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מהדורת לילה
1st for uk
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She only dates Irish-Americans btw
anglo thread?
Fuck Hebrew. We only speak English here.
ת. מתיהו
what will happen when there is no more german surnames in germany?
will the surnames be of agrentinian origin?
Liberman is actually from Moldova so it's a Moldovan origin
מה שאני מתגעגע שהייתה לי חברה זה הסקס(עליה התגברתי).
אעעעעעעעעעעעעע חייב סקס

יותר טוב מכל הנטאי או פורנו אחר

זה נגמר
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why is the israeli anon obsessed with the x word
PP is lacking in spirit
פפ לא באמת מבין הומור אז כשהוא קולט שמשהו זה בדיחה הוא משתמש בו בכל פוסט
That's a great The Comedian cosplay
זה כמו שתשאל כמה מזרחים יבגדו בנו אם נילחם מול ערבים
Non of the mizrahim would
I don't believe this amswer
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you seen those new life size sex dolls that look super realistic ? the really expensive japanese ones I mean

imagine you tear it up, you've had your way with it and it needs to be disposed of. How would you go about disposing of a life sized human sex doll without it looking like you were disposing of an actual human?
would you have to cut the limbs off, and dispose of them one at a time?
what happens when the trash people come to collect your trash and find a leg sticking out of the trash?
imagine the police turning up at your door asking about it and youd be bang to right because it'd be filled with your "DNA"
surely there's some sort of manufacturers disposal regulations?
>>I don't believe this answer
They don't have any allegiance to ethiopia
I have heard russians and moroccans say good things about their origin countries but never ethiopians
Just throw it out the window at night and let some homeless guy take it
Since most of it is plastic you can easily melt it
2nd options it to cut it apart and throw short pieces that fit in a bag over time
I sometimes smell my neighbors burning plastic, never thought much of it but now I wonder
>They don't have any allegiance to ethiopia
You don't really think this do you?
nigga Ethiopia is a bunch of different ethnic groups, they hold loyalty to each other not the country
The Yemenites on the other hand are sus. Think we should put them in camps in the desert just to be safe.
imagine walking down the street and catching a glance of someone sawing up a corpse with a big saw in the window
what would you do?
knock on, call police, office to save him a job and take it off his hands?
Had numerous ethiopians back in my high school twenty years ago, none of them cared about ethopia while the russians kept talking about how great russia is
shut the fuck up already and leave this country
I fully trust the yeminites
>different ethnic groups
Witch is also sus as we jews have always been are own thing they have goyish tribal affiliations
I have literally never spoken to an Ethiopian in my life. Thank God I live in Tel Aviv.
Tell him to get some curtains and regular hand saw
I'll call on him if he keeps me up at night
Why do you want jews to leave Israel are you an anit zionist?
יש מלא אתיופים במרכז אבל
he wants anti zionist jews like yourself to leave, not that complicated
I only see them delivering Wolt or in a drug stupor on the asphalt. I've never interacted with one in any capacity.
Did the Ethiopian guard at Dizengoff Center never try to joke with you?
