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be queer now edish
hes here
and hes quare
Doing the ol' alcobalcony if you wish
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getting punched on my goatee
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simply the perfect woman
Holy fuck I just woke up from the most terrifying dream, I was a virgin in a dark room posting a fat goth sow with comical proportions... luckily I woke up and had sex with my cute fit girlfriend I go on hikes with.... phew..
think about it.
mad that, did give me a chuckle
seems like every uni house/dorm has a story about poo, the block of flats my mate lived in during his time at uni was appalling for the mess in the bogs
hey guys how's it going
Away with this Popish idolatry! Did the Lord not say unto Moses: "Thou shalt not make unto thyself any graven image nor bow down to them"? Has this king forgotten the Spanish Inquisition? Is the Roman Catholic Church to have a seat in Westminster?
ktim with my pakistani gf
/brit/ is a pooasis in the desert of /int/
12B for ukraine but that alzheimers treatment is just too expensive
Honestly it's a weird approach to have to life where you feel you should do NOTHING.

That's just not the reality of this existence.

Like if you lived in the wilderness you'd have to labor, grow your own food, keep animals, hunt, etc. to even eat. You'd have to build a shelter. You'd have to do work to survive.

So if you go into a grocery store, or a restaurant or something, you PAY for the food because someone did the work for you. You just don't open your mouth and get fed like a fucking infant.

There's a ton of bullshit about our current system obviously but the whole "I should just be able to relax and not do shit" thing is absurd.
kinda sad how she just whores herself on the internert and wont be able to have a bf
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oh my days you are so upset lmaooo
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Lads, I'm looking for a new jacket for work.

It's for cool or rainy weather (5-15 degrees) in the autumn and spring. I wear a shirt and trousers in the office and sometimes walk around the site for my work meaning I go outside.

Would a waxed cotton jacket work? Not quite sure of the right style.
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Ukraine is getting shagged up the arse
30 myself and single
had a few gfs in my 20s
moved away from london and got off the apps and its very difficult to meet someone new now
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have you considered something like this?
the phone is a surrogate mate
through its use the female can provide for herself
with no need for a man
two little crutches! 77!
haha no but seriously, whats it like clarting a pakistani? I have wondered this....
upset doesnt even begin to describe my level of rage... im boiling over like a kettle, im actually trying to kill you with my mind right now and i think its working....
Living with a hidden disability fish odour syndrome.
(TMAU) 1 day I stink of fish another day stink of shit de lads,
SOME people smell it and some people don't.
I was diagnosed in 2005 by Sheffield university and 5 great guys plus one knows some one who worked at sheffield university in 2005.
I type in 2002 on google why do i smell of fish, it came up with TMAU (fish odour syndrome)
I have a hidden disability it miss understood and unpleasant
if i never had TMAU i would have worked all my life, I never ask to be born.
I dont feel sorry for myself i stay positive all the way and spiritual minded.
I have to wash my arm pits again after a shower and plus I have to wash my ass in the sink in the day after toilet.
Dont feel sorry for me just try and understand a hidden disability.
I get on with my life and make the most of it, positive all the way
>Would a waxed cotton jacket work?
yeh. there's lots of autumn jackets to choose from, not sure what you mean by "would it work"
What's the most underrated city, town, village, hamlet, parish, suburb, borough, market town, commune, conurbation, or village green in the UK?
>if you lived in the wilderness you'd have to labor, grow your own food, keep animals, hunt, etc. to even eat. You'd have to build a shelter. You'd have to do work to survive.
This doesn't feel like work. There's something extremely rewarding about owning the thing you're working on, and seeing the end product. This is why tradesmen are usually fairly content. Office drones or others don't really get to have the same experience.
back on the Frasier toil
up to season 6 now
don't know why it's always the bogs that seem to get wrecked - you'd imagine that's where people would be calmest
my girlfriend is back in student housing this year and she was telling me that the prior tenants had stolen the toilet seat and shower curtains and how they had to use the neighbours bog for a week before they replaced it
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Right so I'm watching Taskmaster season 13 as suggested by a kind anon yesterday

