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hooch is crazy edish!
who tf is hooch
mooching a poo
feel like SHIT
enacting a don't ask don't smell policy around rorke
hooch is crazy!
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sucking a golf ball subedition
….. or something
There comes a time in every mans life when he has to acquire a mossball
rorke is finished
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I'm thinking based
neighbours bratty daughters prancing about in their garden
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Joker 2
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built for bwc
love swedish meatballs
My attitude in life is far too good. Far too responsible. All the while the babes just want thug dick.
work full time but still poor
2025s look
the godless orient
was in that thread yesterday, BIG fan of this
you happen to get the source?
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is clothing from Burton any good?
looking at maybe getting a mac from there
That’s a computer mate
I thought a mac was a computer
seriously lads
reckon i would eat swedish meatballs for the rest of me life if they had more nutritions
We have to establish a racial, radical, and social government of Britain based on mercantilism, fascism, eugenics, physiognomy, biological antisemitism, neoclassical architecture, cleanliness, duty, order, loyalty, heterosexuality, Germanic automobiles, Saxon protestantism, Roman virtues, beating women, and low taxation.
get the women arrested
/brit/ doesn't eat pig
would love to kick my mam down the stairs
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simply the ideal woman
Words like Sanction should be banned. How can it mean the exact same opposite of what it means. what the shit
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Love that prepackaged sushi you get at supermarkets. Could scran that for lunch every day. Wonder if you can buy it in bulk somewhere?
Considering going to one of those men's mental health groups on thursday
any York men in?
posing in such a way to hide that she's a fat slob
I love it too but it would just go off wouldn't it?
Can't eat that shite without having visions of the assembly line it was made on
sewer rat might taste like pumpkin pie but i wouldn't know because i'd never eat the filthy motherfucker
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Fair point. Wouldn't freeze I suppose?
real men either an hero or just continue on living out of spite to themselves
they're full of above middle aged lads
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does this change your mind?
might wake up early and walk down carvery and get mesel a big buffet fry up tomorra
cor creamin me kecks
bloimey guvna big buffet fry up
fuck it, might do it ya know
Good man x
lift weights, stop drinking and any drug use

fixes most "mental health" problems
got a lot of time on my hands might as well see how it is maybe an hero after
l'm nearly 40 its fine
Not sure mate. Think rice keeps reasonably well frozen but has to be properly nuked through to stop you getting sick from reheating it so would spoil the rest of the sushi. Besides which, it's hideously expensive for some reason which is a shame because it's bloody nice and probably better for you than a ham sandwich.
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Men's mental health.
long goonmeats violating her body
yeah it made me a homosexual
looks like a screenshot from a body horror movie
that pic is so photoshopped its ridiculous
its full of parasites
dreamt about her last night again. didn't even see her face. just saw her hair from behind but my brain knew who it was. woke me up with a jolt lol. fucking 6 years later and she still makes my brain break.
hate women with fat fingers
do goon
ltalian Australia...the darkest timeline...
Let the incel have his comforting delusions
imagine all the black cocks she took in those 6 years while you sat in your smelly bedroom thinking about her xx
German cops told me off for playing mark felton videos out loud in public, not on. Bunch of fascists
Tom Bombadil.... wtf was Tolkien thinking
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too much for your arse?
It will still happen in decades
there are lots of videos of her streaming, she looks exactly like her pics
K I'm done, so how was your guys' time?
Got my first tattoo and I FUCKING regret it
Gnostic shite of supreme deity tending to his garden carefree of the troubles in the world he created
in case anyone wondered why hiro badly needs money 4chan is being sued in NYC
british chief keef would be elite
texted mumsy wumsy i wasnt going out to dinnydins but she hast responded
sex workers surreptitiously film all their clients just in case one of them is worthy of blackmail
mmhmm this weekend
a lot of hymens will get ripped up x
and some quite violently xx
those pale schoolgirls are impatiently waiting...
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this is what shittymine actually looks like
drink beer....feel good
I believe this
this is why you should kill them after having sex
does stomach acid dissolve bone
>BBC News - Madeleine Slater has been found.
its just the nature of the game. prostitution is the worlds oldest profession, sexual blackmail is the worlds second oldest
don't know
Technology has made nature shows soulless
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they are fucked
state of people who feel compelled to defend slags on 4chan
what are they cutting specifically?
well is it 500m or 900m?
get the doctors paid
get the migrants housed
get the pensioners frozen
They are advertisements
make britain fun again
simple as
should've conquered and eradicated them when you had the chance mate
well said
just died on minecraft hardcore lads
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The Londonoid experience
how would they know who to blackmail?

wouldn't they get done for revenge porn which is against the law?
what's wrong with her tummy?
I wonder what the country is spending all this extra money on
couldn't be all the immigrants that are claiming benefits, housing and NHS treatment could it
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Just kill them via sex
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get in lad
crohn's disease

Ms Robison said up to £60m will be saved through emergency spending controls imposed on government departments, particularly those relating to recruitment, overtime, travel and marketing.

