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blur edition
might book a night at the dogs
Crazy how much piss they spray
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nth for the gyaldem
am l white?
you already live with your mum mate
sanky panky
sent that runt back to the kennel
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aff tae bed
enter the survival horror at it's finest
Seen this so many times and only just noticed the star citizen hoody
what, you egge?
*I stab you*
i said he lives in a house
a very big house in the country
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Am i white?
I don't know. Can you repeat the question?
how do i break the cycle thirdie guilt payments sending money to a country I never plan to set foot in ever again
Oh so the government is only just now concerned about human rights in the middle east?
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ok thanks
It's baffling how boogie just won't die despite being so fat and unhealthy
eating cereal as an adult should be illegal
thats dinner sorted
business idea: alcoholic sandwiches
>I am no longer sending money
If they complain why would you even care to have them in your life?
Bit the bullet and seeing a counselor on Friday lads. Got bats in the belfry
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cor this meats a little bit ruff!
Good luck to you mate
whats the logic here?
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thoughts on french school classes?
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Looking forward to your misery blogging about the system and its processes
don't pate have brandy in it? you can put pate on a sandwich
how dus he eat??
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it was over for us when we started grain storage
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25 million views
many zoomers are expressing their dissatisfaction with the choices they have been given

it seems that purple room meme is accurate
is that some motherfuckin black and white
he bites food and swallows it
dont is chops get in the way??
>Jacques Nguyen
Well, at least the East Asians somewhat try I guess
who would women curtail their appearance and behaviour? men have proven time and time gain that they will fuck anything
There were one or two girls in there I'd take out. Most of them just need to lose some weight and they'd be totally fine
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>Charkes Martel
spinning in his grave like a fidget spinner ffs
rorke puttering away in a discord dedicated to trading middle school curriculums and lunch menus
surely this is a joke
dating apps are for stupid people
>Can mock your genetic flaws like MPB and height freely whilst doing everything possible to obfuscate the realty of the situation with cosmetics
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Tweaking the black levels on my new monitor
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a bu prd ceai cacco avae men es l
sanky panky
aye, you old fuck
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Not an anime.
bless you
think I'm wasting my life
Why do people want to live here

You won't have a better life in the UK

Ask anyone
Hopefully none
just had a shit and now my ringpiece burns
hope it's not cancer like the lad last thread suggested, I appreciate his advice though
some of you lads are alright tbf
>STILL no gog repack
We suffer
non-whites get preferential treatent
It's too hard to tell what men are gay nowadays. The straight men in their 20s-30s all act very gay now.
How so?
He didn't suggest it was cancer are you drunk
There’s maybe 2 or 3 girls there that I wouldn’t shag
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>mumberg smokes 10 cigarettes in a row
>comes in and uses an inhaler and nebulizer
Had anything spicy and oily?
>Israel-Isaac Kirschenersteinwitcz
Yeah definitely real
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gonna venture outside tomorrow
I am so androgynous people think I was originally girl and now a MTF
Was something in our water
Thanks mate

Going private so hopefully don't have to deal with the NHS's shite
thank you <3
mad how many people here go day to day without posting a single image or anything

they just post words
on an imageboard
where you going lad?
Reduced waiting times for housing, reduced punishments for criminal activity, more likely to get hired for work because of diverse hiring policies
The new 'eitch

