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junglist massive edition
America subedish
>In 1970, 50% of British adults smoked
>Today? 13%

mad that, aye?
Hopefully Keir leads us into single figures.
I'm so short, thin and scrawny I can only wear XS sized clothes and even then they look a bit big on me
why is it so difficult for whites to accept that blacks literally evolved to be better athletes?

blacks traded intelligence for great physical strength and endurance, similar to how east asians traded physical prowess for higher IQ.

whites are simply the middle of the road. higher IQ but lower than asians, and higher physical prowess but lower than blacks
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Emma Watson plopping big brown turds into my open mouth.
most dad used to smoke like 60-80 a day and then he just stopped because he and mum decided they wanted kids
Maybe, but lower class retards will always smoke because they’re retarded and the gubmint ain’t gon stop dem
pathetic little runt aren't you
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the pinnacle of women
White Male Asian Female is the most natural Aryan, Nietzschean and Faustian combination
She was twenty years old, a single mother abandoned by the father of her only child and struggling to make ends meet in America.
One day, while she was taking her shift behind the counter, a young man asked her if he could "join her" behind the counter and "hide" - she explained that he was an actor, and there were some journalists and people in the restaurant who had him recognized.
He was annoyed and a little overwhelmed by the attention, since he was still quite new to the concept of "fame". Luciana had no idea who he was, but she told him:
“You can hide here, but you have to at least make yourself useful!”
So he helped her, preparing cocktails, serving customers, washing and drying dishes.
Luciana and the handsome stranger continued talking. Toward the end of the evening, at the end of her shift, she asked him what his name was.
“Matt Damon,” the boy replied.
They have been married for eighteen years now and have four daughters: he also adopted the eldest.
what do you get out of posting the exact same thing like 15 times a day? it's just bewildering behaviour
that's some pretty mad will power desu
Starmer is fat, who is he to lecture the British public on what is healthy?
You’ve never read nietzsche or Faust lol
to be fair, smoking is really fucking grim and so I don't really object to it getting banned, but I think it sets a bit of a bad precedent for the government to ban fun things in the future
most physically imposing brit poster
Yes sir
Gonna start a bouldering called 'leave your dynos at the door'
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Duncan Bannatyne at the PowerPlate stand as he attends the O2 Silver Clef Awards held at the Park Lane Hilton Hotel (2008)
Just like my RPGs!
I'm an odd body shape, I'm quite obese but my waist is very narrow proportionally. I wear a XXXL t shirt, but a 36 inch trouser.
File deleted.
seethe on, bender
congratulations you win incel of the decade award
Single mothers really be coping thinking it's going to happen to them
Leave your slab outside the back
Bahahha the lack of awareness in this post
yea well that’s literally how evolution works you muppet
hence why predators with greater strength tend to have lower brain mass
he thinks if he can force it then a gimmick might emerge from copycats - he just doesn't realise that for that to happen the post has to be funny so he'll keep trying to brute force it until he gets bored (which might take a while if he's autistic - see the irish diaspora mong)
Fathom the odor
Just want to die
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Yukon caviar four star day dream
think I'll buy me a football team
according to the mong in the other thread, this fat makes her LESS dimorphic
simply baffling
it's fairly common, particuarly among the beer drinkers, tiny legs and huge guts
allah as my witness i want to fuck you bussy white boy yes yesm
So true
He's a fat neek
Fills his face in with five guys every week I'm sure and wants to ban smoking even though being obese like he is, is way worse for you than smoking
feel like I'm the only bloke in Britain who believes this after the furore of this week but I honestly prefer nanny state hyper-regulation of unhealthy shite in contrast to 100% liberty to consume as much high fructose corn syrup and fentanyl that you desire like you see in America

kind of condone govberg saving people from themselves
Thomas Hobbes was right all along
hes got autism
She just looks gross now, she was more attractive before the weight gain

I dunno why you freaks take this stuff so personally and defend obesity in women so ardently, it's not good for anybody involved
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This nigga will never ever have sex
This is unironically a sign of high testosterone
Keir shooting for that Kim body style
Hey fatty boom boom
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posting fit slags is a "gimmick" now?
surprised you're showing your face here after the battering you took in the last thread, mister fudgepacker
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Do you know your planes?

