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West Virginia edition

Previous: >>201640592
goddamn you mapcel
frog lol
That last thread sucked and some of you deserve to die for it
one of the fruit flies is hovering even closer to me now
right infront of my laptop mouse touchpad
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Why do you still have hope?
I like mapcel. Seeing all the neat state borders makes me wish our provinces were smaller.
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My faith in Jesus Christ.
I'm a jedi knight
>I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
>Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. For life is more than food, and the body more than clothes.
>Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?
Huh.. this is too dark
yo uwould probably be able to see her ass and pussy when she stands up in this. pretty trash
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Anyone like Faster Than Light (FTL)? Real banger of a game. Hits the microautism and RP itch just right.
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>last year of my 20s starts today
They're almost gone. I've pissed them all away. Zoomerbros... Don't let this happen to you.
Imagine how white must her bf be!
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I'd darkest before her dawn if you know what I mean.
non white detected.
Been a while. More of a Slay the Spire guy these past several years, at least so far as rougelikes go
you are a zoomer.
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The level of evil we're up against
Happy birthday anon. I felt sad on my 29th and 30th birthdays too.
>Slay the Spire
Based. I play that on my phone a lot. Got to ascension 12 on Ironclad.
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thinkin of getting some pumpkin beer since tomorrow is september and it's unofficially autumn
No I don't
I like films with Rosario Dawson because she isn't afraid to show her snatch
Only one more year until wizardry. I believe in you anon!
if she had a white face there shed look like the briish wojack girl meme
You're no different from the pumpkin spice latte females
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i'm okay with that. i like pumpkin and autumn is my favorite season.
do you have a favorite season anon?
Too many people here hate summer :(((
The constitution is a meme
Deadpool is cringe and stopped being funny when I turned about 19
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>autumn is my favorite season
holy reddit
They jerk off to traps
Argument obliterated
It's nice, the leaves changing color and the weather cooling down.
I take all the seasons as they come, no favorite really.
I'm reaching the point where I cringe when characters in movies/shows/games say "fuck"
the 16 year old pablos in this thread don't care.
mmm yummy mtn dew cap plastic connector
do you not like autumn leaf friend?
Uhhh, based department?
This. My appreciation for the warm green days of summer grows with each passing year
he's saying that there will be false positives, not that people will still get away with it
possibly the only time that this meme >>201657700 was used correctly
I wish I was at the game at Mercedes Benz stadium, they have cheap concessions
Same. It's fine if they say it occasionally and the situation calls for it, but using it every other sentence gives me the impression that it was written by a teenager trying to sound like an adult
I cringe when people in real life say fuck
I’d like to live somewhere where it never gets below 15°C and never gets above 25°C.
I’ve heard San Diego is like this, but it seems expensive. Tijuana must have similar weather, yeah?
>he's saying that there will be false positives, not that people will still get away with it
It doesn't matter because the only point for those people is that nobody gets to own the scary killing machines
People being denied on false information would be considered a good thing.
I wanna give her half white children
everywhere along the coast is expensive
Yeah but Tijuana must be cheaper than US California
It's also in Mexico.
In Mexico only criminals can own most guns
E-girl I fapped to had a huge hickey on her chest so now I'm no longer attracted to her
Sweet freedom
Yeah? That’s a worthy trade off
Have you been there?
Speak Spanish?
Did she have a dick?
Doesn’t really matter
can someone spot me $100
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for real?
what do you need it for
something I want but dont need
how's 10
Hey give me $100 (USD) too. Please.
if ten /cum/mers each contribute $10, I could buy it
America must stand with Israel as it takes action to protect its families from Iran’s terrorist proxy Hezbollah.
Hezbollah has never done shit and will never do anything but we'll keep giving Israel bombs to lob at Lebanon for the laughs
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This image always makes me laugh
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based melenated squirrel
I love how I have to keep going into task manager to force close a program thats worked flawlessly for 8 previous OS generations
maybe right click the program icon and go to compatibility mode to enable "compatibility mode for windows 7" or something
not that ive ever used that because idk if it even works
I shit like a hippo
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I fuck like a giraffe
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Off to the race
I will catch fish
How's that?
On my next PC I’m getting a mac and using it to run linux and windows machines. Ideally I would just use linux to run mac and windows but I’m under the impression that the virtual macs are outdated and pose security risks (plus the new macs have pretty good specs for what I’d want)
Christ has died.
Christ is risen.
Christ will come again.
What if a sexy cheetah lady sexuallay harrassed me hahaha
why do you come onto this sinful website?
The website is just a website. We are the sinners, and we are worthy of redemption.
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Love a nice manzanita. Must be 6 feet tall.
that's cope. this is a place that practically worships degeneracy
lot of manzanita out where I live

