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Heron foods he means.
Do the zoomies still play Among Us?
eating out is too expensive.
not paying 20 quid for a main.
wonder if that home bargains is still there
never seem to shut down, should probably invest in them
Guess who just bought alcohol off Uber Eats when he swore to a sober September
i eat your mum out for free
guess who asked
lazy bugger you couldnt even walk to the shop?
In my local area there's a shop that isn't Heron Foods but still uses Heron Foods plastic bags, what's that all about lads
Smoking a blunt. Nearing completion of picrel
just want to smoke weed everyday and lay around wanking and watching films
>be a shit head-teacher
>school deservedly gets a poor rating
>kill self
hard to sympathise with it really
got food poisoning froma dodgy curry on friday
was not the one as it goes
I haven't eaten all day and I'm starving so I don't wanna
>sober september
holy cringe
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the perfected female physique
in what way(s)?
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Brits and puppies are a bad combination
It was real. All of it.
incidentally this shop sells neither food for herons or herons as food
>use ubereats to just buy alcohol
heh big brain over there
Would hug
Purchasing a 3-year 4chan pass for 45 US dollars using my credit card as I'm sick of the bleedin captcha and 60 second wait time
did you order food?
>sober September
is this a thing? was thinking about not drinking in September because i spent my entire summer holidays in a drunk haze and accomplished fuck all, but if a bunch of normgroids are also doing it I might not bother
needs a 12 inch black baton violating her
it's one page with the text "put it in an ETF then do nothing"
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>Alongside Mr Corbyn the group comprises of Shockat Adam, Ayoub Khan, Adnan Hussain and Iqbal Mohamed.

>The Independent Alliance say they will use their new platform to campaign for scrapping the two-child benefit limit and against arms sales to Israel.

I know it's early days but are we going to see a replacement of the traditional two-party system with Reform vs the Paki Party by the next election?
slags online calling themselves shit like 'lowkey dead inside' now
Squeezed in the middle like a tube of toothpaste, I'll pick her up and spin her around like a wheel
based precure chad
love having a gf purely for the looks of envy you get from other women. they'd never give the time of day when i didn't have a gf. but now that i have a women on my arm, they'll stare right at me.
>makes website unusable
>lol pay me to make it nice again
Fuck off Judenpoo
how does a woman achieve an arse of this caliber?
NEED my pooey arse cleaned PRONTO
tumblrite generation
watching more episodes of the tv show FROM its trash but watchable
Silence slugs, I'm busy writing my CK3 sex mod
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nth for the gyaldem
NEET bros we've been done in
Is It Wrong to Be More Sexually Attracted to Your Own Daughter Than Your Wife?
i hate cutting weight i am tired
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>Kike Espana
Kike is a nickname for Enrique I believe
>Guy Hedgecognito
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Hello fellow precureBro.
I hope all is well in the lands of Albion
keep writing replies and deciding they're not worth posting
sorry if you're the father of an aborted (you)
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m mu mus sush ausky urty dgy ie o
Stop posting these AI slop images.
Seems obvious, most NEETs are doomers
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There's really nothing to lose on an anonymous imageboard lad. This is perhaps the only place where that is completely true.

You can reply to someone, they reply back, you can't be arsed and never reply to them again but keep posting and they're none the wiser. As far as they're concerned you logged off 4chan after sending that reply, you were hit by a bus, whatever.

Just get your posts out there into the ether.
Canary wharf!
Why post this?
I like cosmos flowers.
The UK thread must be full of gardening experts
heading into the woods boys wish me luck
Business idea: create an Alternate Reality Game (ARG) on /brit/.
are you that addicted to the internet and 4chan you cant go a few hours without looking at a screen demanding attention from social media?
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felt like it
imagine thinking that and being the only mong redditspacing
feel like SHIT
lick it go on lick some of that green sludge 5 a day init elf n safety
Kate Bush was a brythonic princess.
never posted in a /brit/ before

just wanted to stop in and say these puppies are adorable!
inventing melogies in my incel head
sometimes I make a shitty/cringe/gay post and reread it after and feel bad
no one may know but I still will
>He also took or permitted to be taken or made indecent images or pseudo photos of children between 2007 and 2012.