I guess you're a northern tel avivi, not a southern
The more likely "tribal" threats are just the mafia like the Abutbuls and the Dumranis
I generally ignore Israelis darker than me.
Most would label me as a far right zionist
Regardless of how I see myself
Some are nice but their over all a huge net negative in are soceity I curse menachim begin for letting them in
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>I fully trust the yeminites
Red pill me on the morocan mobsters
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They are the scum of the earth, but I'm willing to tolerate their existence as long as they only kill other Moroccans
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There good people
That one is at least half non asheknazi probably moroccan lot of seferdim there in tzfat we're he is, interesting to note this is at the grave of yitzac luria who himself had an ashekanzi dad and seferdich mother
Search Abergil Organization
There's also Zeev Rosenstein who is Romanian Kavkazi
We're an I learn more
I will
Yeah OK bro like 85% of Haredim are Ashkenazi and they notoriously don't mix with Sephardim but this kid with an Ashkenazi surname is actually half Morroccan.
Learn to write like a non-retard first and also to speak Hebrew
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יותר אהבתי שמתיו כתב עם שגיאות כתיב
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למה אתה מדבר בלשון עבר?
>דובר מחלקת המדינה של ארה"ב מת'יו מילר התייחס להצהרת האו"ם כי ישראל נוקטת "טקטיקות קטלניות וענישה קולקטיבית" ביהודה ושומרון
וואי וואי יש מצב סבב הסנקציות הבא לא יהיה דרדלה
בסדר אז היה לו יותר זאת הכוונה, עכשיו יש לו תיקון אוטומטי וזה לא אותו הדבר יותר
סנקציות על המפגרת
כלוםבורגר ב5 שקל
There is a lot of mixing not every group is so seperatist one of my cell mates in army jailed was an ashkenazi haredi guy from modin illit with a moroccan wife
What's bad about this
הכל בדרך למה שנובא
That's because he was of inferior stock in the Haredi hierarchy so he got a subpar pairing. The vast majority of Haredim get paired with Ashkenazim, only the bottom percentile get Sephardim.
יש ילדה יהודייה שרוצה שאבקר אותה בישראל והיא אומרת שיש לנו יחסים טובים עם סעודים אז אני אהיה בסדר האם זו מלכודת או מה?
Cha ching
+1 Mossad agent gained
Can't believe people are actually getting catfished internationally now
I don't think that was the reason, It was brought up over shabbat by an old karliner hassid that historically jews around the world advocate for each other he said there was a time when a blood libel was raised against the jews in Syria and a very rich jew in england stepped in on their behalf, although this old man was american and americans are less racist against seferdim
>הצעת גישור שנייה, ולא אחרונה: ארה"ב שוקלת לדרוש "דילול דרמטי" בציר פילדלפי
נגמר נגמר נגמר
*farts in your thread*
תזמין אותה לבירת הסקאט העולמית(דובאי)
מקסימום תחזור הביתה ותוצא להורג על פגישת סוכן זר
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הכיצד זה שכשארה"ב אומרת לנו לדלל זה בסדר, אבל כשאני אומר לקוקסינל לדלל זה טראנספובי?
She’s real I knew her from and Israeli fren who I used to play games with
>t. Scat muncher
lol retarded jew
do you guys ever do animal sacrifices duing religious festivals anymore?
I know Muslims have one when they sacrifice a cow because of the story of Abraham and his son
Yes we sacrifice a heifer on the Temple Mount every year
Only chickens

