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many miles away something crawls to the surface of a dark scottish loch edition
First reply, I just broke this threads hymen.

Anyone else who posts after me is getting my sloppy seconds, my leftovers.

Just remember that the first reply is the most special reply and you'll never experience this thread the way I did and this thread will never feel the way it felt about me about you.

Its over, you might as well just go post on reddit and talk about how much of a "man" you are for replying on a thread that I pumped and dumped. Have fun with my scraps, cucks.
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I've been discriminated against.
they hate white people for being better and want them humilated
however, they know, deep down that not a single indian man is desirable, so they rely on zog ir porn in the attempt
genuinely believe all you obese, disgusting, filthy, mentally retarded subhuman Americunts deserve to die. You fat filthy rats need to be cleansed for being a devolution of the human race and being worse than neanderthals. Being an ill minded, illiterate, disgusting American piece of shit should be punishable by death to cleanse Earth's gene pool of deformities of both the body and mind.
The only good American is a dead American.
Every time I go to sleep, I dream of Americunts, dying painfully and slowly. I think back to all the school shootings and terrorist attacks where pieces of shit Americunts like you die painfully and the rest of the world celebrates because everybody hates you fat Yank cunts. I dream and dream, that I am in a monster truck crushing morbidly obese Amerishit women and children on the street, hearing them cry out in their disgusting inbred accent. Then I wake up, but I am still happy, knowing the entire world hates you Americunts, and the next school shooting is only days away, meaning every week or so, there is Americunts dying, and all is good with the world. Fuck Americans. The world is not perfect unless every Americunt man, woman and child is murdered.
Remember Americunts are NOT human, they deserve nothing less than total extermination. We must exterminate them as soon as possible. And before you spout โ€˜so edgy!โ€™, I'm fine with being edgy. Americunts are the worst people in the world. Its best they die.
From the river to the sea Quebec will be free.
Just had a look through the last thread. Utterly woeful
cheers for the thread verdict you narcissistic cunt
lol what a weird guy
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I am free as a free bird
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average interracial couple
Sometimes I lurk /co/ just because they seem sane.
not at all
Weโ€™re not exactly off to best of starts in this thread either.
what da heck?
is that ur mum an dad?
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is that pearlythingz
Was just saying this down at the tavern/temple of Ninkasi.
Gen z boss and a niggi
fizzy plum blackberry blood orange pomegranate limeade
I have a complex relationship with my arse
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I don't get the obsession and fascination over Taylor Swift, she has the sex appeal of a 5 year old
Those words aren't great togheter.
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>she has the sex appeal of a 5 year old
There are a lot of nonces round the globe, anon.
Obsession and fascination? Yeah sorry a bit of tautology there
my cider is bubbling away
yeast goi g to town in there
how are you guys today :)
cant remember how many drinks i had last night
tummy is in a state this morning
Thinking about miscegenation
ants in your pants
make your belly-button dance
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just woke up
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have got violent painful diarrhea. anus has completely given up, just isn't holding anything
Next celeb death?
least gay brit poster
Nelson Mandela
bam margera
Tony Blair on BBC Radio 4 saying no government can stop immigration.

Judeo Liberalism must be destroyed.
second poo of the morning already
all solid
still not got out the diahrea booze muck yet
will have to have a coffee to get things going i think
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Sheโ€™s beautiful and she used to post on 4chan
Sir Queer Hitler
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Minority Report sensors tingling at this picture
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apf uaa dii inn ost
spent a proper night out with the mandem
still a little drunk but not too bad
toil in 5 hours x
Mental how shit the sun is compared to artificial light
just got in from toil
So here we are then, the toilers
i dont believe in the sun, why does it shine down on everyone? and never shine on me?
don't all post at once then
Lads, I was curious about ladyboy escorts. I ended up seeing one this afternoon.
not wanked for three days
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which one of you is this?
got cheffed by the mandem outside peckham library in 2014
Thereโ€™s a centipede on the floor next to me thatโ€™s been walking around in a circle repeatedly for the last ten minutes the silly bugger.
OP seems insufferable and entirely deserves to be bullied
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went for a drive
slept the other way round in my bed last night!
gutberg awoke me early demanding that i expel a poo
was annoyed initially however on pooing it was a very long, firm poo and it did a cheeky poke out of the water at the end which i havenโ€™t had in ages therefore am satisfied now
wow just went and had a shower and noly 5 new psots in that time lol
really? never felt unsafe in peckham it's just a bti dirty
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State of this runt. Around and around, look at it go.
has the Australian who says "ah... hello" with the picture of the pepe drinking coffee posted yet?
whats the issue? just push him out of your way if he wont move

if he pushes you, push him even harder. or punch him.