what are pseudo photos then
Im about to post something CRAZY. Get ready..
he drew photorealistic images of them
Got somewhat fired today, lads. Not overly disappointed since I hate the job, but I get the feeling that the partner who sacked me was a bit annoyed when I started to tell him why I wasn't too upset - kept on throwing little jabs at me through-out the meeting which I felt was a bit unnecessary.
very cranky brit lad poor thing he's fuming how can we cheer him up
screenshots of footage
Red Rose, proud Rose, sad Rose of all my days!
Come near me, while I sing the ancient ways:
Cuchulain battling with the bitter tide;
The Druid, grey, wood-nurtured, quiet-eyed,
Who cast round Fergus dreams, and ruin untold;
And thine own sadness, whereof stars, grown old
In dancing silver-sandalled on the sea,
Sing in their high and lonely melody.
Come near, that no more blinded by man's fate,
I find under the boughs of love and hate,
In all poor foolish things that live a day,
Eternal beauty wandering on her way.

Come near, come near, come near—Ah, leave me still
A little space for the rose-breath to fill!
Lest I no more hear common things that crave;
The weak worm hiding down in its small cave,
The field-mouse running by me in the grass,
And heavy mortal hopes that toil and pass;
But seek alone to hear the strange things said
By God to the bright hearts of those long dead,
And learn to chaunt a tongue men do not know.
Come near; I would, before my time to go,
Sing of old Eire and the ancient ways:
Red Rose, proud Rose, sad Rose of all my days.
Always think 'l should stay sober for a few days' then l'm sober and realise how much l hate myself and also l'm bored
you probably ruined his afternoon you ungrateful worm couldve at least had the decency to grovel
Mad how we don't know exactly what year Sue Gray was born on
>give myself depressant
>"wtf? why am I depressed, better take more depressant - that'll fix me up"
her mam was irish
Nevermind lad. Have a drink forget about it, you can think about work 2moro
Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's...

*hears someone say groveling worm*
*head perks up*
yup that's me haha
just thought the lads might appreciate a bit of scenic photography
don't worry about him he's just having a bad day
In bed farting
Americans in Europe
At toil farting
>and also l'm bored
how the fuck do you get over this? why do boozeless evenings feel so unfulfilling
what’s that mean
On train farting
Is quidditch about catching a coin?
back hurts
mild headache
stubbed my toe
out of toilet paper
french offal yogurt
I can't play vidya when I'm drunk so I almost never drink, never been drunk either.
this is me
rarely even enjoy drinking anymore it's just there's a few moments
>the first sip
>making the second drink
>during some flashes of drunkeness
where i'm like this is greaaaaaaaaaat
but that's like less than 1% of the actual time spent drinking lol
always tell myself I'll go to an AA meeting instead of drinking but the cravings are too strong
just enjoy your walk you freak
You’re Greek it’s fine
3 fried eggs
fried slice
4 apple sausages
pack of bacon

Reckon you could do well going after desperate birds in their 30s on dating apps.
I am enjoying it
how do you know you can't play vidya while drunk if you've never been drunk
Christmas just around the corner there
Tonight Andrew I'll be noncing niggards
ah i see
dont know what that is but sounds delicious
Hopefully. Labour and the Tories need to die. And Reform would trounce the paki party.
pork is filthy meat
and their mongrel kids
Not the lad you're replying to but a common thing they say to recovering druggies and alchies is that you have to accept that you will be bored.

You need to get on board with the fact that most of the time, you will be bored. That is the reality of sobriety. If you want to be sober or just drink less then you need to accept that you will be bored more than you are now. You'll need to be comfortable being bored.

