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I dont get it...
Frosting on the left side of the cake
where mogus
a woman would never be that aggressive
they'd rather prick a hole in your condom than to try and take you by force
I really really wanna fuck female stonetoss characters
I guess it’s saying bisexuality tends to be a silly little phase, akin to being goth. At some point when you stop being young and it’s time to actually plant some roots and settle down you go back to being hetero because it’s pointless to be gay if you have the choice.
Chudcels still think about their high school crushes who they stalk on facebook, is my guess.
it's about biological clock & fear to be an old lonely cat lady retard
zoomers wont get it
the wall does not exist but let incels have a little hope
incels are cringe but pretending the wall doesnt exist is reaching too far. dont be a loser like that.
>the wall doesnt exist
because it doesn't, obviously no wall doesn't mean a 70yo granny will find a 20yo lover but still getting someone around her age is easy in every period of her life
This is me except I'm male lol
Sussy amogus.
That’s not different then what I said you idiot
The joke is that females hit the wall at age 30. Their biological clock is ticking. The same goes for males but it's less extreme.
When a woman has not married and got children until the 30th birthday, it's going to be too late. So women get a sort of panic when they turn 29. It's called "Torschusspanik" in German, I don't know a good translation for it.
I kinda have it, started learnin new skill in my 30s. Wish me luck
why are women like this?
So true
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>It's called "Torschusspanik" in German
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In his autumn before the winter, comes mans mad last surge of youth.
>t. Torschusspaniker
Stop posting sexy gypsies.
Is that cygan or arab?
Faggotry is just another religion
Wasn't hard to decipher
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No clue. The skin says Zigeuner while the eyes say Arab.
*Dies of SEGGS overload.*
Women play around and don’t think about the future much because men are a commodity they can tap into at any time. Suddenly when they are almost 30, they realize they have a few years remaining to get a family, so they “lock in” and “lock down” a man.

The comic is mocking how some women say they’re bisexual, and just how they fuck around in general, until it’s time to make a family. Very common thing here.

I don’t blame them either. Women who fail to make a family and end up single and alone are absolutely the most miserable cunts in all of existence. If a man is alone and older, you can tell he’s weird or maybe he’s very grizzled. A woman who’s alone has failed in the social space, which is a space women usually dominate. Most of the single older women I see who don’t even have a bf are hell on earth to deal with
chudtoss wants to get raped by women
it refers to a specific influencer that you zoomers won't get
My first gf actually pinned me down to fuck
Women here at least, respond very aggressively to teasing, gotten a few girls to take me very roughly by just teasing them for half an hour
Who doesn’t
it's called Torschlusspanik ahmed, maybe brush up on your german a bit
this kind of shit only happens in the minds of incels and other terminally online creatures
>ziz yu now zat in german ve call zat "roastiepanic", I can't vonder of vat it may mean in english
Lol slovenian soyboy will never know that feeling
amazing atheist
t. tail end zoomer2nyasg
>It doesn't exist
>Well, it's still very far away...
I will die a virgin. hell yeah
Women wanting to have children will be aggressive.
t. Happened to me, girl said she wanted children and asked if I want children soon
why isnt she trembling from cold
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consult the chart
wrong! it's on the cake
please explain your methods
No, I went on a date a few weeks ago and after talking in the car for just 20 minutes I noticed the girl was rubbing her fucking cunt through her shors then just started touching my dick when I asked if that's what she was doing. Kneed my ribs a bunch of times like I was a horse while she was grinding her crotch on my stomach to get me to take her clothes off. This was some self proclaied autistic asexual neon tone short hair girl too. Women are hilarious.
she peaked at 18 funnily enough, just needs to ditch those hipster glasses
Well, you gotta get em in the mood, act like you're gonna fuck the shit outta them, slamming them into the wall, ripping off their clothes, kiss their neck a bunch but just as your about to go all in you stop and just tease them, like total tone shift. Rub your cock all over their pussy, act like youre gonna put it in and not, when they try to push you in just pull back, might have to physically restrain their legs, at this point they'll be all like "wtf" and you just gotta be like
>you gotta work for it
And then they'll usually "rape" you
Gotta find the girls with the right temperament is all.
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When a woman hits 30, more than 3/4 of her eggs are gone, which means getting pregnant is very difficult if not impossible, especially for those, who have been on birth control ever since they were teens.
Women like to play around, pretending to be bisexual and shit, because they think they can wait until they're 50 to start a family, but as soon as reality hits them and they get dangerously close to infertility, they panic and trap the nearest dumb bastard to become their baby daddy.
Ever wondered why more and more politicians are campaigning with making IFV state subsidized? Because there are hundreds of millions of infertile western women, who waited too long and abused their bodies so badly, that they can't get pregnant naturally, so politicians want to exploit them and harvest their votes.
>look up IFV
>infantry fighting vehicle

You’re gonna have to help me with that one, chief.
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I mean IVF.
Although state subsidized IFVs would be more useful.
my mom had me when she was 30 and my sister when 39 lmao
no she's not retarded
kek. It’s the baby that’s comes out retarded, not the mom.
The joke is sex, and I don't get it either
Yet you're here, curious
Why 12 kinda bad though?
Those fuck me eyes eleven has, just hnnnngg
Austrians are miserable little creatures that will crawl out to join the anti-german bandwagon as soon as possible without realising that the things they often get made fun of for also regards you. Kys at once hitler
My mum had me in her 40s and I'm definitely retarded
self-reporting is not reliable

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