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I present you the future king of Norway.
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>timmy actually thought bbc was just a 4chud meme
Norway YES
What does Varg think of this?
>BBC is coming to the Norwegian royal family and they are getting BLACKED
This is based beyond fucking belief!
>spiritual guru
i thought Norway was first world
are cocks and race the only thing you can think of when you see a happy couple?
shame on you
Norway has fallen
Reminder her ex husband literally hanged himself on Christmas Day after he found out she has been cheating on him with this guy
>king of norway will be a big bald black giga nigga
Feels like a 4chan meme that someone manifested into reality.
WTF he's bisexual?!
he could've just gone to SEA and be happy
>King Niggüor of Norway
straight man say this to pick up girls, it's not real
He's black, the chances of him being zesty are not 0%
Women want men who excite them and keep them on their toes. Her ex was probably a boring square who was shit at sex. No wonder she left him. If you don't spark excitement in women they will toss you away like trash.
No actually she’s not an heir
Wtf I came here to laugh but that's just real sad. The dude could've just disappeared himself somewhere remote and get a mail order bride.
She is, just fairly far down the line of inheritance.
Just like every other Scandinavian boomer
She is not the heir, so no.
The crown prince has two children so she is unlikely to ever ascend the throne.

Sorry for ruining your day.
lol timmy
>4th to the throne
>far down
she's fourth, literally the daughter of the king
cope. every nigga has got at least a little zest in him
Unless she assassinates her three older siblings, she’s not gonna be queen
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>future King
Nigger she went full chud and plays basically no role in the norwegian royal family. I know farming (You)s is fun and all, but some of you really need to get a hobby.
i can guarantee she will at least try. the nigger will keept talking to her into it.
she should assasinate Haakon and his family
I hope the cobson poster don't read this
First it was King Edward with Wallis Simpson, and then Harry with Meghan, and now this?? What is it with European royals marrying Americans?
marrying gringoys is faily common for european royals. quite common when americans are richer than european barons back in the day. even more common now that europe is an american colony.
Norwegian national anthem going to change to this is America
How is not being a monarch chuddy retard
There is this beautiful Islamic tradition called 'honor killing', I think the northern folk should should apply some of that multiculturalism they preach so much
Poor British nobles used to marry the daughters of wealthy American businessmen back in the 19th century all the time. Winston Churchill is a famous example of this (his father was a poorfag noble and his mother was the daughter of Leonard Jerome).
Just google her name and see what it shits out you spastic
Her wikipedia bio is pretty wild desu
this, churchill has american blood
It should have been me.
at least for royal that is
Yeah he was fat
bot tier reply
Nobody respect her btw she is a complete meme
Him being black is the smallest part of the problem
He is a self described shaman and a conartist that has spent time in jail and sells rocks that "cure cancer"
Both of them are literally insane
This may surprise you, but we are currently living in the 21st century. Also, she'll her pushed even further down the line once Haakon Magnus' kids start having kids of their own.
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not as pathetic as this guy
She is elite CEO of Norway you worship her
Well, at least he could have killed and exposed her instead of dying alone like a bitch
At least he enjoyed the life of a chad for like three decades straight.
he was married to a totally unhinged slut, chad pumps and dumps teenager until he settles for a 10/10, not cucked by a nigger
What would happen if timmies refuse to call their descendants your majesty
He was a semi-respected artchad and his best friend was a sleazy fashion photographer, he basically spent like two decades leeching off the royals, planting two kids within their blood line while fucking off to do blow and fuck models the rest of the time.
he literally killed himself after finding out he was getting cucked.
chad wouldnt give a fuck cause he's fucking whores.
just stop trying to defend a cuck that quite literally killed himself on christmas lmao
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>He asserts that casual sex attracts subterranean spirits that make an impression on the inside of women's vaginas and offers exercises to "clean out" said vaginas; he writes that children get cancer because they want it; and suggests that chemotherapy does not work and is given to cancer patients only because doctors make money from it. He promotes the Reptilian conspiracy theory, and has said that he considers himself to be a reptilian. He regards 5G technology to be a conspiracy by "those who enslave the planet." He claims that he had knowledge of the September 11 attacks two years before they happened, but chose not to intervene. He says that he can "turn atoms" and literally reduce people's age.
Nah he was based, simple as.
Fucking hell
all pretty normal to the average american mormon.
see >>201719626
that's the kinda of guy that stole that whore from him lmao
the king of norway's heir is male. not sure what this BBCslut is supposed to be
I could have saved him...
But if all others marry blacks? It seems to be trendy.
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at least the windsors had the chutzpah to get rid of diana when she started to act out
I thought Nordic people were smarter than that.
Col heads. Good impulse control. And then get seduced by this. The humanity is so disgusting.
The heir's sister, and fourth in line.
They actually got divorced well before the shaman, IIRC they were separated almost a decade ago.
Only her mother is Nordic thoughever.
You bet this guy is an antivaxx
Not sure what you mean. Her father is the King of Norway, no?
Mental illness
>Durek Verrett (born November 17, 1974, as Derek David Verrett) is an American conspiracy theorist,[2] alternative therapist,[3][4] self-professed shaman and author. He has been widely described by media and other observers as a conman and conspiracy theorist,[3][5][6][2] and has served time in prison and been arrested and charged with various crimes.[7]