>yeah well if I need boring I'll just read your post again won't I!
that's uncalled for
i pork your mum with my filthy meat
tastes good tho
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Problem is all the desperate birds in my area have little nippers in their lives fathered by Jez or Vince or Gaz who've since vanished off the face of the earth
Bumberg wants the toilet again
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Big willies keep on cumming
Battyboys keep on bumming
Blow it, blow it, blow your load in my hole
Pigs are cleaner than pakis
yeah well if I need boring I'll just read your post again won't I!
thanks lad i'll print this out and stick it on my wall so whenever i'm bored i'll think at least i'm not as bored as when i read that fucking post
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Feel like pure shit just want her back
That's what I love about these 29 year old hags, man. I get older, they stay the same age.
flirted with the girl who delivered my chinese, she was so into me lads
fucking bored might get onit
Is this a dolescum frogposter or a Tory councillor? The answer may surprise you!
Not that unbelievable
Lads how the fuck do I fix my sleep schedule unironically
I keep telling myself I will yet here I am at 1am typing on /brit/. Currently I’m sleeping usually from 2am to 10am, and I want to get it down to midnight-8am. Any advice?
woeful coordination
there are places like that in the u.s. he just lives in a shithole city
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Yeah get a job
could try going to bed at midnight tbf
i am the person that made that post and found it interesting, ignore the vile miscreants and scallywags hectoring you
all u have to do is wake up earlier dont do huge changes just incrimental
tomorrow you are getting out of bed at 9.45 whatever happens
adns o on until you get oyur desired shit
you will get to the point where u won't even wnat to be awake at 1am
hell i've not been awake at 1am unless it's been for a booze/party session in YEARS
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>y'all got any more of them zyns?
Eat at the time you want to wake up. It always works
someone should rip out her spinal column and throw her in a gutter
an entire pack of bacon? fat FUCK
unbeliveably nice slit shame about the terrible tatsw
The Asian Fanny
Love in my bosom like a bee
Doth suck his sweet;
Now with his wings he plays with me,
Now with his feet.
Within mine eyes he makes his nest,
His bed amidst my tender breast;
My kisses are his daily feast,
And yet he robs me of my rest.
Ah, wanton, will ye?

And if I sleep, then percheth he
With pretty flight,
And makes his pillow of my knee
The livelong night.
Strike I my lute, he tunes the string;
He music plays if so I sing;
He lends me every lovely thing;
Yet cruel he my heart doth sting.
Whist, wanton, still ye!

Else I with roses every day
Will whip you hence,
And bind you, when you long to play,
For your offense.
I’ll shut mine eyes to keep you in,
I’ll make you fast it for your sin,
I’ll count your power not worth a pin.
Alas! what hereby shall I win
If he gainsay me?

What if I beat the wanton boy
With many a rod?
He will repay me with annoy,
Because a god.
Then sit thou safely on my knee,
And let thy bower my bosom be;
Lurk in mine eyes, I like of thee.
O Cupid, so thou pity me,
Spare not, but play thee!
Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha.
Had my first Job Centre appointment today. The 'coach' was an African man.

