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dreamy david lynch edition
dogshit PIG YANK edition
i'm not straight, i'm a gynophile
rooting around in the dirt for truffles
nude tayne
Get your face outta mah face!
We got a gambini rigatini ovah 'ere!
Pooftah McGoomba
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soon the entire universe will be american
Remainers are so pathetic. They think non-stop whinging for years on Twitter and impotent personal protests like this will reverse the single largest vote in British history
people like you make me sick, touching kids and that
should be locked up and the key thrown away
Just swiped left on 53 women who sent me a like on Hinge
My ridiculous standards reduce me to a lonely life
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What's an obscure interest you have?
video games
oh wow man
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I like geography!
only peripherally knew who mrbeast and dr disrespect are before, but now i'm enjoying them being knocked off their perch, and not just because i'm jealous of their success
Typical crab in a barrel
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Safety razors
You deserve the best
Not really obscure tbqh
Same to a degree. I was fixated on tornadoes and similar phenomena as a child.
Based apart from manga.
Physiognomy is real
That ugly fuck can never live a fulfilling life
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it's just weird, celebrities who are worshipped by zoomers cropping up and then getting cancelled in what seems like the blink of an eye
Done yourself out of a good shagging.
JJBA up to early part 5 is like early Batman
The panels are fucking wild
>twitter banned in brazil and users accessing it through a VPN face fines of $8k a day
hhahaha the underaged brazil poster is in the absolute mud
You've humiliated me on a public forum. Well done.
which one are you referring to
they're both extremely tall btw
What is the biggest piece of construction or handy work you have ever done?
What's JoJo about? Will probably never look at it but it's the only anime/manga thing that looks interesting.
It's about jo mama haha
made a clock in dt once
shall enjoy posting links to tweets he'll never be able to see
watering my poo and turning it into mud
New roof
I seemed cool at first
Oh no, not being able to go on twitter, noooo
Alright that's twice you need to back the fuck off now.
get behind me satan
rewatching the man who wasn't there (2001)
seeing james gandolfini playing not tony soprano is a rare treat, as is watchingteenage scarlett johanssen attempt to give a middle aged man an unwanted blowjob
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It gets crazy. At first it's just like fist of the north star with crazy spirit powers then they get "stands" which are powerful spirits possessing them. It's really interesting until the gimmick wears thin amidst part 5
They even reference Japanese horror elements from the manga Battle Royale. That and Parasyte are beyond kino gigachadfeed
leave it on X yeah
Mr. Beast with his disgusting bug eyes off the sides of his head obviously. I don't know who dr faggot is
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>It gets crazy. At first it's just like fist of the north star with crazy spirit powers then they get "stands" which are powerful spirits possessing them. It's really interesting until the gimmick wears thin amidst part 5
>They even reference Japanese horror elements from the manga Battle Royale. That and Parasyte are beyond kino gigachadfeed
Bizarre that we all get beamed the same tweets at the same time. Is your feed also full of unprompted Indian and Jew hatred?
can't get on ticketmaster
At the time, Jesus’ stern reprimand did not make sense to Peter. However, Jesus’ indictment presents a profound message for us. We can easily see that Peter had the wrong perspective of God’s plan for Christ’s suffering and death. But we must also see how easily we can become an unwitting spokesperson for Satan. This is especially true when we lose sight of God’s plan for us. This comes about when our focus is on our careers, our possessions, our security, and the things of the world rather than upon sacrifice and service and the proclaiming of God’s message. When Peter’s focus shifted to his own desires and plans, Jesus rebuked him in order to get him back on track. May our focus always be on God and His plans, that we may never experience a similar rebuke from our Lord.
i wouldn't say he's handsome but he doesn't really have an offensive face either
You might care once you start reading battle royale and see all the gore and desperate antics. It's a hidden classic.