Guess the cockpit!
it doesn't look good but he could get a 3/10 type girl if he worked out a bit and lost some weight
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>he unironically posted a screenshot of reddit
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imagine being this bent
I want to work in a library but I've seen the job ads and they bang on about engaging with the public and helping with events far too much for my liking
Lockhead Martin Blackbird SR71
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I prefer my women more…elegant. Slags are a child’s game.
>what do you get out of posting the exact same thing like 15 times a day?

babby’s first day on /brit/
Some people like fat women mate. I understand that you're compelled to take the opposite view of whatever the leftist opinion is, and that leftism is associate with fat acceptence in your mind, but not everything is an example of le degenerate modernity. Fat in women with high estrogen accentuated their female shape, and some men like that. Not that hard to work out.
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need an archer footjob wife
She is so fucking fit it’s unreal man, cock is rock hard looking at these pics you’ve been posting
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I like them smiley and cute
There's nothing you can say mate except sad schoolboy insults about me being gay

My insults about you are actuallly true, you really are a disgusting chubby chaser and even feel strongly enough about it to argue on /brit/ over it, sort yourself out
You like books do you
need her to shoot one of those up my urethra
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>outside the dog and bell in dalston
>um... hi mate... got any baccy?
Sorry, Lockheed. It predates the 1985 merger ofc
very good, allow me to append to that
>No eating or drinking with your left hand
>No wearing red
>No cutting your beard shorter than a fist's length
>No musical instruments
>No art of living sentient beings (which is why the arabs so mad on calligraphy)
>No statues
>No dogs
>No plucking of the eyebrows (hence monobrow)
>After shitting, must wipe arse with odd number of pebbles called jamrah
>If a fly falls into your drink, you have to dip it's other wing into the drink to purify the drink and then comsume it
>Camel urine is medicine
>Must bury your nail and hair clippings in case they're used for black magic

all 100% real
and leftypol thinks it's only the crazy goofy niggas like ISIS who believe in it
the delusion is maddening
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you're such a seething little queer lmao
it's bad but uglier men have pulled, at least he isn't indian
why do i want to shag this cat
least deluded homosexual
I can feel Diego’s ghoulish presence in this thread
this is diego
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Took this pic of a married milf I shagged last week
I'm 25 and she's 48, she's also Jewish.
how so?
>>No dogs
You forgot the shit about war booty and widows and slaves, particularly sex slaves. And the Banu Qurayza
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>junglist massive edition
Not particularly but I have a good memory and good spatial awareness and I like to work alone without having to engage with others all the time. Something I thought a library would provide me with.
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seethe on
what he fuck are yall yapping about
Metal how you can just tell someone is low IQ
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thats rorke... believe it or not
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Ok yes that was a blackbird

Hard mode now, guess this one, only actual plane autists will get it without reverse image searching (which is no fun) (I also work in these cockpits every day)
>chubby chaser starts ranting about politics
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*enters /brit/*
I would low key die inside her arsehole happily
Israel sand is based because it's fascist andd so was the holocaust because it targeted leftist Jews
Am Indian. I look better than this dude and have pulled multiple times
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Irish diaspora
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me and the gf
Did you shart on her back?
new AMD laptops are mental lads
you can get a sleek normie ultrabook without any virgin gamer shit on it any it'll have only a CPU, no dedicated GPU, and can play modern games on high settings at high FPS

mad that
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>blog on
the lads as it were
/brit/ didn't use to be like this, it wasn't always a hotbed for annoying autists to spam shit gimmicks
fuck off newfag, you're impressing no-one
>not even bothered to shave
whats the point? they dont look like women they make no attempt to look like women
its just fucking disgusting seeing these freaks around
>Am Indian. I look better than this dude
yeah but you're indian so that's like a -4 penalty to dating, most girls would prefer a hideous white guy over an average or even handsome indian
flying willies all about, whizzing by my ear, seeking a bum to fly up
better watch out lads
the reddit engagement on his post is the highlight of his year if not his entire life
31 years old lads and am getting fully white hairs on the top of my (severely balding) head
i wasn't a looker to begin with
how can it be this unfair
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Just found out that my baby is going to be a boy. I know it sounds bad, but I was praying that it wouldn't be a girl lol.
Over the moon desu.
>starry night dress
God I hate trannies so much. Not just cause they’re Moblie eyesores but because they just don’t understand women at all
Who's the /brit/ KWABOTY?
i’ll rape you if you don’t give me a bradley (You)
Have had white lads asking me if I fancy their gf in bars and nightclubs. The cuck meme is true and grim
Congrats x
you gonna kiss his feet?
If it makes you feel any better I'm 34 and have a full head of light brown hair.
have to keep changing the wifi channel as there's too many connections on my street which overlap
only tolerable posting hours are 6AM-9AM
before the neets awake, and before the aussies go to bed
every other time of day is just fucking awful
A 5'7" average looking white bloke has the same dating prospects as a 6'2" handsome indian

