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edition of the badger
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A common misconception that schizophrenics are dangerous
They are more likely to hurt themselves than others
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good night to the gamers of /brit/
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Damn, she's getting chunky.
are quite likely to spam nonsense in /brit/ for hours on the other hand
subedition of the bodger
just finished reading a book on buiness
mental that runts study this at uni instead of something useful like engineering or medicine
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Quite enjoying the Paralympic highlights on Channel 4 +1
I would never hurt myself
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thoughts on mass effect?
would scran that
Candle in the wind
shit game
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She does have the Irish phenotype 2bh
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1 and 2 are good and comfy galaxy exploration games. Never bothered finishing 3
Just entered the thread, so I won't get any of the references
wish i could do a dna test without giving my dna to some company that will sell it to the fbi
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my heart goes out to him
he always seemed like a cool guy
struggling with some intense ocd and verging into delusions when intensely stressed, but still an interesting and likeable person who shouldn't be treated badly especially by internet sickos who want to be entertained by it or by government workers who think they're trying to improve his life and protect him
Same as the last 100 threads mate x
femshep scissoring liara throughout all three games is my headcanon
Yeah it's fucked
those thoughts are gone now? landed a good job then?
she's awful tanned
what county in ireland is her family from?
i find myself attracted to the very mentally ill crazy women
theres just something about it that turns me on, maybe it's the danger, maybe it's the unpredictability, maybe it's the spontaneous run shes coming at you with a knife
i dont know
all i know is i love crazy pussy, the crazier the better
cant stand boring basic trad bitches, it just doesnt excite me
anyone else?
whats the term for this?
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Kind of would like to be single so I could paint more Warhammer and go hiking more
have callouses all over my feet
me I don't give a shit about him he was just very entertaining when he wasn't medicated
What do you imagine that someone would do with your DNA information
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Mad how the Paralympics has a category for low iq people
Like this is Jerry who got his leg amputated and this is Daryl who’s just a bit dim. Now race.
There was a Spanish basketball team that put in relatively normal people (for Spain anyway) into a Paralympics event for the low iq
how much of the UK have you lads explored / visited in your years?
A job with alright career progression yeah
Despite the comfiness and leisure of being a NEET had a deep anxiety about where my life would end up and being a disappointment because everyone thought I was smart growing up
Don't think tim was ever gangstalked by anons desu it's always been a protective spirit sort of deal
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County Rum cork
the world would be a better place with less of you
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Life is complicated. It’s filled with nuance. It’s unsatisfying. . . . If I believe in anything, it is doubt. The root cause of all life’s problems is looking for a simple fucking answer. Look, I appreciate my fans, but I don’t feel any obligation to give them what they want or expect. I don’t feel any obligation to live up to anybody’s expectation of me.
there isn't a square metre I haven't explored
Spent the last week's daily wank spunking rapidly to minging grannies

Don't ask it just gets me ynow
Erm dunno, have got some big gaps though (never properly been to Liverpool/Manchester, never been to Cornwall)
nah people used to mess with him quite a bit
good lad
he would literally run away at the slightest bit of confrontation. when the dentist spoke to him he mumbled incoherently
"schizo goes nuts and dismembers family with an axe" are actually extremely, vanishingly rare cases (except for blacks, shockingly)
the 4 countries obviously (yes even NI)
the highlands
north west, manchester liverpool
the south west, cornwall

never actually been to the midlands apart to drive through it, and never been in the "home counties" outside London, or anywhere on the south coast
just telling it how it is
if you get feelings for every mentally ill person posting their ramblings online you can't function
I did a giggle and thought about the Scottish Chad who learned the secrets of tea making and smuggled cuttings out by yellowing up and pretending to be from another Chinese province.
Mental how similar him and epstein looked in profile
everyday i'm filtering, filtering, filter, filtering, filtering, filter, filtering, filtering, filter, filtering, filtering, filter

everyday i'm filtering
everyday i'm filtering
everyday i'm filtering
everyday i'm filtering