Dardaleh, as they say
ahh thanks
I knew there were animal sacrifices in Biblical Israel but wasn't sure if the modern Israel had thm
To which city did she invite you?
Petah Tikva
Fuck off imposter
OK she's real
Fascinating stuff I wonder if this is who is responsible for selling cocaine and outher drugs in israel today
Matiyahu you're so innocent
You're like a martian

No, they were mainly into ecstasy
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is it true that jews hate Jesus because Jesus said salvation is only for blonde hair blue eyed 6'10 german chads like pic related
do not click
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לא הבנתי
We get i anon, you're a closeted fag, not that there's anything wrong with that
>ashkenazi woman ragequits cake
mizrahi women always have a clean floor and would have eaten the cake
He's clearly a Russo-Nord
I often feel like one
Extasy is gay and I'm not gonna do drugs at least untill next week tomorrow I go to a new driving instructor and I want to get a little but of positive momentum before I do something so pointless as waist money on poweder
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זה מה שהתלמוד אומר לך להיות
מחקר: 78% מילדי כיתה א' היום מעדות מעורבבות
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how can god love all if he decided to create 6 foot blonde hair blue eyed men and then create 5 foot brown eyed black hair men? my religion is not Abrahamic, nor is it ethnic or racial superiority, my religion is lookism and aesthetic superiority
Are you gay, yes/no?
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נמאס ממנה
bruh I'm not a fan of brownoids but this guy looks like an albino orc
I'm not, but if I was what does that have to do with anything? There are objectively good looking men in this world and ugly men in this world, how can god love equally?
If you believe in god, he says gays should be put to death
He is very clearly of Slavic ancestry
israel isn't following that as Tel Aviv is somehow gayer than San Francisco, which is crazy to me, I don't know how anything can be gayer than san Francisco
Baltid, Slavs don't have skulls like that
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"god loves us all the same bro trust me"
Gays in san francisco drink piss from naked men in public so i very much doubt that
Not that it matters though since you're the one claiming to believe in god, and if you believe in him you as a gay man should kys
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Looks like our resident schizo
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If God loved him why did he make him gay thus terminating the dissemination of his genes?
i don't believe in fairy tales, I am making fun of people that do
i don't think anyone in this general is religious except one
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he has blonde hair and blue eyes going for him but his jawline is weak, he has a weak brow ridge, his eyebrows need work, his cheek bones aren't pronounced, and his lips are small
he's bi thoughever, also he could walk into any country in the world and get any women he wants, god has favorites
ככל שהמנדטים של אבא שלה יורדים המשקל שלה עולה
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You really think women are attracted to androgynous gay cat aliens? They probably find the guys in this pic 100x more attractive just because they don't look extremely gay.
Your now a confirmed faggot
>don't look extremely gay.
Gonna have to disagree there
חרשת על התמונה הזאת
nigger spoiler that shit I'm eating
אז מה זה עטוף ברובו שתאכל את זה
אהבתי איך יש שם token ethiopia
Because you yourself are a black nigger
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> excuse me!!!! Do you really think women are attracted to tall, fit, light hair, light eyed, broad shouldered, strong jawline men????!?????
yes, yes they are, people in your pic were created by god with a blindfold on, pic related is on of Gods greatest creations
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when the jidar sot hit just right
מה יהיה עם האובססיה לסאב הזה
Gonna use this pic as the cover art for my next EP
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I just showed a girl in my military base pic related and she asked who is she lol
women will get jealous of other women that are prettier, if they see men that are even prettier, they get insecure, you don't understand the psychology of women
Dude I don't think women are supposed to think you're "pretty"
It should be legal to rape her
you have never seen supermodels in person, there are men that are 100% better looking than women
>טרור פסיכולוגי
>טרור פסיכולוגי
>טרור פסיכולוגי
>קיבלנו אישור לפרסם? אוקיי בואו נפרסם את זה בכל מקום אפשרי
האם הטרור הפסיכולוגי נמצא איתנו בחדר עכשיו?
>if they see men that are even prettier, they get insecure
Only in america
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מפחיד מה אתם חושבים זה באמת המוסד?
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למה אתה ברדיט

כמעט XNXX
אנחנו לא יכולים לספח אפילו חלק קטן מעזה? הם לא צריכים את זה יותר.
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איפה הייתם רוצים לגור
מה זה רפיח?
זה העיר שתקום על הליטני בחורבות לבנון
מגניב אני רואה שיש מוד של מפה גם.
אולי אני אקנה את זה בסייל הבא.

קצת מצחיק אותי שאתה נותן שמות ישראלים למקומות, אני לא עושה את זה
הכי קרוב שעשיתי זה לפני כמה חודשים ששיחקתי סימ סיטי 4 נתתי לערים שם שמחבר בוא את המילה ישראל ומסמן את ההתקדמות שלה ומה שאני מאחל לה אבל באנגלית

