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Allah is making me suffer every day

If he loved me he would institute communism so I never have to work again
>nejdko making a new thread at 300
>dodge charger interior
check out
Fuck all yall pussies
and I was going to make an OP with a biologically female of age conventionally attractive scantily dressed female woman too...
I can spot losers based on a single metric, just one, if you do this thing you are 100% a loser if you do not do this thing you are 100% not a loser.
Yes, and the metric is whether you are a virgin (benis in bagina).
the virgins being the winners?
Why do they lick this?
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The Arab Moon God was originally female.
Made for giving birth to mulatto babies
allah is a canon femboy ahh post
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She seems to date exclusive white guys, I am sorry if that affects the fantasies of short brown incels in any way.
what, am I supposed to like her more now?
I only care for bodyless women
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Stop being short and brown.
this guy has some great videos for forearm exercises
You really want to choke the life out of the one-eyed snake, don't you.
don't tell me what to do, I'll bee myself
Im getting angry when im hungry
Replace Allah with God and remove the bottom two lines.
As marshal Zhukov once said: "We liberated the Europeans from Fascism and they won't ever forgive us for it"
Totally normal reaction
Pretty crazy how they rebranded their pedo cult and pretend its like a new religion or something
ethniks and their fucking delusions of grandeur...
Threadly reminder that you will remain a permavirginal poltard while normal people fuck 15 year olds (legal in Bulgaria).
No fascist ever stole my ancestors property
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it was just a prank bro
Why do buckbroken deadbeats think anybody cares about their worthless opinion, let alone a multimillionaire..
I didn't ask bro, now get back to work
I would
t. Future fascist dictator
Ownership is a spook.
Fascist bugi wugis confirm their loyalty to their ideology by renaming a stadium to arena 8888, the 88 serving as a code for heil hitler
so true sis
"Fascism is the logical result of the fact that the form of private ownership of the means of production can progress no further and must create violent crises, stagnation, and decay. Only the social organization of production can sanely organize production, and this can only come through social revolution. Fascism is an inevitable result of capitalism and its decay if the social revolution is delayed."
- R. Palme Dutt (1936, Fascism And Social Revolution)
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The amount of money laundering in this country, through real estate development and online betting, is astounding.
>efbet liga
Brat krai nabivam 60 lea
da go nabia na maika ti seltak
I automatically check out whenever anyone from the 20th century is talking
>Fascism is whenever rich peepo own shit or whatever and so TND must be achieved
>t. Chud logic
>Fascism is
weighty statement
They listened to his words in India following independence and see how that turned out kek
Also he's half pajeet, nothing of value to learn from there
Brat sha razberesh edin den kato vidish bentley coupe na svetofara i si kajesh deeba tva e onq fanal e parata deeba
>Fascism is when people do stuff that I don't like
bentleyto se vzemi s d1rjavna subsiidka ili po evroprograma, ne ot hazart
shut up fascist
Shut up fascist Tatar
You're going to the labor camp for sexual degeneracy
You're going to the political reeducation camp
Plot twist: it's the same camp.
plot twist: I bribed the commissar
As our German instructors have said: Labor sets you free!
What is our camp policy on pederasts?
Those sexual degenerates go to the hard labor camp
they're in charge of it
Even if I were the most powerful dictator on earth I would not solve the Bulgarian question