How is this shit real?
I didn't expect a 'current year' argument, but ok. Choke on migrant cock
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you think it's possible to use this guy to turn the monarchy against the jews? it worked with Kanye, lol
Honestly this is a good thing, nordics are cucks and they gave all the power to women, a BLACK king might put women in their place and either force nordic men to be real men or replace them
kek what the fuck norway
Yeah, but his ancestry is in fact not very Nordic at all, the queen is likely 100% Norwegian though.
It hasn't exactly been feasible for nobles to wage war in order to push their claims for the past couple centuries m8.
lol was this paid for with taxpayer money or did they have a private ceremony
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>He claims that he had knowledge of the September 11 attacks two years before they happened, but chose not to intervene.
Daily reminder he is a faggot who was engaged to a jewish dude, got HIV+ and then tried to crowdfund money for a new kidney.
>In 2012, Verrett and his then-fiancé Greenberg started an Indiegogo crowdfunding page to raise money for Verrett's kidney transplant in which they stated that Verrett is HIV positive.
>it's not real
Nigga, he was engaged to a JEWISH MAN who was also his business partner. Dude is 100% a faggot.
Both. It was a private ceremony paid for by tax payers. Are you new on this planet?
I hate women so fucking much
>Sweden, YES!
We know sven, we know.
Why is there zero media coverage for this?
What does an average Nirwegian think of this? Are they (rightfully) ashamed?
A gay black man who got fucked in the ass by a jew has somehow, some way navigated his way into the royal family of Norway.
evolan tradtards: hahaha, you filthy negrofied americans, you simply do not have the astute level of class and discernment that our great european royalty posse---ACK

Racist liberalism wins again, constitutional monarchy showing itself once more to be the most anti-chud of all systems.
There was, hos funeral was shown on TV and everything.
Nobody cares.
>Gwyneth Paltrow
oh it all makes sense now
and i thought british royals were bad
Imagine how funny it's going to be when he murders her.
I dated an irish girl for awhile and something I noticed when over there visiting her family was that Irish and British girls are way more willing to date nogs than American white girls are.
>Paltrow's paternal great-great-grandfather was a Rabbi in Nowogród, Poland, and a descendant of the well-known Paltrowicz family of rabbis from Kraków.[18][19]
it's not Paltrow it's unironically Paltrowicz lmao
>Irish and British girls are way more willing to date nogs than American white girls
That doesn't seem possible.
>a literal kang
>A gay black man who got fucked in the ass by a jew has somehow, some way navigated his way into the royal family of Norway.
if you put this in a novel or a movie, the producers would fire you for making up the most ridiculous shit
life really is stranger than fiction
I never heard about it. Norwegians don't seem engaged with it.
Amerimutts worship niggers, Jews and women like gods. I don't want to hear shit from your obese, brown mouth
Do you prep your bvll with that mouth?
I grew up in Kentucky and here its a faux pass, or however the fuck its spelled, if you do it you're ostracized. My cousin took a black girl to prom and his mamaw went through all the photos they took together and cut the black girl out of them and loudly proclaimed "we don't do that in our family."

