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Snus and a milky brew edition
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sir snus chewer
felicity kendal could still get it
Shite arse
just got back from toil
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Sir Hole Expander
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Here we all then. All the lads
Been wanking in bed all day and getting paid by your taxes x
imagine the smell
Good slave
no u
how did you get on today big man
The new 'eitch

sir tax payer
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only won £350 on premium bonds this month
Unpleasantly milky that. Sort yourself out
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what /brit/ boys dream of and desire
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rorke better watch out!
can't park there mate
was alright, one of my coworkers had some insanely chebs onpsuedo display and i developed a bit of a chub on
Need some more girls in here
Too many man
Too many many man
here's your tea mate
*dips the teabag in for a second and then chucks it*
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sir skate boarder
analog horror has invaded /brit/...
Been to straight clubs like this when theres like 1 girl there
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Get the small boats ON our shores
Get the migrants IN our women
sick to niggarding death of it all
I’m white. I’d make tea by boiling milk in my kettle if I could.
Yummy yummy milk
ArguingOnline isn't a hobby for me, it's a job
wheres the money for grenfell treeza?????
This thread is property of Swedish Match
will you be taking your niece or nephew to see the minecraft movie?
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Sir Janny Payer
Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer are on a plane, Sunak looked at Starmer, chuckled, and said, "You know, I could throw £1,000 out of the window right now and make somebody happy."

Starmer shrugged his shoulders and replied, "I could throw twenty £50 notes out of the window and make twenty people happy."

Hearing their exchange, the pilot said to his co-pilot, I could throw both of them out of the window and make 64 million people happy!"
*burns down your factory*
Will Sir Kid Shagger survive the next election??
didnt happen did it
fuck off
Whats MTG and Manosphere? Also
Women love to expouse their regurgitated opinions that they saw from watching tv but despise to have any kind of push back on them
alri jidf
my underwear fucking stinks
doing a chicken dance
if he turns the economy around, yes
if not, no
people are too concerned with superficial things and lack critical thinking to be trusted these days
>its special shape that catches flavour
someone get Elton on the phone ASAP!
My cock is the property of Swedish femboy's cum trunks
I do none of these and women love me
Did you know sub Saharan Africans have 19% “ghost DNA” from intermixing with a now extinct sub species?
It’s not surprising considering fucking monkeys is also how they gave the world aids too
That's just a cup of warm milk you nonce
I mean you could heat milk in a sauce pan add the tea and then use a tea strainer when you pour it into your cup
Fuck you, was a shortage in my local shop for months!
empty hollow shell of a man, me
Popcorn is supposed to be salty, crunchy and maybe buttered. enough of this rubbish
Might give that a go and see what it’s like desu
Do you reckon I put the tea bag in while I boil the milk?
Sunak was more likable than Starmer honestly
>t. Graham from Uttoxeter
Salty and sweet and dry
how old were you lads when you first fingered a girl?
The line goes up. Deal with it you millennial chud.
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2030 living in pods and eating bugs
Itll probably work
I seriously doubt my niece or nephew is that stupid
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an runt o' chonamara
buy bitcoin now bruh
sunak - useless
johnson, truss, starmer - fucking useless
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When are train prices going down...
not in this lifetime lad
Think I lost a bit of respect with the girlfriend when I cried while watching Paddington with her yesterday
2 bastarding hours of my life ill never get back
Same week the film Accepted came out.
fancy a bite of the croissant?
Our economy IS house prices. They can never go down.
hope she cheats on you with a bbc
why is it impossible to get a healthy takeaway?
>Missed Bitcoin
>Missed Tesla stock
>Missed Ethereum
>Missed GameStop stock
>Missed AMC stock
>Missed NVIDIA stock
>Dutiful employee
>Clocks in
>Clocks out
Zillennials... explain yourself...
Sir Poo Garmer
It isn't! You're ordering the wrong things from the wrong places...
black goons are out
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>sister's friend just revealed she's pregnant
>she's forty fucking years old
What's the socially acceptable response here? Do I just say "congratulations" next time I see her? Should I assume that she intended on having another runtling at that age or do I just not mention it?
probably because healthy almost always tastes bad (less calories)

apart from sushi
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>Ukraine's Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba has stepped down from his role as part of a wide-ranging reshuffle of the Ukrainian cabinet.

