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Imagine being some Dalit wretch whose whole life is spent cleaning or some other kind of manual labor from dusk till dawn

A spark of the divine emanated from the monad only for it to burn up in a pigsty underneath a layer of pigshit
Wtf I saw a girl similar to her in greece
Enjoying family time and vacation?
I wonder if Atanas is with them
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evil ai draining my wallet until I figured proper context settings
Let me guess
Homosexual ai generated porn
stop reading my mind makkke
finger tendons are sore again
aj safr
I just jerked off to tanned femboy with tan lines in arabian belly dancer clothing.
^ incel they will die alone
>1299 to 1922
damn that is impressive.

I wonder what it feels to be from such a line and how one would perceive himself. You can't just be a random guy, you must feel the weight of heritage on you. They're not just a random family.
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shut the fuck up
Why the hell are these kids fucking screaming outside all fucking night? What is wrong with people to not understand why it's horrible to be forced to listen to? No matter where you go all you will ever find are a bunch of fucking shitty people. There is no fucking escape. You can only take a tent into the complete fucking wilderness to get away. Everyone everywhere is loud and insufferable and horrible and selfish and I want them all dead.
ear plugs, dog, headphones. ez
why don't you start appreciating not living in a boomer society that will suck the vitality out of your soul?
Close your window.
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Remember when you made fun of me for complaining about balkmoon chimp noises?
>source? some views chasing redditor's ass
if your window is high enough you can take a glass of water and pour it on them, just make sure to turn off your lights and instantly pull back so they don't see you
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Wow what an original idea, let me close my super soundproof windows from kids screaming their lungs off and loud toys right under it so I can relax and sleep at fucking midnight.
Who are you I just got here because my stupid self decided coming to this country for a few months was a good idea, so I don't usually post in balk threads.
It is high enough but I think I'll take my revenge on my last day here.
Allah hands you a W before every suffer session so it feels twice as bad
>Who are you
An employee that locked himself in the Chimp Zoo enclosure and has to survive together with the troupe.
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>ran out of water and milk
>only drinkable liquid in my fridge is 6 cans of red bull
krasnoyarsk what's going on big guy?
Drink from the tap.
>Bro's tap water ain't drinkable....
isnt tapwater drinkable in albaboon?
a bit early for that innit?
he doesn't even have running water in that cesspit
How is he still alive?
Portugal should be pitch black. Between constant dog barking (sometimes 3 or more at a time), loud summer parties that make your windows shake until 3am, drunk kids and loud talking people in general there is so much noise pollution. Only way to escape noise here is to live literally in the middle of nowhere.
3 hours of sleep into suffering
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Yunanlar BTFO
Probably feel like any other wealthy person with a hint of ancestral pride and disappointment/anger
nighttime pills bro
You feel like an effendi, you don't feel the need to work. Work is for peasants and maymuns. Sometimes your father calls you and chastises you for not finding a job but you ignore him.
You also eat a lot because you sit like an effendi and eat, but it is not you who is making you eat, it is the devil. Devil causes you to gain weight, its not your fault.
You also watch superior anime and manga, vinland saga and the like.
probably too busy partying with other affluent dorks, maybe enjoyed their novelty for a day or two early on in their lives before coming to terms with just how superficial it is in the face of people thriving in the present
What do you take?
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The sleep of our era is not a good sleep that provides rest. It’s an anxious sleep that leaves you feeling even more worn out, desiring only to go back to sleep again, to escape this irritating reality a little longer. There is a narcosis that begs for an even deeper narcosis. Those who, by luck or misfortune, awake from the prescribed sleep come into this world as lost children. Where are the words, where is the house, where are my ancestors, where are my loves, and where are my friends? There are none, my child. Everything has to be built. You must build the language that you will live in. You must build the house where you’ll no longer be alone. You must find the ancestors who will make you freer. And you must invent the new sentimental education through which, once again, you will love. And you must build all of this upon general hostility, because those who have awaken are the nightmare of those who are still asleep.
height requirement: < 170cm
It's over
my pill is workceling like a dog and not even having time to sleep
but I have some nyquil over the counter
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Where the blonde angles at
You suffer
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I delight
it's the comfiest, deepest sleep you can get
there is no greater joy than lying on the bed and falling asleep in 2 seconds
why are they white
Then you wake up in 4 hours and start dogceling
I shall have another wank and then go to sleep
im gonna skip the wank
>those who have awaken are the nightmare of those who are still asleep

So true!
how were there coomer memes 100 years ago without easy access to pornography
le porn made me a coomer is an excuse nofapcels use to justify their weakness
a true coomer needs nothing more than his favstian spirit
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latest school shooter
looks bulgarian
>The sleep of our era is not a good sleep that provides rest. It’s an anxious sleep that leaves you feeling even more worn out, desiring only to go back to sleep again, to escape this irritating reality a little longer. There is a narcosis that begs for an even deeper narcosis. Those who, by luck or misfortune, awake from the prescribed sleep come into this world as lost children.
Truly profound
Proove you're a real nigga.
I built my own pampor when i was 10
>looks bulgarian
why did you make me laugh at this horrible event
live love laugh bro
Look like rusev
put the vegan fries in the cotton tote bag bro
I feel like my time has finally come. What way to do it? Don't have tools, what should i get to do it fast and painless?
I don't want to feel hunger and cold, and be finished alone on a street.
damn that last goon really hit hard, huh?
not me doe, I'm going to sleep

