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It's always the quiet one.
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aseanbros best bros
I hope china takes over the Phillipines.
They alone make up the whole butthurt belt for all of asia
>the first two flags are not asean
This image reminds me that I love little girls, want to breed a little girl's womb, and lost my chance to do so with a cute girl because I'm a chicken. Now I regret living. Tahnks
stfu faggot, im here to save image then leave.
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>brazil has lost access to X cunnies
ima piece of shit
>2 days ago i masturbated to isimbi noelle & zerella skies
>Yesterday i masturbated to noor aini
>Today i masturbate to rola takizawa

Women are the best!!!
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Unlike the other indog OPs, I personally welcome everyone here and I don't particularly shill my own thread.
China won't gain anything from annexing us. They already have us by the balls from the amount of chinese operating the electricity here jfl.
There were cunnyposts on X? Tell me more.
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You hear nothing from us saar, okay?
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chie mo
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Get help
whats going on here
3/4 is lethal
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not matter what the neanderthal do, the future is denisovan. for thousands of years more and more humans are born with denisovan ancestry.
But it'll be funny to the see the seethe from some of your people. And I want to see your evangelicals seethe
Arigato gozaimas.
I promise to not be inconsiderate in the future
is it a guy or a girl?
why her face white?
Talcum powder
>>10 mio salary per mo as somewhat senior staff
>>5.3 mio mortgage, big sis pay 2.5 mio per mo as my mom live with me, don't ask about my father. it's been 2 months my sis can't pay so I need to cover
By the 5-7th year, remortgage to 10Y if you can
>>give my mom 1.5mio per mo
1.5M/3=500K. I don't know what stuff your mom bought, but it's possible to further optimize her purchases
>>600k electricity
I guess 1 or 2 AC eh. There's not much you can do except increasing the temp
>>300k internet
It's possible to get promotion price to roughly 250K/month
>>100k phone bill
Postpaid or prepaid? Do you really need more than 50GB on mobile? There's better deals that could save you at least 20-28K a month
>>450k bpjs, me my mother and my father
Pretty hard desu. Asking government to pay for your parents monthly premium is bothersome.
>The rest is for food/restaurant/gofood etc.
>Maybe I can reduce food cost but eating and shitposting are kinda my only solace.
Yes, this is something that you could reduce. Instead of paying someone to make food with 1.7M budget, pay your mother to make lunch+dinner bento for you.
Let's say the budget is 15k per meal, twice a day, 22 days a month. So, 660K. Give your mother 500k commission fee, and you saved 550K a month.
>no idea, bmw maybe
Brand new BMW aren't cheap, but older BMW goes from a bit expensive to really cheap (more than 10 years old). I think he's using older BMW because those have better tolerance to lower octane fuel like pertalite

