you doing? The meat goes in the mic, the buns go in the toaster. He disagreed. So I had mine my way, he had his his way. Mine has toasted buns like it should be. His was just a big gloopy hunk of slop. Fucking foul... as Rustler's go.
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I’ll get banned for going on an anti semitic rant but let’s just say they aren’t nice fellas
Develop a crippling substance addiction as a coping mechanism.
>German state of Thuringia votes today
>Biggest party is far-right AFD on 30%
>The far left BSW and Linke parties are on 20% and 14% respectively
>64% of the vote is projected to go towards the extremes

very kino
Even more given the Greens and FDP (German lib dems) are projected to be under the threshold.
You can tell this was pre-16 because there's no MAGA.
what would the british version of this be?
Weird but I also have a friend who absolutely insists on microwaving the fucking things. Horrible soggy burgs. I don't understand it. It takes the same amount of time to pop the bun in the toaster.
>the only thing the establishment truly fears
just a white man with a look of concern on his face
got a strong feeling the antichrist is going to be a sinojudeo hapa

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