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Nordic Macedonian dating edition

Last: >>201735707
>The court released him on bail/ Greek MEP Fredi Beleri is welcomed with cheers and fireworks in Himara. Greek song and dance (VIDEO)
new worlders will bury /balk/
pepper in eye, very bad
toothbrush in ass, very good
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what are the international implications of geopolitical memes not being produced anymore?
Based. He really did nothing wrong
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welcome back og
fuck off with that gay shit tho
Notice how he doesnt post whenever you mock on him with thread imagine.
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Stop harrassee, boemot
Sadly he was forced to lose the election to be set free

What'd you expect from Rama, (((Soro's))) best friend
F20 is too ugly for her
Hello How are you
Kalimera filos
Do you think I go after he/she

I'm into big tits girls
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Going on a late cheap vacation in Greece with Rick, Sashe?
Who here knows the law

Since I am in Greece I can mention the girl which I cannot mention in Northern macedonia
I was on vacation work in ohrid which is also expensive since is unesco heritage site

Cheap place is albania
Odds of Sashe bumping into the Mangal glowie and his gorilla boyfriend?
Kelly add me on Instagram you said you're from Crete I will go to cret3 someday and we can get girls together fat english slags and bait Rozeli and bait /balk/
this is not a good start for the day...
So guys the girl who I should not say her name made a new ig account under a false name and sexually harrasses me
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You wake up to this on top of you in your bed
What do you do
The court forbade me to say for 4months not to say her name and she started writing me on Instagram with a fake account

I'm not gay the prosecutor said she won't file a criminal charge since I haven't broken the law
It's probably Drakula Malfojkoski with a fake account of her harrasseeing you
admire the facemaking artistry
Since I am In Greece I can actually say her name and so on but I don't want her

She caused too much issue into my life I am glad I didn't had sex with her
Now it's time to enjoy sunshine
Is it Mlekana Cicevska?
I cannot say

Maybe is the Turkish girl maybe it's her maybe it's some other girl
XAXAXAXAXA post the messages but remove the name and pics, let's see maybe it's one of the makkes here who harassee you who made the acc
No she sent a pic of her selfie part or her selfie and it's her saying I'm sexy etc.

I won't post much just wanna say that according to the law I can post her name but I don't want to

I avoid her as I have said so it could be the Turkish girl or other girl heck maybe the tranny but I don't care
It could be a pajeet scammer looking for some easy money
Time to enjoy sunshine

Also at the place I go I saw a girl that I know who studied in finki and is ceo of academy for video game making studies

That's all I can say
Or maybe she studied at Harvard
If you love someone you wouldn't report him to the police and harrasse him with cops while fucking other people to make him angry .

That ain't love that is torture towards someone and abuse of the Law
New harrassee victim unlocked
Time to blow up her insta and let you know you're in the area
The mother of idiots is always pregnant.
She ain't got big tits she's awesome person tho very smart

So it would be awesome conversations about science and many other stuff because she's very smart and awesome person
Guys ever wanted to make your dream video game

You can already do that by applying to her academy

Please dont harrasse her she knows IT and can get the ip of the server you losers have to harrasse her and track you down

She also knows karate
Mongolgarians didn't arrest Pu when he visited even tho they are members of the ICC. I don't wanna hear a single word about Bumgarian ungratefulness on /balk/ from now on.
I don't give a fuck about politics gtfo to /pol/
His face was made for brutal facefucking
>Do you think I go after he/she
She is out of your league bro
Oh God here we go again so I feed my ego

Nah dude don't give a shit what you think of me

I don't even go after he/she so I don't care if I am or not according to you in her league
I am sick and tired of all the blatant homosexuality on display here.
Seriously these incels on 4chan and their hormones with sex constantly think a girl and a guy cannot be friends

I have 3 girls who you don't even know about who I don't even chat with on ig because I know my ig is hacked

So I actually have 3 female friends without tits who tell me admire me and help me and I help them out

Not only that but one of the girl is actually family is close to my family and her family is masonic so yeah so not even losers like you can know who they are or what they are capable of