> it's the only anime/manga thing that looks interesting.
horrific taste
can tell you with authority jojo is firmly mid as well
no it's full of Oasis
You're a habitual boundary stepper
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His weird beaver smile is worse.
He does.
He's got orb eyes and weak eyebrows
He's fucking gross
Women like hunter eyes
girl wanted me to record a send her her kareoke performance last night which i did
just watched it back and its fucking awful and cringe, don't know why youd want a recording of it
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this is my world today
i really don't see it tbf, he just looks normal to me
You guys are like women nitpicking every part of someone's appearance
The first few volumes focus on the art and the aspect of being original.
It only gets shit later like all classic anime, one piece, Naruto, DBZ, they all had their moments but overstayed their welcome. Gotta focus on the good. They can't all be Bebop
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>wanted me to record a send her her

You should watch the one with Nicholas cage and the snuff films. He's in that too. Good movie
On the toilet having a big stinky poo
Gigantic eyeballs are fucking gross
I get that as well. The only curated posts I see are about my football team.
Unprompted because I don't look for stuff like that but not unwarranted.
T. Xhiao
in english please
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My iris to eyeball ratio is perfection
You're football team yeah witch position do you play? Left back yeah left back in the changing room more like haha ;)
What's with autistic people and posting their eyes on 4chan
I saw the Battle Royale film which I thought was good.
Well I wouldn't know anyway. The only anime things I've watched are a bit of AOT and Initial D.
>defending a millionaire
He doesn't have to looksmax
He can just flash his money
He is an ugly faggot though
Proper demonic
dont know aha
I'm not having a go at you. Just wanted an excuse to use that image. Sorry!
inflated egos + no attention from anyone irl = annoying dickheads on 4chan
hello you autistic feral rodent creatures
The manga mogs it
Can't even watch the film the manga was so good
You have my eyebrows except mines are slightly better. Similar eyes as well.
*waves manky mangy claw*
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Mogging a multi-millionaire feels good. Fuck him.
I could YouTube
I could YouTube any day
Just watch me.
women only need bfs and husbands so they have someone to zip up their dresses
Did you see my apology post? >>201641961
Good eye to eyeball ratio
Gigantic fucking eyeballs which dwarf the iris aren't human
ahlan wa sahlan ya habibi
Not bad to have a lot of white on the sides thoughever. You just don't want scleral show.
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I forgive you
finished watching this red eye film finally
its not very good
should we meet for whiskey and cigars tonight?
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right well my cock has just exploded
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I'm not autism
fun fact : literally everyone of you got mites on your face that eat, crawl, and breed
Mr. Beasts eyes are fucking disgusting though.
Protruding fucking DS1 Basilisk shit
If you watch his vids you are CURSED
is that slang for a gay poo and wee party?
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Very artistic eyes
Need this lebanese cunt packed and parceled back to where he came from
Morning is it? Time to potter around doing nothing until bedtime I guess.
Looks like my mum
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are you a girl? post vagina x
start your goon sesh now and it'll be 2 before you know it
your mum should look pretty
The /brit/ sleepover takes place tonight
We'll have fun and games plus work on the choreography for the official/brit/ dance
Been waiting all year for this!
not even particularly claustrophobic and this image is almost enough to give me a panic attack
what did he mean by this?
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the 'loss
>alright Mr. Burns
Faustian Spirit of the European Race
that's nice of you to say
sorry I can't, I don't have any stamps
is diego going
Japanese fella having rice on toast for breakfast
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tempted to go down and buy a chicken fillet roll even if it costs €5
diego gets a room for himself with a camera feed into the main room, so he can do his "activities" without disturbing everyone else
A woman is more like a beer
They smell good
They look good
You'd step over your own mother just to get one!
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not a fan
rice burger is peng tho
wonder how women feel about motherhood knowing there's a 100% chance that they will be the subject of infinite sex jokes when their kid is around 12 or so
when i pulled out my willy for my morning piss, there was tissue stuck to it from last night's wank. does this ever happen to you?