>What's the deal there? I'm assuming theres less lgbt stuff in your face in indonesia given the muslim majority
It's open secret that certain township has higher gay ratio to population, to the point it's a running joke for decades.
Also, beware of pickpocket. It's a civil duty to point out pickpocket in-progress by shouting "maling! maling!" (lit. thief) and pointing to the pickpocket.
Beware of scams too, always ask the price
10juta sebulan di jakarta berasa berapa USD/month di LA?
Around $3-4K depending on location (rent, with roommates). You could have $5K but still living paycheck to paycheck
klo 6 figures di indo berapa?
I never got such kiss marks and will never get one in my country
what explains the austronesian love for hentai?
It's EV BMW so it's latest model. Thanks for suggestions anyway. I just found it insane that 10 mio salary is barely scrapping by in jakarta. Maybe it is normal as it is assumed one house will have two breadwinners as both father and mother will work.
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Just like old /asean/ saying, to coom is only natural
1* six figures is 50-70M IDR/month after tax.
Since black men are going for white girls, and white men going for asian girls, we asian have nothing else to go except 2d girls.
klo 6 feet 6 figures 6 inch indonesia apa?
bmw boros bensin
klo rusak benerinya seharga dp mobil baru
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we like drawing
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go to bed
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flipbros what are the only jobs in flipland that give you a decent life and a good wage other than business
is IT among them?
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My Indonesian friend has a white wife. You can make it bro
Ah, I see
>I just found it insane that 10 mio salary is barely scrapping by in jakarta.
Jakarta keras, bung
Liat rmh2 di Menteng. Brp byk anak yg ujung2nya tggl sm ortu.
That's why people chose jap cars
pesugihan tuyul bang
Pelamat sagi...
how to join freemason? asking for a friend
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I love sea bro as East Asian
Eastern yayoi faggoid need high T Jomon sprit more
Is this what the kids call Sigma mindset?
know a friend who is a freemason - you can tell if they have the freemason logo somewhere on their ring or on a car sticker. optionally, you can try to find a friend who is in or used to be in demolay or in job's daughters (these are freemason affliated youth organizations). although the composition of freemasons can differ depending on each lodge.
Is there any benefits for joining one?
Do girls really expect us to pay everything in a date?
you basically get connections with rich people and notable individuals
however the fee is very high. you better have a profitable business or very high paying job to keep up with the lodge fees and lifestyle. there's a reason why old money tends to be masons
Men are providers. It is expected.
but what about gender equality?
No. Don't be a beta provider but pump and dump
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Not anymore, girls are earning more depending on which industry they're in. Most girls are natural sales talker because of sex appeal advantage unlike men who need to work more than twice as hard.
>What's the software being used in the picrel?
they are using " OSINT.Industries " which is user OSINT/fingerprinting recon as a service.
its pretty good but there is better alternatives, cheaper too.
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>tried to make fried tofu
>the batter came out all soggy and not crispy at all
Ariff help me...
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don't just use wet batter, use a coating of dry batter, made of seasoning and starch (corn or other).
you can also double fry it.
protips: if you want to go real pro chef, get one of those wheat dextrin in bulk and replace about 20% of the flour with it, it makes it crispy for longer (4 hour)
>better alternatives
recommend me the ones that are not SaaS kikery
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>watch crappy low budget malay soap opera with mom
> One of the main characters is a chink dude considering to convert to Islam to get together with malay widow

Perhaps the marrybrown ad anon was up to something
I should stop napping during Asar
This is blue lock alre

>4chin pic
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It's over, an israeli successfully entered Malaysia (openly) while holding the israeli dual citizenship passport. In case you don't know, you can report him to the immigration because of his israeli passport, which cancels out his other secondary passport (e.g. America, Europe, Australia, UAE etc) which will be decided by the YDPA via immigrations officer authority and face deportation. Apparently most of Malaysians in this video are ignorant NPCs that didn't know their powers, but instead engaging with the threat in friendly manner. That's why you're being colonized by evil, greedy scourge bangsa like south asians. YOU'RE TOO KIND AND NAIVE.
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Put some baking soda on the batter. Also learn how to control the heat.

Wet batter is fine and all. Those britbongs could fry crispy fish and chips with loose batter.

Which one did it froggie?
I was happier when I was fat
From 86kg now down to 71kg. What a journey, a hollow journey.
I was happier before I got married.
>is IT among them
largely depends on the company you work for
my uncle earns 1M per month as AVP of IT in a bank
started with 20k salary 2 decades ago
What a journey, a hollow journey.
If sex can't make you happy, then nothing is.
Alcohol exists
Love exists
I was an alcoholic.
Based if you managed to quit
Is sex really that good?
Nicole exist
Post penis
alice come back already
i heard cocaine is
>Men are providers
source: my ass
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what does your ass provides?
Shit and worms
Yeah, theres a movie also about a jwak man with 2 girls fighting for his love, one of them is chink girl who became a mualaf and so on. Tf with indog wet dream
30 bucks
Somehow laughed at this post. Lol
Love makes you miserable though.
Unfathomably based. Don't let your dreams be dreams anon. Just do it
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plonga plongobros..............
dick (BWC) makes me happy
back then taiwan
next, malaya peninsula
the most masculine maley man
How does it even work? give your id card to them?
Its pretty easy to be satisfied
>Yesterday im sad, because im an old single dog
But at night before sleep i read paritta to placate souls with unfortunate death (junko furuta, and so on), that night i dreamt about the girl that i unfortunately attracted to (shes a pentacost manado girl im a buddhist chink, knew to back off before my heart hurt), we just hanging out, nothing special but it makes me happy.