Who would Alexandroids bait then? It would be like a dog finally catching the car it's chasing
sneedoilmaxxers should watch this
>literally fuel for the body
You can literally make charcoal from meat
The Bulgarian question does not exist in anyone's mind but that of terminal fyromites. But you will need to spit on the deed of your fathers and denounce it. We demand it.
>Epic Prank(Gone Wrong)
>Replacing my Greek friends olive oil with Biodiesel and he drinks it
cope, a global alliance is emerging against the axis of bulgarhood
People like you should be protected like endangered animals so Alexandroid children of the future can have the opportunity to bait you into seething asspain
>Replacing my Greek friends olive oil with Biodiesel and he sells it for 95% marginal profit
>Greek friend is actually (secretly) Vlach!!?? SHOCKING!!!
Nigga named Baboun
imagine gabrielle's estate
Imagine the hasbara Israel-Isaac's mother had to engage in when rabbi found out the school's racial demographics
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Nothing to smile about in my life
Niggas is sleepin
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>be me
>walk down the street
>overhear some dude in a pub that placed 500 on a single bet
>walk up to their table
>show him my balance and scroll down my history
>table of over 30 obese boomers
>some 55+ boomer says go get a haircut
>they all burst out laughing
>i laugh with them
>highfive him and his wife
>shuffle up the street
What fuck this mean
uncompelling unless you argue from the perspective of the UK. America benefited tremendously from WW2.
Ultimately it is now just too far back in history to make any bombastic connections back to it. 70 years is a long time for a lot of things to happen, even if the Axis had won there is nothing to say that their rule wouldn't have similarly degraded and degenerated into what we are today.
oh my days
What is this supposed to prove? Winners get the spoils? Wow, I am so enlightened. Never once did he mention the funding the Nazi regime got from the USA either, and their gamble ultimately paid off to cripple Europe and the Soviet Union in one move. It's a long gone history nowadays regardless, so it's like beating a dead horse.
This guy knows what's up.
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>What is this supposed to prove?
It's supposed to tell you that no one was liberated and that Zhukov was voicing out an anxiety of his that seemed inevitable, that there will come a time when people will inevitably realize that they haven't been liberated from anything and that totalitarian fascism was vastly preferable to poverty selyanism.
I'll see the psychiatrist tomorrow. What should I tell him?
>le totalitarian fascism is le preferable
Bullshit. Such a retarded vampiric system obliterated itself because it turned the countries into a modern day Sparta where nothing but the millitary mattered ultimately forcing anyone in such a society to seek a solution through war. Such a stupid system that requires war to exist is how you get the constant wars the medieval period is known for but I guess the HRE having united just recently knew no other way.
Tell him about us.
polubrainian is a known fascist. which is why he loves that nazi piece of shit zelensky and his cronies. we took out 600 of them with a missile yesterday and working people of the ukraine celebrated it.
Could be polubrainian or mangal really.
mangal want's his bp stretched by both hitler and stalin while levski watches
that's a certified polubananian post
even the hot takes have run out, what a fucking borefest
Balkmun ad hominem as a defense mechanism against a physically inferior person making them feel inferior to him
it means rasha hasn't cut his hair in a while.
Did the prophet of Islam, Muhammad, really marry a 6 year old and fuck her when she was 9?
why'd he wait whole 3 years?
Maybe some pedophiles are into certain age groups.
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I'll go back in time and murder Muhammad.
>[H]e was neither too tall nor too short, rather he was of medium height among people. His hair was neither short and curly, nor was it long and straight, it hung in waves. His face was neither fleshy nor plump, but it had a roundness; rosy white, with very dark eyes and long eyelashes.
He was a Timmy, unlike Chadsus.
Islam is literally a false religion founded by a femboy.
Eslaam was founded by Adam (pbuh), akhi
Torah? Part of the truth, like 5 books out of 66 in the Bible!