Any tips/stories from your time at the bennie office?
what's a slit
try going to bed at a reasonable time
:( grim
Get on the sick as soon as possible
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well? are they nords or not?
this is only true in rural eastern euro towns like the one he’s in. I hate how euroshits cherrypick the best parts of every eurangutan country and use it to post about how great Europe. every eurodog wants you to believe he enjoys the healthcare of denmark, the income of switzerland, the homogeneity of poland, the weather of spain, and the food of italy, because they have a massive inferiority complex to america and has to cope somehow
Well no fucking shit you have to already be awake at that time to do that YOU CLUELESS FUCKING BASTARD
look at her slit mate are you blind
least braindead australian
I mean the day before to reset your clock you baboon
get a job would be a good place to start
as my uluru draws near I take keys
after such muddied murk music usage skyrockets by years
make my muscles push dusky purity day in ourselves
thank you for giving real advice, every other snarky retard can fuck off. and technically I can wake up as late as I want because I’m in uni and purposefully scheduled all my classes to begin no later than noon
When I was there a few years ago my coach was a fat black woman whose breath reeked of shit. That was my greatest motivator in finding employment.
*Punches you in the face*
That's our word
You can't use our word
>breath reeked of shit
lol this is me
what crawled up your didgeridoo, mate?
Don’t get a job. Stop paying taxes to a government that despises you and wants you replaced. Strike. Get on the dole. Bring this country to its knees.
mad how I live in a major city and can go weeks without seeing a black person, I forget they’re real sometimes
Morty! Morty! We gotta go to Bendigo to get me cube Morty!
seen a lot of british lingo and later understood it, but still can’t figure out what “neek” means
I agree fuck the government but honestly this post reeeeeeeeeks of neet cope
no pussy no tax
The more employment history you have, the more fucked you are. The absolute best thing you can tell them is that you have never had a job and that you are not psychologically capable of working.
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/fr/ is slagging you lot off again
You'll say nothing, due to cowardice
might get steaming after toil for a laugh
rotten tomatoes site looks like shit now
URGENTLY require the fit office milf succubus to grab my throat, slap my arse and shove her tongue down my gullet
you wouldn't try that on a monday
ayo this shit fire
varg chortling at this
genuinely struggle to go a week without getting pissed
despite being pissed quite literally the most wasteful thing you can do it feels like i'm wasting my life if i dont get pissed at least once a week
state of me
Show them the nonce map, that'll shut them up
I live in a town of a few thousand people and we have black and asian families now, there was none until a few years back
not much wrong with getting pissed once a week
i bet most of the retards here don’t even get the reference
blog on you boring bastard
nerdy + geek = neek
>despite being pissed quite literally the most wasteful thing you can do it feels like i'm wasting my life if i dont get pissed at least once a week
classic irrational druggie cope this
lol is thsi ai?
shucking a cock
slagging us off? /fr/ are like little slugs
nah I sung and produced it just now in 7 minutes
i was told “nerd” was a very american word from a few of my english friends
I'm the same mate every Friday and Saturday need a few or it's just not the weekend is it.
wtf thats quick
brits who obsess over yank sports are always massive gimps
is it aye
most english people don't know what they're talking about and make stuff up to feel different to the usa
I am gonna have 600 dollars to my name while in London for a weel
the asian fanny

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vibes x
im ugly and evil
a truly horrific combination
Really would like Starmer to deliver that fucking state-funded gf he promised me.
ktim (kek this isn't me)
we know diego you don’t have to keep yapping on about it
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reminder that if you’re an alcoholic you WILL fuck it all up. People can be functional regularly doing all kinds of drugs, weed, nicotine, adhd meds, etc. but if you’re an alcoholic it is written into the laws of the universe that you will do something catastrophically stupid. Now I know you’re reading this post and thinking
>not me, I’m a clever little autistic gremlin who goes on 4chan and posts in my secret anonymous club about british culture, im smarter than everyone and know better than everyone
no you’re not. You W-I-L-L fuck it up. You’ll call your boss drunk, say something dumb, and get fired. You’ll get into a bar fight over nothing and get arrested. You’ll get a dui. You’ll do something so stupid it cant even be thought up as a hypothetical. You have to stop, and you have to stop now. If you don’t, I want you to remember this post after you fuck your life up irreparably. I want you to remember this bespectacled pepe, and how I warned you.
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>when the office bender coughs in the break room
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come join us in 2024 any time
i’ve literally got the correct proportions, face, height, body, weight to be a femboy
yet i’m straight

just got quite the feminised body
jokes on you i've already fucked it all up
and get fucking AIDS!?
would love to be sexually subservient to a fit older woman
would love you to not be such a boring bastard but we dont always get what we want, eh?
would love to be a little bitchboi intern to a successful businesswoman
no, just stop pretending people still work in public offices
makes me laugh whenever diego wakes up with the fear and starts posting here about how "evil" he is, then starts acting like his normal self and you can tell he's started drinking again
you are severally mentally ill
lol, what a pathetic little creature he is
is that a fucking mouse
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i reckon god is a tranny
if i were omnipotent and got bored i'd probably zap myself girly for a few aeons, why not?
You can tell how hungover he is by the frequency of "boring bastard" occurring itt
when i put on my tight turtleneck and black bottoms on I look genuinely stunning, it’s like a cat suit. When wearing that wouldn’t mind being a little femboy servant to some hunk of a man and his wife
most intelligent atheist
same id pop a few planets up me minge
the recommendations they give you will make you laugh