everyday i'm filtering
everyday i'm filtering
everyday i'm filtering
everyday i'm filtering
I'm a semi colon; addict
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glad to hear it
yeah nice
really is a beautiful place. Suppose you don't always notice as much if you're living there
ah yes, manchester
bit of a meme prodigy myself
the bits where there aren't people living there are beautiful
cities are ugly with a capital ugly
Got a little sugar in my tank
Sleeping is the only thing I enjoy
i don't care
male shep
every time
yeah the countryside can be really nice
the highlands are breath taking and lots of good hikes to do
england has comfy fields and forests
scotland has the mountains
wales has hills and valleys and nice coastline

shame the weather is shite for 90% of the year though
someone sent him a letter with poleaboo and kev, somebody commented "don't mess with me sunshine" under a couple of videos, but nothing that drastic
i'm sad they deleted all his videos, there was one where he opened a singing birthday card from some nice girls from canada who'd sent him a moose that i loved
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Unpopular opinion: the first four Phantasy Star games on the Master System and Sega Genesis (Mega Drive for our Bong friends) are the only science fiction pieces of media that I like. Star Wars is boring, Mass Effect sucks, most sci-fi media is slop.
evening deegs
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A lot
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On the one hand, I think the Paralympics show a much better side of humanity compared to the olympics. Competitors pushing past adversity and disability, either from traumatic life experiences or birth, to become the best they can possibly be. It’s genuinely inspiring to see people with such strong will and determination.
On the other hand, just some downs syndrome fellas playing ping pong. Can see that at the leisure centre.
leftypol shocked
rorke rocks!
don't get it
you missed the other stuff, guess it was before your time
bit of a final fantasy ripoff innit?
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Even all the old R.O.T.O.R bunkers?
evening ginge
have taken a very similar image
nice one lad
feel like SHIT
He's taking a medicine called Prep. Which refers to prepping the bull. What all white men must do for BBCs.
Let me guess: this is the mountain-ey part of Scotland?
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UK used to stand for United Kingdom but ask any today and it stands for Unbelievable Krimewave
post 'em
AIDS or something I think. Feel like he’s grasping a lot recently desu
haha yeah the uhh nebulous 'other stuff' that was uhhh fallacious argument
paralympics are just sad
can't watch it myself
disabled fellas having a game, and only 3 of them actually get a medal
vast majority of the field get nothing and are still disabled
Rorke counting down the hours until Mcdonalds Monopoly starts
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Can't make a greek god with that
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yeah admittedly I went when the weather would have been at its absolute best
I like sleeping too but you need to broaden your horizens. Other things I like doing that you should try:
-getting pissed
-getting high on weed
-getting high on ket
-getting high on eccies
-getting high on shrooms
-getting high on coke
-sticking dildos in your bum
-shagging blokes from grindr
-getting shagged by blokes from grindr