where are you?
Being 30 years old without ever having a girlfriend is demoralizing.
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The skin peels off and it becomes soft as silk
How can a place worship degeneracy? You are ignoring the agency of people and investing bad qualities in a place. If that's how you want to see it, so be it.
now I cant even force close it in task manager

fucking pajeet coders
I am in the woods
Its over
Based woodsmen
no shit you n*gger, which woods
it's filled with people who take pride in being degenerates. you willingly expose yourself to sin constantly by being here. any good christian would avoid a place like this unless you want to larp as a missionary or something
>any good christian
It's not up to you tell me what a good Christian is or isn't. None of your assumptions apply to me. Thanks for playing, and God bless.
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Alright bros, I've finally gone to Del Taco. This is my view right now. As soon as it's been 30 minutes since I received fluoride treatment from the dentist, I will chow down and report back my results. Also I think it's ironic that there is a taco bell right across the street
>It's not up to you tell me what a good Christian
Classic shitty christian line
Jesus sat with tax collectors and sinners
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Jesus wouldn't be a hateful bigot.
Love thy neighbor!
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If science made the world how come it is so magnificent and lovely? Checkmate lib btw i should collect these and sell them $20 each to east coastoids
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Science is beautiful
but I did read it thougheverbeit
I've read it. Christianity is centered around jesus being the ultimate role model. of course you're allowed to speculate on what he would and wouldn't do you fucking dolt
>Christianity is centered around jesus being the ultimate role model.
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Is there any particular reason why you're seething this hard? I'm not compelling you to convert. You seem to be frothing at the mouth with disdain.
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my ancestors
The library study space is unironically becoming crowded with jeets and flips "studying" bullshit degrees on their Chromebooks so that they can "stay" in Canada. Gone are the days people came here to study their true passions. Now you are "weird" for studying something informally.
Beatlefags are so autistic
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Climate change
did he sit there complicitly while they sinned in front of him?
that's what all christians on here are doing. but go on with your larp
>I disbelieve in Jesus Christ
>But let me tell you what believing in Him correctly looks like
ok buddy
Jason, Urkel, Spinster, Goshcel, and Footkraut.
>everything is autism
if you're not here to convert sinners then you're just here to sin.
>did he sit there complicitly while they sinned in front of him?
Sometimes yeah
Peter cutting off the dudes ear
The woman who committed adultery
Judas plotting to betray him (which he knew ahead of time)

Part of the whole point of the Jews and the bible is that they fucked up all the time and God didn't abandon them
But if he explicitly tried to convert sinners then you'd say he's annoying and obnoxious
You just want to run him off, just be straight up with it
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>google problem
>windows help forum link with the same problem
>the question is ALWAYS answered by a pajeet, and the thread creator saying that problem didnt work
That's not correct. Again, I thank you for playing. God bless.
It is. which is why it clearly strikes a nerve with you
Okay, what now?
nothing really
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just realized I still had leftover peanut butter and didnt need to buy more
Can never have too much. Save your life in event of a happening
I mean yeah I would rather not be attracted to them because they're a massive distraction and they are a net negative to your life, but jacking off is enjoyable so I might as well enjoy it
Based and dementia-pilled
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Anonthony Pepano has no respect for this thing.


