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/int/ - International

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/int/ EU4 multiplayer game is up right now come join
Server ID: 90201397264923671
no password
all DLCs enabled
and no, you dont need to own any DLCs to join the game you get them for free if the host (me) has them
you can also always hotjoin i will accept all hotjoins
Who are you playing?
I dont own this game
Ive never played it
Can you pick a game that i own or a free game or a browser game :)
think i somehow own this game but have never played it because i am not a virgin
idk i havent started the game yet
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U got any of these nigga?
Was given for free on epic years ago. Maybe I'll try learning so op was someone to play with.
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you need to hurry up you guys
I'm not home at the moment. Give me 15 minutes.
Been so long since last time I played I dont have a clue about the new DLCs
No im not brown and i play white person games
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make a lobby tomorrow and I'll join
join now
How many people joined?
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1 guy joined and then left and said he might join back in an hour if im still around
i joined no one else but op then i left lobby before countdown timer ended
This is what you get for not making a victoria 2 lobby.
are EU4 and Paradox diverse? do they set and obtain goals related to inclusivity and acceptance at the work place and in their products?
I don't have EU4 right now on my laptop. Trying to figure out Victoria 3.
Even if I installed EU4 now I would immediately install cheat mod because nowadays I can't bother with its shallow minmaxing.
join the game
Server ID: 90201397264923671
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stop leaving after seeing the lobby empty
have some patience
couldn't support chud goods and have a conscience T B H
Not everyone has all day.
They're swedish :)
so were a WHOLE FUCKING LOT of actual nazis
yeah :)
I'll join, but I can't guarantee that I'll stay
its saturday
I'd prefer a hoi4 game my nigga but I'll still join with my limited skillz
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guarantee it
Alright, I guarantee that I can't stay.
guarantee that you'll stay
wtf guarantee it
it's board game night with the boys
Based, you have that too?
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have fun
what you playing?
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This is what you get for hosting incel games, just host a skribbl or multiplayer minesweeper lobby already.
today is eu4 night with frens
I'd be up for skribbl
Same that sounds fun
no this is eu4 night with frens dont do skribbl wtf
im coming cuh
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when to we start
i will start when everyone readies
Should've done a halo custom game lobby
what happening now
i think you desynced or something
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it jsut left me like this
or is it about me?
i cant see you in the lobby and the other person is not responding to me either
With the combined IQ 100 im positive we'll manage to get this thing going.
Sorry man, step away from the computer
gonna get a skribbl game on in 30 mins
come back...
i love you
must be me i never done this before i will try one more time as ottoman and i am soryr for trouble brothers
I'm free for another 4 hours, dont worry.
So what have you done so far in the game?
we are 2 years in
Rip Sweden
early moves but we have had troubles you can join in no problem we have also swapped nations mid game
I'm sorry, this sounds cool but I'm too autistic to interact with people, so I'll just wish you good fun instead
come join
i love you
Just join, some retard already ruined Sweden and Castile.
join us
we barely talk in chat when something happens
we arent interacting and we are al autistics

u can hotjoin
pls join game
post a screenshot of the map thus far
might join
Pls dont
why not
no reason
please join
wtf come back
I wanted to play but my computer's WiFi adapter died, I'll try to fix it but I doubt I will

Had to take a pic with my phone cuz no internet

https://postimg.cc/LgZK4rXx 4chan won't let me upload images from my phone
OP I think you should start a new game tomorrow you can't make a thread and assume we're all ready to go
i made a thread this morning and announced this game though
wtf come back
i play crusader kinks instead
my internet got disconnected
i can rehost if you guys want to continue
server lost for me or for everyone?
im hungry so im gonna go eat but if others wanna play you can play without me
it was fun& i hope you host these again
Perfect time to end it. I gotta head out in an hour
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england here I hate the AI
Yeah, op definitely keep hosting servers. It'll grow as time goes on.
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by the time eu5 comes out we'll have 357 anons to play the entire HRE
Aren't map games a slog to play with friends?
That idea is way too based for a group of autist on this board to do.
>muttskovy/rashka existing
Amend that
>not hoi4
Failed again retard eu4 games take too long
Polish post about
>offers to be your vassal
Do anbennar next time
join the game next time
You gonna do another game tomorrow? Maybe I'll join.
i will do if you join for sure and actually wait in the lobby for other people to join and not leave instantly
I'll just come in and afk until the game starts probably.
Depend on when the game is made.
*Replaces your pop*
it's gonna run so fucking horribly that no one is going to have the specs to play it judging by how Paradox handles things these days
World map so far?
>> 201670127
It’s never going to run well

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