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Has a girl ever crushed on you, /int/, in your country?
Yeah. It turns out having a complete disinterest in women attracts them for some god awful reason.
in high school but i was too much of a sperg to do anything about it
looking back i cringe so fucking hard at how obviously she liked me and how much of a retard i was
If you didn’t like her back, there is no shame in it. By your logic every woman should drop on her knees and marry the first guy that shows interest in her.
>Looks like meat's back on the menu, boys!
No. Rather I would get a sense of relief when they left me.
Yes, many
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No, and it'll never happen.
Some scrawny Jewish chick when I was 13

She got fat and identifies herself as non-binary now
hello, pvt gomez
I seem to attract all the crazy mentally ill/bpd type women that cling on and stalk you
I don't know why, I could be in a room of 1000 people and these women zero in on me from other side of the room
They see that you’re an autistic pushover with no boundaries and realize they can play with your heart strings all they want.
t. knower
That's quite the feat though, no? Almost like a superpower all women have. Women are predators and emotional vampires, it's in their dna.
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yes i had a lot of girls hitting on me back in high school bc i was a twink yk that kind of cute boy but i was not attracted to girls so u know i had to friendzone them lol now im a transgirl
Yes, of course. Many times.
That’s literally their sole function in society. To search for a mate. Weininger puts it as their sexuality coming from within them during puberty, whereas the male sexuality is external. Hence women feel very little anxiety and discomfort going through puberty. They feel their power increase. Men on the other hand feel like their innocent childhood had been taken away for a life of constant struggle for pussy.
yes. most of the time I am too retarded to notice but some have been way too friendly and interested in me to be just friends.
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>all these normalchads ITT
Sounds like an episode of dragon ball z
All those that crushed on me, I had no interest in. Except my ex last year, that was funny.
Tell me how I could know. I'm not very good on mind reading
that blonde bitch is hot af
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Yes, twice, maybe even three times, and every time it happens, I'm too socially retarded to realize it
Your memory is unreliable and you are most likely fantasizing and re-interpreting things that meant nothing as "signals"
probably not
Tell me how you couldn't realize when it was happening but afterwards you did
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Nah, girls don't crush on me. They just act weird around me.

Like this one girl. One day she took my wallet when I wasn't looking... then committed my driver's license to memory. Then she would come up to looking like picrel... and poke me repeatedly while rattling off my personal information.

Then there was this other girl who liked to follow me around and make random conversations with me. Nothing inappropriate or overtly sexual except for this one time she was like "I like sex. I love sex."

Like... thanks for telling me? Lol. I mean, who doesn't like sex?
If any has, which I doubt, it'd be fortunate that nothing ever came of it.
>Men on the other hand feel like their innocent childhood had been taken away for a life of constant struggle for pussy.
how do I stop seeking pussy?
weak b8
These are unironically actual stories from my life.
Well then you’re just extremely autistic. Sorry, fren.
You don't.
It is the downfall of all straight men.
Entire kingdoms and countries have fell because of booba
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>first time
She literally left me notes saying that she wanted to be "more than friends" but I was a dumb autistic elementary school kid and didn't realize what that meant. My mom saved them all these years later and only recently did I see them again. I remember she used to draw for me, and she would write those notes on the back

>second time
She was unusually nice to me, she sat next to me in Latin class and even wanted to share food and stuff. She was the saddest of the three for me in hindsight. Mary, Mary, Mary, you artsy beauty...