you'll be sat there with your degree in mathematics and they'll send you a job on your journal for a greasy spoon cafe 80 mins away on public transport, accepts in-person applications only. If you don't apply it's a sanctioning. Without joking this exact scenario happened to me
alri Steve, how's the pancreas?
poo-cycle thrown completely out of whack, at early evening these days
need someone to step in and sort my shite out
according to the lore god is an entity that exists beyond human comprehension and therefore isn’t male or female. it would be more lore accurate to say god is nonbinary
and yet you wont post a pic
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AI got me acting unwise
bought a whole block of mature cheddar cheese but it doesn't melt under the grill and I'm furious
my incel cheese and toast is completely ruined
most intelligent atheist
what if god is black and the only test to get into heaven is not to be racist
First celebrity I ever wanked to was Eva Green in Casino Royale.
Diego’s worst phase is when he starts hornyposting, he’s so gross and lecherous going on about tummies and young schoolgirls and stuff. Then he’s gone for like half an hour and you know he’s having a wank and his posts start getting incredibly bitter again.
My dad Kind of sucks because he actively will do everything in his power for me to stop me from having fun like he got angry when I talked about going to London instead of staying in school
you are severely mentally ill
mine was dolph lundgren in rocky 4
im not even an atheist per se, in fact ive made a deal with god that if things work out with this girl I’m seeing I’ll go back to church and seriously consider becoming religious again
Not racist just don't like em.
You didn't wish Two Tier Keir a happy birthday
of all the forced spam I've ever seen on /brit/ yours is truly the most boring
least deluded atheist
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In bed farting
Is your dad the dad from Jumanji?
is saying nothing hoping to stop people discovering your weakness so they don't use it against you cowardice?
oily/lube wanks are actually more enjoyable for me now
represents sex more
Wish he would just have his name on all the time so I could filter him the little cretin. Have most of his gay little catchphrases filtered
no you dont
be quiet
howling done him
eating jalapeno pretzel pieces
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mate you cannot go wrong with a fitted merino wool top and black jeans

it's simply a timeless look
such a contrarian little chud me
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happy now?
politicsmongs are so ridiculous, screeching about who wins or loses like it’s life or death. in reality the political spectrum ranges from fascism to communism to anarchism and somewhere in there there’s a very small strip called “neoliberalism” and you get to choose the aesthetically rorkesque neoliberalism +1 racism -1 taxes on rich people or the aesthetically leftypolish neoliberalism -1 racism +1 taxes on rich people
He posts with this cock in one hand
any biker man in?

cant decide if id rather buy an enfield classic or a triumph
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Nah my dad is kind of worse because he had this idea of making me make up my bed everyday or I will be slapped and I had to be up by 6 am everyday.
>this cock
fucked it
completely fucking formless
like some perv made a 15 year old out of playdo
dont understand how people can be so thin and have so little definition it's like you are literally just skin and bone not even the slighest pretence of muscle
you are right tho the lack of body hair and puffy nipples make you oddly feminine
bad angle innit
mate what have you got stuffed down your pants i dont think thats a normal knob and bollocks
these latinas are out of control
l'm so sick of these stupid dances
BRB killings myself
umm /brit/?
Bizarre picture, you have a very weird body
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Enjoying an incel coffee
its a no from me
i haven’t ate much today so my stomach looks weird
varies a lot with what i eat it does
gorg x
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utterly bizarre response
lol this is me except i dont dress in skinny jeans cos i'm not 16/gay
*picks you up and throws you onto the floor below*
here we are then, the news
Anybody into “femboys” and “twinks” is a paedophile I’m afraid, simple as.
huic ergo parce, deus
you are gay diego
They call it sky news but I see nowt about the weather
oh my daaaaayyyyssss
into them aesthetically
would kiss and cuddle with them

but arse stuff is disgusting and a step too far
>i'm not gay
project on
should I start watching One Piece on iPlayer?
I yearn for a time when the news you'd get in a day was "the butcher's daughter is pregnant again" and "unusually large blackberry harvest signals harsh winter ahead"
how is that projection
Why is life so shit lads?