>Several Ukrainian officials also resigned from their posts on Tuesday, leaving some of the government's top jobs vacant, including the strategic industries minister in charge of weapons production.

>The parliamentary leader of the ruling Servant of the People party said half of the cabinet would be changed in a major government reshuffle this week.
Because no retard is dumb enough to pay £15 for a meal they can cook themselves in 20 minutes that will taste the exact same
it's not
ask her if it’s a black baby
Leeds City Bloc tomorrow
Used to be amazed of the idea of a savings account, cor 1% interest gained per year
Stupid little neek twat I was
lost all my capital during the gamestop short squeeze
felicity kendal on one show
GILF alert
>she's forty fucking years old
so what?
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>analogue horror
>liminal spaces
congrats on your down syndrome child
no demand outside of tarq inner city areas
Seeing American Football in Nottingham on the 11th
If they do its literally over
lost all my capital during the chase bank glitch
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Then why are they only married to one here?
not trusting some arab to deliver raw fish in his hot moped without me potentially shitting my ring out the next day
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literally never
the cheapest time to buy is right now
might go to bed
got fuck else to do
post sex machines
its not going to take me 20 minutes to cook anything. its going to take 15 minutes just to go to tesco to collect ingredients. name something healthy made from scratch in 5 minutes.
Get well soon
It's called rugby here mate.
Make a brew. Read a book. Have a snus.
/brit/ boys
GILF gfs
avocado and tinned fish
itsu do these big boxes
it wont go bad in 30 minutes
poo in a baguette
Gain a clue
A poorly cut up tuna salad
>name something healthy made from scratch in 5 minutes
A salad you fat fucking idiot
shitting a poo out my arse
healthy food is cooked at home by people who love you
If you love yourself but live alone you will also cook healthy food at home
Never heard of take away pasta?
watching the rest is politics like a lib-dem voting 50-something homeowner
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renter bros???
might watch The Good Life
Get them housed
Walking in a dark scary forest at night with a flickering torch and the feeling you are being stalked
enjoyed this reference
Tolkien was a capitalist
im this close to living in a caravan
You know what I mean cunt
Women love an emotionally available man so long as you don't cry every 4 minutes you'll be fine
Wanking in a dark scary forest at night with a flickering torch and the feeling you are being stalked
rubbish you cant wash and chop a salad in 5 minutes
This has to be bait
over 400 in NE is insane mad it's near 700 now
looking on fb marketplace for shite
>name something healthy made from scratch in 5 minutes.
big brain take: just fast bro
remembering my sex machines phase
Yeah he loved the smog of industry and hated simple rural countryside.
>have a salad for dinner bro
I will fucking kill you one day, if you don't kill yourself first
New personality just dropped las
the fuck kinda buddist wank drivel is that grow up you spunktrumpet
you are unloved
if we lived in the old days, we'd all be peasants
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mad how isaac newtron invented gravity with only some string and a kite
It takes 30 seconds to wash some veg and maybe a minute or two to chop them
*grows up*
not me
id be a lord
im still a peasant. whats your point?
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>Women love an emotionally available man
>The Good Life
lads I work for Norad and the russians just launched, you've got maybe 15 minutes
sir dear farter
damn I could be a peasant, slavebros we stay losing
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Id be a franklin
scranning some novichok
t. someone who has never made a salad in their life
they do lad
just have a good jaw that's all
love red meat never the white shite
You've got that mixed up mate. Isaac Newtown was the guy who chopped down a cherry tree because a cherry fell on his noggin.
Imagine the pox
I can tell you're a projecting fat fuck if you think people of a healthy weight think its normal to just eat a salad for dinner
rorke kissing a wild animal on the mouth
thank fuck
You can make caprese salad in less than 5mins
can i be your squire
>Keir Starmer called Rishi Sunak ‘Prime Minister’ four times in PMQs today
Sir Alz Heimer
how much do you lads pay for your incel bedsit/flat/house share
for me it's £375 for an incelbox in a house share
15 minutes left on planet earth time to alert /brit/ the nukes are coming
no you cant. prove it or shut the fuck up
Put meat in it as well... tuna or chicken... it fills you up!
can you do any sort of entertaining actions for the dinner parties
now that deserves a bradders
what the fuck does that saturday symbol mean
lads I'm scared
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Proudly brought to you by HUBLOT
£560 mortgage on my first flat and £700 mortgage on the 2nd one which i rent out for £900
biblical flood
Only people that love themselves can do that.
hip hip
mustard gas
Super windy
its means theyre gona get you
misty iirc
Nobody in their right mind would pay £900 for a flat
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15 minutes left on Earth better crank out a few more shitposts
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spooky innit
The worms are coming.
>Debating - 30.5%
>Arguing Online - 12.3%