it's not that difficult
starner is based?
Remember the 1970s and 1980s when no one was autistic, gluten intolerant, or transgender.
So what happened?
Had a dream that I pissed on my bed. That I got out, stood at the foot on my bed, and then just pissed all over my bed and sheets.
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Itโ€™s on a mad one.
>starmer daring to disobey boomers
another decade long tory riech inbound
fulfilling your dreams
fucking hell mate, mental life you're leading
maybe i like this little incel chungus life
sounds like a right cun*
pass the non-dairy creamer
The centipede is still walking around in circles.
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have you ever felt like a girl rejected you because of your height?
BREAKING NEWS: Hatsune Miku smokes 5 packs a day like the huge baller she is.
no I'm 6'3
yes I'm 6'3
on google earth plotting my next incelwalk
for me it was that I had to deliver a letter to number 195 in a giant block of flats, stairs only, and many of the steps were missing like those rope bridge crash bandicoot levels

also there were a pair of bees ascending with me, one stuck behind the lens of one my glasses like what happened to Mr Smithers when he was on the tandem bike with Mr Burns (also I recall there was a different crash bandicoot level where you're chased by bees)

after much climing and getting nowhere I attempted to deliver the letter to 143, knowing full well it was the wrong address, but an old woman opened the door and said "oh no no, that's much higher up" and gave me a big blue stuffed bear to take up with me, making the climb more annoying still

then some time later I decided the bees/wasps were too annoying and freaked out on one of them, disabling it. Then I woke up, presumably gripped with fear that the other bee would attack me
listening to remain in light again
Someone call chester zoo their giraffes are running amok
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is this sackedtrannys reddit account?
Sometimes I piss on the living room rug in the middle of the night because I like the idea of my girlfriend walking in my pee without knowing it
you don't have a girlfriend or living room
i read through some as well and this guy is in the UK but says mom and ass and stuff
hope he gets bullied into topping himself 2bh
hope all the geezers at work take turns bumming him
>teams message before 9am
this is NOT ok
Funny being single in your 30s and 40s
Doesn't matter if you're out of a 10-year relationship or never had a partner
You're both single now and nobody wants to know about your past relationships
I message the teams chat before 9am so I can be the first one to send a good morning message heheheheh
i send emails to people i dont like at 8am
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You must get a LOT of emails at 8am
mad how many people exist who take everything they read on reddit at face value. Years of us wallowing in this dungheap have left us taking for granted the ability to sniff out what is obviously a wind-up post / story

the notion that someone would take a funny / interesting / fetishistic hypothetical scenario and type it up as if it really happened and that they "need advice on what to do" is apparently alien to the mouthbreathers who gobble up these posts
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Was just saying this down the pub
if you've never had a partner in your 30s then your new relationship is over before it began

the only exception being if she's got 2 children from other men in tow needing paid for and you're giving off bigtime unassertive, meek, geeky-but-well-paid vibes
got a hard wilkins rn
jsut doen a poo wot looks like bird shite
yellow gren and white bits in it
what on eart
el jornada laboral empieza
los runts de /brit/ huyen por sus agujeros para esconder se de toilberg
el hijo de puta de mi jefe ya me ha enviado 3 mensajes
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just left the kids with the childminder whilst we go for our week away to lanzarote
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Did you enjoy uni?
>highs of 16C
>sunny and clear

