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Would people in your country be willing to date a woman with a medical poo bag?
Probably not, there's an abundance of hot women so guys here are actually rather picky.
her story would've been different had she been ugly

this is the real truth.

she was saved by her cute face and nobody would make that story about the ugly woman seething in her basement.
how do women develop these problems? Do they do anal sex the wrong way?:
>What followed was a month of tears, medications, scopes, and poo, during which I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, an inflammatory bowel disease.
>My ulcerative colitis was so severe that three days before Christmas, I had emergency surgery to remove my large intestine, giving me an ileostomy, which is an artificial opening made from my small intestine poking out of my abdomen.
>give me something for the pain and let me die
I bet she didnt wash her dildos
poor girl
Nice. Another hole to fuck.
you germans really do love poopoo
I would honestly kys myself
I would travel to Canada or Europe and get assisted suicide before living with that condition
Is it temporal or for ever?
My friend had this.
I almost get one of those because of a surgery. My plan was killing myself if I had to live with that thing, fortunately it wasn't necessary.
Unless she can grow back her bowels like the X-men in her case is forever.
she has a good enough face to justify not killing herself already. if she was ugly or male she'd be dead at this poing
imagine he smell.. sad
i'm glad this happened to a cute girl they all deserve to be taken down a peg
what happened to these people before poo bags were invented?
Would her asshole be free of feces? That might be a positive.
I can see how you Swedes came up with Ikea.
I think all these shitty diseases are tracked back to auto-immune diseases/responses.
What causes those? Environment and diet.

It's quite the irony that modern Westerners have never been as rich as now on the average, but have way more diseases to combat against.

Karma baby
it's gone.
her ass have no asshole now.
Now you know why the life expentancy was 35 before modern age.
it was that because a lot of children died at young age
Did he manage to cure it
>ulcerative colitis
what the fuck is up with young people and stomach problems nowadays? bowel cancer is also WAY UP in under 30s population, do they only eat super ultra processed garbage? wtf? is it a vegan thing? I don't get it
honestly this sounds pretty convenient to me, yesterday I almost spent an entire toilet paper roll to clean myself and my ass was still dirty, (((contractors))) don't make bathrooms with bidets anymore
absolutely made for indian men.
microplastics unironically
this, please someone answer this. how does it even fucking happen to someone
Are there any known plastic chelators? Like how milk and coffee can chelate iron.
can she have sex and become pregnant?
I had polyps found in my colon
t. zoomer
I had to wear one myself for like a whole year and no way.
One of the darkest year of my life.
Just seeing her would trigger my memories.
when I was in kindergarten there was a kid who ate through his belly button with some weird machine
Not enough real food like yoghurts, cheesew etc, we need micro flora alive in our bodies.
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did he look like this?
how did you leave the house
Is this poo bag thing becoming more common or is it a case of simply more stories about it?
Whole thing disgusts me desu, would be absolutely miserable if I had to wear the poo bag
wish i had a stomabag
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did someone say STOMI?
there are few news articles about zoomers having butt and colon problems at a more frequent rate than older generations
Does it smell? How do you know you need to clean it?
only if I she would regularly give me the bag for disposal/personal consumption
You can't cure it. If you remove your colon you use the exterior bag. I believe he got another surgery that connects the small intestine to the anus but he will never poop like a normal person again.
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a most intriguing hypothesis
>is it a vegan thing?

>Some factors that increase your risk of bowel cancer include:
>a diet low in fibre
>high red meat consumption, especially processed meats
>being overweight or obese
None of these apply to vegans.
I barely didn't and when I did, it was in winter and I hid it.
But still, no sphincter so if your intestine wanna throw a fart, you can't control it.
Or worse, you're speaking with someone when your apparatus just start shitting freely.
I only accepted to see my family and my closest friends in small groups, didn't do more.
At least, I didn't have to work back then.

Well, it doesn't smell normally. And you know when you have to change it when it's literally full of shit...
And changing it is smelly naturally.
Worse was sleeping because I tend do move while sleeping and I had it burst like a few times, couldn't sleep at all with peace of mind (covered my whole bed in waterproofs layers of stuff)
they died
it's reversible in many cases

Why wait and wear this then ?
In my case, it was because I went through quite an ordeal (with like +20 surgeries) and o was extremely weakened (like lost 40kg after that and was a weak skelly).
If they did the surgery on me but there was a mistake and I got infected, I'd died.
And seeing you work with intestines, poo dripping in your body and festering is not just a possibility
you have to be seriously retarded to believe that
in reversible cases where the colon is infected, they do that operation to let the body heal, and after a few months they put the colon back in
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To believe what?
Vegetables are high in fiber
Vegans do not eat meat
The average BMI of a vegan is lower than that of an omnivore
Yeah, that was also my reaction.
And seeing the polite but troubled expressions of my acquaintances didn't help.
Az least now, I can poop by myself but just like that dude's friend (>>201783443
), I don't poop like normal and I have so many scars on my belly.

Just felt like venting lads, sorry for that, I don't usually do that.
I'm glad your situation has improved considerably
Thanks pal.
Wasn't that hard, I really lost too much and was on the verge of death anyways.
Nowadays, I'm basically normal, except I tend to have diarrhea, that's it.
Oh and I don't digest fat as much as I used to so I can't become obese o guess lmao so there's good points
I bet she smells rotten
infant mortality dumbass
vegans either look malnourished or fat as fuck due to all the vegan fastfood and carbs they gobble up
I have UC and I live in fear of this happening to me one day.
i lost my gallbladder when I was 22 lol
>the average omnivore either look malnourished or fat as fuck due to all the fastfood they gobble up
The average vegan BMI is considerably lower than that of omnivores
Här är vi
yeah malnourishment
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Once read about some girl who had to get this after anal destroyed her pooper, doctors probably advise that nothing’s done back there desu
>removed my rectum
Uuhh, so she has no anus?
imr is different from average life expectancy idiot.
Fucking dumb euros.
there was an /a/non once who claimed having colostomy done and the one positive thing being that he could masturbate anally without having to clean first.
theres so many desperate simps out there that have scat as their fetish, someone would probably want to lick her stomach, crotch and poop bag just to get their rocks off
no such thing as a femcel! only a female volcel.
You do suffer in Switzerland.
Lass stecken...

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