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nice bake faggot
love wandering the streets on a day like that
sorry that was mean and not representative of who i am as a person.
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Steven Morrissey subedition
I would pay all the money I have to live in this kind of climate
Something about his face makes me hate him
Living in Vancouver has a price
do you think this is a good idea?
dude you probably have enough to money to move to a random suburb of maryland/pennsylvania/north carolina/virginia
heard a lot about american hospitality
never experienced it though
Steve BlowJobs
Im already surrounded by chinese where I am
Thats called jealousy
Green doesn't look good on you
too humid + baltimore
Pennsylvania is comfy as shit, I almost moved to pittsburgh but I chickened out from moving cross country
too humid
Id rather be in WV but no jobs
is it because you're mexican?
I think it's the underbite
Makes him look smug
Baltimore does not deserve the hate it receives
*pops a cap in yo’ ahh*
t. Jacuarvious L'monto
He's mewing for the camera.
Oh, mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head
And as I climb into an empty bed
Oh well, enough said
I know it's over, still I cling
I don't know where else I can go, over
Do you pee in the shower?
don't have single drop of mexican in me
Oh shit, Moggissey
there are two types people in this world
those who pee in the shower and dirty fuckin liars
t. Quantavious Quincy Adams
ewwww fuck no
Sometimes I shit in the shower just to confuse the plumbing
i've never minded the mid-atlantic humidity. south of NC it might get nasty but maryland and virginia humidity is honestly quite pleasant
pain is too much
Yes, and anyone says they don't is a liar. Same with picking my nose
Little girls trying to get the attention of daddy. Classic.

Jews aren't as annoying to Mexicans.
boomers really did suffer from a lack of any good music, film, television, or art. i almost pity them.
you're very rude
Following a Ukrainian withdrawal Russian forces have secured the remaining fortifications of the pre war Donetsk line.
Imagine being this ignorant. I'm a boomer-hater too but the 60s and 70s had excellent music and films
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>any day now
great, can the war fucking end now
can't stand any film or television made after 2009.
or any art after pop art like warhol or lichtenstein, that was the last gasp.
there's always been good music though
70's had trash films and some good music
Mom called 911 for grandma
Less than 10% of the state's population lives in Baltimore. The surrounding suburbs and DC area are more populous and generally a lot nicer.
He is just making a bait post
what happened bud? is she okay?
do you wanna know what the bailbonds business is all about?
ever since gramgram passed granpa just drinks himself stupid every night
his poison of choice is rum
the 70's had terrible music, you guyus are nuts. the peak was the 1960's and revived in the 80's with nu-wave and glam rock
it's 2024 bud
I did not come here to feel
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Lethargic and fluctuating blood pressure or something like that
She's been sleeping all day for the past week or so. And she has a pacemaker
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shush. it's 1995
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the 70s was raw soul the 80s was plastic shit
bro, the 70's had Abba and the fucking osbornes
it was acceptable in the 80's
waiter, another kahlua and ginger ale
"Blue Monday" Engage!
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she'll be okay. keep her in your prayers
nothing wrong with abba
someone at sony gaystation saw this concept art and thought "HELL YEAH THIS IS A 100 MILLION DOLLAR FRANCHISE"

is this the end for sony? i hope so
I will, thank you
t. woman
I wrote letters back and forth with mine when he was widowed. Eventually he found a gf during his last few years.
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Wrong move, pall
What do you want me to use my teenage queen?