that makes you even more bent
>randomly start calling other people gay
you've been done
wee woo wee woo early alert
fart oo early
Alright great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandad
>final hostage deal very close
lmao netanyahu will move the goal posts again. if the war ends he will lose the next election, be tried for fraud for unrelated reasons and very likely go to prison. he doesn’t give a fuck about the hostages, what he wants is full blown war with Iran so he can emerge from the smoldering ruins as a hero who saved the heckin jewish people
what do you mean randomly
you called him gay so i called you gay
Yeah alri alternate universe Andrew Gosden
skinny jeans are gay wtf are you on about this is like going "omg you just called that man sucking cock that makes you... le gay"
sort yourself otu, muppet
t. Too fat to wear them
it's not that deep you tedious freak i just called you gay
yes yo projected yor homosexuality as i've said
calm down
no i saw you mention the word 'gay', and i then called you gay because it's a meme on here that you're gay
>see someone calling a gay guy out for being gay
>harr harr if you call someone out for doing something gay you are actually gay
>noo you're not allowed to challenge me on that it's not that "deep"
utterly howling you're a spastic and a half
I yearn for a time when the news you'd get in a day was "man lifts big rock"
>if you call someone out for doing something gay you are actually gay
bizarre thing to invent and attribute to me
you could have just posted 'gay' and i would have made a similar remark; the comment you made about skinny jeans are utterly irrelevant to what i said
holy cope
>you're gay for sucking dick
>LOOL that's the same as saying you're gay just completely randomly
how can you be this retarded
what are you on about
im not saying you calling skinny jeans 'gay' is proof of your homosexuality
your'e just projecting your homosexuality on others
how so?
been through this already not my fault you're illiterate
nah you just don't have a coherent argument
demonstrate your argument that my argument is incoherent
based on the false premise that i called you gay because of your opinion of skinny jeans
when i explained this, you failed to respond and simply re-asserted your assertion (>>201740897)
no i said you called me gay because i called someone else gay
you summarised my position as follows:
>if you call someone out for doing something gay you are actually gay
'doing something' = wearing skinny jeans
i really hope this is some retarded larp and your'e not this stupid
>you call me gay
i say you are projecting
>you say no i called him gay cos you called him gay
i say, he did something gay like sucking cock, calling someone out for doing something gay is a legitimate claim
>you endlessly cope that you you weren't actually doing this and have tried to backtrack and pretend you weren't actually projecting
you've been utterly done
>you say no i called him gay cos you called him gay
i presume you meant to type 'i called you gay'
but the second half of this statement is incorrect, as i have told you at least 3 times by now
you're unlucky the interent records what you wrote so you cannot backtrack and escape your retarded comments, or am i to believe >>201740017 was not you?
yes i didn't randomly call you gay out of nowhere, i called you gay because that post brought it to my mind
that's not to say your response convinced me of your homosexuality or something
you projected your homosexuality onto me...
no normal rational person calls someone gay for no reason they either did something gay or you are projecting your gayness, we have established i did not do the former so... process of elimination
you've been utterly done
you've already been told that it's a meme on /brit/ that you're gay
it was a throwaway comment
lmao still tryin g to backtrack "noo i didn't call you gay because you called him gay despite me explicitly saying that it's actually due to my headcanon" lmao state of you honestly
>i didn't call you gay because you called him gay despite me explicitly saying that
i explained this literally one post ago
>it's actually due to my headcanon
what headcanon?
>reee it was a throwaway comment how dare you use it to construct an argument around, depsite the fact i won't disown the comment and continued acting as if it were my position
lol, lmao even

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