>This morning i feel sad because im a poor freeter with sub umr income, seeing rich liem donate to vihara i felt inferior
After that when i meditate suddenly somehow, i reminded of when im a wee lad. I only donate 5000 rupiah weekly, courtesy of my parents. Now i luckily able to donate 50k rupiah weekly. Also able to donate 100k rupiah for renovating the vihara, being reminded of this thing im happy and satisfied

>Feel sad that i have no education, no gf, neither a good job this afternoon
But i realize i feel this feeling while drinking jasmine green tea, some pizza bread, seeing outside of my bedroom i got some of my cactus plant in dire need of watering, i felt pretty fulfilled right now, i just need to realign my daily activies toward my goal of having a good income, a step everyday. I feel happy and satisfied. Also i reminded to thank my dick since i able to masturbate nicely yesterday to noor aini. Lifes pretty good
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> I thank You, Saturn-sama, for my Total-Gòngfěi-Death:
> I thank You also, Shani Dev, for my Total-Israeli-Bharatification:
AMEN: I am all-finished.

There is more to Life than this present spacetime continuum.
No, society is just obsessed with it for absolutely no reason anon, sex isn't even real don't worry
Bobok yuk
foreigners are simply not allowed to partake in ANY form of political discourse in our shithole.
thats including pro and anti shit.
So, UGM is located in Sleman, not in Yogyakarta proper, indogbros?
mumpung anet lagi kena kasus
pose dulu buat jualan foto
siapa tau bisa nyalip dia
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kek, you follow him too?
if our culture dies out because of this, then i'm okay with it

besides, NasDaily already did this
this sooo much this
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long kot
pengen angisgn
they named this boat after my great grand aunt and they are now trying to sink it
If you've got nothing to hide, why afraid?
I don't have physical KTP though
What would you do?
Force me to bring fotokopi KTP?
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Become an agorist and help reviving grey/black market today!
even the christian mleis try to start shit in our cunt wtf
why do they hate us so much?
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From JI to NAMFREL, this place is has always been glowie central
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>just trust the glowie dude
>your data is safe and sound with us
>there's no way le hackerman out there will ever breach our servers
nope nope nope, screw you glowie cattle.
my man green japan
>let's blame the guys who are trying to sort and manage data instead of the guys who stole it!
I know indons are low IQ, but...
Indonesians, Why tf does everyone and their aunt want to take pictures with me in Jakarta?I'm 27, F, white, blonde/blue eyes. BF is indo and his family was absolutely flabbergasted.

I had some child come up to me and call me Elsa. Had multiple young people take pics with me, but the wildest were an entire class of children, an old lady in a museum and an extremely old man.

I thought only jeets did that shit
Tits or gtfo
What do you want me to do? Simply trust them based of their embarrassing track record? Clearly the most reasonable move here to give them the least amount of my data as possible. Better safe than sorry is a low IQ move according your brilliant mind?
Tits or gtfo
Take picture with me sir
Tits or gtfo
If the guys don't have the capability to manage the security, they should just resign from the job and khs
Stop shitposting here Gibran
I'm going to have my first hearing tomorrow bros wish me luck
3dpd breaching the idolmaster thread, go figure. Leave this realm you attention-grabbing whore.
Imagining things soothes the schizophrenia
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Actually posting tits if i get an answer
what's the fastest way of earning a million+ pesos before hitting 30 in flipland? longing bitcoin for years is probably the only thing i know of right now, and i have no idea how to even cash it out without BIR trying to fleece me
Just importmaxx, become a reseller and target a niche market.
heh temen temen kamu berantem
damaikan!! jangan cuma thirst trap!!
>I'm 27, F, white, blonde/blue eyes
hi beautiful
and fail just like millions before him
totally not indog with vpn baitposting
for a bunch of cummers these threads are surprisingly comfy.
/int/ would be so much better if all generals were in english.
join eu4 multiplayer game pls frens
Day 23 of nganggur after I finished Uni
I've sent like 20+ applications to offices abroad and I do have quite an interesting portfolio
Or take the easy route and ring up my past employer for a freshgrad role for 6-7jt per month and stay with my parents
no thanks eu4 without my specific modlist is shit and I pirated the game
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I'm dutch and my bf is a javan dutch-indo.

