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Do they really feed their kids this shit?
not a real country
why do these bags have names of them if all kids get the same stuff anyway
an illusion of choice under capitalist system
i feed myself that
Makes them feel special and that their parents thought of them.
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wtf? are they really feeding their kids creme pies? america is a fucked up place
It's amazing how many chuds this fat ugly toasty gets trigger with this, she doesn't even show her face. This lunchpack is perfectly fine for kids and I wish my mommwould have loved me that much and gave me food like this.
There are veggies in there that's more than enough. Kids are fucking resiliand and need alot of energy, this stuff is absolutely lot bad for a kid
Now in english
You know what I mean. Go take your burocracy somewhere else flamskop
He must be irish
I expected this to be much worse desu
Somewhat too much junk food but it's ok
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Let me guess. You need more?
>wypipo cooking skills
Do they really?
>premade fast food that's 90% oil and dough
>an entire bag of doritos (approximately 1000 calories)
>sugar drink
>sugar cup
>1 celery stick
>big cup of mayonnaise
>sugar yoghurt
>sugar cookie with cream
first off, that's like 2500 calories per child, secondly there's fuck all nutrition in there so your children will both be obese and malnourished

Imagine being so much of a soyboy you can't burn that much calories in a normal days of activities.
Braphog raising tootlets. Slop !
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oh fuck of and go to the chippy britshit
You just know the color of her kids
In my country only rich people get to eat doritos. I wish goyslop was more affordable for us, since it's better than what we can make.
>This lunchpack is perfectly fine for kids
If you want to give them diabetes
>Too retarded to make goyslop
What's wrong with you guys?
We believe that junk food is le bad and le kills you when most pinoys die from homemade shit. I just wish we could eat goyslop all the time like normal asian countries. Every country that serves goyslop are developed, one of the tallest and the wealthiest.
Why the fuck are you so full of shit? You literally worship Jolliebee and 99% of your food is over processed chemical low grade shit. Just look at the sweet tomato shit you put on your pasta. Fuck off Filipinos have absolutely no palate and your grandma's pancit is disgusting
I used to eat only a Kit Kat chunky at noon from the school food machine or whatever it is called
10 kids is too much to cook in the morning desu
>be american
>give your kid celery because healthy
>add ranch
the vvest is saved...
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I just ate whatever they served at school. Which was free of charge.
Boy do I have a solution for you
Ĩorbica enjoyer
how did she manage to have 10 kids in similar age range?
>Bread, water or ale, and a companaticum ('that which goes with the bread') from the cauldron, the original stockpot or pot-au-feu that provided an ever-changing broth enriched daily with whatever was available. The cauldron was rarely emptied out except in preparation for the meatless weeks of Lent, so that while a hare, hen or pigeon would give it a fine, meaty flavour, the taste of salted pork or cabbage would linger for days, even weeks.
VGH... this is vvhat they took from yov
that is the equivalent to dry cat food shoveled out of the 100 lbs bag
OMG it doesn't end! that's an entire day's meal!
that is boiled cow dung
I had to live with an african for a while. he was a psycho, but he also literally boiled excrement.
probably didn't. they just get fed the same amount regardless of age.
Americans really do be giving they kids cream pies...
This is the sort of stuff I remember my mom used to pack for me for lunch back when I was in elementary school. In middle school, I mostly bought stuff from the school cafeteria. In high school, I mostly bought shit at the convenience store. In college, I just cooked and ate stuff at home.
The memories
That's why 28% of all Zoomers ended up as Lettuce Guacamole Bacon Toast folx
9 white names and Dayshawn
Looks really expensive to send off one kid to school with all that, let alone ten. I'd be curious as to how much money they spend on school food for the year.
The "I believe in you" messages are different and surely a loving mother like her won't distribute generic ones.
In america that salmon plate would cost $20+$8 tip at a school.

Weimerica is a shithole
Based mom 10/10 trad
made with love
napkin printer goes brrrr
I need her to be my mommy
My sexy mommy

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