Mousenonce Piss
a /brit/ film
why do you use the same word for rice, dinner and goku's son?
had a coffee and a wank, heinz ravioli in the microwave for brekkie
Need an American gf with brown eyes
I wonder if heinz ravioli is more or less exactly the same as chef boyardee
having tea thsi rmonign fore a change
on occasion
we are living in a material world, and i am a material girl
comes from chinese
Big white cock for breakfast yum yum!
what kind of cycling, road, track, mountain, something else?
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watching old let's play videos by sips, anyone remember sips? funny bloke
in a daze
not sure whats happening
picked up a bag of cat food and brought it to my room for saome rason
Rorke Tuah
you all getting your oasis tickets then
Road. I've done mountain biking and will do it again in an instant but nothing is as comfy as cycling up a mountain on a quiet road
because rice=meal for a long time
also, toriyama is renown for naming silly
vegeta is literally from vegetable
really like the weird fuzzy harpsichord-esque synth line that plays during that chorus
no dont care about oasis
no and blur is better
Just found out I didn't win £100m on the lottery. Was going to hang myself but I've found out there is another lottery next week.
May as well keep going and win that one instead.
family guy in the hood episode 49
anyone ever tuck a finger or thumb inside their foreskin against the bellend as a comfort habit? got a thumb in the forey right now
winning the lottery ruins your life more often than not
Yeah I walk around like this, everybody does, it's so normal isn't it
Any luck with tickets lads?
scranning a dungeness crab
nope non whites woke up early and bought them all to resell
yeah bought 9
The lottery for me is a 4chan gf who doesn't mind my wooing because I would rather insult her but it would be confusing and off-putting because I like her
damnn that's one sexy brit alright
been with a girl i met on 'mble for 2 months and shes already talking to me about having babies, we dont even live together yet ffs
yeah haha
anyone else careermogged by their gf?
i'm a retail loser and my gf is in medical school
blog on you insifferuably boring bastard
im a retarded incel and my gf is nonexistent
ain't clicking that
just got to careermaxx the jobstein. simpleberg.
Love having filthy hard grunty wanks to these incredible romanian celebrity bimbos who are only famous because they look like the caricatures of incredible megasluts
Better still many of them getting on onlyfans now and proper nudes coming out
how old is she? women start going mental for babies around their late 20s and especially 30s
this is false btw
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I just like having normal sex and relationships
do you yeah
Was just saying this down the pub
Love having normal wanks to normal things me
Was going to be productive today but got the hard drives out for some filthy hangover wanking
opened it and it's a latina girl noshing off a big white cock
this sounds based until i find out the hidden detail that you're actually a law student with a casual part time job. you omit details to make for a more interesting internet story
don't get bigheaded over being a normal shagger lad of course the average joe looks like casanova compared to the typical /brit/ dweller
a pretty girl, in her underwear
a pretty girl, in her underwear
if theres anything better in this world, who cares
Saints I've seen both ways.
Hindus and Muslims don't want discipline, they want tasty food.
The Hindu keeps the eleventh-day fast, eating chestnuts and milk.
He curbs his grain but not his brain, and breaks his fast with meat.
The Turk [Muslim] prays daily, fasts once a year, and crows "God!, God!" like a cock.
What heaven is reserved for people who kill chickens in the dark?
Instead of kindness and compassion, they've cast out all desire.
One kills with a chop, one lets the blood drop, in both houses burns the same fire.
Turks and Hindus have one way, the guru's made it clear.