Also stop bombing your sister.
fuck your gay boomer music i listen to linkin park
>he knows who cyraxx is
red flag
I'm all about that street racing scene
funny how israel was the last country standing to support the whites in south africa and the maronite Christians in lebanon.

it's almost as if...
The Wicker Man
The Exorcist
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
A Clockwork Orange
Star Wars
Picnic At Hanging Rock
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
The Godfather
The Godfather part 2
Invasion of The Body Snatchers
Taxi Driver

George Harrison - All Things Must Pass
Comes - First Utterance
Television - Marquee Moon
The Modern Lovers - Modern Lovers
Tangerine Dream - Zeit
Faust - Faust IV
Neu! - Neu!
The Cars - The Cars
Talking Heads - 77
Brian Eno - Another Green World
Jethro Tull - Aqualung
Jethro Tull - Thick As A Brick
Every Pink Floyd album
Nick Drake - Pink Moon
Vashti Bunyan - Just Another Diamond Day
Fleetwood Mac - Tusk
Penguin Cafe Orchestra - Music From The Penguin Cafe
The Doors - L.A. Woman
Suicide - Suicide
Stevie Wonder - Songs In The Key of Life

Basically the 70s were amazing for film and music and you guys are WRONG
Linkin park?

More like emotional gay sex
lots of good movies there but oof that music list.
grim grim grim.
COMUS, not Comes
go on
in the end it doesn't even matter
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woah there scaruffi
not readin all zat
shut up when i'm talking to you
What does it say about society that no very rich and high-status men have publicly taken a turbo-thot belle delphine level e-girl girlfriend?
Makes you think.
What am I looking at
They don't need rich men because they're rich already. They want nice guys like me to settle down with.
Alright I'm signing off, keep my thread alive until this one dies if you would be so kind
internet niggas be like
im a femboy from moldova
i only listen to the top 50 songs on spotify
>George Harrison - All Things Must Pass
good album, shouldve been vcondensed by at least 60%. showed george did have good amterial but needed john or paul to filter it for him
>Comes - First Utterance
never hear od it
>Television - Marquee Moon
>The Modern Lovers - Modern Lovers
scaruffi contrarian core
>Tangerine Dream - Zeit
>Faust - Faust IV
thank you for not putting that dogshit first album
>Neu! - Neu!
genuinely sleep inducing
>The Cars - The Cars
fantastic, but was very late in the decade and basically counts as nu-wave
>Talking Heads - 77
inferior to RiL
>Brian Eno - Another Green World
I guess, but ambient is pretty meh
>Jethro Tull - Aqualung
>Jethro Tull - Thick As A Brick
>Every Pink Floyd album
Obscured by clouds was very forgettable, and the Wall aged horribly. Meddle, WYWH and AHM are god tier though, youre right
>Nick Drake - Pink Moon
decent, but very overrated.
>Vashti Bunyan - Just Another Diamond Day
never heard of it
>Fleetwood Mac - Tusk
>Penguin Cafe Orchestra - Music From The Penguin Cafe
never heard of it
>The Doors - L.A. Woman
Morrison hotel*
>Suicide - Suicide
terrible album only good for Frankie being dark humor. II is better
>Stevie Wonder - Songs In The Key of Life
I really want to emphasize this: sir duke is one of the best songs ever made. the album is entirely forgettable besides that
Let me guess, you don't have an inner monologue?
Sony's newest game that they spent 8 years and a cool hundy milly+ $$$ on, that they're shutting down after 2 weeks because everyone hates it. It's a hero shooter btw
Bender Boys Records never knew how close they where to glory
>Thick As A Brick

Fight me
What's it called?
Did they really spend 8 years in production and still went with the fat black tranny character design? Lol
prog rock stinks and so does thick
we should nuke poland
Army Men: Sarge's Heroes 2
Putin go home, you drunk
In hindsight, Jamiroquai was pretty good.
we should hurl a giant meteor at earth
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Girl, I fuck who I want and fuck who I don't
Got that A1 credit and that fillet mignon
She said, "I never wanna make you mad
I just wanna make you proud."
I said, "Baby just make me cum
Then don't make a sound"
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Concord. They're really living up to the gaystation name, never gonna shake it at this point. Also hero shooters have been dead for years since OW had like a 2 year bump
Nah senpai that shit was criiinnnggeee
Army men sarges war would have gone so hard if it got to come out
I remember tips and tricks ran a strategy guide on it and it looked so sick
but I live there
we should use one of those nuclear subs with the screen doors
drop it twist it butter my biscuit
Yes but I didn’t start until I was 26
Have you been flossing?
i'm not strong enough to lift a meteor that large
Well I appreciate hearing your opinions. I think Comus are worth listening to, you should check them out. Very dark folk music. Don't let the first song on First Utterance turn you off
why stop at just pissing in your shower? why not shit in the shower? do you know where this leads to? don't pee in the shower, it isn't worth it
how come accents are an immediate turn off
A man seeds, a slave sneeds