A further £65m is to be saved by reintroducing peak rail fares, axing concessionary travel for asylum seekers and allowing local authorities to finance pay deals by drawing on funds from existing programmes - such as flood defences and providing digital devices for children.

She said £188m would be cut across government departments – including a reduction in spend on sustainable and active travel, and increased interest income on Scottish Water loan balances.

The government will also divert £160m previously planned for winter fuel payments.

Ms Robison confirmed ministers would draw down up to £460m from the ScotWind leasing auction of seabed plots for major offshore wind projects - which raised more than £700m in 2022.
why don't we build infrastructure
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Which one of you is this?
rorke's mum buying this thinking it's a quirky vase
We need a campaign of biological extermination.
You really bring the tone of this place down
he wants a gf from new england, new york or new jersey
watching a jp vtuber who often talks about poo and willies just like brip
if only you knew how grim things were
>axing concessionary travel for asylum seekers
Forgot pic
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Whores often read the Financial Times trying to recgonise clients
to emma's bedroom
decided against gaming tonight
going to watch a film in bed instead i think
Spainnonce's monthy outside world excursion
Clean shaven.
How else would they travel to the park to rape children
Ms Robison said public pay was a “significant driver” of the in-year financial pressures but warned it “remains to be seen” whether the UK government would fund deals in line with recommendations from pay review bodies.

The Scottish government spends more than half of its day-to-day budget on public sector pay. For 2024-25, it budgeted for a 3% increase, insisting that was all it could afford.

But it is now reallocating cash from its in-year budget to fund offers of more than 3%.

Council workers have been offered a pay rise of 3.6% - or £1,292 per year if that is higher. That has been rejected by the country’s largest union, meaning the government may have to find additional funds if it wants to avert strikes.

ScotRail train drivers have been offered an increase of 4.5%, while NHS staff - including nurses, midwives, paramedics, allied health professionals and porters – have been offered a 5.5% pay rise, which would cost £448m.

The government also set aside £29m to fund a pay proposal to teachers, who have been offered a uniform 4.27% uplift.
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mad how I'm working and the government take 40% of my pay and give it to brown immigrants
t. cant grow a beard
should be legal to murder people who blackmail you
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Which one of you is this?
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/brit/ warned you about vaping
bought a piece of furniture from a charity shop only to find it smells like old person once i brought it home
i blame yank tap water
no more disabled car for toby
Honestly not sure what you were expecting
Think of all the juices that it soaked
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get yourself an upholstery cleaner. will be brand new.
any gay men in
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too depressed to eat might just get battered tonight instead
>no thigh gap
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rissa may sex arse

need an 80 iq american gf
no although l did have a hungover gay wank this morning
Did heathermong die
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3 September 2024, 11:30 BST
Updated 1 hour ago

Five children have been arrested on suspicion of murder following the death of an 80-year-old man who was attacked in a park.

Bhim Kohli died in hospital after being assaulted while walking his dog at Franklin Park, in Braunstone Town, Leicestershire, on Sunday evening.

Leicestershire Police said a boy and a girl, both aged 14, and another boy and two girls aged 12, were in custody.

Officers have appealed for witnesses to come forward.
right here >>201786534
Doesn't suit her
Something about her aura doesn't mesh with the aesthetics
tempted to become extremely gay and cringe
Dark nights are coming de lads

hope so
Foden Fade Bossman
lad >>201785596
they ever find out where that jay slater lad went?
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just not fair when we got shag all heat this summer
he died
said he fell in a ravine case closed
take what you want
Mumberg just told me I have to wear boxers if I’m wearing sweatpants around the house. I am wearing boxers. Don’t know what the daft cow is going on about
Nah I'm straight, I'm the last straight man in Canada
on the hell's kitchen video binge
she meant on your body not on your head
Canadian banter…
What's the best museums in London I will be there for a week
Johnny la gente esta muy loca
he stole some drug dealers watch and they killed him and threw his body off a cliff place that nobody can even walk in

