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>10/10 women everywhere
>perfect weather
>great education system
>perfect for billionaries (most self made billionaries per capita)
>Top tier healthcare system
swedes CAN NOT suffer
>the most basic swedish woman can become a world famous singer
If you're not a 8/10 Swede Chad-lite college graduate you will suffer.
Sweden is a society where if you are a chad you are gonna live a good life. The system is setup in a way that you are either poor or rich
lol, the entire system is setup here so the top 20% males cucks all the rest, I haven't seen a nation with more gymcels than here
I suffer in this shithole
>perfect weather
it is though
I went to southern europe last week and its not even the warmest time there and even that is too much. Summer in Nordics is comfy and the rest of the seasons are comfy as hell.
think about it like this
you can dress up in winter so that cold doesnt bother you but during summer you cant really escape the heat the same way, so in warm places summer becomes a time where you dont go outside
shut up you yellow monkey, in what world is 2 hours of sunlight perfect weather?
they all have an impish look to them tho
summer is sunny
winter is frozen but beautiful
I love it. The contrast and how there is no weather here that is unbearable like in the south
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>just be chad bro
80% are incels. Swedish women are eugenicists which means a lot of incels suffering alone.
Demo country, Never battle tested in anything thus spiritually weak, devoid of identity and authority about anything, Hyper inflated ponzi scheme nationalized, It's not a country worth fighting for.
mr goldberg? I think GPT 5 is malfunctioning
Horor vet inte skillnaden mellan 180-200cm, så länge man är längre så är det game o .
t. Vetare
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I'm 175cm
Sunlight is overrated
It's an alright height to be desu, I'm taller than 95% of women I've met here or in France (where I lived)
yes we have really beautiful women

Swedes do NOT suffer. stop pretending.
Swedes don't suffer.
I'm non-wh*te and at uni a Swedish girl let me put my pp into her vagen. She was so fit and smart, probably still the fittest girl i ever got with.
Suffering in Sweden means not owning a summer house near the Baltic coast and having to work 40 hours a week.
Döda dig själv
That's your wife
swede with inwandererbackground…
>10/10 women everywhere
If you are a manlet in Sweden (shorter than 190 cm) you will never get to touch a woman unless you rape (like many immigrants do), buy sex (very illegal) or groom children (legal but not socially accepted).
It's impossible to get a job or welfare if you are a non-chad Swedish male. Only chads, immigrants and women get jobs and welfare.
>perfect weather
The weather is ok.
>great education system
The education is horrendous torture when you are surrounded by beautiful girls that go for the top 10% males and they constantly talk about their sex orgy home parties.
>perfect for billionaries (most self made billionaries per capita)
I don't know anything about the billionaires. It's a secret here.
>Top tier healthcare system
The healthcare sucks. You need to pay private insurance if you want decent healthcare so only the chads who get all the girls have basic healthcare here the rest of us only get the autism diagnosis and if we complain a lot they also give us SSRI.
Ta deg en tur chuddus
>10/10 women everywhere but none of them are wifeable
>wealthy if you're born two generations ago
>shittiest weather imaginable, most of the year it's a dark frozen hellscape
>mediocre education system but at least it's free
>perfect for billionaries (most self made billionaries per capita) except most of us aren't billionaires, we're working class and it's quite terrible to be in this economy
>Top tier healthcare system if you're delulu, if you want any help you have to wait years in queue and still end up paying for it
Take this from someone who lives here. It's not really a bad place but it's not the paradise you make it out to be.
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In the future, use this pic
You're welcome
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>politically correct "fuck off we're full"
>If you are a manlet in Sweden (shorter than 190 cm)
I'm 189 cm so just short of 190 and even that isn't remarkable to girls nowadays. You pretty much have to be 193+.
No, if you're white you can come. I personally don't think we need more Somalis who have 10 kids per family but don't work but instead loiter around town all the time.
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I met a Swedish girl in college and she was really nice actually. Not rude or bossy or whatever the stereotype is.
She also was very beautiful. I'm not trying sound cheesey but man she really was gorgeous.
did you know the 2 biggest sex symbols of the 70s are considered VERY average in sweden?

it do be like that
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The Swedish girl I saw was much more beautiful than those two. (no disrespect to Abba)
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can you believe Svens still claim they suffer?
it do be like that.
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the average swedish women can become
>a world-wide famous super star that creates the stereotype of swedish women being beautiful
>one of the most relevant super models of our times
>An internet celebrity that has millions of people looking for any social media they can find on her after a SINGLE CANDID PHOTO ON THE BUS

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