Lmao, women literally find you more attractive if you call somebody a faggot online than if you were discussing politics
That's called a Noah Shoah
arse leak
shut your fat yank mong face cunt
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Explore your perks with Shell GO+
women at toil today kept bringing up sex and all sorts of naughty things
no idea what gets into them really
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need one of these in my life
well my tenants do because they have no choice
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So we will press on with developing clear, compelling and consistent UK offers, tailored to their needs and our strengths, spanning trade, development, defence, cyber security, technology, climate change and environmental protection. Because we know that in the coming decades there will be economic shocks, and climate change will have its baleful effects, and countries will want technology, finance and access to markets to support their development.
Off to the comic book shop dressed as an anime character so I can debate the rising cost of MTG while drunk. The usual Wednesday evening.
rainbow weather :)
might perform a depop wank
then fuck them
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Get the clappers posted
Labour are gonna do a George Osborne aren't they
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extrapolating a poo
logistical nightmare if i ever knew one
Porn is more than just a hobby to me
heard slags in work talking about their sex toys and dilders a while ago

mad if i talked about fugging a fleshlight i’d be considered a freak
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>tfw lil timmy sent his pale pencil dick on snapchat
>Argentinian subhuman tourists went to the Shetland islands and put Malvinas stickers on letter boxers

These scum need to violently be taught a lesson. Fucking cunts should be wiped out for claiming the territory of a nuclear power
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Lol he’s out before next summer
mobilising a poo
so lonely but hate spending time with people
Don't get worked into a shoot by aching simpletons lad
male sexual desire is seen as wrong, immoral and dangerous
women's is more like a playful act, like going to play sports or something
externalising a poo
Introducing women to the corporate workplace sucks all the fun out of it
love how they literally only invaded because their millitary dictator was incompetent at running the country and desperately needed a populist nonsense to distract people with

sad it's 42 years later and they still can't move on
canonising a poo
@bbcnews Kier Starmer: This Government will do everything to assist young Cronem goons jamming their long veiny shafts into quivering white slits
hope you get merked by a gang of feral blacks tbqh
Jah bless



It’s crazy that this is essentially government policy
brit is so good for my vocabulary, learn something new every day
>he took the londonpill
some people need to just give up on women

when you start aiming for 40 year old jungle asians that look 60 it's just time to stop
what’s the dodgiest thing you’ve ever wanked over?
Lowering house prices would be very bad.
What we need is house prices to remain stagnant for a while and wages to increase to close the gap
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open the fucking pubs
Utterly grim how green is still illegal on this shitehole island
All I want to do is neck an edible and watch an interesting documentary or film in my own home
Really sick of all of the deeply anti-male stuff in society at large at all levels. Makes me just want to retreat from it all and not deal with most people or hear their stupid opinions
do people still watch tv in 2024
>Lowering house prices would be very bad.
40 minute commute for my new job, and that's without traffic
wondering if i made a mistake...
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Close them.
in bed already haha
got mental illness you see
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What is your height and weight?
the majority of female jobs in offices are useless
most of the women in my office just spend the day gossiping, going to "meetings" and sending emails
babylon keep it illegal to oppress us
>bro just lower the prices somehow using a new law i promise it will work
>the law of supply and demand: this is what i call an epic gamer move
This is the modern woman, they all want kids but also want "MUH CAREER" so they slave away at some shitty office job until they're in their 40s and then finally decide to have a kid.

Normally they are a fucking burden on the NHS by going through rounds of IVF and then their kid is basically guaranteed to have autism. MANY such cases.
weed stinks.
if they made it legal, they'd have to get rid of the bad-smelling weed.
menthol elves as it were
Yes it would because our entire economy is based on house prices and we're such a poor nation that peoples houses is the only wealth they have.

