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I look like that and say that
Castes were supressed after the independence.

Nobody talks for "mestizos" or "castizos" anymore outside historical referencdes
Uh sure but white latinos living there already for generations breeding with mestizos wouldn't help this cause, you'd only shrink the existing white population. You would need to import new European people to mix with mestizos and leave the white Latinos to marry themselves
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I'm here to help the cause
there are no castizos in PR or Mexico

Only americans use these terms in rl, they retroactively try to describe latam socities with their race- centric perception of america.

In reality what determines your social value here is class not skin color.
Yes, now send some white breedable chicks
Trying to get full white completely defeats the whole point of castizos. Being 75% european is enough to give you all the desirable traits of white people without inheriting their negative traits.
I though Chile was white
Chile is pure aryan
He's still like 20% mapuche. Send him white Minnesotan gf
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True, the wall of text is dumb but the message stands that millions must be bleached
They are very mixed for some reason.
This is the same logic behind Brazil trying to absorb all its black population through miscegenation.
The browns never consider the bad deal it is for those that are actually white.
Problem is white women could never produce enough whites to make it happen. Mostly because they hate having children.
Portuguese were never white to begin with, thats why we ended up with a mistery meat made of moors and blacks
We are proud hatian-mapuchx
No, the problem is race mixing.
Mixing with whites is something only mixed people advocate for.

Plus any demographic that has become accustomed to first world living has decreased fertility rates.
Statisticians have been failing to predict the natural growth of hispanics by tens of millions for the past couple decades because they assumed that every 2nd and 3rd gen Dora the Explora in california would pump out 10 kids like their abulea did.
nahhhh cmon now... dont say that haha
>Mixing with whites is something only mixed people advocate for.
Lol not true. /int/ is full of whites dudes that want to fuck all types of women except white
Total cope
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Yeah, self hating, guilty, beta /int/cels.
Race mixing had to be primed into whites through cold war judeo-bolshevist subversion and propaganda while it was the priority of browns since 1492.
As if whites woke up one day and said "I want a goblino, yay"
There's no future for a non-White America.
Not sure if White Americans want to mix with other groups in large scale.
That is Cuba
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stick to your own women
In reality indios are the only latinx breeding and the bolivian conquest of argensimia, the largest "castizo" favela, will be completed within 50 years.
I love all american friends regardless of race
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Racebaiters and chuds not welcomed
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white girls...
We all need more political commentary like this.
are you insinuating Amerindian women were raped and not opening their legs to Spanish bvlls? kek nice fanfic
these cuck memes always forget 95% of the ""spanish"" army was amerindian
don't group me with those indios
holy shit what an inferiority complex
please accept that you are brown and can never be white

One drop of nonwhite blood and you're not white
Correct. Meds are not white.
Whoever made this will never reproduce.
>ayy ese we are totally white and european
Mutt moment lmao
Remove the Argentine flag from this image, we're not interested in whatever this is and we don't want any more of you people in our country.
Literally me

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