walking lad loves his walks
I'd assume the last name is hyphenated too
>Israel-Isaac Kirschener-Steinwitcz
Now everyone sing along!
>Oh Tajina, Hamsalam. Whoa Tajina, Hamsalam, Tajina had a child, Hamsalam, The damn thing gone wild, Hamsalam...
Why's he get to meet Saka
I envy your climate and your architecture and I would appreciate whatever culture you've got left. Like you, I melt at 76F/24C.
Is this the first time you haven't put your own face on the thumbnail Charlie?
Is that because you think you might get more engagement now that everyone sees you as a wrongun?
Couldn't be me
Not mad at all is it
just discovered that 21 savage is an englishman
wanking lad loves his wanks
Gay poncey lad at work said all gays have gaydar and can tell which guys are gay. He said I was obviously straight and the “least gay”.
Guaranteed I’ve had sex with more men than he has. Bunch of clowns
Mental how badly I mindraped him
>Leeds festival-goers demand refund after 21 Savage 'turns up 40 minutes late and does 10 minute set'
we don't claim him
I'd expect him to be twenty-one savages.
>21 savage
literally who
he mindraped you albeit
dont know what zoomers mean they talk about ratios
like clockwork
Graham Hancock. He's fucking mental.
>tfw he said London is worse for crime than his Atlanta ghetto where he got shot
well his brother was stabbed to death in london but reading more on that case his brother was the one that started it
more replies (negative) than likes
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what's your relationship like with your auntie?
>lift duvet
>fart audibly for the neighbours
>return duvet
And you dodge the smell wafting up the sheets and hitting you in the face
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Just come in the thread post my gay shit and leave now ha ha x
>well his brother was stabbed to death in london but reading more on that case his brother was the one that started it
unless his brother stabbed someone first he didn't really "start it" did he
It's a spasticated version of mob mentality in which the group with the most supporting a particular opinion, regardless of its truth, becomes the defacto reality
It's like a ministry from 1984 but with a perm
like cockwork
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this is yaxley-lennon and farage's britain
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>Human rights are the basic rights and freedoms that belong to every person in the world, from birth until death.
>They apply regardless of where you are from, what you believe or how you choose to live your life.
>The Human Rights Act 1998 sets out the fundamental rights and freedoms that everyone in the UK is entitled to. It incorporates the rights set out in the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) into domestic British law. The Human Rights Act came into force in the UK in October 2000.
Not really “human rights” then is it? It’s rights given by a government.
There are no “human rights” because nobody is in charge of every single person on earth. We’re just animals, where does the idea that we have some magic uninfringeable rights come from? It’s all just rules given by governments isn’t it?
only groupthink counts nothing else does
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halfway through steamingtoil
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>face card
isnt it in some kind of licensing hell
is he ok
Between molyneux and microshart probably
mad how london is one of the most dangerous cities and there's not a single gun in there
Yes and it will never be released from it.
u tricked me
Craziest thing I've been told is that locks are for law abiding people
>3 girls and 2 boys
grim, girls seem to be almost as violent as boys now
it's dangerous *because* we don't have guns
I'm pro-2A
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Jewish women have my heart
growing out my beard
In that it's the illusion of security because they pose no barrier to criminals
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Rap is for utter spastics
Boggles the nut there is grown men listening to that shite
chocolate rolo cowboy hats
Girls are worse now than lads now. There's just a certain percentage of them that recognise no law. They've been spoiled rotten by their parents and they know society can't touch them so they just turn feral
They are
Keeps honest people honest as the saying goes
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>Article 10 of the Human Rights Act: Freedom of expression
>1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. This Article shall not prevent States from requiring the licensing of broadcasting, television or cinema enterprises.
Starmer will be absolutely fuming when he finds out about this
You watch too many movies
>girls seem to be almost as violent as boys now
just read a story in yankland about a similar case 5 girls aged 12-15 beat an old man to death. They said another man came up to them and told them to do it.
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capthca: GGAYN
Most crimes are crimes of opportunity, locks prevent these opportunities.
I don’t watch any movies though
Your police don't carry guns... You know what you have to do.
>How can I be racist if one of em is white?
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Freedom of speech is a nice idea but in reality it does not work
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yo listen up heres a story
got grey skin
eyes bluish grey
hair going grey
beard mostly grey
grey hairs on my ballsack
im grey da ba dee da ba die
soul patches are in again
not freedom from consequences
Pancetta, goats cheese, red onion, tenderstem and basil fritatta down the hatch
Filename gave it away you lemon
It's wog, it's wog; it's big, it's heavy: its wood.
It's wog, it's wog; it's better than bad; it's good!
That snake is huge!
mr fancytrousers
very weird animals snakes
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c ca pam beve arcel uaas dcn ie o
*comes off and hits a concrete wall at 50mph*