mental really
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9-10am is peak brit
Didn't, just saw Northrop and guessed.
some neets are still up at that time
My gf is much fatter than she used to be, but I get some on the side so it doesn't really matter.
cute jeet
umm, I suppose so
Prime been-up-all-night NEET time
t. knower
aussies are terrible posters and only people posting that time are neets who have normal waking hours
imagine waking up for work and first thing you do is go have a conversation on brit lmao
just doesnt happen
Fair play

If you see Northrop and arresting hook and left/right engine starters there aren’t many to guess from really
I would say better, the Indian would also need a decent job to match a 5'7 white guy
corr yeah love babies' feet me
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learning how to cook
Give it a rest battered bumhole lad
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>Eton to raise fees to £63,000 per annum in response to VAT change
the neets who have been up all night are usually a bit calmer and a bit more normal though
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when i see things like this it really blows my mind how much engineering goes into it

the white man's ingenuity is truly god-like
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Almost all of the strongest men in the world are Nordic or Baltic you dumb tranny
>Between 2002–03 and 2011–12, median pensioner incomes grew by 22% (after adjusting for inflation), whereas incomes of working-age adults fell by 3%, due to slow growth prior to 2007 and big falls in incomes during the Great Recession

Grimmus Maximus
corr would love to wrap my lips around that
literally untrue kek what are you talking about
could have had that knocked up in a week me. how many years and how many boffins did it take to build all of that nonsense?
How did Sasha become so popular? She's honestly kinda ugly even by pornstar standards
project on
lol okay incel
nah she's cute
also came in at 19 or whatever and immediately did all the nastiest stuff fair play to her
imagine it fell lol
drinking the beer
got some terrible anxiety you see
Don’t know what your label telling you
Or what magic beans they selling you
I can flow, you can’t though, example
Of a cat who just a modern-day Sambo
Who be bitching out to A&R demands so
You can collect your little petty cash advance, ho
You knock-kneed and sloppy, but not me
I'm I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T
bravo make even fewer people able to afford independent schooling and forcing more strain on the state sector
not bogged enough for you is she?
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>battered bumhole lad
She was in a real non-pornographic movie that was pretty good actually. About a dinner party where the host is a sadist who makes his guests play a sick game to survive.
on my bollocks
Was more of a Dani Daniels man
I mean look at Bobbi Starr, she was much prettier
dreading my dad dying, wouldn't even know who to invite to funeral, all his family hate him, and as his only son I'd have to give a eulogy
Fish and chips innit haha
stopped reading right about here
Genuinely don't get why they don't include graphic full penetration in 18 rated fillums.
good bush on that lass
yeah it's utter shit lad be greatful for all the moments you still have him even when you hate him
she did excellent blacked scenes
i've been to three funerals now, and it didn't seem custom to speak
i thought that was just a tv thing
I must confess I've been lying to you, lads. All the shagging stories, I was making it all up. I made them all up to make you lads think I was cool.
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not really an expert but i feel like you might need a special licence to show porn in theatres which your odeons won't have
Who is the most beautiful porn star? As in genuinely fall in love with level looks?

