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not racist enough
this. wtf they even allow jeets to rent their apartments (in principle). .
Bolt and Wolt(europe uber) is a jeet trafficking ring that needs to be stopped
Is Denmark the only country with native white delivery drivers?
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so it seems.
Where have you been? They're even obscure third world countries now as well
during after covid their numbers started increasing like crazy, I blame the people who even dare to hire a single jeet(Bolt & Wolt)
America does. I've seen like middle aged moms doing food delivery. Extra income, I suppose.
There's billions of them, idiot, they gotta go somewhere
But the one in the OP seems like an americanized or canadian indian by the way he moves unless I hear an accent but since there's no audio I can't tell
WTF jeets say only pakis dislike them. Is that a lie SAARS?
the same way hitler dealt with the jews
Gonna come out of Canada I reckon.
They're a worldwide phenomenon at this point. Name any country I would bet anything that there will be jeet "students' there. This only happened in the past couple of years too. Before it was just Canada and the US
The new Hitler will be Indian
>the same way hitler dealt with the jews
by failing?
They are in any european country bro, brazil also has jeets but it's not that simple since most of jeets here are guyanese and generally they have mixed heritage for exemple.
There's no way they're in China. The Chinese are pretty openly racist.
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ahh those were the days.
there are around 70K not that much considering the size of china.
In the USA its mostly middle aged moms wagieing for extra cash
They still do it, had one accuse me of being a paki taxi driver a few hours ago.
>they gotta go somewhere
Why not india
They won. It's an Indian World the rest of just happen to live in it.
I'm actually stunned wikipedia used brown as the color for the largest amount of jeets outside of india
gotta love the odd specificity of it every time as part of their gaslighting routine.
The French predicted this sixty years ago
I wanted to watch a Huawei phone review in English right when they came outast year and the one I found was a jeet in china
>not that much
that's how it starts and you should know that better than anyone
et in Latvia ego
The Jeet shall inherit the earth
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better living conditions than india
he redeemed the grussy, saars
Chris chan-like behaviors are completely normal in India
why do you have that video saved
to humiliate you saar
oh wow that's saying A LOT.
They share a border. If there's any country that I'd expect to have jeets, it's China.
Only native drivers here too
the border they share is empty. all the major chinese cities are on by the sea. they probably don't go to china because they don't know the language. english is more common so they go to english speaking countries.
>Not a single Latvian post
This is vulgar display of power
whta is this nigga even doin in latvia
my theory is that hes rich and tries to get a white slavix wife
there is only one latvian left on /int/
and he is a schizo who has bots that make and spam the balt general with ai generated garbage and kpoop images
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escaping india
he should have been chasing opportunity in a place he can actually make big bucks like germany or the US
why fucking latvia ?
if not because its one of the last few 100% white european country on earth
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better than india
He should try Paris. Lots of jeet jobs there I'm sure, he wouldn't even stick out shittin on the sidewalks.
jews are trying their best to get jeets in
Latvians just monitor this tread like some sort of Bond villains.
Truly the master race
take a normal human being, destroy a third of his brain and replace it with an extreme sense of entitlement
you have an indian man
>It's an Indian World
In a chinese century. Indian better stay on their good side.
I'm a Jordanian on vacation.
Indians are also present in Jordan for whatever reason.
don't get cocky, you're about to have a half black, half pajeeta president
i can't wait for the memes, it'll be even worse than the mutt meme
>half black, half pajeeta
She will fit right in when she visits france
meanwhile the jeets are in AC rooms in their glass towers writing the code for those effin apps--- dystopian
It's incredible how quickly everyone started to hate Indians. Just 10 years ago they were lumped in with East Asians as model minorities.
>Just 10 years ago they were lumped in with East Asians as model minorities.
This never happened
I know the U.S. has always had a better batch of Indians that you poor leafs, but what was the 'jeet situation like in 2014?
>U.S. has always had a better batch of Indians that you poor leafs
Good morning saar you're not fooling anyone
We have Ukrainian delivery drivers.
It was already bad by 2014 but at that point it was still unacceptable to complain about it.
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Is going to be really shitty when the jeets start learning spanish
They already lust after the favelas, can you imagine what they think about Buenos Aires?
If the dotheads went back to India where they belong, they wouldn't experience muh raysizzums. Latvia isn't racist enough. Too bad the stupid Baltic Volk hate Russians (actual White people) more than shitskins.
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It's not like they hate Russians for no reason.
dont know about latvians, but i know i am
thank god, i have only met japanese only here, probably because of no tipping culture
We got merdezuelans instead but at least we didn't get hit by the double whammy
Will saaars learn spanish? Hope not
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They're everywhere
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For the love of god, leave latvia alone, it has a THOUSAND times less people than your country, I want to redeem my Karums coupons
I am extremely racist against jeets but in general it's as >>201674066 says

We've been conditioned to put up with dirty barbarian migrants by the USSR's massive russian immigration wave.
Riga is full of jeets, nobody's counted them but it's probably in the 6 figures by now.
Wtf jannies why delete my comment
I've done renovations in apartments after indians moved out and they are ALWAYS covered in a thick layer of sticky and oil and almost always have roaches
It's not racism
where does the sticky oil even come from
delivery drivers are jeets or middle eastern here lol
they often don't even speak dutch
Unrelated, but I once saw a white american guy working as a food delivery driver in Brazil.
How they cook I'm guessing
Genuinely nothing any of you can do about it.
where do you come from has become a loaded question
THIS so much THIS!!!!
latvians are not even being racist, as he said most of them are students and students are fucking messy
>Russians (actual White people)
Why do you retards even fund this garbage anyway? If you want your golem gruel that much then walk there yourself.
do these people not understand Europe will collapse if whites die out? then the Chinese will roll in and enslave everyone left lmao
I'm yet to see a native doing it, it's always south americans and nafris
I would be racist to him if I saw on the street
Where's Armenia
they barely speak english lol
Latvia looks like that?
I live outside of R*ga thankfully. When I am I spit, shout, and glare at them. Whenever I can, I block them from getting on tram or bus.
When they ride wolt/bolt bikes on the sidewalk and not the bike path, I block them and fully knocked over 5 so far.
They come here with forged grad papers for illegal jobs, they hire each other and keep inviting more from home. Some apt buildings are totally infested and stuffed with them like cockroaches.
Also since our uni grraduation rates are low, they get accepted more especially in low end schools.
this, unironically
bully these whiny mummy-daddy manchild faggotjeets out of your countries while there is still chance
they accuse literally anyone of being a muzzie, paki, bangadeshi, even when you are giving out valid criticism
that's why you stop arguing with them and bully these shitjeet subhumans until they fuck off to their trannyjanny from trooncord or start spamming the board with low iq crap
They don't speak French either.
I don't order food at home because of this, imagine not only paying taxes so they can live off of welfare, but then paying them so they can earn a salary on the side.
based. next step is to actually start killing them. you know what to do, Godspeed brother
i've never seen a white delivery driver. Its all jeets, ragheads, or south americans.

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