See? There's so much to enjoy in this life, lad.
Wet - Celts
Dry - Saxons
>Norway owning Oxford street and London office properties
>Bought it all 10 years ago
>then brexit happened
>then covid happened
>wanted to sell some buildings
>then war in ukraine happened
>interest rates fucked
>A bunch of leases are about to expire with companies refusing to renew them because of wfh and mass firings
>also a bunch of new "ESG codes" saying these buildings need millions in upkeep for net zero bollocks
>Norway's original plan was to buy them sit on their arses and let them increase in value doing nothing
>Now a lot of redevelopment work is needed to make them valuable and they will have to invest billions more to do it
i need to get out an see the uk more
think the happiest ive ever been is when i got into hiking last year. driving to and hiking the lakes, peak district, yorkshire dales, and more.
didn't do any of it this year, don't know why.
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I wouldn't say ripoff, maybe more of a response to Nintendo. They had Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest back in the day, so Phantasy Star was their answer. It differs from those games a lot given it's sci-fi and, in my opinion, the atmosphere is on-point in each game. Big fan of II myself.
Anyone tried one of these Tenzing energy drink things? Had a can of it earlier and I feel more awake than I have in forever. Can't even sleep after being awake almost 24 hours.
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Time to complete my monarchist Portugal-Brazil hoi4 game
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Getting up there but not quite.
>lakes, peak district, yorkshire dales
all gorgeous places
The world has been demystified
For instance, energy drinks should be really known as energy potions
100 billion+ humans have been through it, you'll go through it, I will, everyone in this thread will, it's fine mate it's part of life
get busy living or get busy thinking about dying innit
Good. Fuck them.
Nah. Thanks for reminding me to read this book that's been on my backlog though.
Dare I say it but Western Animation mogs anime pedophile cartoons.
care to elaborate?
might buy some crystal meth on the internet and then buy a pipe then smoke the meth
it can't be as addictive as they say
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Mousey posting is verboten
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have you thought about surgery?
need to quick the floor weed
Western animation peaked with Snow White and has been utter shite ever since, so as generally awful as tranime is, it's still better than western shite.
Sometimes the challenge is the reward thoughbeit
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You're addicted to the high from spice and no longer know what THC feels like
Would like to do shrooms up in the Highlands or New Forest or something
I got a gf and I've done nothing but the safe holidays she wants to do since, it's killing me
I thought the same thing
Tenzing Norgay
Usually energy drinks like Monster and Rockstar will make me feel jittery but this one hasn't at all
you take that in skye?
That's the sky yeah
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I have been to hundreds of pubs both here and abroad
I consider myself a bit of an expert. A pintman, a connoisseur if you will
back from the pub then dinner hten several booze drinks at the cocktail bar
will be in the office at 9am tomorrow
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No it peaked with Spongebob
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no, medals are all that matters sorry
name one olympian who never got a medal
you can't
Dear incels / chuds / nazis, have a question for you.
Do you actually, personally know any trans people?
Do you really believe that they are as horrible as you say they are?
Have you ever just taken the chance, sat down, and just talk with them?
You might be surprised to find that they are actually human beings, just like you.
You might even be surprised to find that they are exhausted and scared.
You might even just discover that they're a lot like you after all.
Nary a photon
>Western animation peaked with Snow White
Tasted weird to me. Like half beer half tea.
can hear the lass across the hall rubbing her tuppence
know its not some fella shagging her because there is no associated grunting
Surprisingly accurate
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peak specimin, me
wypipo be going on long ass walks and callin themselves hikers
Blokes in a dress
have fun
Ugly choppy cartoons about schoolgirls fighting demons do not mog anything.

Ever been to the Lord Nelson in Sydney?
sometimes forget just how shite the rest of 4chan is
Hitler / Trump / Musk worshipping virgins
they're mentally-ill and narcissistic
aye that I have
Alri pearlad
you're fighting imaginary people in your head
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New Forest sounds trippy as hell

Like you're in the woods but it's somehow digital or something
My family dissolved over arguments about money and wills
Worthless spastic cunts way to break the chain
Snow White is a brilliant film mate if you don't appreciate it I can only imagine that you are a tranny who sympathises more with the ugly apple bint.
did a wee in the sink
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Gender wars will end humanity
even the shetlands? even all of the rocky outcroppings of the hebrides? you've set foot on all of it?
maybe god really exists....
cope chuddie
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>Height 71 inches
>Inseam 29 inches
hai newfrens!
been all over, living in London, previously in Kent, travelled al over in Wales and lived in Cardiff, lived in Yorkshire (proper shithole part tho) and been lake and peak district and that, been all over Scotland as well done a little road trip all the way to Inverness, went to northern ireland and saw giants causeway and that, just the south west still eludes

don't need to leave blighty me love the uk me
sorry to hear
honestly I have no idea how wide my hips actually are, that just made the model look right. Skinny but with a smidgen of beer paunch.
Then you'd name one of the unique beers they serve.
The unmitigated gaul of a tourist speaking to /brit/izens as if you were the progenitor
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shutup I have a long torso
very short me
4 inches
Would like to do the south properly, Stonehenge, the New Forest, Jurassic Coast, White Cliffs, Battle etc