>third time
Also unusually nice to me, I'm in a field that is 97% women so not many guys around here. She remembered extremely specific details I mentioned ages ago, like that my birthday is on Christmas, which surprised me (she even texted me happy birthday on Christmas over a year later!). She was in my graduate school cohort (which I just graduated from), and for the life of me I can't tell if she has a bf or if she's just unusually close with her brother on FB so I haven't reached out about relationship stuff with her.
EFLs be like
>have fell
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no, women tend not to find fat retards attractive.
I did have a vietnamese friend in highschool come out as gay to me and said he had a crush on me, so who knows.
Yes, but one time my older sister spat into my mouth out of anger, and I spat into her's.
That was the closest I was ever with a woman.
Women have crushed on me, but I've turned them all down out of autism. Now, I'm a hairy man.
It do be like that
Some days I wonder if I should just fuck my older sister. I'll never entertain the thought, since we're both around 30.
sonichu grindset
The last two might have been nothing
>one time my older sister spat into my mouth
Did she call you a dirty little slut as she did that
I just remember feeling weird after I spat into her face, too, before going to bed. Our bedrooms were right next to each other.
You ever notice how women throw random curve balls mid convo just to check you're paying attention?
Why do they do that? Bit insecure that no? They need to constantly make sure they're the centre of your attention 247
>Bit insecure that no?
They all know that they bore the fuck out of us with their nagging bullshit about the latest gossip. They're very secure because they know we will continue listening for that crumb of pussy.
That weirdness is called being turned on.
It was an invitation to join her in her room and share body warmth.
no, I'm ugly, poor and socially retarded
On second thought for the second one in my high school Latin class, I think the teacher might've sensed the tension, because he split our seating up. He had no problem letting me sit next to my male best friend though, even from the get go
Yes but I have an extremely avoidant personality so even when they bring me back to their room and are attempting to cohabitate my clothing I always manage to get away from the situation. I don't know why I'm so fucking retarded, how can someone want intimacy so much and still instinctively push it away so badly.
I wish a girl crushed my balls
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Yes, a couple of girls in elementary school, but that's just kids being kids so nothing really happened.
Then I think there was a girl middle school that might've liked me, but I was way too depressed during those times to think about anything like that. That was just a hunch based on how she acted, I never really talked to her. Saw her once during high school years while I was on my way to school, when she saw me she gave me the cutest smile I've ever seen.
No real female contact in my adult life so that's all.
So me, without my sister.
I've been hit on a few times as an adult, but I don't want to have sex. I reckon I'm going to turn into a wizard.
Treating women like they're just another guy actually helped me with my romance.
Just don't think of them as an object of affection, act disinterested until they see YOU as a potential partner, then you can dote on them as much as you want
She's as autistic as me, and it's a damned shame that we're related. I'm just not muslim, and my hot cousin also found a husband and are having a child.
If I didn't hate women so much, I'd be married now, perhaps.
There's a cute girl who I know likes me, she calls me honey, sweetheart, gives me free coffee, etc. And I still have no idea how to ask her out. The autism is strong in me.
>Approach with a gentle slight smile.
>Hey I was wondering if you're free this (day/week), maybe we can get some (anything)
Why is it so difficult? She shows signs of interest like that she won't say no
I've tried explaining this shit to other guys but they never fucking get it. They think "acting disinterested" means being a fucking prick/wannabe alpha retard somehow.
2 questions
Is she much older than you, like 8+ years?
What exactly is your relationship, a co-worker? a cashier at coffee shop?
I don't actually live here thoever I just visit my dad a few hours away every other weekend and I always run into her. I think a semi-LDR sounds awkward. Am I overthinking it?
She's younger than I am, she's 22 and I'm 26. She works at a coffee shop I go to. It's not the normal "I'm flirty because I want a tip," she told me explicitly she wants me to take her out but I never do it.
I'm 29. I can guarantee you she's into you. Groom yourself, (look it up online nerd), and ask her if she wants to take you out to a specific place.
Ask her if she gives coffee to others. If she says yes, say something like "That doesn't seem like a good business plan!" but in a jokey and happy way. If she says no say something like "wow, I feel special!"

Then ask her if she's seen a movie, name a specific movie that's out in theaters. It doesn't have to be a good one, any movie will do. If she says no say something like "I kinda want to repay you for the coffee, would you be ok with me buying you a ticket?"

If she says that she has seen that specific movie ask her questions about it. Then make a comment about how you want to see it but don't want to go alone. Then invite her along.
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My cousin introduced me to one of her friends, ended up Edating her and she was madly in love with me.