>he was a cheeky chappy RIP U R wiv da angles now
>he dint mean no arm, them coppers ad it out for 'im
>Fly high sweet angle you are wiv Ur XL bully in Heven now xxxx :'(
There was also that case in Wales where a 17 year old girl and two men kicked a man to death over nothing
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having a greedy attack
odds: bacon, cheese and salad
evens: pot noodle
dubs: pop down the tesco
>dubs: pop down the tesco
mad thing city living
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Right how we feeling lads
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Anxious, nervous, worried
actually i live in a small town with one supermarket but it closes at midnight
when i stayed in central London a month ago there was no tesco superstore and the tesco express next to the hotel closed at 11pm
Bless you again... The pollen's terrible this time of year, isn't it?
fucking smashed it
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scouse fanny
they also have stolen palestinian land
doing an incel poo then it's off for an incel walk to clear my incel head
do leaf police do
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she sucked off jim norton
are those boobs real
oh no
got that makes me really fucking angry that does
rrrr not bloody palestine
Very impressive scoop. Feel like it would have been much easier if the bucket was just turned to face the cow though so it flows into it
I refuse to believe animals aren't sapient
no such thing
just remembered when i'd put glue all over my hands in primary school then wait for it to dry and peel it off later
loved doing that
Sure do, but depending on the where, the when, and the how, we can absolutely Pickton teenaged gender terrorists for a few years before the geese interfere.
Nope, wrong, horrible idea
Remember sticking pins through the very top layer of my skin haha
The leftie loonies have gone absolutely mental over palestine
Got shouted at and called a jew in the street
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send more fat jewish milkers here please
waifuberg uploaded an asmr vid of her bf stroking her hair and the incels are spam disliking it

why must I share a hobby with such utterly pathetic freaks
do it with cum
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I’ve never used an excavator. Would there be that much more force pushing against it front on as opposed to side on?
she's attractive
that's 100,000 followers on social media and £20,000 guaranteed monthly income from the onlyfans
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much higher like dislike ratio than I was expecting, must be a lot of cucks such as yourself in the community
Life is amazing here in Blackpool lads. Genuinely love living on the coast, there’s such a lovely greng quality to it.

Don’t even mind all the tourists although it is much nicer when they fuck off for the winter
almost too peng ffs
maybe fellow freaks who fancy her cant stand her having a bf? you do call her your waifu after all
Bold use of the word hobby there mate
racist ahh goat
I really don't give a h*ck
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>Life is amazing here in Blackpool lads
Probably a unique sequence of words that have never been uttered before by man
He got the $100 million bag from Amazon for his podcast, 3 years guaranteed. The job is done.
who hasn't
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reckon I'll start exercising on the morrow
fatness is not fun
There was a study which showed mice had in group preference between those with the same fur colour as opposed to different
Fascinating really
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>Life is amazing here in Blackpool

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what a fucking cuck
bros elo is in the tip
why are zoomers like this ffs

are you saying racists are mice brained
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What do we even do about the kids now? They're all either murderers or have spent £4000 on their blobman dad's credit card either buying Robux or Tiktok Live gifts.

We've utterly fucked them and one day they have to run the show
That calf has a fair amount of momentum, which would turn into force upon striking the bucket. It's a more likely save, but more likely to result in broken bones. If the calf got anything stuck under the claw, it could quite possibly snap it (clean off) as it scooped.
Just start with walking lad, nice and steady
good post
grim neurotic porn addict
emily is done blud
Black willies are just nicer
Orthodox Jews famously despise Israel and Zionism
They are extremely upset about being conscripted
this is fake like everything they do
When did Brit become so based?
incredible manoeuvre
want to build a home gym but it's expensive
Charlie Veitch posting on twitter about being a based catholic before going on /gif/ to wank to tranny porn
me in /brit/
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hold on...who is 'they'
Well you've presumably already done the most expensive part (owning a property with space for a home gym)
>This wasn't racist because it wasn't him in blackface it was the character
10/10 mental gymnastics
What's expensive about finding some rocks in a field?
The ancients used boulders, why can't you?
You think you need all that fancy bullshit equipment? That its somehow magically better?
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one of my neighbours is listening to James Blunts goodbye my lover goodbye my friend song
Oh shut up you fucking twat
Satire needs to involve and exploit such subtleties or it devolves into wrathful critique.
Okay thank you. I’ll keep that in mind if I’m ever in a similar situation
um mate, you are an utterly pathetic freak
reckon he's lost a girl eh?
who gives a shit?
happens all the time to old white people