Mia Melano and Alexa Grace for me, and Alex Grey pre tattoos
really? been to five and at every one there's usually a eulogy.
Shut up Diego
seasoning a poo
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And the f-5 cockpit is a VERY basic cockpit, they’re used as trainers. Now everything is digital (no actual photos of this one yet just sims)
Talking abt your innermost feelings on brit is extremely risky. Prepare your anus, as it were
I feel betrayed mate. And you also don’t really earn £100k a year and have half a mil in your Vanguard account?
grim post
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get the britpop posted
Elena Koshka
Mary Moody
Arya Fae
Emelie Crystal
Julia Roca
Still can't get over how fucking shite Diego's taste in music is. Literally the taste of a 14 year old girl.
phenomenal arse and willingness to get shagged in it
Eva Elfie
Good shout on Mary Moody. I'll check the others out
almost never watch pro porn, me.
much prefer some amateur girl, maybe it's something she shot for her then-bf. pre-onlyfans, just doing it for the thrill
>the white man's ingenuity
You mean the Jew’s and the Chinaman’s ingenuity
That's because he's a repressed gay teenager who's angry at the world.
Amateur porn is cringe
Women being degraded for money is based
Nicole Aniston was legit a really beautiful woman before she got bogged. A lot of the Eastern Euro girls from Hungary and Ukraine are also very pretty before they do too many scenes and go through the meat grinder.

If you like Asians then there are tons of beautiful JAV girls
Emily Grey
>get banned by tranny janny for shit that isn't against the rules but hurts his feelings
>change IP
>I'm back
It must be so hard to be an unpaid internet tyrant struggling against the reality of your own worthlessness, huh janny?
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I always found Remy Lacroix very pretty, she had a bit of a girl-next-door vibe to her while still being very cute
Post more of lowkeydeadinside and her enormous fat arse please
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never been to a non family memebers funeral and never has there not been a eulogy
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corr yeah
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sir eggy farter
My things are too good for me
I don't deserve them
Yeah she was hot
use google lad
fucking screakmning
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Jia Lissa is genuinely the prettiest girl in porn
shame half her scenes are either troon-shit, blacked-shit, or weird sci-fi-shit
>weird sci-fi-shit
quite like her HENTAIED muck
Always wonder what happens to pornstars when they retire.
yeah, about that...
i was big into porno up until about 2016-2017, starting watching cams and haven't really watched much else since
what a grim thread
if u got a girl in a third world country pregnant and she insisted on keeping it. Would you tell your parents or just keep it a secret since the child would never come to your home country anyway
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sir ganga farmer
this i am a pathetic lazy ugly evil man yet i have an objectively fortunate life
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Poland’s getting the raw end of the deal here. They have to pay more than Indonesia for the same colors.
why is everything about modern life so shit
tell my dad so he thinks I'm a shagger
Celtic winning the old firm and Liverpool beating manchester poonited, corrr what a day
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sir ciggy smoker
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They become escorts/marry some cuck
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alright boys

a fit arab gf or a peng latina gf?
looks jewish
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big bowl of oyakodon for tea x
niece uncle
hairline mogs me
regardless of what anyone might think about interracial porn, her blacked scene with stacy cruz is surely one of the highest quality porn scenes ever produced. everything from the location and lighting to the performer chemistry and enthusiasm is top tier
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alina lopez looks really similar to a girl I work with, who also happens to be extremely nice to me - and for that reason I will rub myself raw to her PureTaboo and Real Estate scenes whenever I get a chance
private equity has stripped any culture from anything worth stripping
remember inbetweeners? they're back, please subscribe to our streaming service
obviously keep it a secret
Don't think it's cuckoldry if she stops desu. We all have a past? As long as the kids are mine, I don't really care
Need a man to batter my bumhole
umm hello
what is the cure for this ailment?
I think probably to spend time with better people or none at all
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doing yet another poo
*ears prick up*
True to be fair, I get the appeal, it's better than just having some fat mexican with a camcorder in a studio apartment with 30 seconds of the dumbest story you've ever heard - shame it's for such a pathetic fetish
reckon that's why JAV also does very well, cause you can tell a lot more effort goes into it
Hazel Moore looks like a girl I could pull
bruh your toes look fucking weird
Never met a Latina irl, but I enjoy wanking to their porn.