Good night
I love Poland
Slippery slope fallacy
This shit must be a money laundering scheme
I just can't believe $100 million was dumped into this trash
I shift violently from *total sincerity baring my soul to anonymous strangers* to *shitflinging with 12 layers of irony*
Only Indian accents desu, the rest are fine
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I'm Episcopalian.

Copes and seethes can go below this line
Would love a girl with a southern accent to eat my ass
roar ex dee
episcopalians be like
"this meat too spicy"
Same. They have beautiful cities and beautiful people. Underrated food too
great website design, really smart to left justify everything so hard. we NEED to have a huge white space on the right 80% of the screen because...we just do ok
it's a slippery shitty slope
I would never let a girl eat my ass, even if she asked. I have a fuckton of ass hair so I can never be certain that some poop isn't caught in it
These designs were made and/or approved by women who don't play video games
it's not the heat that kills you, it's the illegal immigrants.
wait no, thats a pescatarian

someone told me i look like him once
>I can never be certain that some poop isn't caught in it
That's the best part :)
If it wasn't for Austria and Poland, you'd be speaking Turkish right now
read a book nigga
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umm why is that?
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should i let her know how i feel
>I have a fuckton of ass hair so I can never be certain that some poop isn't caught in it
nigga wash yo booty
Mmmm dingleberries
Based posts
this is bullshit, even in the shitty downtown part of my city theres always black guys playing chess
Yes, but in a more polite way
hit send

tell that mikayla bitch what's up

and also that she has a stupid name lmao
nop - your mom cool
bro you cannot spell african wrong if you're going to make a post like this
omit the last 4 words maybe don't just come at her heated like that
pick up basketball courts are chock full of asians, basketball is the most popular sport in china.
shoutout george bush
and the philippines
do not send this
i'm not unhinged enough to be mean to people irl.
right? like what's a chess set cost, like $20 max for the cheap one?
she doesn't deserve to be treated ladylike
yah the first song is pretty ass. but I like it so far

makes me think of the band Swans
sent it now and post reaction
delete that and tell her that you like the shape of her skull
crazy how if you're born into vietnam you've the right to this crazy history of fighting off the world's greatest superpower plus all the French colony stuff, like i've seen viet diaspora in louisiana who moved there cuz they're still all fluent in french.

and if you're born in the philippines you get fast food spaghetti
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>he bought a pass
who are you quoting?
i love upping pole on you pussy niggas, dont come to my hood or my niggas will walk down on you
Diana grew on me
but The Herald and Drip Drip are S-tier.
Very influential album for metal bands and bands like Swans
the time i save in solving those captchas is priceless
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why wont it get better?
why wont it get better?
why wont it get better?
what did she do to you to warrant this kind of response
Only a small minority of adults (20% or less) know the meaning of words such as audacious, ominous, tirade, encumber, plagiarize, impale, travesty.

Worth bearing in mind. Many people cannot reason very well due to low intelligence.
Would "Lil Penis" be a good rap name?
if i say you guys will just laugh at me
you shouldve used that time to get some bitches
I know audacious, ominous, tirade, plagiarize, impale, travesty.
Reaching a GM status pretty much requires starting as a very young child (most of the time, this means no older than 8) and having extensive coaching non-stop throughout your entire childhood and adolescence, and even then it's only achievable with a certain genetic predesposition. And all of that just to become a GM, which is simply not enough to make a living from chess.

So yes, despite what you may think, poverty really is a hurdle to achieving a GM status. That of course doesn't make it impossible, but it does make it difficult.