While I see them as sisters because they got no tits and I would protect them in any way possible
Women already think you fantasize of fucking them 24/7 and will hate you if you don't do that.
>who you don't even know
I can doxx them any time like I doxxed your troon gf bro
Hey copshit get a life and don't harrasse me
maqe bibeo gayme
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Don't worry bro he will probably pity fuck you
You do understand I'm not an incel right

I have been so far with 9 girls
10* girls
how many long term relationships tho?
Hook up culture is gay and promoted by homosexual, like the model industry
they ran away in the morning right
so you had sex 10 times
someone in a relationship has that amount in a week
9 of the 10 sexual acts were without my consent by the way

90% of girls have medium or small tits

It's hard for me to find love and the girls with tits are sluts because they have more estrogen than other girls that makes them think of sex so they tend to cheat a lot more
that's like Balkan problem
in Poland every chick has huge milkers
youve been a girl to your brother and youve been with a 40 year old hooker
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breasts like these are the norm, no cap
How can I move to Poland

Would they accept me
>How can I move to Poland
you have to in EU

>Would they accept me
We Poles are extremely nationalistic and unless you are born a Pole you will never be one of us. No joke, gypsies born there don't get granted nationality.
But I aint a gypsie

I need to get Bulgarian passport
Also you need to be Catholic. Huge requirement there otherwise you will be further ostracized when everyone on Sunday goes to church.
can the albaboons stop unironically using "bro" ...kringe!
Poles can't tell a difference between Gyppo from Bulgaria and a Bulgarian. To be real with you, they don't give a fuck about Balkan countries unless they are Boomers who go to Summer Beach vacations here.
ive met polish exchange students
they got that pig phenotype like the hohols
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>have criminal record and attempted murder
>invites 15 year old prototypical albaboonian slag over
>foid is "raped"

why are albaboonian foids such hybristophilic sluts.
The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.
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>t. countries i worked at and vacationed at map made by pole currently residing in ireland
Stop harrasseing Sashko with facefucking allegations you CIA shill
ghegars can't be choosers
A year's plan lies in spring.
Confucius say, man who eat pussy, do lip service
Ikibey say, man is deranged cuckold
Janis goes into my femboy harem bro, you can fuck the male looking one
Who is this even? Our zoomers are completely indoctrinated.
Lazucius say, man who is unhealthy use apple all day
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tijolo de farinha, uma delicia
Ke im kolenicis na fudbalnite majmuni
It can only be said that humans are the same as weeds. As long as the nutrients are in place and the survival pressure is not great, a large area will naturally emerge over time.
time moves slower than 'nothing ever happens' without grounded grain fungal feed water
In times like this you should take up a book on any subject and just read it. You probably won't absorb it 100% due to alcoholic brain damage and no hands on experience but it's better than nothing.
he's 49 years old bro, his brain has calcified already
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>*plava kum pobedata*
>*nishto licno momce*
>peepo in the 1850-1950
>yes I am 100+ years old but I can learn new shit
>peepo in 2024
>waah muh brain is calcified at 19 years old I can't learn shit
you can visit /sci/ to laugh at the average I'vealreadygivenupmaxxer
apparently life ends at 25 and the rest of the world doesn't know it
>his brain has calcified already
It's your back that is problematic after 40, not your brain.
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Alright, finished X-Men 97. Shit was kino. Wonder if they will do Spider-Man 2002 next.
I heard low to mid weight deadlifts fix that
I have never enjoyed living in the world
both sambo and kudo look fun asf
I am completely free from being a bulgarian. 10 years of solitude have untethered me from tatarism
Failed normie. I have been untatared since birth.
I was never a Bulgar to begin with.
>t. schizoid
You really see why tatargaria has no allies when you view them from a detached perspective.
Seljaks will wear shirts with shit like
and an image of a racecar
I once saw one with a Cardcaptor Sakura backpack.
smt like that
>t. jealous seljak
bulgarians will wear this and see nothing wrong with it
Balkmoons became significantly more subhuman when they swtiched from that to this>>201767975
>that mustache
he is osmanli