You knew what you were doing because that white woman is low-key kind of a MILF
I'm holding my Williamson through every episode
he was an autistic neet who didn't shower and lived off gibs from his friends
don't let poo take control
I'm 19 and never get morning wood anymore
It's over
I mean would it look alright with a shirt/trousers/shoes at work?
Something like this
>waxed cotton jacket
Thats what i've got. I got it in New Zealand from a company called Swanndri.
ZOMG I LOVE obese women, they make my mentally ill brain send blood to my willy.
It's the fact that they possibly have diabetes which does it for me. Very peng
just imagining you in tears typing this >>201705428 out halfway through the previous thread and then putting it in a little notepad file so you could copy and paste it into the reply box as soon as i posted in the next thread HAHAHAHAHAHAHA you managed it in 24 seconds lmaooooo
nonce clobber
why is her face always filtered
imagine tricking someone into thinking they have a disability that doesn't exist
ktim. The only thing I dislike about wax jackets is using them on the bus or train, but I'm sure lots of other people do without issues. Always scared some wax will transfer but not really sure if that actually happens.
Whatever helps you cope for being a brainlet.
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t. coping troon
got called a flidimide in heron foods lids
you got me ok you win.... you have more sex than me ok i get it.... mercy....
I drive to work
nah not getting a Barbour
tell us what happened lad
they love to sneak the odd milf onto taskmaster
oh right, yeah that'd definitely work. people wear jackets like that with officewear all the time
>didn't shower
>lived off gibs from his friends
just four more reasons to think he was a chad
>if you exclude the one percent in anglo countries
So the US,UK Canada and Australia/kiwi
>Most people are struggling
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Corr, look at the way her lipid tissue bursts out of that corset that is FAR too small for her, wow, it is VERY normal to he attracted to this. You definitely have to be attracted to trannies if you don't like this HOG of a girl COORRRRR
got called a flidimide (i was being a flid)
doesn't really count if she's had injections or surgery. that isn't natural
mate you are absolutely in pieces right now, its alright lad just turn in for the night, it will all be forgotten in the morning
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Normally I'm an Akina kinda guy, but, as of late, I'm a Narumi head.
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was it in heron foods?
Yeah. He was chad soy
prefer not to say
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>it will all be forgotten in the morning
>he was an autistic neet who didn't shower and lived off gibs from his friends
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>nooooo you dont need to have curves to look like a woman! i can still pass!!!!
every taskmaster line up is basically:
>literal who
>30-40 year old feminist woman comedian
>the only recognisable name who use to be on a popular panel and/or sketch show in the 90s and 00s
you're not invited to my birthday party any more.
sound like a racehorse pissin in there
im broken... enough is enough please... think about what you're doing...
also has anyone know what it means if there is white dots on your parsley leaves?
Yeah, wax jackets like a typical barbour bedale or beaufort are the go-to adult jacket which looks fine with shirts and trousers. You could also consider a rain mac if you need something smarter. I'd make sure it's roomy so you can always wear a suit jacket, blazer, knitwear under it or add a liner.
>Corr, look at the way her lipid tissue
Got called a chutiya in Star of India
came home battered once and pissed in bin in my ex gfs bedroom whilst she screamed at me
don't remember any of it, but she gave me an earful the next day
Should i get on the vodka or the cans
is this a spaino melty or someone else?
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At this point you're just spamming an advertisement
Buy one or fuck off with your runtish fixation
Yes, those are such subtle delicate feminine curves. They are absolutely not the result of an unhealthy lifestyle. I stan this healthy queen
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good film this. might rewatch
Yeah also thought of getting a mac
it's obviously spaino
/brit/ is his whole life
he's in here all day every day
as soon as one little thing goes against him he goes into a massive melty for hours whereas any other /brit/ user would just shut their laptop and go do something more interesting instead
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>I'm an employed woman
those are 100% estrogen induced hips
trannoids could NEVER
got called aakarshak purush in the local indian bakery by a couple of milves
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imagine making a video like this with your dad
airdrop black people here NOW!!!!!!!!
man what is this its scary :(
Mr Mossball, legalise da ting
Yes, there is absolutely NOTHING in between those hips and a trannies hips. Those are the only two options, her hips a purely because of her genetics, there are absolutely no other factors involved.
Why am I the only one suffering
>Everyone in their early 20's is traveling
>Everyone in their early 20's aren't broke
>Most people have loving families who actually care
My dad let her boyfriends hit me and bully me while but was kicked out for fighting back even though I lost
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>3-Year duration 4chan Passes are now available for $45
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Thunder and lightning
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jah bless, its sir ganga farmer here, we pon dem tings babylon tek are erb
That is basically what The Famileigh do.
>My dad let her boyfriends hit me and bully me while but was kicked out for fighting back
what a deal
return to the countryside
Thank you. Now make houses affordable
women are so fucking funny
That's a bargain desu. I'm considering getting one.
needs more tower blocks and fast food restaurants
get the holiday inns built
get them housed
get them wanked off
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pretty accurate to be fair
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>Metal Gear Solid V was released 9 years ago
can you all do me a favour and shut the fuck up for a second? trying to think
You lads are fucking obsessed with Spaino.