Don't say Ram, don't say Khuda [Allah], so says Kabir.
woke up this morning feeling really good, well rested and happy
slightly concerned as I've not felt this way for nigh on a year and I do wonder if there's an inevitable crash coming
nope i dropped out of year 11 and was neet for ages
woke up this morning, got myself a gun
>nigh on a year
lucky bastard
been idk 20 years at this point
wpiping my arse with kitchen roll again
its like fucking east berlin in here
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Grug break thing --
On accident
Grug discover he like smash
me personally i feel unwell i had just over half a bottle of smirnoff last night and a temazepam
howling we've all been there had to wipe my arse with novelty packet of union jack tissues once
fucking state of the porno industry, can't even find a single good lesbian feet video in all of pornhub
going to have to be a regular lez video i reckon
Good thing youve got going here brings a smile to my face
That's how Ted Bundy got started
Stop watching porn you degenerate.
I like redesigning flags
i built a 5x2m bus shelter thing out of steel last week, currently in for galvanising. almost fit together perfectly but i cant keep square
just don't worry about things and you'll never feel bad
>temperatures to plummet next tuesday
thank fuck
same. slept 8+ hours. had a lovely brekkers

soon i'll be spending the day with me pals listening to some good tunes in the sun
browns are physiognomically evil subverters
getting deja poo
No such position unless you're in a wishbone formation in which the left back is halfback on the left side behind the Quarterback.
once had to use a ripped up blanket that I had in the back on my car and then shoved the soiled fabric down a rabbit hole
the girlsway mom vids usually have fantastic feet
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Worldwide, Germanic, National Socialism tbqh lads
Nothing less.
If you had to guess, what was the biggest poo you've ever done?
Provide whatever measurement you wish.
just cringed so hard my appendix burst
always the same fucking jammy deano CUNTS who get lucky with shit like oasis tickets
could’ve went through my friends list last night and picked out exactly who’d be posting ticketMaster screenshots on their story by 10am
just fucking KNOW they just googled ‘oasis tickets’ at 9pm this morning and the first result worked first time for them and they went straight to the front.
Disgusting fucking vermin posers sincerely hope they all die
was on holiday once and had to wipe my arse with stones there was absolutely nothing else in the poolside shitting hut
swear i've had an unbroken 2-footer once, one half was half poking out of the water like a snake emerging from a creek
Once wiped my arse with surface wipes that my nan had accidentally put in the bathroom and my arse felt like McDonald's Spirte for hours
>bro you're like Ted Bundy
>dude you're like Ted Kaczinsky
All the more reason for brown eyed yank hunnies to fall for me
Oooo~ I'm gonna MURDER you!!!
fucking dumb sluts!
blog on
there are noticably more blacks and pakis around i must admit
Had to wipe my arse with the cardboard tube once someone had used all the toilet paper
cor imagine cuddling with a nice friendly femoid
Seems like an odd thing to be angry about
grown man posting his wehraboo wanking fantasies online
stop noticing things mate, lest you be accused of being a racist
Might get a bidet
Any bidet-blokes here have any experiences you would like to share?
Them blacks had better PAKI their bags!
and only more to come
country's gonna be majority brown in a few generations
insane isn't it
Your people are facing down an extinction level event and you're up at 9:$% posting memes about Oasis and dogs farting.
Something about ticket touts annoys me, the fact that the problem has never been solved with all our science and fancy statistical shit
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Just been banned from the interracial cuckold forum, fuming.
>9pm this morning
They cuddle with you
You squirm uncomfortably as they writhe in ecstacy
Simple as
it'th fantathtic
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didn't think anyone under 40 cared about oasis
Your people were always mixed and you have living standards for anybody (who isnt a criminal or an idiot) which are far higher than britain's
saw wogs loitering about liverpool stratford station similar to the turbo african wogs you get in spain always loitering about, wonder if thats the future of this country
haha what a spastic
irish diaspora parents pass on oasis songs to their sprogs like ancient irish folk songs were passed down generations
got my weird penis out
going to be looky looky men in town centres soon
oh ay, sis
took the bike to the mechanic
they said it'll be ready today, did quite well to not crash it on the way over since i'm hungover as fuck
you have to be massively autistic to still find these jokes funny (no matter how true they are)
come again?