Arab women are spoiled and materialistic in my experience, or religious nutjobs.
my very attractive supervisor was lamenting the fact she couldn't find a bf
I have not had a friend since highschool
Put them fucking grim feet away Christ man I’m eating
elite boobs and fanny
are those german right-wing parties that are predicted to do well in those elections actually far-right? or is that just the bbc being dishonest as per usual?
are you curling one out in a cupboard
and what did you say? or is this something you overheard as she was talking to someone else without knowing a greasy little incel like you would eavesdrop and then post about it here later?
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why you looking at my toes?
you interested?
her arse is great too, she's an all round top tier slut actually
JAV is on another level in terms of production
Shiori Tsukada wrapping her thighs around my head.
this was during a conversation between a few of us in the office, I wasn't just stood round the corner wanking
Any pooey lynx lad in
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figured out how to overcome the issue of robot companions not attacking in fallout 4

you just switch the legs and then switch them back, which seems to reset their personality ai or whatever and gets them working again

I've turned codsworth into megatron basically
air fryers are a psyop to acclimate you into owning nothing and being happy
are we all posting our grotty feet then
874s? me too haha x
alri frodo
Monkey feet shave it jeez
why’s your right toe clipped but your left isnt
i try to spend time with better people but i've lost a lot of friends over time
>The Oasis ticket sales process has been defended by the boss of a ticketing industry body, after prices surged while fans queued online.
>Many fans were furious to find tickets escalating in price as the sale continued on Saturday while others gave up queuing or were kicked out of the system while they waited.
>Rachael Board from Devon, told BBC News she’d woken up “feeling like she’d been completely ripped off” after paying £495 for a ticket, far higher than the £150 she’d intended to pay.
Nobody forced you to buy them you fucking idiot.
I got bored half way through
can't grow facial hair, but got loads of arse hair
wonder what the evolutionary reason for this is
how can you be this dysgenic
>defended by the boss of a ticketing industry body
what could possibly by their defence for being such massive pricks
All this shit needing washed after:

>wooden chopping board
>glass chopping board
>pyrex jug
>plate at the end
>bowl containing chopped tomatoes
>bowl containing seasoning
>plate containing fresh seasoning to be placed inside fish

and hour+ doing all that shite for a meal that takes 6 minutes to eat

It's all well and good when you're financially independent from your porn career + streaming and you have all day free and a dishwasher. Wageslaves aren't coming home from their warehouse shift then doing this crap.
Ah yes champions of the working class
must've tried to keep your mouth warm, i guess
Stop using words you don’t know how to use little /pol/ boy
fucking christ does every /brit/ poster just have disgusting fucking feet?
little werewolf fella
Word used by shut in neeks.
>advertise tickets at £75
>ticket agency turns around and says "whoopsy - because of high demand that's not £200"
>you've just spent 5 hours waiting for this chance to buy them
are you autistic?
lefypol won 3-0 north and south of hadrians wall

tough day for rorke
It's called supply and demand commiemong
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yeah she's cute
project on
Took longer for your brain to formulate and tell your hands to type that inane post than it would to clean up those items
let her cook
British women selected for clean shaven men but love hairy arses on men
figured out a major tea hack lads

makes numerous cups of tea without wasting bags
Wtf is that on her nose
your ancestors use to get shagged up the arse a lot and so grew hair there to try and stop it
looking at you it seems like this attempt was unsuccessful
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it's even worse than that it's also
>oh btw you have 5 minutes now to buy these tickets or they will go away so i assume you got all your mates to agree to the inflated price u never predicted right... right???
I have beautiful feet and no i won't post them for you to ogle at you lecherous fuck
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forgot to attach
Her double penetration scenes are tremendous, especially the interracial ones
my thoughts are that post is far too long for me to read
precis it for me
Those aren't chakras?
He's just saying words to sniff his own farts
Not reading that shite
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actual bellends on here defending people buying inflated ticket prices for gigs. You fucking realise if no one bought them they'd lower the prices right?
Wheres your kettle dude
my cute feetsies :3
that's all capitalism mate
I've made money a few times reselling tickets, don't hate the player hate the game
Free market baby
Don't act like you wouldn't given the supply demand scenario
Who are you virtue signaling to?
The crowd hates you
don’t have one haha
shant be wasting my money on something i already have a pot for
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proper chucking it down lads v comfy rn
If you're willing to cough up £150 for something you can listen to for free than you deserve to be milked for £500
Burst out laughing
what are you talking about lad its fucking baking
It's cool and dry actually, thickos
why would i buy oasis tickets when i can just listen to them on spotify
Oh God, shut the fuck up.
grim af
Fat bastard
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> Oh God, shut the fuck up.
*cooks bacon*
*bakes cookies*

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