Christianity? Religion made by Greeks for fellow CHADs. Jesus the CHAD incarnates here to tell you how it is after the huge build up in the Old testament, which is the true origin of white people as we know it.
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Bro, he was illiterate and orally told the people what an Angel told him. How do we know that Angel wasn't in fact Satan masquerading as Gabriel?
>How do we know that Angel wasn't in fact Satan masquerading as Gabriel?
Because Qur'an was the perfect revelation and nothing can surpass it
May Allah guide your aql to al-Haqq
rockets leveled his mud and the only way this maymun can do is break a porcelain figurine
It came 600 years after the Bible
It is the equivalent of what this guy did with Mormonism
It is eternal akhi, the babble was written by humans
Personally I think Torah might be closest to the truth.
Then what you think is wrong
New Testament (Christianity) , Islam are all fanfiction. Flse prophets Old Test warns you about.
Yahweh is the only God.
I knew that at 6 and pray to him only.
UMMMMM sorry bro but facts and logic are unnatural and for timmies. The only thing that matters is picking a tribe that benefits you and outscreeching / outbreeding / slaughtering the other tribes and imposing your will on them.
Met a married muslim woman that was attracted to me so much she tried to convert me to islam by making me say passages from the Quran, I said no and she became so enraged that she was willing to divorce her husband for me, your women are so fucked up
>outscreeching / outbreeding / slaughtering
/balk/ chat shouting matches participated in: 0
children produced: 0
enemies slaughtered: 0
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It took me until age 25 to learn Christians consider Jesus the God... I always thought they thought he was the Son of the God but not THE God. This is clearly false.
>theology lessons by the poolandlarp and the selyak trannylover
Janazah'd that brown incel
the larpoholic fyromian is bored and found himself a new carrier of the seriousness gene to milk
>nazi piece of shit zelensky
he's literally jewish
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Muslim women are the same. Women everywhere are the same. Muslims before Islam were the biggest cucks on Earth. Look into their history, they had feminism before it was a thing in the West. All the women were turbo whores going after their version of Rock Stars.
Why would satan creates a religion that forbids people from drinking, gambling, having casual sex etc? Just think about it.
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>why would satan create a tool of total control
Well, they sworn to disturb the child of Adam until the end of time.
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why does this creature insulting serbia make me angry even though i don't care about serbia? Is there a word for this?
>jig-jog troon avatar
>spherical earth
Obvious zigger baiting account is obvious
>tfw no Bosnian hijabi gf
its not baiting I looked through their replies. Its some ukranian jew that really hates russia and communism.
i fucked your mom orally kaffir
Genuine belief in what's being posted doesn't cancel out the intent to elicit angry responses, aka baiting.
shut your mouth mizera
I am a Satanist
I think Germans and Russians are right about the P*les.
his goal is to make you hate them you know, he said so himself
Gives me the same energy of a kid doing something retarded and coping by saying it was his intent to make you laugh.
But why do they do it? Why do they wish to embody the circus freak version of themselves?
French shizo: OUT
Polish shizo: IN
I am actually retarded
No, I'm not
The end result of NEETdom is schizophrenia
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i AM NOT crazy
I am the only sane one here.
tell him my life is over and im kms eventually
so true
Same here
>filthy musliman destroying something butifel
some things never change
>replying to the trannylover's most used muslimlarp ragebaits
serbmun tier video
>making a point means you took da beit
What drove me to insanity is that I never had sex
>le sex
Then how come I'm not schizophrenic? The causal relationship in your statement is actually backwards.

Then how come this hasn't been true for me? The causal relationship in your statement is actually backwards.
>year of our lord 2024
>not running your vehicle on alcohol
You bump his threads every day
I don't
I bump your ass
>In a group of animals (usually a litter of animals born in multiple births), a runt is a member which is significantly smaller or weaker than the others. Owing to its small size, a runt in a litter faces obvious disadvantage, including difficulties in competing with its siblings for survival and possible rejection by its mother. Therefore, in the wild, a runt is less likely to survive infancy.
Brutal. Nature doesn't like manlets.
in the past with less developed birthing technology the mentally ill and weakling never made it past the birth process, but nowadays they all do...
I just noticed that this is not a blue board anymore, is this a recent thing?
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Lmao this nigro is a kremlin bootlicker now, imagine being this much of retard.
ye bro, it was changed two days ago
terrorists always got drip while zogbots are cringe as fuck literally courage vs cowardice
>NAFO harrassee
Him and Sashe should do a podcast
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'lach when he gets a work mail notification
imagine the slutwhore theory

