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Why does their pride far exceed their national achievements?
Op is a VPNfagging Lithuanian BTW
maybe Russian but he made the same thread with many other flags
and you're a jeet living in poland on vpn
You are a Pole on a Vpn living in Germany
Russian thread

it's a fair question
many ask it
I fucking hate Pooland
ok, i admit it...
But who cares what a shitskin slum rat like you thinks?
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all lenkai will bow
in all seriousness it's 3am on Monday here so i don't think op is some seething lithfag
Narcissistic losers tend to be that way.
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>he knows about The Colombian Gambit
delete this post
it doesnt
pipe down Kowalski
go pick your coca leafs and listen to your reggaeton, zambo nigger
I don't think it does
why though
I'm not Polish but I'm so proud of them that my pride somehow seeped into their national pride statistic and inflated it. Sorry about that.
I respect them because they managed to go from third to first world in like 30 years
Their whole sense of self worth is due to the mere fact that they don't have browns and blacks terrorizing their country, this is their sole achievement, their one source of pride, what will they have once their government starts importing them (which they will)? Absolutely nothing.
degenerated genetics = low iq = nationalistic tendencies
Considering that the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the Middle Ages was a larger power than Russia, isn't it an exaggeration to say that it performed poorly?
Even if that were their sole accomplishment it would mean more than anything your people/country have accomplished in living history.
See >>201721586
This is very hard to achieve in the modern history
while it's not an excuse to be more nationalistic than a turk in Germany its still a big achievement and something to be proud of
>what will they have once their government starts importing them (which they will)
already does
>Their whole sense of self worth is due to the mere fact that they don't have browns and blacks terrorizing their country
dunno where do you westards take this idea from, but no, that is not the source if our selfworth
bell curve situation
>Middle Ages
16-17th century isn't middle ages, man
>it performed poorly
Why? It had a solid century of clapping cheeks left and right. Had to fall apart eventually, too many enemies.
Sorry, it seems my English skills were poor.

I wanted to say that Poland was strong and big at one time, so you can't say that their performance is bad.
All of the poor people left for Germany and the UK
Pride? What are they, a bunch of faggots?

Ezekiel 16:49
>Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.
Many thirdies did this yet remained thirdie
only thirdie shitholes do this (e.g. turkey)
I'm the original person who made the thread that people are copying now, I'm Algerian, not a VPN, it's easy to find Poles insufferable without having some national vested interested in the matter.
وتقدر تلحسلي زبي يالمصري
Soon they will invade Belarus:)
Polish exceptionalism. Look at their economic data since independence. They even managed to grow their economy during the global financial crisis in 2008. Poland is an anomaly.
The country that will tank the most nukes in WW3 will be Poland, so that's going to be impressive.

If NATO invades, it's going to be from Poland.
If Russia invades, it's going to be through Poland.
Before Russia's nukes are destroyed or intercepted the only closest/quickest country it can nuke guaranteed is Poland.
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>he doesn't know about the prophecy
>every turd world shithole
Poland is second world (eastern) thoughbeit
Fuck Poland, Czechia, Austria, The Baltics and Ukraine

Genuinely hope the Russians roll over them all
You only say this because you no longer have a cohesive nation

You are an indian colony at best
I ask myself why And it plays back like a movie

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