my new anthem
This is the folk attire of the Pešter region
Only by cutting the Gordian knot and laying the foundation with an iron fist can the best way with the least sacrifice and the fastest speed.
when are you moving to norway bro
Tatardia should be annexed by Turkey or Russia and turned into a resort where tatards are service personnel and have as much rights as palestinians in israel
Funny enough Krums laws were based, if a tatard lies cut its tongue off, if it steals chop its hands off etc, that's the only way that exists that is effective dealing with tatards, they don't speak any other language and do not understand anything else, that being said if they were applied today there would be 100 tatards left in the entire world.
what a retarded general full of retards
least self hating eastern european
He's right thoughever.
Albaboonia should be annexed by Greece or Yugoslavia and turned into a resort where albaboons are service personnel and have as much rights as palestinians in israel
Funny enough Krums laws were based, if a albo lies cut its tongue off, if it steals chop its hands off etc, that's the only way that exists that is effective dealing with albos, they don't speak any other language and do not understand anything else, that being said if they were applied today there would be 100 albos left in the entire world.
>not Hoxhas laws
Missed opportunity.
I love myself this is why i had to break the chains of tatardism and put off the yoke of oppression.
tru, missed chance
Most of the thread has great grandparents which were born in the Ottoman Empire ITT.
ai em osmanli(rum millet)
Mine were free Greeks
Hello Athenos.
don't misgender zer
mine fought against them and then got buckbroken and started actively working for them
my ancestors
My ancestors ran in the mountains to survive on wild game and roots and fuck up ottomans by pestering the with guerilla tactics.
Great grandparents are mostly from Svrbvll times
Generations before them were from T*rk times
So anyway i am at the beach and I attract so many girls
Actually I'm wrong, on one side all my great grandparents are from T*rk times
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As long as the superior varieties are selected, the soil is well supplied with nutrients, and the conditions are suitable, these crops can grow to the limit of their genes - wheat is the same as humans.
Female 20 years old girls?
Post pics king
no way i couldnt tell nojkoturk was an actualy roach just by looking at him/her
>iki, sashko and mangal are all on vacation in Greece right now
Imagine the orgy.
they're meeting together as the inner circle of balk
Don't associate me with homosexuality you deranged creature. I show off my 1000€ cross, while you spend summer in a cursed place.
threadly reminder ikilad isn't even baptized
See what u did there
Meeting up at Kelly's place no doubt.
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>Petar Stoychev managed to swim the seven largest open water marathons in just 173 days, beating Andy Donaldson's previous world record of 355 days.
>For the first time, all seven marathons - the Cook Strait, the Strait of Gibraltar, the Strait of Molokai, the Catalina Channel, the North Channel, the Tsugaru Channel and the English Channel - have been swum in less than half a year.
>Stoychev completed his goal after swimming the English Channel tonight in 10 hours and 12 minutes, starting from Samphire Howe (England) and finishing in Cap Gris-Neiss (France).
don't read this, not relevant to /balk/ culture
made the mistake of opening /pol/ for the 1st time this year
they are legitimate schizo autistics all of them
if there's a voluntary self-check in online asylum it's there
your ancestor were homeless and living off treebark while mine were feasting with the local derebey as military officers in between sessions of sperming your female ancestors
I have enough cash to pay the gypsies to lecture him.
And both bloodlines' descendants ended up bottlenecked on 4chan
Weren't Albanians the loyal pets of Turks?
is that why he's not showing up on /balk/
Turko-steppeastic ancestry straight from the Volga physiognomy
Whiter than 80% of Fyrom.
Xaxxaaxxaxa, someone gets it
Xpozed disproved this sweaty
He's half-arap
Yes, the Volga is higher up north than Macedonia.
im honestly surprised my ancestors never converted to islam to fully traitormaxx
You should help these people, instead of helping the demon inside your mind.
It's a joke, iki, relax
And he passed on his genes
What's your excuse?
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truly yuropoors
iki, post a picture
I didn't generalize that ending up on 4chan makes you unable to reproduce, just that both you and the croat ended up here despite your ancestors living supposedly entirely different lives.
Damn, i would have never believed i will end up being a great looser at soon 30
Not that Maqe doe
Normalfags spend money like water. I know a dude that blows his entire salary on steam sales and has a backlog so large that it's unrealistic to finish playing everything in his entire lifetime.
My net worth? Depends on which persona I identify as at the moment bro
You tried to find my face in reflections, when I posted my hand. I want to start a business here and increase my and Greece's influence in the world stage. I don't need sashko or other heavily deranged people around me.
>I want to start a business here
bro finna get eforia'd
Doesn't matter, point still stands
>muuuh based barefoot guerillas
>muuuh practical turncoats
Led to the exact same outcome
You can heal Sashko's illness if you meet him irl, King.
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>160k Greeks left Greece last year
>brownies imported in their place