>trusting balkanimals
It's all on him, or should I say in him.
>news website updated its look
>went from comfy and functional 2000s look to 80% padding
the south has fallen
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>I demand that you run a legacy version of your news site parallel to the new design if you wish to retain your older audience!
>bro you don't understand you need this new design that is 80% ADbloat
100 news sites in fyromistan have been contacted with suggestions for more padding because of this post. I will revel in your pain, contrarian boomer.
just did a session of some albovlach approved cardio
it changed from a convenient layout when the new news were front and center and ordered by date so you could quickly scroll through them into one where everything is split into twenty subpages with questionable ordering, and an ad takes up 40% of the home screen
High-Intensity Interval Edging?
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Just a reflection of your healing society
You are all mentally ill homosexuals
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last set was to failure btw
heeeh good one
you didn't forget to maximize gains by recycling lost proteins, surely
You cant know if Sasko will be faimous in 10 years by now. Same happend to Tate
I remember like 10 yrs ago i saw randomly a video of Andrew tate long before he became faimous with title "my experience with romanian mafia" or something like. But he was humble talking back then nothing like what he is today, his videos didnt had more than 2000 views. Basically thats how he ended up here, meet some romanian outlaws and created connections for casino business and shitty mma shows.
Gotta keep those dumbfucks on the site for longer.
In 10 years he will only be faimouse with the loons at Bardovci and the local police station.
tatars are dickwashers
Albovlach is directly propelled into the elite of shqips society for reading news and shota porn novels.
reddit activity
my lost protein is going straight into the adriatic, fuck the enviroment
нeкoй мpикaнcки oфицep e бил нa пoceщeниe
I have woken up, mistakes were made

250 mistakes materialized while you were asleep
345 rectified themselves.
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why would you leave the switzerland of the balkans
At this rate it will take a long long time to redeem the Balkans
That's charity for whoever recycles the semen.
Shqips are breeding.
I wish i could help
>39.3% Islamic
Timmydonian converts
i for one don't view myself as a mentally ill homosexual
>I identify as heterosexual
Don't ask Allah to reinstate communism in your shithole again
albos are 30%+ out of those, timmydonian torbeshi are an under 1% think and turks and gypsies that are islamic are also similarly sparse so there is no way they together can bring down the shqip ratio to below 30%.
>Muslims before Islam
I wish Allah sends partisan fedayeen to your location immediately, bourgeois kafir
Macedonian Empire will become Islamic
>Two more weeks for Shqiptar Sharia
>Shqiptari Jihad inevitable
>Just two more weeks!
thought it was the crorat but it was a swamp monkey
why are flags so similar
Do you know what it's like dealing with "people" that have several daily impulsive chimp-outs and struggle with basic arithmetics? That's what its like living around albos.
Krvats stole our flag and added their chessboard on it
You can always ditch Kosovo 2 for a wonderful country like The Netherlands. We have plenty of room for more foreigners.
Pan-Slavic colors emerged from PIdor the Greats obsession with dutchies so he stole their flag and replaced the then orange with red.
No, I hate minorities.
Okay, okay I just don't see how living among 90IQ morrocans is an upgrade than living among 90IQ shqips.
Powerful lyrics

Дa нe би дocтoјaл
Пpeд нe знaм чијa
Чијa вpaтa

И пaк пpoвepyвaм
Бyдeн cyм или coнyвaм
Coзepцyвaм или пpeлecтyвaм
Кoј ѓaвoл ќe гo знae...

И бapaм знaк
Tpaги oд cтpaдaњe
Дaли e oвa зeмјaтa
Пo кoјa Toј нeкoгaш oдeшe

Haвиcтинa ли Гo
Убијa oнoј штo ги избpa
Штo ги извeдe низ пycтинa?
O Бoжe!

