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roll for where you live in america
Give me maine
oregon or mass
I'm happy in NC.
Faggot North Easterners.
please somewhere nice and cold away from utah... please...
I'm 74. No, I don't care what number I get.
ahmed abdullahi from minnesota
why why why
Okay, I can live in Pennsylvania.
Nice, that's where Sneedville is.
You're fucked.
Hm I think I'm fucked
Somewhere with a minimal amount of darkies
Wanna go ice fishing sometime?
If only it was the same as it was a hundred years ago.
rollin, rollin, rollin
I drew this :)
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this better be good
damn I got NYC
J.K. Rolling
please be central florida
also anything but commiefornia and jew york
Sounds about right because the borders make zero sense from a geographical, population AND agricultural zones perspective.
That's tough luck, bro.
So I live Native's land, Pueblo Republic. Ok, nice.
Welcome to niggerville.
Let's roll
Why is DFW split into 3 parts? Retarded map
Rollin' 4 NYC
I'd take anything except the panhandle
Somewhere with low crime and less traffic
Rolling for rural Appalachia.
97 get
Anywhere but 56
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Congratulations, you got 66. Welcome to hillbilly hell; hope you like drug addicts and cigarettes.
Get your eyes checked, also rolling I guess
I already live in 84 so let's see
I live in 75
You can be with your greaseball cousins in Reno.
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the outskirts of Tallahassee. That sucks
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Yeah, I want to spend my life in a comfy holler without naggers. I don't mind the white trash and the drugs.
upper peninsula chad
new orleans chad
hope you like gambling
Anywhere but Commiefornia or Jew York please.
country roads
rolling for 24
Take to me hell digits-san.
Are you really 74? How was the 1970s?
I'm in 75
Rolling for my next trip
i will live my dream, in flyover country
Pls give me northern new england
I do not want to sweat.
Wow...horrifying result.
I dont want to move tho
61 gang
Hopefully somewhere not shit like LA
Lol, back to the Spanish speaking-world, buddy.
Alaska, please
rollin rollin rollin
Fuck but atleast it's not Mississippi or fully Louisiana.
I live at the top of 15 IRL, welcome to the neighborhood
gib greencard
I'm fine with anything that isn't between Texas and Florida
I wonder if I’ll get where I already live
They see me rolling
I want Colorado or Montana
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Rolling for 09.
Similar climate. That's cool I guess
please god dont send me to faggotville
Well you lucked out you got into chud land
Killing myself, why did it have to be the Texas and Lousiana strip
Two 34s in a row you guys get to be buddies in panhandle.
Doing fine in 08
I already live in 36
Promised land of Minnesota here i come
What happens in Virginia?
Anything but somalia
Enjoy the dung-covered, needle-littered streets of "enlightened" SoCal.

Not much, but they have a lot of twisting mountain roads. Get a fun car to drive and you're set.
oh i am in the white trash territory that's sad
Give me something
New Jersey here I come.
>french adulterer pedophile thinks he knows anything about America
What state is 32 looks too square help
rolling for 25
Rolling for somwhere in the Northeast.
i dont wanna be there. this roll will be better
I'm doomed to be stuck in maryland.
oh great, a fucking desert.
only southern states
rolling for unitedstatian bf
>a bbc
can't make this up
come on Alaska, God's state
rolling for alaska
56 get
i hope theres a walmart nearby
rolling for my state
keeep rollin
Rolling for Montana or Alaska
roll for Louisiana
Roll or however the burgers are flipped.
anywhere is better than here
literally can't lose
New Ingurland pls
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barren wasteland
Give me Alaska please
No BBCpipo plz
>Rhode Island
could be worse I guess
Anywhere around White Republicans
yes but the state is becoming blue
pls ohio
just mexicans
Give me a american gf
Bad timing
Rolling for a crackhouse in northern mississippi
numbers are way too equally distributed
somewhere north east
What is that part of the US like?
rollan for PNW
Rolling because I need to move away from this 104 degree shithole.
i live in 49 and it is hell on earth. rolling for 87
rolling to stay in 56
you from springfield?
please not the southwest
montana looks good
amerika fuck yeeeah freedoms the only way yeah
oregon? ok lmao. anything better than new york
>he doesnt know
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are you from oregon? is it a shithole?
I'm from 87. What do expect to find here beyond Myrtle Beach and Charleston?
id rather live in canada
it may be the most quickly degenerating part of the country. they have decriminalized all drugs and have rapidly become san francisco 2.0, with homeless people ODing on fentanyl en masse.

it is perhaps the most grim area in this country
sup SC bro, I'm in 75
beautiful beaches, beautiful southern women who are not fat coalburners, beautiful old towns, perfect seasons, etc
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No you don't.
grim america of "streetcar named desire" is gone billions must die
>gypsy flag
Shooting the messenger because you don't like the message is among the smartest things one can do.
I have no clue what any of these pleces are.
Give me PNW or north cali
pls pls pls
01, 02, 10, 11
So you blend in better?
I bet I have no idea how the region I'm gonna roll is called
you're the only ten I see
>gets the most well known part of america
Give me Texas or Give me death.
what is that place?
New York City
From the Ninja Turtles?
well I can't spot New York on a map, but I can spot Texas or California
Wallahi give me minnesota
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Wallahi I'm finished
>Another fucking major city
live down on the bayou
Give me a high number
Uh, Coeur d’Alene it is I guess
roll for a place that has SOUL
Navajo nation please
Alaska get.
east coast please
Montana or Oregon, please.
Ah fuck
nah Indy
fuck illinois
Not California please
hope you like gambling
Got sent to the sleaziest place in America, Dubs Jesus noticed my wop genes
roll for alaska
roll for new york city
fuck so close
rollin' for 'laska
Please somewhere in New England

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