Have you thanked Mitsopoustis today?
Come on iki, post a picture.
lmfao knowing how self-doxxy sashe is, he'll invite iki and the engineer might just be foolish enough to visit him
What leads to a different outcome? Visual basic, Cobol, C++
Well they weren't barefoot.
If I knew would I still be here?
I pity his father, so I would send him some money, if I stop being a loser.
Isn't the croat like 20-something? Too early to talk about an outcome.
I answered the question bro
>hello this is my engineer friend he is also harrasse by meowkov with cold coffee online
>there is string theory proof that I posted online my diagnosis that I do not have F20 with string theory I also prove that iki is also greek I am also greek 25% agean macedonian
If I could read, would I still be here?
>umm bro actually posting on an X forum says EVERYTHING about your life
>if I stop being a loser
Task completed, King.
Before you started calling each other bro, after I introduced it, you called each other subhumans.
>you see, you can't just know that I'm not secretly a temporarily embarrassed bustabit billionaire
It's the work of your most sincere felator, shitche byurmitkoski.
You united the sub eich brotherhood. You are the uniter of the sub eich.
he found the one piece and became king of the shrubs
He found a golden-plated iphone 15 pro max?
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guarded by 99 pale enjels in the port of piraeus
fake news, kid ain't his
is boon really in 'greece' again?

boon you fucking retarded turk are you in greece or not? are you gona find me or what?
I'm ready to beat the shit out of your skin you little fat worhtless subhuman poor shitskin.
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He inspects their hymens every night with the tip of his apple pencil
Seething nocoder
true. I see code as frequently as he sees his wife's kid X_X
I'm fucking here, where the fuck are you?
>3 F20.0s itt rn (Kelly, Iki, Janev Trannev)
You must start working. Your father looks weak.
>Weekend code bootcamp attender
With your insults, you fuel his illness, while his parents probably cry to sleep. Have you no shame?
I will
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haven't spoken about b or replied to b's for around a month as a social experiment and no one has ever noticed.
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see, I told you they dont like being milked no more. I got one reply.
Their milk gone bad.
deep lore
If they have shame, they should kill him
I recognize me and boon, who the other three?
He is like a child, only partially self-aware. It will be painful when you mature and realize all the heavy damage you have done throughout the years. Imagine if he was your brother and people did this to him.
Used someone elses' code for the course project
This thread lives and breathes Bulgaria obsession bro
Your ascetic notions are like 2 drops of water not landing in the ocean
Fyrombvll, Sashko and Mangal, in that order bro
>Kelly, thinks he is 100% Greek despite being tall and having blonde hair with blue eyes
>Iki, who is an obese turk that thinks he's Greek
>Shizev who thinks he's a quad mullato and an alien
>Mangal, who thinks he's descended from thracians and other balkmoonik tribes despite being the purest Bullgar-Turk to ever exist
>Mangal's BF who we don't know much about aside from him being a massive fag that uses female pronouns for a dude
been more b's obsession with everyone else lately
Hey I'm also fit so he's just trolling
Obsessing about Bulgaria at the office
Kelly next year I am going to Crete do you accept meetup with beer and we can after British slags


BTW I have gray goose bottle gonna get wasted
>demon flag removed from karlsson's gambit
but still, somewhat expected
you can never trust women after all

Kelly's in Solun bro
He's the sun that illuminates /balk/ and causes the bumgarian ocean to evaporate and rain on itself
Return the bottle of gray goose to mijalkov you piece of shit
He's what I thought he's in Crete