but the official spanish police story is he went out for a stroll in a completely unnavigable area slipped and fell case closed
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me in the back
she rides that trunk on onlyfans
eeeeeeee no he never
wonder what his mum had to say about that !
Looking good. Mad how quickly his ear healed
>he stole some drug dealers watch and they killed him and threw his body off a cliff place that nobody can even walk in
National Socialist Judaism tbqh lads
london dungeon!
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2024's big loser
hate blond bangs. remind me of my ex
can you not
Remember this song

fill maximum security prisons with pale virgins
film the consequences
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Fucking size of that
you don't have an ex incel
/brit/ stands with Israel
while you post on 4chan
thinking of becoming transgender lads, I have little to lose
what the average pale schoolgirl will get violated by this weekend
good post this
while you post on 4chan
Ugly cunt ent he
Not all of us live in England mate lol. 0 blacks in my village. Literally 0.
women in olden times defo used cucumbers as dildos
Ah yes the digital djinn is here for another 14 hour bbc posting sesh
jah bless
Alri tranny lad how's the bunny
don't matter mate, she can have BBC flown in wherever she lives in europe thanks to tinder
go to africa if you want heat
bizarre post from the mind of a porn addict
don't believe for a second all this waffle about blokes secretly wanting to be emotional
reckon most blokes want to be manly men even if they're a bit too soft in reality, and then they cope by calling anyone manlier insecure
>dog barks and whines
>mumberg gives it a treat
for fucks sake it should be illegal for just anyone to own a dog
she gave it some of her sausage and onion pasty the other day as well
Define "emotional". I'm angry all the time and that's an emotion.
l'd like to be manly and stoic but since l'm not l'd like to share my emotions with someone kind and understanding
oh give over you autistic twat
It's cold here. America is hotter
Every major newspaper has sex columnists and they're all women. Nobody even mentions this because we are so used to it.
womanly emotions like being scared, traumatised, upset, etc.
fairly obvious that anger isn't one of them lad
had 6 times more matches when i was using tinder in eastern europe
mental how ego inflated israeli slags are
Think the arsehole is getting paid by the fart tonight. Like a smelly trombone so it is.
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On a mad one
>mumberg gives it a treat
why is this bad?
scammers most likely
you shut your fucking mouth little prick I'll batter ye
are you a cis woman
Do you mean men want to be scared and upset or do you mean men want to be able to outwardly express those emotions?
just take a shit like a normal lad, why put off the inevitable just to stink the gaff up
vpn off, nappy
All that Muslim baby blood they drink in the name of Satan. Makes em think they’re important
reinforces the behaviour
It's more that you can't have an honest relationship with a woman because most of them can't handle emotional intimacy and get the ick if you deviate from being le cheeky stoic jokster manly man 24/7
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>scared, traumatised, upset, etc.
a lot of lads act angry and aggresive because they do feel these emotions THOUGH
neither, are you dyslexic?
Are they all shagging them ethiopian jewish chaps
might go bed
It’s funny
is this how zoomers speak
name on spaedophile
fucking hell
this but spainfreak
>it's boring once it's literally over and all you do is go do something else for half an hour
You said that there's waffle about "blokes secretly wanting to be emotional". Which you then changed to "scared, traumatised, upset etc." Which would make your comment imply there's waffle going about about "blokes secretly wanting to be scared, traumatised and upset". Which is obviously a spastic thing to say. Did you mean that there's waffle about men secretly wishing they could outwardly expression those emotions?
ah yes, aggression and anger are actually just fear and sadness
what else? shit is piss, your arse is your dick, your dad is straight
proper pointless baking. people only do it for social media you can literally buy cakes and bread in tesco
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Atlanto-Cro Magnid me
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Can you give examples of things that would make someone angry that aren't a direct consequence of fear and/or sadness?
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you're thick mate, learn to read
might have a... um... fucking wank
Wish I could be as manly as you mate
>aggression and anger are actually just fear and sadness
sometimes yeah.
Die Hard, like Bruce, for you
That's what you said. Are you feeling embarrassed about saying something stupid and getting called out for it? Do you secretly wish you could outwardly express that humiliation you feel instead of putting on this brave face and bravado?
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>can't tax vapes
>ban vaping
>all the vapers have to buy ciggies