As I said, prices need to stagnate so the economy doesn't implode and wages need to increase
If people want to do it in their own home no problem desu
Fucking stinks so don't subject other people to it
Simple as
Just order some food off and app and slip a tenner to the delivery chap, he'll most likely be able to give you details on who to talk to if he doesn't have anything on him at the time
can’t wait for it to be freezing in winter and get into bed early like a big cosy hibernating bear
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>>bro just lower the prices somehow using a new law i promise it will work
snuggled in my zone 1 apartment, cozy as hell, looking forward to fall in two weeks
Imposter syndrome
It's been legal on prescription since 2019
Mental how badly I mindraped him
Stinking weed is because it's shit weed.
Legalise da ting and people will be free to cultivate less smelly strains
Sir Slug Swallower
>because our entire economy is based on house prices and we're such a poor nation that peoples houses is the only wealth they have.

It's ficticious wealth and people need to learn how to save and invest. I have over 100k saved up, don't have a house or flat yet, but when I do, I won't consider it part of my wealth.
sir wankard pooser
40 min commute or i spend 1/2 of my post-tax income on rent
what would you do?
>A study has shown that snus has the lowest cancer risk of 10 tobacco products, with 3.18% of the risk from cigarettes. (Cigars are at 41.1% and chewing tobacco at 11.18%).
Sir Cancer Causer
you are severely mentally ill
had a single mother begging to rent my flat because she was at risk of being homeless
didnt want a baby shitting and puking all over my property to told her i'd found a tenant already
yeah I wouldn't do that because I'm not a cunt would I
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Autism rates will continue to rise
Sounds based if you ask me
Good for you but that's not an answer
The deskunkification of growrooms by clone lines and hydro has made it worse
>Terpenes are bad bro
please never ever talk about it again
North East Chad here.

My mortgage is £410 a month. Nothing personal rentoids.
u've been done (in ways you cannot even imagine)
mmhmm dey don want lil timmy in their prime years xx
my girl LOVES debating
you can have your own choons on or podcasts or whatever
Delivery drivers are immigrant filth and I refuse to be friendly with them
What is your height and weight?
Why did you stop pretending to have moved to Spain?
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thinking of buying a few cheap houses in the northeast to rent out
know any cheap areas?
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Just order some from your pharmacy lol?
Um spaino doesn't post here anymore sweaty he's living it up on the catalonian cost :)
sorry, "in a fortnight"
Yes it is.
Let house prices crash, it makes literally no difference to daily lives or spending power.
>we know that
They know because they cause them
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your girl sounds like a wack bitch
Sir Golfball Sucker
literally never tried the weed
im too much of an internal thinker already, so i think weed would just make me anxious and paranoid
get a cronem to pummel his soul pole down her gullet
i have
many times
off it now
its got its uses
"Autism" is such a vague description, ranging from everywhere to slightly awkward nerdy men to literal spackers that can't even read or write
The majority of "autism" cases are just poorly socialised kids from runt families. In the past they would have just been sent to work in the factories but now they are raised on iPads and YouTube.
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Funny thing is the the ages of mums keep getting older yet the out of wedlock rate keeps increasing too
Fuck the EU. Leaving that corrupt shithole is the only good thing politicians have done in my lifetime.
currently rolling a blunt in ct shade its lush
My girl gets frustrated at how emotionally balanced I am. She thinks it's fake.
Keyed the neighbours car for constantly smoking weed and stinking up the street lol
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Don’t bother, weed is fucking shite. Literally only retards smoke it.
you can thank feminism and corporations for that
literally corporations convinced women to trust the big businesses more with their wellbeing than to trust a man they love
Sir Porn Hoarder
You said “fall”
Keying the car anonymously like some sort of petty woman who finds out her boyfriend is cheating instead of having the courage to talk to him yourself
>Don’t bother, weed is fucking shite. Literally only retards smoke it.
What the fuck do you think stagnating prices and raising wages does you fucking nonce
if you ever think your lifes shit imagine being a influencer who had to sell out to make their ends meet LOL
>raising wages
Good one
It'll take decades at the current rate
Average house should cost 3x salary and not a penny more
Incredibly pathetic
She's extremely verbally intelligent. She demands communication to be crystal clear. Often we're just debating choice of words. Last time we got into an hour long rabbit hole of researching the etymology of the word 'nominal' and the implications of it being linked to both 'law' and 'name'.

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