Methinks you may have spent too much time on /Brit/? Maybe it's time for a break?
got the slop cooking in the oven
*starts stomping about the thread and making a din*
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Really didn't need to read this today.
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Is that a 2010s sony bravia?
rorke ordering a haunted doll on ebay
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Sir blockhead faggot
No, it's a horrifically obese woman.
the so-called zoomer trim
never watched taskmaster desu, what's the appeal? tuned in for a few minutes once, decided it was complete soy tier shit and turned it off
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he was ahead of the curve with the zoomer perm wasn't he
I'm on about the television, not the hog you mong
are nhs
sheeeeeeesh this cut is bussin fr fr ong no cap
why is this spastic having a mental breakdown over some ewhore hes advertising for free
freezing my eggs
I see the name "Grimgor" pop up in fiction every now and then. Is that a thing in English? Wasn't there on the ol' merriam webtser.
hated that stupid trend
never once joined in
Business idea: Stop banning things and let life be enjoyable
plopping out some shi in the commode
tobacco doesn't make life enjoyable
being free of it does
banning it is a good thing
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im fucked up lads just going to put on some tunes
Weet ik.
so beautfiul
the british countryside is special
whats a bombaclatt
Alright Mikey
Bet he sucked a dick or 2 back in the day
Smoking a ls right now and finding it very enjoyable
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rorke's gf
The British countryside is fucking shit
It's just boring farmland and fields
Our ancient woodlands and rainforests were ripped down over thousands of years
have a look in the mirror x
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>One hit 90's band making a final cash grab because their 60 year old guitarist got divorce raped

I don't get the hype.
peat-gavel post
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Remember 2014-2016 when there was a "Punished X" meme of everyone
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your my bank now
mum's wife (obese) boiling with range at any woman younger and skinnier than her again
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nh it is lush x
don't feel anything
considering the possibility I might some kind of bugman npc
imagine being drunk on a Sunday
sort your life out
>mum's wife
rorke exploring an abandoned factory
what does that mean
Don’t have to imagine actually
need that paved over to house more browns
it can be pretty picturesque honestly, and we still have plenty of forest and even mountains up in Scotland
Got a birthday meal thats very expensive and my parents spent a long time planning and I just don't cafe. I'll go and smile and chat and pretend, but I won't care. I'll go home and lie in my bed in the dark.
I don't feel grateful, I don't feel anything.
if i had a gf id touch her all the time
>mum's wife
I'm not drunk I'm tipsy
more to the point imagine being a poofy wog who can't handle a couple on sunday
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why do yanks like "comedy clubs"
flock of seagulls looking nigga
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I am a danger to women.
Have you considered grindr?
fucking hell ive lit a candle i made for my ex months ago and that lavender oil shit works im getting sleepy
wouldn't have her for long then
Imagine having a fucking dyke for a mother good grief.
Hair from the mother will amputate the toes of a baby
what do you think?
not had it off in years, the next bird i slip it in is in for the time of her life
What a pile of shite that was (apart from the gameplay)
Reprimanding a poo
not just mother, mother in law as well
double dyke families go hard
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rorke staying in his own lane
forging his own path
navigating the ups and downs
staying true to himself
focusing on his mission
defying the odds
ive always wanted to nut the instant I put it in and collapse and be panting and have beads of sweat on my forehead then ask them if they finished
go easy on yourself lad
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it's dark already, can't be doing with it
oh my days
looks like the proto gf
Been on the cans tbhmaif
nothing wrong with that + cool it with the homophobic remarks please

stepmum not mother in law
You'll never outsmart your own arse
Fucking hell I thought it was about 10, not on this
So what's Kidderminster like?
Who's got a lesbo mother in law
My granddad bought his house for 2 mossballs and now it's worth 750k
Fucking state of it all
they need to find a cure for autism pronto
Begin with your family
hearing mateberg's tales of his neurotic girlfriend has completely dissolved all pining I had for the ex gf
a stark reminder of what i'm not dealing with. at least some good comes from his suffering.
ahah right you are
proper mong, me
thought my cousin was gay but he knocked a bird up last year
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Will be winter before you know it
Waking up and going to toil in the dark, then finishing toil and coming home in the dark. Supplementing myself with vitamin D pills so I don't throw myself in front of a bus.
just cancel your netflix pal
Miss ballbusting posts
Airlift her into the ghettos of Paris