set to be a scorcher
Dude so freakin black pilled, I dig it dog
16 is jumper and jeans weather
Jumper? I hardly know 'er
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dropped out of 2 (two) rustlers group universities, worked in a call centre for a bit and now long-term neet circling the drain towards suicide haha
this is sex outside weather
Do you get full neetbux at the least?
ktmin except I worked in sainsburys
you lads ever had sex outside? shagged the ex in old corsa once and also once down the forest like a pair of nitty tramps
got sucked off in a mutlstorey car park
no get none
close enough
proper grotty behaviour though
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I ate all her poopies
my boyfriends girlfriend is fitter than yours
pooey arse gang
To paraphrase Count Dankula when he made and Uploaded his Second Channel Video on Steve Coogan Gearing up to Portray JIMMY MOTHERFUCKEN SAVILE in what became The Reckoning..... THIS IS A ROLE THAT, IF I WERE AN ACTOR, I WOULD NEVER FUCKEN EVER MOTHERFUCKEN TAKE THIS FUCKEN ROLE AND I'M QUITE FUCKEN SURE BARRY KEOGHAN WOULD NEVER FUCKEN AGREE TO TAKE ON THIS JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LIKE HONESTLY NO FUCKEN WAY A LOSTPROPHETS DRAMATISATION BIOPIC IS NEVER FUCKEN GONNA FUCKEN HAPPEN FOR LIKE ABOUT 3.5 DECKS TO HALF A MOTHERFUCKEN CENTURY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LIKE WHAT FUCKEN A LIST ACTOR IN THEIR RIGHT FUCKEN MIND IS GONNA AGREE TO PORTRAY THE MOST FUCKEN SICKENING MOTHERFUCKEN DEPRAVED BABY/TODDLER RAPING PAEDOVILES SINCE JIMMY SAVILE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LIKE HONESTLY IT'S GONNA BE SOUNDING VERY EXPLOITATIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
trump is going to lose isnt he ffs it over
>Woman, 33, and man, 38, appear in court accused of having sex with a dog 'on no fewer than five occasions'
WE WANT A LEMMY Mรœลคฤคฤ‚FรœฤŒฦ˜ร‹ลŠ KรLMรSTร‹R/Mลลคร–RHEAD BIOPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT A FUCKEN TRUE CRIME DRAMA ON AN EMO PAEDO FUCKEN BABY RAPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes (I was drunk the entire time)
what is this phenotype called
millions died in grenfell
bit unfair to dehumaniser her like that just cos she looks like one
got frasier on
So I was on a fairly busy train yesterday and some random woman in her 20โ€™s sat next to me was very judgmental of what I was watching on my tablet. It was a French film called Blue is the Warmest Colour and there are a lot of sex scenes in that film.

She was basically saying that I shouldnโ€™t be watching that as itโ€™s pornographic and Iโ€™m in a public space, but I donโ€™t think I was doing anything wrong. I wasnโ€™t actually forcing anyone to watch it with me and really she shouldnโ€™t have been looking.
and what of fair toby
No I'm not on any benefits at present. I just live off my call centre savings and when they're all gone I'll top myself.
fat nasally autist typing cadence
which episode?

Note: I will need a description of what happens in the episode, not the episode title
arse might be a bit pooey after that last fart
Why did you drop out TWICE
feel like shit
it's the one where he has a superiority complex over everyone and it ends up backfiring in a hilarious fashion
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a pu fad aii ino ns t
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It's hard to put into words. Me saying "because I made no friends" doesn't do it full justice. More appropriately, it was like I constantly felt I was suffering under the weight of not making the most of university. There's the academic side and then there's the social side: the growing as a person, the making friends, the going on nights out, having romantic / sexual experiences, finding people to rent a flat with after first year, living away from home, engaging with and balancing adult responsibilities and perhaps part-time work alongside study.

Growing as a person essentially. Except I wasn't doing that at all when I was at university. With each passing day, week and year I felt more and more that I was going to end up with a degree but with no personal growth whatsoever; like I'd have been to university in name only. And ultimately I convinced myself that that wasn't worth it and so I was better off dropping out.

In retrospect I should have just suffered on and got the degree, certainly having a degree would have helped me in my 20s + now. But at the time it really felt impossible like I just could not cope with the fact that everyone else appeared to be living the University Lifeโ„ข while I was alone with my thoughts, commuting to and from university on the train everyday for what I thought was... nothing.
another day of depression where I dwell on my past mistakes and people I've lost due to lack of effort
ah yes, the one where a humourous misunderstanding occurs stemming from one character hearing the tail end of one sentence after having entered or exited the scene at just the right moment thus receiving the wrong impression
wow mental sorry that happened/glad that it happened
poo, the solution to, and cause of, all of life's problems
just learn a trade, become one of the lads
Watching film on train with a sex scene. Is it allowed?