Nobody in my highschool class got into interracial relationships, even though they could have. Then when I dated her, she had several (English) friends because she had cousins over there, and they wound up adding me on instagram, which kept reccing me various bog monkey profiles after that and the amount of girls with nog boyfriends was astounding.
lmao he's like the black Rasputin of Norway
this has nothing to do with intelligence per se, but spirituality
look up how many people in predominantly atheist societies (for example Czechia) believe in stupid shit like zodiac and tarot
human brain has a space for faith in it and nature does not tolerate empty spaces
Ironic since Muttmerica is th orgin and home to all nigger and cuck porn studios. Can't even throw a rock over there without hitting a cuck, nigger, whore or all three
You will never be white, sven. Ben Franklin already proved it.
Do you kiss your wife's bull with that mouth?
>evolan tradtards
who the fuck reads evola, the man was a bond villain and a wizard
well if he was really that degenerate then it sounds like he deserves to have roped, honestly
faux pas, only one S and it's silent
>Growing up
No shit. I'm 41 and grew up in rural Oregon. There were 90% white kids, 3 black kids, 2 asians and about 100 hispanics in our small town of 2,300.
>I'm 41
Why are you still here? Have you failed in life?
Martha is a stupid slut and she hates the norwegian people for continually pointing this out for the last 30 years so she married this nigga to dishonor the nation + get back some of the attention that's been steadily tapering off as she's aged. That's all there's to it. If you look at pictures of them it's clear that he's not even attracted to her, he's literally just doing this for the sake of bnwo.
Ah, you've posted it again? What a good boy. Here's your gold little one.
He could kill himself because he was leech for live and cant comprehend doing actual work
>the zoomie thinks it's just a meme
Kek, welcome to hell kid. Been shitposting on 4chins since 2009 and have zero interest in stopping. Own a small IT business, have a 16yr old son, own property. Definitely "made it", unlike (You).
Very scandi moment.

Thank Ukko im Fingol
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>N..no, you are brown, not me!!

>N..no, you are the cuck, not me!!
It's some weird paradox but the further a society strays from religion the higher the propensity for spiritual based scams. A good example is Japan.
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>still refuses to refute the accusation of being a faggot
swedesimp having a meltdown.
It's to be expected.
>he even has a teenaged kid
Yikes, I feel even worse for you. I'll make sure not to end up like you.
>I'll make sure not to end up like you.
So, when are you leaving?
By the time I'm 33 (I'm 28).
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don't make us kill your relatives again, latino.
Coping whitiey wrote that
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He thinks the Norway rulers are German plants and dislikes them
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jesus fucking christ
Where do you guys that say this think you are gonna go? Facebook? Reddit? TikTok? Are those somehow better? Do you suppose you will stop using the internet at 30, or 40? I have news for you, even grandma is spending all day on her phone looking at boomers shitposting on Facebook. If you can just stop using the internet, congrats. Probably for the best. You won’t though, and since you already decided everywhere else is worse(hence why you are here) most likely, you will still be here too. If you know of a better place, go there now. What’s stopping you
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Such a sadness. The norwegian kings have been pretty comfy the last few generations but so much of the royal family is doing everything to ensure the monarchy will lose all public support in the coming years.

Having a unifying paternal figure instead of being presented by an elected official half the country hates has been very good for Norway, but clearly it is not sustainable. Soon it will be over...
He sounds like avg polcud
Astaga, and I thought the royalties in my shithole were bad enough
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I thought Norway was a republic. Should be after this fiasco desu.
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hey bro can I ask you something..
what's the fasted you've ever kissed a woman? did it take a few days, weeks, months? did it take a few days for her to warm up to it? you ever try to kiss a girl and she pulled back?says she need time,.time to think about it. etc?