ever thought about shagging her
Dad's husband is complaining about me living with them again. Can't take this.
kidderminster MENTIONED
having a wankberg over the lesbiantoil
have you tried meal prepping? x
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I made this thread. ME. Not (you). So don't ever fucking tell me how I should post in my own thread janny you cunt.
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got the hentai on, and the poppers warmed up
it's bang average honestly, gets a bad rap but you could do a lot worse
has some nice bits and some shite bits
size of that dog
Based to say the least
YJKing at this ngl
how wet do you think she got?
>mum's wife
What a chad. I wish I had that confidence with the ladies.
Love this
You tell em pal
eating poo x
She has a wife you know?
no you're not
be quiet
not eaten anything since 9am, going to get on the cans
reckon it'll only take a couple and i'll be out for the count
any abhorrent posts
Tell me more
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British pop star Samantha Mumba plays with the new Vodafone digital camera mobile phone during a promotional photoshoot (2002)
flanging my ringpiece x

good spot, he definitely wasn't eating poo
flanging my ringpiece x
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entering the 4th dimension
Just spent 1450 euro on a new belt with oyster inlay
get them arrested
no you're not
be quiet
prove it
>I am dragged along by a strange new force. Desire and reason are pulling in different directions. I see the right way and approve it, but follow the wrong.
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>1450 euro?!
lock them up and throw away the key
I hate zoomers but ngl since BBC2 started playing Billie Eilish - BIRDS OF A FEATHER its been getting in my head a lot and im quite liking it. Can see why people are comparing her to Katy Perry, Britney Spears, Madonna, etc.
bit gay
might buy a shawl collar cardigan so I can be prepared for when the bills rise but they all have leather buttons, grim
Used to have a recurring dream where I was trapped in the Mario 64 castle
stop listening to the jewish radio transmissions
they're poisoning your mind
Lost my moss ball
dog ate my moss ball
mum and stepmum found my cum wall
just seen a dog scran a mossball
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pig sex arse for dinner
too poor to afford a fresh one so I bought a used one from the butchers
>All right, boy, skewer me. I've dropped my defenses,
I'm an easy victim. Why, by now
Your arrows practically know their own way to the target
And feel less at home in their quiver than in me.
dad and stepdad found my incel drawer
maybe but I like to have some music, news, weather, and traffic on while im driving and dont want to hear adverts so radio 2 i probably the only option.
mossballing a poo
mum and post-dad discovered the bogey cave
when the piss bottle develops 'bits'
most of their presenters are gay or women
this one induced a giggle
mum and xad discovered my gooncave
mashallahing a mohammed sex arse
read this entire article https://www.thecut.com/article/age-gap-relationships-couples.html
Thanks bong, we Hillbillies in Appalachia use this word. Never been able to spell it or find it in a dictionary before.

Offended many a outsider calling them quare.
>read this entire article
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The so called scran
There's only one anon that owns a Mossball stop lying
excuse me but why are you posting this? she's disgusting and unhealthy
I was running through the streets of faluja, 5 rounds left in my rifle mag, IEDs beneath my feet,
any single one of these browns could be a terrorist
Some mong left a tenner underneath the brown sauce
Sir there's a poo on your plate
isnt that the case with all radio?
radio 1 is surely worse.
i dont mind jeremy vine and sara cox and they are on most at the times i drive during the week.
i like johnnie walkers sounds of the 70s.
once a month i do a long drive home on a Sunday and usually time it for Elaine Pages showtunes then the 70s.
was also singing this song in my head today aha
corrr are you actually from appalachia? seems like the comfiest part of the states desu
wouldn't mind a nose around myself
mad how British toffs and Appalachia Hillbillies are the 2 groups who call gays quares
feel a sensation of intense dread and foreboding in my chest
we all know why. it's coming. it approaches.
No one make a new thread
Let's see how many posts we can get to lol
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Love this image
illegally early new
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*ahem* rorke and the missus
my nan worked at a cotton mill. she operated the LOOM
>corrr are you actually from appalachia?
Yep, live right on the edge though. Very comfy and poor. I'm sure you'd fit in, my grand-uncle was married to a bong girl, she certainly didn't stand out lol
Quare doesn't really mean gay here, but anyone not a hillbilly will think you're calling someone a fag.
where did everyone go?
Anon you realize she's using filters to male her proportions look bigger than they actually are, right? He knows this right guys??
A nonwhite made this

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