Зoштo cтoјaм cкaмeнeт
И нeмaм тaквa cилa?
He вepyвaм ли дoвoлнo
Или нeтoчнo cyм cфaтил?
Oд кaдe тиe coмнeжи
Oд кaдe тoј cтpaв?
Дaли ќe ми oтвopи
Дaли ќe мe пpими внaтpe?

И Oнoј oд Кoгo cyм
Heмa дa дoзвoли
Oнoј штo мe вoзљyби
Heмa дa мe ocтaви
Caм cpeдe шyмa гycтa oд paцe
Штo мe гpaбaaт
O, Бoжe, Гocпoди, Cлaвa Teбјe!

Кaкo кeдap paзгpaнaт
Кaкo кипpиc издигнaт
Кaкo пaлмa в гpaдинa
Кaлинкa вo Гaдeca

Кaкo cмиpнa миpиcaв
Tpeндaфил ви Иepихoн
Кaкo cјaјнa мacлинa
Пoкpaј cини мopињa
Кaкo мepмep-плaнинa
Cpeдe пoлe вкoтвeнa
Кaкo кpeпocт, твpдинa
Oд Teбe зaкpилeнa
Кaкo глacoј пpopocки
Химни cвeтooтecки
Дa викнaм oд глyбини
Дa зaпeaм в пycтини
Кaкo кaмeн низ гopa
B пoнop дa ce cтpкaлaм
Кaкo пoтoк плaнинcки
Кoн Teбe дa пoбpзaм
Кoн Teбe дa пoитaм
Cлaвa дa Tи пpинecaм
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>you have a chess champion and they don't
ive been harraseed multiple times by browns on int because they thought i was a dutch coloniser
i hate crofart flag, fuck the slavmun tricolor and the chessboard that nobody can draw from memory. we shouldve settled for picrel, its much cooler
>Anatoly Karpov
lamaaa rageshuuuu goyiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim
nigga that's a table cover
You can live among 95 IQ Frisians nigger. Nafris aren't everywhere.
It's time to accept your Bosnian identity
it ain't a balkanic table cover unless it's wipable pvc and has random shit written on it like caaffe, short white, latte, espresso
>Borrowed from Ottoman Turkish مشمع (muşamma), from Arabic مُشَمَّع (mušammaʕ, “waxed; covering dipped in wax”).