Another really important factor is simply the cultural relevance of chess. In the case of Urkelkin, the fact that chess isn't culturally engrained in them makes it that much more unlikely for one of them to become a GM. This is also why even White Americans aren't particularly well represented among the GM crowd if you don't count the foreign-born or 2nd-gen immigrant players. It's mostly a select few Yuropoor countries that really produce a lot of GMs.

t. chessfag
My name? Lil IQ
you couldve made two posts by the time you solved that thing
And what good does it do you, to be posting here with braindead morons?
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Im multitasking, while YOU are maidenless
tell us anyways gaylord
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>one of my childhood friends from DFW comes to visit me in BKK
>ask him if I should consider moving back to TX anytime soon
>he says almost everyone we grew up with is either a burnout, in rehab or incarcerated and the only thing that's improved are the Walmarts
why you gotta rub it in man, im hurting
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it's over
Yo, is that guy from those Pringles commercials?
huh, texans have the same yards as californians
I'm a burnout
Doggo is cuddling with me :)
matched with her on bumble, picked her up and got pizza then I took her to some bar. after a drink she gets really weird and distant and says I can leave and she'll stick around to catch up with the bartender or something idk. dont know how she got home either cuz i left. that bitch is going straight to hell
Kiss me on the penis
Good doggo
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That is very, very bizarre. Sorry you had to go through this
*kisses you*
ewww you coulda showered
Yeah, she definitely got the "ick" from you.
Move on, creep.
She wanted a free meal and you were probably kind of creepy.
if i had a choice between doing drugs and partying every weekend in dallas with hot fucked up texas chicks vs. stewing in some foreign land with southeast asians, it would not be a hard choice
>after a drink she gets really weird and distant and says I can leave and she'll stick around to catch up with the bartender or something idk
She saw Chad come into the bar and wanted a chance to fuck him again
she was a weird girl to be fair but she seemed different over text. idk man these american white women are the devil, who raised these hoes
you should have probably waited outside abducted her sexually tortured her until she died and then fed her body to pigs. missed a huge opportunity
I do fine with these dates usually. found my first gf on bumble. this one just made me feel really bad.
Why are you guys trying to ruin this dude's self esteem? He could have been acting perfectly normal
shout out H. P. Lovecraft's cat
you a real one
I think you're right
connections is tought today
I can tell he's an obsessive creep that refuses to move on.
Good on the girl for noping the fuck out.
i've been all three of those
you always say that and then it's easy. are you real life retarded
you're a sick man with a sick sick brain. get help
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shut the fuck up
Do you think i would get sued by Gordon Ramsay if i tried to sell stuff branded as "Gordan Ramsey"
I think it could work bros
my dumbass is stuck in the sand lmao
i'm like 3 feet from the trail too but im tired of fucking digging these tires out , just gonna go to sleep and hope a trail janny doesn't fine me before i escape in the morning. god damn welcome back to desert right
lmao what sweetie? girls do that all the time. Why hang out with some boring loser when someone better shows up?
post your score then, chump
This is the gayborhood, and you are not welcome
what would your mother say
dogshit game
25% of the time it's brain-dead easy and 75% of the time it has some impossible connection like "contains the initials of an actor who is a virgo"
is that where kurt cobain lived
the only thing that was bullshit was the "____head" group because 'overhead' is perfectly valid but they used it for another group so you had to get that group by elimination, which is gay
wtf dude spoilers
this is september 4ths because it's midnight here but i got yesterday's perfect too if that's the one you meant
almost fucked a hot Australian girl named Mikayla when in Cancun
She had huge tits
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yeah could be the pacific northwest, but the east coast and midwest also look like that in spring and summer
>She had huge tits
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scared of fucking a fat girl? huh?
Been there, done that.
Petite or thick girls are better. Fat girls are boring
I cant imagine how people look at a naked fat person and not vomit
I fucked her
you have to remember that everyone here is themself a fat person
I am most certainly not a fat person!