What else is there to do?
You're the one that loves princess stories, tranny
Air fryer is a game changer, boys.
mate I've been to hundreds of pubs as aforementioned but I recall their brewed beers had a trafalgar theme
I recall victory bitter cause it sounds like victoria bitter aha
Why do east asian women think they are entitled to have a white man?
They are hideous
im playing
you can't fry air mate
yeah didnt think so, now FOY you sad little gimp
My grandma hasn’t spoken to my mum in over 20 years because they had an argument at Christmas over my grandma having a ciggy in the garden and my mum said the smell was going to ruin the dinner she was cooking
Granted there was probably other things going on. But they both still cite that as the reason they completely cut contact
The internet has been a disaster for the human race
alexa how do I become a passport bro
bit peckish like
what do I eat like
I like mine but it's a glorified mini oven
aint no frying of air going on
i need a piss brb
you mean your cock? pretty average that
True but all the people at uni I knew who had air fryers would only make lazy unhealthy foods like chips
you can't fry air that's why the coatings are always PFA non-stick because it creates an atmosphere with the chemicals from that in which to fry
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>My grandma hasn’t spoken to my mum in over 20 years because they had an argument at Christmas over my grandma having a ciggy in the garden and my mum said the smell was going to ruin the dinner she was cooking
Yeah you've been there.

Best pub you've ever been to?
Worst pub you've ever been to?
once met someone who had 2 baby mama's and was working on a 3rd
*fries your bollocks*
money can solve all problems and make you happy
so many times a problem if you follow it though has money or rather a lack of money at it's root
>My grandma hasn’t spoken to my mum in over 20 years because they had an argument at Christmas over my grandma having a ciggy in the garden and my mum said the smell was going to ruin the dinner she was cooking
mental how petty boomers are
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>unmitigated gaul
wtf, chat GPT can meme
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>erm, you can't fry air
double that length and only then will it please a woman
Avebury whilst you're in Wiltshire
Was he white at least?
what about the cunt mum who hasn't done anything to make up for it either
just a ciggie innit
>money can solve all problems
I have dementia, what now
NO my main height
did you just get here from the mid-2010s lad
You ever wonder if you’re making the most out of your life?
vercingetorix is surrendering in this photo though
brennus would have been better
yeah. what do you mean at least though?
evening deegs
buy the nicest healthcare and check yourself into the nicest hospice
The Game
It's obviously not about the cigarette
oh shut up lad, do shut your mouth
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lel, mine went straight for it
Better for a white bloke to spread his seed than a brownie innit.
I'm living loving and laughing, discovered something new today and it's only 9am
my foot hurts
old shrapnel wound
historically illiterate mong
never got anything when any of my family died. don't know if my mum got anything but not really bothered I live comfortably enough and don't need what, a few grand, at the expense of falling out
Air fryer is just a convection oven with a new name. Don’t know why they’re suddenly popular. Everyone’s nan had one in the 90’s that they ordered from a catalogue
that's what I mean, they're both bad as each other really
well done mate, doing well in your autism classes I see
It helps but my mind would still be fucked up
Money can't solve everything
juulington is empty
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lol it actually does it
Halogen ovens are better.
You should be shot
i looked up "angry barbarian" but all of the image results were ai generated and stock images of vikings so i added about 20 other descriptors before i got a historic painting
It's 9am and I'm unemployed and posting on /brit/.
Don't worry you'll blink and it'll be 9pm
>dude they're so petty about this cigarette
"It's not about the cigarette"
are you happy though?
what if i shove it all including my balls
you need to get a more accurate measurement because im 113 cm tall myself
oh are the historymongs about to have a scrap?
always entertaining this
Yeah but isn't the form factor different? I know for certain things some people would rather use an air fryer vs. oven or vice versa
put the skull calipres away mate
Not really but most people aren't.
Need to be a new level of thick to be some Deano that gets a tattoo of a watch or a lion on his arm
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Corr. You’ve got the whole day ahead of you! What’ve you got planned? Learn some new skills? Start a project? You could write a story or learn a new language or anything
it was 9am this morning, I was employed, but also posting in here
wfh toil changes nothing
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Quiet, jeetard
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Anti-racism is a bad look m8, blog on.
rorkes dinner
baby mothers druthers
is josh here alri la
srry bout what happened la
wanna make it up
Go back to your general gobbo doesn't show his face here
Might play some videogames innit.
literal children who started using 4chan this year
everyone is asleep la
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shes still going
must be gooning
what a fucking disgrace
i'm a big guy for you
Midnight poo
how do i get rid of the yellowing in my bed sheets?
How about washing your fucking sheets
stop pissing yourself
Rorke AI generating scenarios that aren't real for him to get mad at
For me its the yellowy/brown stains in my mattress where I've pissed the bed over time. Sheets are easy to wash, just stick in the washing machine. If it is too stained, just chuck them out. Mattresses are fucked once they are stained.
Any good twink reccomendations? Preferably very pretty but also one who makes decent content rather than a shitty phone video of them wanking once a month.
thread just randomly died in the last 5 mins
gay JAV has good twinks
Everyone's gooning
obviously I'm talking about how they've let the situation get so bad a silly thing like that resulted in them ghosting each other for decades, with both parties being too proud to extend an olive branch