why should i care now its happened to old brown person
stopped following my twitchfu when I found out she had a bf
how come if i post about politics I get warned and told to post it in /pol/, but if I post about music I don't get warned and told to take it to /mu/
reckon its a she but im unaware of her having a bf
no music isn't a rule
hope this helps
Cry about it Spaedo
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ah... hello all
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how would regurgitating the point I made help?
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.. fuck it
it's a good song
This image really made me think bro
Do you have brain damage?
how's it going
>aussie hours
time to call it a night
and great dam ice opens
after building word ceaselessly caches have mended essential love
come call pain neve parcel us down or out
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Are Luce was told to write her feelings about how she felt she was responsible for the deaths of them babies by a counsellor, to stop her feeling bad about it happening in her care.

The defence counsel didn’t raise it at the trial. Every day the case against her unravels.
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Timmy is looking old man

Bless him. I wonder how like... senile he is
sounds like the endings more insane than the beginning
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>Norway is buying up all the of London.

What are you gonna do about us modern jew vikings huh? We literally own 70 percent of Oxford Street lel
Always knew she was innocent, Lucy’s Army member since day 1 here x
The chemical cosh put out his flame
poo screaming
why do women think that face is even remotely sexy
who convinced them of this
hey bruce
Deary me
He’s been totally lobotomised since he got his wilbert out on Twitter, the Oxford Health goons finally took him down and injected him with their zombie juice.

There’s nothing left of him now. A mere shell of a man.
You stink of desperation
poo berg squatting in my bowls
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Anyone else worried about death a lot?

Like I'm 32 and it just seems so many people I know are old, like my parents.

What do we find solace in
Never watched Paki films before. Surely there must be some good ones.
Bet she liked that
your future queen married a black man
anime freaks
need doing in
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> We literally own 70 percent of Oxford Street
lol go load up the google maps and see it
oxford street isn't really considered prime anymore
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Never heard of KFC people before
I guess we’d call them Nandos people
london is foreign I don't care what goes on there
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So all those American Candy shops are owned by the Norwegians then?
ever been under?
as in total anesthesia?
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how's your day treating you
why are other people allowed to show their genitalia on the internet but not him?
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No, she did not, that was her crazy sister. Our future queen fucks this chad
>How do you feel about those babies that died?
>I murdered them. It was me. I am the murderer.
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Sometimes life may stink but we can always smell good
fucking hell he looks literally braindead. really sad what we do to schizos, tim was practically harmless
Tim is a Targeted Individual. He isn’t allowed to have a normal life.
need heatherfreak on heavy sedatives locked up in a padded cell, pronto
na only worry about death occasionally. im 32 and my parents are 62 and in good health so it will still be a while off probably 20-30 years till they die *touch wood*
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Not too well, still we must persist.
Always new you was hun. Shes an angle an lucky to hav u on her side
this is sad to see

clearly another victim of the cost of living
She'll end up a slag just like her mum.
an Australian is Queen of Denmark
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So it's just as I suspected all along. The crime...is unsolvable.
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We own a little of Birmingham too!
He’s harmless until one day he’s not. One day he decides to “do something” about the dentist and goes around and nursery him with an axe, then the NHS have got to explain why they didn’t lobotomise the loopy cunt when they had a chance.

It’s honestly the best thing for them. Being schizophrenic must be a living hell, better to feel nothing than to be constantly on edge and delusional.
ooh we all love a bad girl don't we?
been in a semi-permanent state of existential dread since i was about 16 hope this helps x
Miss my NEET days cause they were comfy and stress free and I got to spend all day watching and reading things I loved

Do not miss them also because of the familial disappointment and intense feeling at the back of my head that I was a failure and life was only going to get worse
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Made pizza and beans :)
The scariest thing about Tim is that he was basically a normal bloke with a stable job and a family until one day he just wasn't.
>her crazy sister
blud doesn't even know his own royal family
Nah he was completely harmless
Only thing's that's gonna happen to him now is a bunch of 12 year old girls are going to beat him to death one day when he's walking outside
Do you lads own any residential property? Imagine if your landlord was a foreign country, would he mad
deano also likes nandos so might get confusing
death is a beautiful thing once you learn to appreciate its inevitability
Our royal family is a mess, wonder what happens in yours, pederasty and killing of butlers in "hunting accidents"
nah qatar and russkies own more

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