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Those lunatics believe kpoopmaxx is legit when it's still only a small niche market which only attracts all sorts of unhinged, weird people from all around the world

Imagine your cunt promotes a peculiar propaganda that makes people from all around the world think the most of us get plastic surgeries(whilst it's only truth for foids) and men try to look like poofters, what a fucking joke
If you're Korean then what does an attractive non-"kpopmaxxing" man even look?
why did you post a selfie?
I think it'd be exactly like Japanese women thinking anime being popular means they'll get a handsome western boyfriend, but only getting otakus.

Most of the foids into Kpop are really frumpy, based on the ones I worked with. I mean, they're nice enough girls, but sorta 2/10.
There are tonnes of Incels in denials that believe they can score with white / japanese foids with kpoopmaxxing in my cunt.

Most of them legit look like picrel(and myself as well) but at least i know my own place.
Stop posting about Korea and only react to negative posts against Korea idiot. This is still a mostly weeb and Jap board
Stop bringing attention to Korea and subverters, idiot
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>believe they can score with white / japanese foids with kpoopmaxxing in my cunt.
but they're doing it, women like picrel only want asian men
Even putting the muscles aside, imagining a regular "ugly" guy and thinking of what direction he could go in to become attractive, the k-pop look seems more attainable than what that guy has going on.
He's a Gigachang and almost none of us look like him
bitch looks straight out of whoville, balding too
Women like picrel want chad kpopmaxxxers not bowlcut kimmy
I think Korea and Japan should still openly hate each other because it lets out passion and rages. But Korea and Japan and maybe even China should work together to at least block out troublesome foreigners and outsiders who come here to subvert with false lies and weird right vs left politics
I think he's facially attractive too
근데 왜 미국놈들이 화난거냐 지들 나라도 아닌데 희한하노
게이팝 좋아하는 한국계 미국인 검머외일 가능성이 높지 않겠노.
Why does modern korean zoomer lingo sound like its from the 6th century
> modern korean zoomer lingo
Elaborate with examples please?
the best white women are yellow dick only
Doesn’t matter because they’ll still only go for the top 20%

asian (japanese?) guy she was dating definitely wasn't the top 20%.
Literally who?
You can't call betabuxxing as "dating", nothing different with glorified sex work
women from my country loves south korean so much. it doesn't matter if you're kpopmaxxx or not, as long as you're korean / half korean, you'll get free pussy. i have some half korean friends here, & their live is literally in tutorial mode here.
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I Suffer In South Korea Without Sabrina Carpenter

Too bad you’re too old to boomer maxxx
Most people in the world don't know how to differentiate you from other zipperheads.
Kpop is ridiculous, but it promotes your country.
I doubt it
I hope my fellow g00kchuds realize that the international koreaboos are not our allies.
They all, without exception, have Xitter accounts, pirate soft-core pornographic hypergamous fantasy TV series tailored to the shallow tastes of Korean women, and flick their beans while watching cookie-cutter boy band idol music videos.
They consume Korean pop culture in the first place because their mental structure is no different from that of Korean women.
Weeb women have at least the occasional autistic tendency to be genuine about their "male" hobbies, but these Koreaboo are nothing but failed normalfoids amplified by the worst aspects of femininity.
In the most crucial moment of the gender war, they will eventually side with K*rean w*men. It's already happening now.
Don't think I wanna mess with Japs seeing how much cheating is normalised they're far from submissive trad waifus
go ahead & try it yourself. flight to indogland is cheap for you.
> because their mental structure is no different from that of Korean women

Couldn't agree more. Korean culture(kpoop and k drama) has always been fucking full of utter nonsense and it's just another foidslop propaganda for Chad/foid worshipping and beta incel sub-chad genociding. But soyboy cucks are too retarded to realise that there is no such thing as a saviour for incels.
> how much cheating is normalised they're far from submissive trad waifus

Somehow korean goycucks genuinely believe that they are "le pro family traditional waifu"
All my gook friends still think like Nork-tier chuddies, all are extremely Christian and don’t like social change and into weird shit like supporting Palestine and China. It seems like they are all inward-looking gookchudcels to the max
>In 2019, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences endorsed the theory that the United States Central Intelligence Agency initiated the phenomenon with a deliberate "campaign to 'brainwash' Asian men" starting in 1962 in Japan with the Johnny & Associates talent agency.

>star-induced feminization is part of a wider CIA operation to emasculate Asian men. The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences accuses legendary star-makers, the Johnny & Associates talent agency, of working with the CIA to degrade Japanese masculinity, leading to the profusion of soshokukei danshi (“grass eaters” or “herbivorous boys”) in Japanese society.
Then what is the acceptable Korean men imagery?

Over here it's either "plastic kpop oopas" or "creepy nth room/ burning sun weirdos"
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Still mogs me
Who gives a shit? They will still fuck you, unlike Korean women
I could mog him
Probably something like Steven Yeun
I'd rather be gigaturbochud ricecel rather than bluepilled soyboy normgroids with hilarious kpooop haircut
she only likes jap men
Funny thing is about 99.9 percent of Korean Man hadn't heard of Burning Sun before the news
I do fuckin hate how kpop and anime made like half of girls under 30 think that an attractive man should look like a 12 year old gay boy.
> plastic kpop oopas
Gigacringe poofters

> creepy nth room/ burning sun weirdos
Based coomercels
How's life of Bhutan going
What's up there
ching chong ding dong. haha
wtf I thought I was anonymous
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oh so you're the one who reported me
>They will still fuck you
lol no
You underestimate how much they fetishize you
*Fetishise Gigachangs
you realize announcing a report is against the rules right chuddy?
I've seen them call some really fugly kims "cute" or "hot". They're too retarded to tell an ugly kim from a chad kim. Visit SEA and you'll see what I mean.
I'm a gigachang so I might not notice the difference
I'm rotmaxxing
Life is too beautiful. I love my friends and going on adventures and being drunk 24/7.

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