turkgarianism strikes again
what about the flower patterns bro
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boomers be like "mmm yes this finna look great on my table"
>5 IQ improvement
Not enough of an incentive.
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>you arrive at your grandpa's village
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bootyfel kaaffee
We also have that word in Greece
>>you arrive at your grandpa's village
sovl overdose
I will make several statues of Venus of Willendorf and disperse them around my house as decoration.
The Temple of Plapjack
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its pure sovl+it beats the overdesigned garbage that the current coat of arms is
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New Janis story just dropped
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he's going for the myspace look
He is 10/10 bro
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>He is 10/10 bro
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The guy behind that statement
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didnt he have bigger tits doe
Too white.
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What do you call this phenotype
vardarian mutt
the its over
Darko Trannysimpovski
CEO of balk phenotype
Drko Pederakuloski
only a real woman would apply this much facial filters.
Sasho sucked all the milk
this nigga from coomanovo
how can him and nojko live 1km from each other
God I hope next evil imperial rocket falls in Cumanovo instead of Lviv or other first world cities y
>general, why are there 30 rockets aimed at cooooomanovo instead of new york?
>shut up shrub hymen, you dare question the entj dictator
Why are twps so scared of kumanovo?
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___, _ ____ _ ____ ____
That's Sydney Sweeney though.
Mental that the world's evil empire might be led by a street shitting she maymun soon
>slightly visible nipple
Yep, I just came HARD.
Now kill yourself
>deciding anything
gojce pls
I wouldn't mind getting chocked to death during secks, tbqh famalam.
The outward face of jewmocracy is just as important as the inward one with the big nose
When I think of Germany I think of a blonde, blue eyed woman frolicking about in the Alps happily and singing to the sheep she's herding.
When I think of Russia I think of a blonde, blue eyed woman that is abusing and facesitting on Timmyslav and he pretends he's trying to get off from underneath her.
When I think of the USA I think of an obese mullato woman in a rainbow dress twerking at me and causing earthquakes in the backround.
O fucked but i didnt cum
was he big?
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Mental to think this guy's ancestors left that peaceful place to come to the Haemus peninsula and annoy us, the eternal Greeks for the past ~1500 years
We must deport all of them adelfos mou, from Sofia to Diyarbakir
The whore was a turk btw, i spent 15 minutes showing her gore videos of women getting beheaded and dismembered
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дa нac ни бoли
и нe пeчe
тoa штo мopaмe нeкoгaш дa ja пpифaтимe тaa peaлнocт,
штo e тeшкa
и тaжнa
зa мaкeдoнcкитe гpaгaни
Lol based pic
Damn that hroastie cut my interview short and said im not allowed in the building ever.
what did you do?
The comments on this video are quite amusing
Not even gonna look at them but I already know it's filled with tatar wewuzzers.
I rizzed her up
>Her name is Bendis, not Vendis. Greek language lacks many sounds and this shows it, so they probably could not speak properly and Bulgarian became Barbarian or Barb-aryan. Later as we became enemies they put a negative meaning to the word.
>As a Bulgarian I can track back all of our culture to the Thracians. I can't honestly think of one single thing we got from the greeks. We had: music, poetry, a well developed language, goldsmithing, metallurgy, writing, religion, pottery wheel, spinning wheel, warfare skills, horse domestication, chariots, philosophy, medicine, astronomy, agriculture, building, wine making and more, from the Thracians. >We had travelled to India and Egypt. We did that several millenia before the greeks arrived here as barbaric people. So what did the greeks give us? The official narrative don't match with the real facts. I don't care what greek historians wrote, I care what artefacts come out of the ground. If we had the Varna culture, when most of the known world was in caves, does it look like we needed any help. BTW the Varna people are Thracians.
Vgh, Tatargarian historian, why are they and albos like this?
Apparently you didn't if she kicked you out
Thoughts >>201813779?
it's been known to happen in cases of incelmaxxing
signals an opportunity for powertripping to the stereotypical hroastie
ai em bvllgayryan
>he inscription of the Ezerovo ring is not greek but Thracian. Greeks got their letters from the Thracians (except for 4)so these letters are not greek by origin at all. The meaning of the inscription and the words are in the Thracian language with words kept up to modern days in the Bulgarian language.
I found this, if people want to know more, I can try to find out.
Mental illness on several levels, from wewuzzing as thracians to their conclusions about thracians.
>n-no bro we definitelly didn't get ANYTHING from our more advanced neighbours nuh-uh!
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Why is this mostly done by bulgars and albanians?
>greeks got their letters from thracians
Mental fucking illness.
Probably massive butthurt over them never being truly relevant, makkes can rest easy knowing they've spermed the world irreperably but tatars and shqips don't have any such thing.
they haven't completely given up
>the two roma(n) provinces full of roma(ns) crying about youtube comments again
I did she showed me her gums but then the roastriumvirate kicked me out. Long story short i had this colleage bitch that hated me in uni and i cornered her one time and slapped the shit out of her and she happens to work there now and thats who kicked me out.
I did it because she was ceo of our group and lied to me about an exam date and i made a clown of myself then i slapped the fuck out of this whore.
Watch and learn how stupid women are this time i will kick the legs from beneath this post wall whore and poke her in the eyes.
I would have loved to pretend to work right next to the mall which is a sea of endless pussy
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real totally happened story hours
Tatargarians will never know and understand the glorious feeling of being a descendant of Alexander.
>10 post early again
you sound like the type of man to act hardass but be a giant simp underneath. no real nigga would have relied on a woman for information to begin with. this is all on you ultimately
eл бyмпo

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