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I guess Hiro thinks the economy is about to tank as well.
>they are a net negative to your life
moronic post
Man and woman—their union is the alchemical wedding, the coming together of two sets of seemingly contrary principles. The two becoming one.
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good morning
The nerve, I swear
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every morning is a good morning it means you get to try again to have a better day than yesterday
My moms chinese friend bought her breast implants for her birthday
quandale dingle here
Is this real? It's so horrible I can't tell if it's meant to be mocking cancel culture or supporting it
Why does your mom want breast implants?
Why does your mom's Chinese friend want her to have breast implants?
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>You will have a good morning
>You will feel good
That's just what Big Dopamine want you to think
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its from DEI's newest groundbreaking turd in the punchbowl
Simply based
they are, this is an objective biological fact
Day drinking
>31 in-game
>released 11 days ago
dunno. i just know shes mentioned it to her before. weird huh
that is pretty odd
and how do you figure that? Being with someone you love releases oxytocin, which makes you feel happier. Not to mention humans crave companionship
Just another day in schizomerica, land of the schizos
I've started changing my facial expression to Oblivion NPC anger when I'm angry. just keep it in a scrunched up position until whatever is upsetting me leaves my line of sight.
Dawn of the Final Month
11 days until 9/11
That word loses its meaning when you use it so frequently.
he's not gonna give you a satisfying answer he's just a gender war victim
i still remember 9/11
like so
don't do this, I have done this instinctually for years and now I have a permanent chud mark in between my eyebrows that will never go away unless I get botox or something
why is this country so flat and exposed, no matter where you go there's at least 60 people who can see you.
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Skill issue
I started sⲟyfacing to things ironically in real life. WORST DECISION I EVER MADE. Not only did people who weren't my close friends see me and not get the joke, I also started doing it out of habit and now it's just something that happens unconsciously. I'm not even sure it can be called ironic anymore. Whats worse is that I'll do it now in front of people I don't know and then immediately quietly swear to myself and get visably distressed after, making me look schizophrenic. just another mistake ive made to make my life hell
business idea: take woman memes (such as “wine aunt” and “the x you were warned about” and “the x of the y you didn’t z”) and adapt them to incel chud memes
example: “the cool chud uncle” and “the chud your parents warned you about”
very demure and chudful post
whats the "the x of the y you didnt z" meme
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How the fuck is this dude still alive? Don’t want to jinx him though so I’ll say I hope he makes it to at least 100.
She's also kinda fat
I'm "weird" for studying my passion with physical books and pens and highlighters at the fucking library. They took this from us.
this nigga ahhhhhh
readin a book
This show was hilarious
love his episode of columbo
That's why tiktokers made demure a meme, they didn't know it was a word before. It was strange and exotic to them
Not sure, but I enjoyed my Del Taco. I was lied to by the anons who said its garbage! It's quality fast food.
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what happened there?
i meant in places where you can get a job within a 500 mile radius.
just sneezed
Uruk-hai maxxing to escape goblinceldom
I know, I heard you
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>Everyone espeake the Spanish on subway
how many times did you sneeze
i never sneeze just one time it's always at least twice