too petite and its like fucking a bag of bones
I'm severely underweight for my height
its called being high T you wouldnt get it
i don't know what to tell you bud since i wasn't there but it's not worth harassing her over just move on
Very embarassing simp behavior from you tonight, /cum/.
Defending fat chicks is a new low, and honestly you should be ashamed of yourselves.
I fucking hate /v/ right now. They just won't stop making shitty Concord threads all day long wheter it'sto trash it or not. It should be illegal to make do many threads to the point of being iannoying. I just don't fucking care about it.
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nah nigga, fat folds and fupa is revolting
I masturbate almost every evening. It’s basically a ritual at this point.
the thing is i always play it cool with this kind of shit. I just think it'd be really funny and cathartic to not mince words and just call a girl a stupid cunt. probably more satisfying in theory
post your wrists
that and dustborn, or coomer threads
the mods for that board are beyond worthless
That girl dodged a bullet big time.
Again, good on her.
don’t text and drive dingus
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I only go on /v/ once in a blue moon to shitpost about KOTOR and KOTOR2
It was new years and her friends got violently ill from drinking too much so instead of coming back to my hotel she had to take them back to their hotel so they wouldn't get raped/kidnapped
She was fit
that board has been dead for a long time, i'll spend like 15min on there every other day and i love vidya
Fupa is hot
Ever considered getting a filter?
about me not dating a loser? she'd be happy
mucho shaka paka
honestly telling me that thought never crossed your head once?
And this is significant enough for you to post about?
No one cares about what you "almost" did, bud.
saddest cope ever devised on this website
just be the bigger man and move on
this whole thing is pretty meaningless, sometimes dates don't go well, it happens .
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>Fupa is hot
genuinely embarassing post. Have some self respect, freak
I'm not driving.
how disappointed were you after? fumbled pussy is always tragic
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>saddest cope ever devised on this website
It's hot when a lesbian couple has a fat girl and a skinny feminine girl and she burys her face in the fat pussy
It was ten years ago and I'm still blogging about it anonymously here so take a guess
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I have rights and I’m tired of people trying to take them from me it’s stupid if I have rights that’s my right but apparently I’m wrong.
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I recognize that flag and that image from another board.
we're on a site where hentai dick girls are a click away and you draw the line at fat hoes? ok mr city slicker your BMW is a bit too rich for my blood
Yeah I filtered 'Concord' and it's still getting 30+ threads in the catalog.
I'm sure you recovered and did better eventually and I don't mean that ironically
dickgirls are disgusting too
you sound like a massive geek
Your island belongs to Canada
I did but she was really REALLY hot
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>you dont like fatties or penises? you must be a geek
it's bait
Keep trying
the high T will make me seethe till the day i kick the bucket.

it makes no sense. if you're high T, that means you would still be able to get hard and fuck a plain jane surfboard

if you're low t, you're gonna need big juicy double d's and a jiggling ass to get things going
I only care about futa. I don't care about women or men.
No we do not they have never owned us I have rights
Plain Janes are my type
Isn't that just dickgirls
fatherberg definitely does not like me. wondering when he'll kick me out
prove me wrong, post your wrists
why would posting my wrists change you being an idiot
are you confused?
Futa is 2d, not 3dpd.
Do people have sex in your country?
yah, I asked you a question
try putting an asterisk or wild card by it, depending on what filter you're using.
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based high T
Wtf is a wild card
this nigga never played uno
geeks have tiny wrists due to their feeble build, post your wrists to prove you're not a geek. baffling i have to explain this, fucking retard
I dont have to do shit for a mongoloid coomer attracted to fupas

migrate at 310
why are you so bent on having that thread get used
strike a nerve there? geek
i'm not the op of that thread i just don't want someone to mistakenly make a new thread as i almost just did
yah, the the nerve that activates my gag reflex
But are they 2D men or women
I need a Greek gf so much bros
I'll try to take it easier on your throat next time

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