our black men can kiss women within 10 seconds of meeting without a single thought
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Fuck off pajeet back to your honk-filled, smelly streets.
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But many European states of the 20th century had radically anti-monarchical right wing and left wing groups that won power and quite literally aren't in power because of us. If anything our war in Europw reinforced said constitutional monarchies that would've gone the way of the dodo. Nevermind the fact we inherited a very similar political system to the UK after the federalists, and look at how that's going for us dummy. We're a very stable finance oriented colony really, and sure we don't have a king or queen who fucks blacks, nah instead we just elect them and put them in every facet of power. Why do you take pride in this disgusting mess?
It is not that nordic country where the royals wanted to push a law that forbid to introduce Jews in their royal families because of what happened in Spain a long time ago ?
la cia you know what needs to happen.
What's your it business do?
They are. The only reason I still use this place is because it's a convenient way to psyop people.
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We can't let him become King of Norway. Norway will become too powerful. CIA shut him down!
mogged by BVLLs
you will never be black
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yes and?
he was not, the other norwegian is just making up retarded stories
It's Saxe-Coburg-Gotha chud
>Having a unifying paternal figure instead of being presented by an elected official half the country hates has been very good for Norway
not really
Didnt her ex husband kill himself because of her cheating on him with this "shaman" ? She seems like a disgusting, bad and weird person.. our royalty can be cringe but they are nowhere near anything like this
dat face
>move to sunny place
>why is it so sunny?
>refutes cuck accusation with cuck webm complete with cuck fanfic
the nigga is a shaman he will make the spirits kill the royals so he can rule as the BBC king of Norgay
>Witchking of Norway
Looking forward to this.
why don't norwegians do a public hanging of her
>women will even cuck you when you're this high status
what le actual fucc
>takes over Norway
>as he stands before the nation to hold a speech his brain grows 5 times larger
>reveals he is actually the reincarnation of Yakub
>summons the ancestors of Norwegians and infused them into the people using his shamanic magic
>all Norwegian become 3 meter tall mountains of oiled up muscles
>announces TND and sends his creations into the world
Should've hanged her instead.
That means the princess has HIV now lol.
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>roastie cheats on you
>kill yourself instead of her
I will never understand this
Royalty must not be given freedom.
>killing yourself over a woman
Nordic excellence
Holy based
Kill all royals. Useless people.
Just cocks really.
You just described the average /poltard.
Her ex hubby killed himself because of it LMAO!!!!
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norway isnt bullied enough for this
Based chocolate man
>their descendants
Nigger she's 47, she's not gonna produce muttkids anymore
you're underestimating the potency of black bvll sperm. the venom of the ebony anaconda can and will bring snowbunnies back from the dead if need be.
kys jeet
>Been shitposting on 4chins since 2009
fuck off newfag
she's 52
She is crazy and describes herself as clairvoyant and ran a school that teaches you how to communicate with angels. She is a known scammer and Durek has been in her life so long now that we can't be bothered to care anymore
She isn't very well liked but the media keeps up with the trainwreck that is her life
You just KNOW
out of 4,096
He should be happy, he got his pagan prince
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He had a 28 y.o gf when he died
kek, he got monkey pawed hard
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>Norwegian whiteoid army marches onto the Congo
>All the guys when they see a village filled with nubian qweenz
fate of all white men
Whites should be mercy killed at this point.
is this a case of being cucked to death?
Correct. Welcome to 2024.
Even the Kardashians know better than that.
Disney would make him the top. Other than that, the plot sounds very modern. Or maybe it is the other way around: people watch too much Disney and then re-act that shit in real life.
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honestly can't sympathize with sex havers
Norway has everything
>spirituality as a replacement for religion
Fair enough but what about LGBTQ+? That sounds like a legit modern religion practiced by atheist liberals except it is not about spirituality but rather tribalism of some sort.
she looks 40
he could have done an incel shooting of the century
fucking immagine
singlehandedly turning norgay into a republic
but he chose to kill himself
Love from Kazakhstan.
>both of them are literally insane
Imagine the sex
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Bi man here
It's 110% a liability when dating women and turns most straight women off
I've only ever been able to pull "bi" women while being upfront about my sexuality
Crazy Scandinavian freemasons, after reading Swedenborg, decided to play a prank.
There is no happiness from being with someone who doesn't love you.
all the nonwhites just eating this lying shit up. fucking desperate retards
>He promotes the Reptilian conspiracy theory, and has said that he considers himself to be a reptilian.
howled at this

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