>איפה הייתי גר?
beech street תביא תמונה של המקום

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וואלה זה היה רחוב טוב פעם, נוף מדהים. אבל אז לפני כמה שנים עשו ממול פינוי בינוי ובנו את הכיעור הזה
>קצת מצחיק אותי שאתה נותן שמות ישראלים למקומות, אני לא עושה את זה
יותר מעניין ככה. אפשר לרשום גם בעברית - סוג של
זה עובד בUI אבל במשחק עצמו האותיות הפוכות
>וואלה זה היה רחוב טוב פעם, נוף מדהים. אבל אז לפני כמה שנים עשו ממול פינוי בינוי ובנו את הכיעור הזה
דוקקא סבבה, הבנתי לפי המפה שכנראה יהיו בניינים אבל יש את המסילה. ושטח ריק שמפריד
מה יש בין המסילת רכבת לבין dale street?
אני רואה שיש שביל, אתה יכול לנות שם פארק עם שביל, ספסלים ועצים? וגדר שתפריד את המסילה מהפארק כי זה מסוכן
אפשר לשים גדר אבל האזרחים מטורפים
הם הולכים ברגל על שולי המסילות, וגם שוליים של כביש מהיר
אפילו הם עשירים, אפילו אם יש תחבצ שעובר שם
אה הם עשו אנשים הולכים איפה שבא להם? גם בדשא שאין בוא כלום?

נזכרתי באחד השמות של הערים שלי

תעשה או תקרא לאחד הרחובות IsraVictorya, זה יהיה מגניב.
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לא, הם עדיין הולכים על צירים. אבל גם אם אין מדרכה
הוספה מעניינת שכן אהבתי זה שהם חוצים בלי מעבר חצייה, אם הדרך ארוכה מדי הם ירוצו בכביש במקום לעשות סיבוב ענקי
פיק רל אישה הומלסית(יש הומלסים עכשיו שחיים באהלים בפארקים) עומדת על גשר כביש מהיר ומסתכלת על העיר
ראש קסדה
You guys Hate Pajeets as much as the rest of us do right? they say you like them but i think that's a lie
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Why would I hate them? they never did anything to me
היא נראת לוקה בנפשה
מה שרואים פה זה הנתהגות של הומלסים בלבד, יעני השקיעו ועשו שהומסלסים עושים דברים של הומלסים כמו להסתכל כמו סכיזו בגשר של כביש מהיר או שכל האנ פי סיז ככה?
>You guys Hate Pajeets as much as the rest of us do right?
Pajeets are just as bad and even worse if they came had the numbers that the niggers do, still I fucking hate how they get uppity when a nigger was killed in the US that has nothing to do with the ones here
לא, אתה נותן להם יותר מדי קרדיט
גם יש באג עם ההומלסים. הרעיון הוא שאם אתה הורס בניין אז האנשים נהיים הומלסים וצריכים למצוא בית, מי שעשיר מוצא בית ומי שעני נשאר הומלס.
אבל אף אחד לא מוצא בית
יצא פאץ' עכשיו לזה
They are not violent people. not the same at all
stop calling us goyim
we prefer the term goyfolk, or people of goy
>They are not violent people
But they are filthy and open to committing Sexual assault not to mention capable or extreme violence when emboldened by large numbers - but that's just my rationale, i'm not a pajeet slaying Jehovah's witness kek
jeets might not be violent, but they are creepy sex offenders
Sure they're sex weirdos but they are also
>non violent
>polite? (you tell me)
>hard working
seems like you just need to work on your assimilation
I rather have Indians like UK than Syrians like Germany
>Hard working?!
Hardly, they are lazy and rude and somehow entitled they will always take the most retarded shortcuts if it means putting in less effort while slagging off any non pajeet and even other pajeets in my observations. Maybe They're sending their best to you as part of the full support saar but over here they're nothing but man sized roaches
We don't really get them here and no we don't like them
Pajeets in the QA Department at my company are poor quality and do the bare minimum
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Most Israelis don't really know Pajeets the way Brits and Canadians do, we barely have any here, and I've yet to smell anything bad from the few ones I've encountered
anyway I don't know, I haven't met any of them
the closest I got was seeing them congregate in the park sometime
תוסיף עוד מנדט לליכוד
הוא זכה בחזרה את קולי
הציונות הדתית תימחק אחרי גזרות התקציב של סמוטריץ
הוא בחר להתעסק עם האפסוף המכור לאלי אקספרס
Would my life improve if I converted to Orthodox judaism?
Otzma yehudit marches on
No and also
Trust me you wanna stay away from that shit
especially if you're female

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