?? Explain
9pm probably is morning for that jobless cunt
how is making the exact same joke over and over again for years on end still entertaining
Get the pakis packed
Get the wogs waterlogged
It's not a joke. Explain what you mean.

you know I’m right though
the universe is absolutely not random and these ‘people’ are handed the easy route in life all the time
when i lived in bath about 10 years ago there were no pakis at all. i wonder if it's changed now
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Showered and washing my bedding.
Hoping to trick myself into being a functional human being.
you'd have to imagine that pakis would stay as far away as possible from a bath
dark fruits weather this
fr fr meant to be going to a park
only dark fruit round here is you
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woah howd that happen i didnt put him there
cute though isnt he
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afnhk uaaen dnvaa igevv oslye
Maybe it's because they're not seething little gimps who think that liking more obscure bands makes them special. GOD (not le heckin spacedust universe) rewards then for being relaxed and normal and happy.
Seethe harder you sad sad bastard.
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>when i lived in bath about 10 years ago
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Hello my beloved
looks comfy
not sure what you’re going on about mongo I wanted oasis tickets
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The Legend of The Useless Tranny Programmer
Brought to you by Chud Industries
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the Harry Potter Indonesian covers are p based
deleted tiktok a few weeks ago and im GAGGING for some short form video content
Never understood concerts or gigs or whatever. Used to go to festivals a lot, spending the entire day drinking and listening to music with mates, a big event over several days.
What's the point in a concert? Turn up and listen to one band or artist play a couple songs then go home? Sounds a bit shit. I have Spotify premium, I can do that at home.
same lad i keep deleting and reinstalling it absolutely mental how mindraped I am
2.6/10 bait
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Meet random chudoids and slaggoids to grug with
bought 3 oasis tickets but i dont really feel like going
Got bussy juice on the sheets again
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having a look
Get 700 a month pip because I take oestrogen thanks British taxpayers

Whilst I'm earning 4 grand a month you're on the breadline and I get to be a peng tranner
four eggs boiled
Fucking hell the bbc are using the global majority term, it's insane how much everyone hates white british people including other white people
horrible farty poo on the cards
Taking the piss a bit
this gennie is the only one where i see people use the somethingberg meme like this, is this a common way to meme about jews in the uk since other 4chan antisemites outside this general don't use it like this
underpants are not smelling pleasant this morning
Heard that David Lunch refuses to give money to the homeless,
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Business idea: Force all the immigrants to take estrogen and transition. Reduces violence and makes them more in tune to the British way of life
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The B B C
phenomenal idea id house them myself
The BBC are Judeo-Tarq-Liberals who oppose the racial spirit of National Socialism.
I do not use the rest of 4chan
im trans
pump all non-pork meats full of estrogen then
four eggs: down the hatch
piss: taken
german nationalism: on the rise
im anon
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are your parents married /brit/?
posted in the wrong thread like a mong
always a danger with having brit in the title
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alri anon
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Actually they send me dreams about murdering people where I'm always seconds away from getting caught
matey thinks hes in brit
Life would be objectively better if we deported all the immigrants and returned to a patriarchy and, deep down, leftypol knows and hates this.
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Lots of sex dreams
>good goy, fuck the succubus goyim!
Becoming possessed later is so great too
Imagine just feeling normal and a wave of evil energy falls over you
Yeah, you're not deeply mentally ill. It's le Jews shooting sex lasers in your brain lol.
they should have shuttled some fentanyl down there attached a winch to his legs and yanked him out regardless of how many bones it broke
i could have saved him
Wouldn't mind someone shooting me with a sex laser
>pew pew
(that was the gay sex laser)
Nooo haha not the gay sex laser aha x
waiting for me sausages to defrost
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Only habbens when I sleep next to my phone
Sex dreams, murder dreams, religious dreams in that order.
They have the technology, goy
When she gives you that nuttyputty

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