I think someone was talking about me
s c h i z o
c c
h h
i i
z z
o o
i always heard it was someone thinking about you, and not gossiping
Plenty of cities that are hilly in the US, but you would say they are too expensive, and the ones that aren't too expensive, you would say are too trashy, and the ones that aren't too trashy, you would say are too boring. You are a rodent. You will never be satisfied. Just wait it out 10 more years for the VR coompod so you can hop in
As to be expected Vitalina turned out to NOT be the girl on the pictures. Still ploughed this broad like a mf.
Was she Russian or Romanian or something else
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did you know that polar bears and grizzly bears can successfully interbreed, and it occurs infrequently in the wild resulting in a hybrid bear called a grolar
> effectively ban chinese cars
> us automaters won't release anything cheaper than $30k
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had a dream i was back in school and a girl gave me a piece of paper saying she loved me
I did know this, and it's becoming more common as polar bears are driven south when desperate for food in the face of climate change
What sort of bidya costs 100 dollars
Soulful map thread.
Because this country is a corporate oligarchy. We are ruled by the rich, not by our government.
i wonder if this trend continues over the next few thousand years if the distinction between the species will start to blur
its not vidya
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We have madrone up in Washington which is just a tree sized manzanita. Very cool
That would be interesting, however unfortunately I think polar bears will starve to death before they have to change to become extinct due to evolving/interbreeding.
i feel a strong compulsion to peel all of that off
madrone goes as far south as the northern california border
growing up in oregon dads would tell kids about madrone monkey and hide stuffed animal monkeys in trees
Claimed to be ukrainian and 21. I can't tell with hookers' age as they have worse habits than me and look like shit but she got a little btfo when I said that Russians were losing ground fast so perhaps she was russian
Do I jerk off, or save my testosterone for tonight when I try to approach women at bars?
No way dude that shit takes ages to grow
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>That would be interesting, however unfortunately I think polar bears will starve to death before they have to change to become extinct due to evolving/interbreeding
dont know if i've ever seen that
i guess they aren't very adaptable and pretty susceptible to foodweb collapse because their diet isn't very varied
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in french gros-lard (pronounced grolar) means big lard and it's a common insult to fat people
Save it
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very nice
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alright then, $40 #amerigod #grindset
>cold approaching in 2024
does it work for you?
the slot
how's the slot
in english, lard-ass (pronounced lard ass) means lard ass and it's a common insult to fat people
It's hard
I've been cold approached by women (very rarely) but I've never successfully cold approached them myself. I want to try so that I become more confident
I dont think Ive ever seen madrone here
Jerk off and save yourself the disappointment
thinking not jerking off is gonna make any difference at all is just cope
In terms of tighness? Average
It doesnt mean anything, the tightest one I have encountered was one of the biggest whores ever. unless they fuck rhinos pussies dont loosen out from sex
It makes me hornier, and therefore more likely to actually try
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> no spellcheck
very sab, mant such casez
why does he look like he's going to sell me something
for that matter what would he even have to sell, i'm not interested in seal blubber
what was the damage
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yeah that's true, the only city with hills around here is one of those leftover hippy towns with the 1960's architecture everywhere, very very wealthy place with some of the most prominent residents of my locality.
The seal blubber is too important to his survival so he keeps that for himself. He sells ice sculptures
people tell me i have bad vibes
please be civil, /brit/ may get upset
Drump biggest spender in history
That's what makes it hilarious. Great icebreaker
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he's a long legged mack daddy
he pimps white women AND black women
i hate shaving my upper lip and missing a tiny patch of a few hairs right underneath my nose in the very nook, and no i will not relather and spot treat that area that is too much irritation on my sensitive skin.
Obama is 8 years, Trump is 5 years
Use a razor not a machine
4 years*
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lmfao i'm glad he has a creative outlet that he can make a living off
i really enjoyed that article
i know they are giant killing machines, but you have to admit this is a really cute picture
250 yurobucks. Inflation is real
It definitely does but the difference is vastly overstated. I don't gain improved focus or vast reserves of energy but I do get harder and shoot more voluminous loads, I notice these benefits anywhere from 3 days to a week after no fap and anymore time off I notice no differences.
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Dubya was also 8 and had to start two wars, still saved more.
Voluminous is a good word
still cheaper than here
what was the small talk like
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me and who
Okay naptime I'll be back later
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my grocery store has offers to sharpen your knives for free but i worry that carrying around fuck-huge chef's knife will make be look suspect
put it in a bag or a shoebox or something
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it's ok, it's not like police are gonna shoot you...
if you use sneed oils every blue moon I forgive you
starting to feel kinda bad for clemson
There is a truck that drives around my neighbourhood offering to sharpen tools and knives. The truck is heavily rusted and looks like something from the 1950s, it's quite a sight.
I don't use them at home, but when I eat out I surely consume them.
where did you get this picture of me
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I'm a hacker
shit here comes the ban
my alma mater
Spain = poor country
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>finish shaving beard
>prepare to clean up the hair
>large spider sitting in it
why did /cum/ just suddenly die
what did you do to resolve the situation
i was making breakfast sorry


watching youtube
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I always shave outside so there's no clean up
I genocide nearly a billion potential people each week
She look like she fuck yankee boys
Selena Gomez's tits
do you have a mirror and a sink outside
how does that work
That's a dramatic and scientifically inaccurate way of saying you're a chronic masturbator.
I am eating an egg sandwich.
opinion on her?
does a fried egg on a piece buttered toast count as an egg sandwich cause that's what i'm having
White supremacy
> breakfast
it's the afternoon
mapguy do you wanna do the new or do you want me to do it
Those are pancake titties.
I'll do it
ok and you're not just an anon playing a joke on me to sow discord and chaos right
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Map threads are sovlless
He gets off on it
ok good
i woke up awhile ago i just don't eat for an hour or two after i get up im not hungry in the morning
>Warren G. Harding
>-$2 Billion
>Calvin Coolidge
>-$5 Billion
~*~ 1922-1929: A Better Time ~*~
mapcel... take us home...
>I think polar bears will starve to death
This nigger doesn't know that Polar Bears are thriving with these changes.
We are the grandsons of the chuds you failed to not have sex with.
I have a hand mirror and I use an electric razor so no need for cream or water

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