So I was on a fairly busy train yesterday and some random woman in her 20โ€™s sat next to me was very judgmental of what I was watching on my tablet. It was a French film called Blue is the Warmest Colour and there are a lot of sex scenes in that film.

She was basically saying that I shouldnโ€™t be watching that as itโ€™s pornographic and Iโ€™m in a public space, but I donโ€™t think I was doing anything wrong. I wasnโ€™t actually forcing anyone to watch it with me and really she shouldnโ€™t have been looking.
alcohol that actually x
tradesmong always pushing his trades
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I'm finished lad. Been checked out for many years now.
Women just can't stand the sight of a man being happy
I work for a rail company. Today, as I was in a main station in full uniform watching the board to find my next train, four girls went up to the coffee stall and placed their order. Maybe high school age girls, in school uniform. As I was just casually looking around, I noticed one girls skirt was caught in her rucksack/schoolbag and her arsecheeks were kinda on display. I was debating on what to do when I noticed a guy not far behind her seeming to take quite a while to tie his shoelace, which may or may not have been coincidental. I moved so I blocked his view then he stood up and moved slightly, but still behind the girls. I decided it would be best to let her know, so I went up and just said 'I hope this doesn't sound creepy but your skirt is caught in your schoolbag", the girl just replied "oh', and then I left.

I was recounting it to my missus later and she thinks I should have walked away without saying anything as it could've looked odd, a grown man approaching four young girls, and led to accusations of inappropriateness. I argued that as I was in full uniform, in a place of work, and I didn't loiter or look for a conversation and I was trying to help someone, then it was OK.

Was I right or wrong, and could I have handled it better?
>tablet on public transport
utter spastic
Captain Beef Fart
>JF flag
>2 antagonistic replies in a row

that's gonna be a filtering from me. Can't say I didn't give him a fair chance.
Should have had a cheeky grope
limmys on
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Might wank my arsehole
slapping one off
there's still loads of things you can do
i'm getting an accounting qualification in my own time while I just work a shit job and it's quite comfy. don't feel so guilty about being in shit work or using my free time badly because I have something to work towards. employers don't need to know you dropped out of uni twice
Mad how Liz Truss makes 120k a year for being the ex premier
ktim except the complete opposite
had a belter of a time having been isolated for 18 years prior but fucked it with drugs and got kicked out in third year with no degree
My heart isn't in it lad; I have lost the will to fight, to strive. I think I have the menthol elves.
no pot ever called me black
always forget she played 2 seasons in goal for Newcastle
Old people have had it too good for too long
don't go romanticising your own mental illness like a teenage girl cunt just go to a brain doctor if it's really that bad. its not that deep
kicke dout for doing drugs?
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No, I got drunk one time and asked to suck off one of the lecturers
rly? lmao
state of it
pathetic and woman like behaviour
The original album art of the Scorpions - Virgin Killer album
Got nothing to live for, nothing to get out of bed for
i got addicted to ket and they withdrew me, the other reply isn't me
double quarter pounders
in Japan seeking out a hug lads
...not even pasta takeaway?
ktim and no woman will ever truly love you
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Upload it mate, this is an image board
get the willies wanked and the pooey areeholes wiped
Donโ€™t give up! My dad just got engaged at 41
Life is suffering, death is a release
ah right I've spoken to many, including when I was in the hospital for having tried to take my own life cheers tho big man x
might have a bath with a plugged in toaster
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having a kinder bueno for brekkie
what a pointless, miserable existence this is
I suspect with modern toasters the fuse would go and that's all.
Get it uploaded lad. Wtf is the problem
haven't had a proper wank for weeks now
where's the money for grenfell treezuh
can't go on anymore
glad the kids are back to school now, can finally go outside during the weekday peacefully
Lorraineโ€™s got her tits out if anyoneโ€™s interested
Too ashamed to look my mother in the eye
My livestream my suicide later if anyone is interested. If not, that's ok..
Some guy called Brian May had a stroke and we should care for some reason
had sex with her husband?
If he dies, some might say he's the lucky one
saw an image on /tv/ some years ago of Lorraine topless back in her prime and she was very fit to be fair
could fuck up a few dozen kfc wicked wings
need a group of sixth form girls to hurl bricks at my bollocks
just ate 4 bags of popcorn
I did not consent to be alive
My gf is very mumsy
redditometer stirring....
women are so funny
Nikita is such a gay name for a bloke
giving me willy a wank
>kfc at 9.53am
downloaded the old bumble again lads
don't know why i'm really even trying, as a 27 year old incel i should probably just give up at this point
it's nice to have hope though
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is getting a job the key to shagging?
you already posted that
Ah, yes, fried chicken: bad. Fried sausages, bacon eggs and all the trimmings: good.
made it as far as getting matches then deleting the app once they message me
I'm a 31 year old virgin and couldn't even match with fatties and single mothers
had an absolutely enormous shite this morning, lads must've shat a solid kilo's worth of excrement
Going to start dressing smarter. Iโ€™m 30 now. Time to put things into perspective. I canโ€™t wear trainers and trackie bottoms anymore. Itโ€™s time to put a little effort in. Shirts. Trousers. Nice shoes. Smarten myself up. Clean shaven. Always. If I respect myself, others will respect me. That comes through how you present yourself initially. Time to get a move on
vaping gave me ED
The amount of times I couldโ€™ve had sex but backed out because I was scared is nuts
you already posted that
Now women won't get this, but this is the closest we get to giving birth. We become attached to our poos
you already posted that
Youre trying to force a clue which is actually a clue lost
G F B 4 A 5 A E / 6 1 1 E 5 5 A
obv remove the spaces, stupid spam filter
What is the music she played over this? Flux auterna?
>Clean shaven. Always.
why is this line so funny to me
I hope you mean Lorraine Kelly
John McAfee coming through the ouija board
Are her arriollas out? If not, then that's no different than what you see at the swimming pool
fanny and tits
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my favourite spanish dish
Nice a pic from 1930
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f pa aai uin dnt is o
Stop spamming these off-topic shite posts.
Can't see the arriollas
Give me the name of a town in Scotland and I'll tell you how white it is.
sucked a poo back up my arse just now
let me shove it back up some more with my cock x
Berwick upon Tweed
Started watching the Alien films from the beginning, mad how Alien and Aliens were KINO then 3 was just absolute dogshit.