jesus christ not everyone is as autistic as you mate
Not into Asian lads. Do like Asian girls and there is one Asian trannard I wanked too a few times but other than that I don't find their males attractive. Can't compete with white boys in the slightest.
god I wish I had a gf like this
> twink
i'll stab u in the throat
not even joking
fuck off spainonce you evil ghoul
Scotland and Wales should have their own flags on /int/, /pol/, /bant/, and /sp/.
Odd post.
such a normie reaction
thread btfo
eddie wins again
literally again
Mental how badly I mindraped him
You guys can call me King Arthur because I just came-a-lot
I have what it takes
25°C outside bros it's so over
Pipe down kid
I believe in you :)
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>Scotland and Wales should have their own flags on /int/, /pol/, /bant/, and /sp/.
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Scotland had it's own flag on Krautchan's /int/
God I miss KC
who asked
big balls
The last ever /brit/ then
He's got big balls
She's got big balls
But I've got the biggest balls of them all!
mad how much 4chint has just been kc but years behind
both a bit shit though so never mind
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might move to blackpool
everything ends, mate. everything ends...
just found out that wanking stands for 'willy yanking'

mad that
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wiener spanking
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postin' a 'tad
Chat is this real?
One, two! One, two! And through and through
The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
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Can someone post that webm of the tranny parade walking down the pavement again for me please
Explain like I'm retarded (because im retarded)
Death of the shop?
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>Of roughly 350 arms exports, about 30 are being suspended – so less than 10%.
me on the right
love saxons
hate normans
Playing Hogwarts Legacy
Not played in a while x
bet ur a slytherend
your ancestors got raped by both anyways anglocuck

me? irish diaspora. we never got conquered
alri Jay Arthur Tolkien
wanted to be Hufflepuff
Ravenclaw it is, eh?
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>dude JAV lmao
Mad how im eating biscuits off the same desk i ejaculated on an hour ago. No plate or anything.
I'm of Moroccan ancestry
we got raped by the french and spanish
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well howdy m'pardner
shut it u nonce
i'll punch ur throat in
every game u play
every night u stay
i'll be watching u
since you've gone
i've been lost without u
Not a nonce but i enjoy playing Hogwarts Legacy alot.
Noncery is not binary, it's on a spectrum.
hang on this isn't brip

Is someone going to not be an autistic retard and make a proper thread then?
So this is it... the final /brit/


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