Eventually though I got overbearing and I just ignored her until she ended things with me.
Way too much effort, she already said she wants anon to take her out. If he wants just ask her if shes seen a movie and wants to see it without all the silly pretext, if she has ask her about another one instead. Or just ask her if she wants to go to a park/eat somewhere, whatever you feel like doing with a person.
Why didnt you break up with her?
I forgot to mention, make sure that you exchange phone numbers in advance if you do get a date.

Anon obviously needs a guide in how to go through a social interaction.

Also, movies are a good first date because then you two have something to talk about after it's over.
A decent number but I'm still carrying on the volcel life
No bullshit, I've had like 15+ women crush on me but I'm a turbosperg
Very based if true. Volcels are the main characters of life.
yes unfortunately. if this ever happens to you don't fall for the snare
This. I've had to turn down so many women because of this
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>my hobbies are male dominated
>my work is male dominated
>attended university during covid so didn't have to see anyone
>only female coworker my age invited me over to her place at midnight several times
>ask her about it
"haha, I didn't mean anything by it"
should've pressed her about it man
no, I am repulsive to all
You are a man and always will be.
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My middle school crush also liked me at the time. This was told to me by multiple friends and mutual acquaintances and it was just obvious looking back. I was too pussy to act on it. We drifted apart when we entered high school then she started dating older dudes (18 years olds) kek. She lives in Romania now and works in a dentist office.
She's definitely interested in you. Don't over-complicate it. If you know her interests, find stuff going on in your area that would be fun to check out with her. Music festival or trade, fair, farmer's market, even a museum exhibit. Share your enthusiasm with her and it will go from there.
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I am 30 years old and have never had a girlfriend. I don't know what it feels like to fall asleep in the same bed with a woman, I have no idea what meeting a girls' parents must be like, or having dinner with them or her introducing you to her family and circle as "her boyfriend", let alone me introducing a girl to my family. I've thought about these things a lot throughout the years and I know I'd make a good boyfriend and husband and father, and I know all kinds of date ideas and presents that'd make for a good time, but have never had the chance to apply it with anyone.
I remember feeling like shit one Valentine's Day at school when I was a kid because all of my mates were hanging out with girls and I saw seniors making out with their gfs, and I promised myself that by next Valentine's Day I would be doing the same. That was in 2008, and of course it never came to happen.
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you are literally me bro
nah only gays, the 'tism does not help, nor does hating women
So why not just fuck your sister?
This only works for Chads
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back in university a girl from year was obviously hitting on me, but I thought I could do better, so I blocked her
Turns out: I can't do better
Not that I know of, no. The only girl I ever confessed my feelings to said she just wanted to be friends and came out as a lesbian the next day. I was 13.
there was a this girl who i think liked me in middle school and she even bought me cookies for christmas but i didn't like her and thought she was just being a good friend
The last time a girl irl showed a clear sign of interest in me, I was still 13 years old
I'm 21 now
It's so over. I'm tired of living
what you're saying is, act gay?

I thought private gomez was stationed in Japan.
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man's gotta eat
Yeah just make sure not to ignore them too hard even when they make it obvious until they eventually give up and you lose your chance
she was some kind of eastern turkish with weird eyebrows

and before that, some random dudes showed me a girl, the guys said that she has feelings for me, but i didnt know any of them so i got mad and said no, the girl was midly attractive but probably as retarded as the guys who interrupted me during my stare at the wall session
If you know how I look you know the answer is no
I havent said a sentence to a woman other than my mother in half a year. How are you guys even getting into situations where women attracted to you?
Hah true
Maybe, but I was too autistic to notice
A few times and you guessed it I was autistic enough not to do anything. Two of them I also had a crush on too.
Go figure.
only 1 but she was mentally ill
Sorry man maybe next life...
never once in my dog shit life
You don’t look bad at all. You just have an insufferable and boring personality.
Yes, but it's never the ones I like
>I'm 21 now
>It's so over.
Oh shut up and go enjoy your life
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Yeah back in middle school but it's only cuz I was the only boy who ever talked to her like a normal person. Poor girl was surrounded by creeps for most of her life.
Yeah, my wife. Don't care about the rest.
Many girls did but I was either too oblivious or if I knew it, too high inhibition/low T to follow up
Only one uggo, fml.

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