What were they thinking?
pooing backwards
Looks like me mum
rules are a mistake
pooing across the room like an artillery cannon
yeah it's not sexy
pooing up up and away
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take the sweat pledge.
fingering my battypipe til I cum poo
mad how i'm evil and ugly
you already posted that
massaging my erect arriollas
Almost crashed the car this morning staring at some fat arse in leggings
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fizzy raspberry blood orange ginger pomegranate lemonade
I hate driving
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the wallet
just done a stinky boom shite
literally cant lose my love handles
my arms are sticks
my thighs are sticks
the upper abs are visible
the love handles
still there blobbing along
state of it
Stupid deaths stupid deaths, so funny because they're true
Only 80% of Glasgow residents were born in the UK.
alri Frosty the snowman
It's very cool, Bateman, but that's nothing. Check these
did you grow up fat x
Klinefelters. RIP you
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bladee mentioned
you arent stuck in traffick
you are the traffick
can u ask a girl for her number still or do people not do that anymore
>migrant boat that no-one will ever see apparently sinks and gets spread over all the news
>they were ALL pregnant woman, a-and children! loads of innocent non-fighting age children
The Asian Fanny. Always.
sniffing a pooey arse
that guy is a failed actor who did the rise and grind grift before anyone else did
didn't have love handles in my teens

>"The geography and natural features of Britain are in many ways different from those of Gaul, for the sea is sluggish and tidal, and the land produces swamps rather than lakes. Yet it is a climate that is humid with frequent rains and mists but devoid of extreme cold. The Britons themselves endure the same climate with relish and make it a kind of natural fortification against the Romans, as the marshes and forests provide a suitable refuge. They are accustomed to retreating into the swamps when pursued and use these natural barriers to wage a form of guerrilla warfare."
holding off on some epic posts for the new thread
looking forward toit!!
well idk then sorry x
it's been banned by The Woke
Bastards man
:( np no one does
It was kino in a cheesy 80s way, like Predator or Rambo. Alien was obviously better though but they couldn't just do the same thing again for the sequel.
the woke mob
god knows why they even wanted to get in our smelly swamps
get the gas fracked

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