Than Kelly let's meet In a week in Thessaloniki filo me
nigga your hair a gray goose
He is not your friend. You must take your medicine. It will bring increase your intelligence.
He's 232 IQ off his meds and 111 IQ on his meds.
You're confusing him with the Vergina sun bro
The vergina sun evaporated Macedonia's access to sea. You point 1 ray at us but 15 point right back atchu.
He's in your country bro, he's taking a shit in your sea bro, he prolly gonna fuck some greek girls with his BMC bro, what are you gonna do about it huh?
The nobles and the church are similar. They are both oppressors. They will only leave the peasants with a lingering surplus of food, and then take away most of the food without mercy.
bro finally read machiavelli
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Rick's soul as Sashe becomes progressively more inebriated
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>apes together strong
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interesting. from what I read on hohol articles they boast about providing electricity to romania
Is the equipment so old they are forced to use WinXP or what? Can a computermoon explain?
the westoid fears the balkan block

the last funding round was in 2002
A man that knows his generic line is ending despite his sex having status
photo is prob from the 2000
they're using some old ass excel tier software anyway. it doesn't matter
The more ignorant they are, the more they must be restrained by tough means, otherwise it would be easy to cause trouble.
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>moonwalk back home from the shkembe corba hangover treatment center
>some whip flies past me bussin Azis anthems max volume
>he's taking a shit in your sea bro
I ate a tiropita right now and you are thinking of sashkos feces.
they used feces water and feces water-infected hands to make this
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What are the consequences if a young Balkan man refuses to get a skinfade haircut?
Will be be beaten and rejected by his peers?
>normalnigs mass produced at the retard factory(barber)
Nobody cares.
This radiates Gypsy energy
i get a .5 inch cut because it makes my head look like a round orb
No, iki

This is "apes together strong"
>get this cut
>"you look like a sporty type"
>sit on my ass 16 hrs a day and lie on my stomach 8 hrs a night
This is what I look like.
nice gyno and manicure bro
Old Albanian men are very dapper.
I hate this fucking shit
The result of this shit is that barbers know literally nothing else but this cut
I can't find a single barber that knows what he's doing with scissors, not one
Kek. I love how poorfags always in Greece in September

Sashko, iki, mongol, their poverty unites them
It's the smart choice; water is warm but you're not getting set ablaze by the 40+ monkey weather
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August is unbearable, the tourist hordes are everywhere. July is nice, but water can be cold on the islands.
Must be full of white trash and maymuns serving them.
did Sashko manage to fuck something?
His parent's income
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>did Sashko manage to fuck
it was the other way around
come back to your own thread bosnian schizo
think I found a new game, downloading
June and September are patrician choice for south Europe, July and August are too hot and should go vacationing in Scandinavia
Water is absolutely freezing.
>July and August
this is when the prime pus visits
>has sex
>nooooo, it was rape
whore probably thought it would look better this way
>Karo can be directly translated as "black [or 'blackened'] man" and kari as "black [or 'blackened] woman"[5] and refers to sexual intercourse outside the bonds of marriage.[15] The term karo-kari is commonly used as a synonym to honour killing

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This girl
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bypassed a group of teen girls and they all wore those ugly ass skater sneakers us millennials used to wear back in the 00s
apparently that shit made a full circle and is cool again now
stop raping teens with your lustful incel gaze
I wanted to come in early August, but something happened. You have to accept that German Greeks are poor in Germany, but not in Greece. I tip in restaurants, while you have F20 moments about me.
He went on a date with >>201763622
post a pic, ikipoor
Short hair=NPC
Why are you jeeting all the time for a pic?
he was looking at his feet to notice that haha
Because I don't think you're in Nkreece.
tsk, what a deranged pervert
message to >>201772794

if you want to fight, I'll be in Greece on feb 21st. I am willing to meet you, I will even pay for your flight there. Dumbass bitch
I would HEEM you so far into the sky that your somali balloon head would keep you cruising in the air
calm down sven, don't bully kids
idk i buzz my head completely and there have been o 0 beatups yet
>another horny gay crakka jumps at the opportunity to hop on rugged balkan cock
many homosexuals going to greece, that lgbt legalization law thing really is paying off
I have an iPhone, but can't afford Greece?
Who doesn't have a few piles of feces at home?
What's so special about it?
This nigga so normie he doesn't know the deleted comments that haven't shown up as deleted in his browser yet don't count towards the bump limit.
spam report it as an early thread bro
All of those roidtranny massmonster physiques look like shit
But I really love the video of him stomping his leg and all the muscles popping

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