Whys it obsolete
White people really do be like
"Oh, um, sorry excuse me, please could..oh um ok then haha"
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Israel probably does have the pengest women around.
need a film suggestion immediately please
thank you
yeah, if you spill a pint on my head I will be aggressive
if my boss tells me to work late I will be angry
I won't be scared, upset, or sad at all but but apparently you'd be shitting yourself whilst crying
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If only there was a solution to this…
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>refers to people of the altantic ocean and not Greeks
Not even in the top 20.
So they are offering a 4 day work week
Isn't the country and economy already in shambles due to all the useless workers and "sick note culture"
Was this not the narrative a few weeks ago? How can we afford a 4 day work week?
>if you spill a pint on my head I will be aggressive
Why? Sadness about the disrespect, probably.
Zulu (1964)
Seriously, Sir Mossball, just fucking legalise da ting and we'll raise billions in tax alone
great name
tax the billionaires
>if my boss tells me to work late I will be angry
>yeah, if you spill a pint on my head I will be aggressive
Any evidence for this?
studies show its productivity is the same or better
5 days is pointless for a vast majority of people
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A sanky-panky or sanky is a male sex worker, found in the Dominican Republic. A sanky-panky solicits on beaches and has clients of either both sexes or only women. When with men, the sanky-panky assumes an active (a.k.a. top) role, but when with women, assumes the role of an ideal lover.

While strictly speaking they are not prostitutes, since they do not directly negotiate money for sex, sanky-pankies are more likely to develop a pseudo-relationship which can be continued after the guest returns home. They then might attempt to ask for money to be sent to them primarily by wire transfer, often using elaborate stories of need, involving (for example) sick relatives. A sanky's ultimate goal is often to obtain a marriage visa to the tourist's native country, and marry the tourist before abandoning her.
reckon rape's a bit of an overreaction tbqh mate.g

because everyone doing 5 day work weeks if actually only working for like 22 of those 40 hours.
the one with jesse eisenberg and that cute girl and they live in a generic suburban house but all isn't what it seems. can't remembre the name and it was only okay now I think about it but w/e
I don't think you understand what "productivity" means in the economic context
It's not a real 4-day work week. It's just compressed hours.
A real 4-day work week is working a whole day less but getting paid the same. That's not what's being talked about by Liebour.
name on xXxCockBloke1488xXx
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> A poem written in 2022 by Keir Starmer has emerged in which he talks about a girl murdered by a grooming gang sex buyer as a "sex worker".
Good man just don't let it drag you down.
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>Pale, sometimes ruddy or freckled skin. Brown, sometimes black or reddish hair with light, often blue eyes. Rather tall, mesoskelic, sometimes brachyskelic, ectomorph, slightly mesomorph with relatively long arms. Mesocephalic, chamae- orthocranic. Prominent, hyperleptorrhine, long-tipped nose that may be convex or concave. Forehead is narrow and sloping, mandible small, malars compressed.

Shouting KTIM at my monitor right now.
I don't think 5 days worth of pay over 4 is worth less to people, neither is working 5 days worth of hours in 4 days.
grow a pair you poofy little wetwipes
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If I'm ten floor up, can I wank with the curtain open?
this is fear and sadness manifesting as anger.
How was your shift in Aldi today?
This post was rooted in fear
Son, you have your mother's hyperleptorrhine nose
Good man, someone read the news.
people are paid based on their output and so much time is wasted in offices
5 day work week is based on nothing but outdated factory focused ideas
we should move forward with optimising our office time
it's quite hard to define accurately as human phenotypes tend to mesh together and not follow national boundaries. You can draw an infinite number of distinctions between groups you made up.

Zooming out though you can define some of these groups. Atlantids would largely be the pre-Germanic inhabitants of Western Europe
I mean he's obviously fucking bent don't know why you're wasting time on him
mum come quick i did the wronglink gimmick again get the camera muuuuuuummmmmmmmm
Got a good quesiton to start a converstaion next thread
Atlantis was off the coast of Ireland. The druid class fled to Ireland as it sank and preserved its ancient knowledge for centuries
*pulls a baking tray straight out of the oven with my bare hands*
Business idea: 7 day work week
fuck off
The Gaelic race are the byproduct of Egyptian royalty and people fleeing the sinking Atlantis. Everyone knows this mate.
just got properly done by this. clicked it and closed the old thread before I realised. going to kill myself now.
>edition in the subject
Absolute fool.

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