Most indonesians who came here after the liberation were either from java or the maluku islands.

Anyway, idk how to prove it lol. too lazy to post stroopwafels or complain about the pepernoten in the store already.

I'm serious though. I'm coming back to Jakarta soon and I wanna know the reason behind the pictures. I dont wanna end up as fap fodder.
Camera etiquette barely exists here in SEA.

Of course, as a white woman you'll stand out, and nonwhite brainlets will take photos while not caring how uncomfortable you feel.
there are some people that believe we should get annexed by the spanish crown again

are there similar indo people that believe indonesia should be part of the netherlands
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Isn't Timor Leste was born from that sentiment?
I bit my ex on the neck during shagging once and she started laughing hysterically, I stopped doing it after that. Shame as I like biting/being bitten.
At this point in time, I'd rather have A.I. politicians than cryptojewish royalty from the other side of the planet.
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I want to find a wife in the slums of Tondo and bring her to Germany. How would I go about doing this? How many of them are still virgin?
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Odds Indomie
Even sleep
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me on the left
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>believe indonesia should be part of the netherlands
i dont think that sentiment is popular but it would be funny if we become the biggest dutch speaking nation and steal their language identity like picrel
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The dutch won't want it. Won't it be funny if the Netherlands become biggest Moslem-majority country overnight?
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what exactly constitutes an answer?
because the reality is you're viewed as some sort of a novelty here. ie, your kind are not usually seen around these parts. i know its indonesia but if you went in remote areas in my shithole you'll also gather the same reaction, still noticeable the difference in civility between pajeets and seamonke that i'm fucking sure no one there dared to touch you in your chest whereas if you're in jeetland good luck.
>Moslem-majority country
isn't it already
Hopefully Insyaallah
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Can somebody explain this meme to me
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>more love bites = more naughty
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our kids are faster than most of niggers now.
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Why do they always make videos like this?
Blond hair blue eyes is like the absolute peak of both novelty, and, to most indo girls, beauty, so people think you're both unique and more attractive. Skin lightening is a huge thing in almost all of SEA and paler skin and eyes were considered more attractive even prior to any european contact due to social stratification. You probably already know that and just want attention though, so, post tits or gtfo.
nina, profile
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s-seamonke nose
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Stinky sexpat
Blond hair aint seen as peak female beauty for female indos
i might hit you up with my second cousin, but you'll have to pay me 1mil eur for that plus a guaranteed trad goth gf big milkers wife from bavaria of my choice.
More as in they think of people with blond hair as more attractive, a lot of SEA girls are either insecure with their own features or fetishize others. Pretty much every one I meet in the US seems to think meh looking blonde women are for some reason more desirable than they are, and they also fixate on blond dudes.
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Cinak repellant
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I certainly shall use saturnian magick to increase White birthrates, Peruvians be damned.
Blonde males are more desirable, but blonde hair for women isnt necessary.
We are more attracted to white facial features than their hair, lots of us even prefer women with black hair. Something like Underworld's Kate Beckinsale, young Jen Connelly or Amy Lee are peak.
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page 9 necrobump
Yeah I notice asian guys mostly prefer dark hair women with blonde women being more of a unique thing or fetish, but I guess a lot of SEA women that come to the US just develop this weird inferiority complex with thinking guys want blonde white basic bitch women just because those are the women who have the biggest egos here
tell those sea women to go back to their country thx pl0x
The quiet and meek girls get naughier on the bed and bite him all over the body.
The outgoing and loud tomboy one only gives a little peck on the lips.
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That sounds painful, do girls really bite you during sex in real life? I am incel so I don't know.
It feels good
It's not really biting unless they're retarded it's more just squeezing. Fucking annoying when they do it all over your neck though, can't blame mosquitos in winter.

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