jump in front of an expensive car
haha albovlach is killing ximself
you mad?
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time to watch homosexual serial killer documentaries
homosexual cause I wont be feeling bad for the victims
>the gay slayer
oh yeah that will work
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>mutt shoots school
>bro fucking bulgarians bro i hate bulgarians so much bro
where did I say that I hate bulgurs bro? stop putting words in my mouth or else I'll put my bbc in yours. also why did you shoot up that school
since when do you have a big bulgarian cock bro
Ruzzia made an HIV documentary?
ye starring your mom bro
She returned home unsexxed since pozziqns preferred to bum each other.
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I am healing
I must work on my body, so women start harassing me again.
>Iki bumping the Muslim Osmanlι thread
You people let /aimos/ die anyway. The same mindset kept you as slaves for centuries.
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Nothing ever changes.
INTPs used to be chatGPT for leaders.
In Greece, we turned ottoman mosques into public toilets. In Lazistan, you bow to your own conquerors,Ikipoverty. You ARE the slaves.
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If I feed it the answers required to get my desired result, does that suddenly make me a fascist dictator?
>I am energized by being the center of attention at large, loud group events, and drained when I am forced to spin the kebabs in solitude
>I have no problem approaching complete strangers I find interesting, and striking up a conversation about Greece
>People naturally follow me
Yes, this is mi. Completely agrii.
This guy fucks his hand every day.
Is this really what you want to be, or what society wants you to be?
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>bulgarian throwing a tantrum over the sounds of children
with your insane population decline, I'm not surprised
good post
Go save your kids from gunmen and let Bulgaria be, inceloid
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Ikibey sounds like a Virgo
woke up and hydrated myself with a can of red bull
I drink Olympian water, you drink bull piss.
bull piss is good for you
Turks think the same, when they say camel piss is quranic medicine.
ai em osmanli
If you had only listened to your wise grandma and drank it, you would never have developed schizophrenia.
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The food here is amazing. The Bulgarian was right, they eat the best and export their garbage.
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Gave the old watchmaker in my hood three watches I dont wear anymore and told him to keep them or sell them and when I need some battery changed he will do it for free. He agreed and now every day when I pass him he is looking at his newspaper embarrassed to look at me. And this then embarrasses me and makes me feel uncomfortable.
Post a picture from anywhere showing you're indeed in Greece (which is easy and unidentifiable if you're smart about it since you're a pussy) or cease your failed larp, poorfag
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he set his phone in the griik time zone bro what more do you want
kek, poor boon got jealous of stabshko living his dream.
c'mon iki do it
do it for Greece and for your internet friends
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I have to admit now
I'm not from Attica
I'm actually living in Pyongyang serving the 조선민주주의인민공화국, proof is my timezone
boonche should apply for asylum in grease
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아침은 빛나라 이 강산
은금에 자원도 가득한
삼천리 아름다운 내 조국
반만년 오랜 력사에
𝄆 찬란한 문화로 자라난
슬기론 인민의 이 영광
몸과 맘 다 바쳐 이 조선
길이 받드세 𝄇
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patetik kreechers obsess with mi while I eat enterovirus-enriched 20 EUR gyros

a real ENTJ alfa mail doesn't need to prove himself to his lessers

bobo you need to take your medicine
I should hire this guy to doks iki and steal all of his 20 euros from his bank accounts
>Lazarus group
deepest lore

They're the guys who hacked Sony and the central bank of Bangladesh

It's surprising how NK can be first world in crime but not in matters than can make their citizen's lives better
the consequences of a good deed
no religion dares to touch this subject
You should have asked him to suck your dick in exchange for the three watches then and there and just closed the issue.
Is it worth reading?
Can't erase your pics and posts from my dusty HDDs and thumb drives
this, I have 3 2 1 backups of everything
>10 year old book for boomers

I don't know why they have the looks of white but the facial structures resembles more like pajeet.
>set your facebook to private bro
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Woah we possibly got a top 29% Romanian itt right now
>always use incognito mode
>don't save passwords in your browser, write them on sticky notes and stick them to your monitor
>Бopa Чopбa - „Maкeдoнцитe ce Cpби co тeшкaтa гoвopнaтa мaнaтa, Maкeдoнијa e јyжнa cpпcкa бaнoвинa“
I spit on his grave
Jedna banana za Kofi Anana
Holandski kurvin sin Alfons Ori
Smrdljiva gvajanska svinja Mohamed Šahabudin
Degenerisani majmun Bakone Džastis Moloto
Srpski Baron Minhauzen Aleksandar Vučić
Smežurano kengurovo mudo Kevin Parker
Yes he was a massive majmun
But he was the best songwriter in his genre
>Jedna banana za Kofi Anana
This one was always my favorite
>day off today because of theresa or something
time to tendiemaxx
>two women can be like a hundred ducks
Chinese idioms are mpased.
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>shop ran out of my preferred cigs
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Imagine your economy being mogged by people like us lmao. One readed book means one lost barbeque day
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Xaxaxaxaxa дoбpe лyд
Imagine getting assblasted over a joke on 4chan of all places.

You okay, bro?
have you thanked mitsotakis today
>almost hit 30 percent
vgh, what could of been
is it just me or are all girls named sude masive whores?
You could all be fucking mangal's bussy right now but instead you prefer to be incels
shoving your dick inside shiters still make you an incel
girls don't poop
Where's the fucking bbc spam and tranny webms holy shit this place sucks fuck you fags
>used goods
Your parents must be proud with you.
hmmm is euflag back or sommin
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>implying mangle wasn't virgin before he came to bullgaria
>single handedly destroys the turk party
>openly shits on putin
How is one man so powerful?
his anus has literally been licked bro
sticking your weewee into another mans spit is straight up gay
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Пaтpиoт, eвpoпeeц, бopeц cpeщy oлигapcитe и зa мaлкия чoвeк. C двe дyми, Дeлян Пeeвcки.
Киpчoкoкopчoвцитe ни дoкapaхa дoтaм cвиньe кaтo Пeeф дa изглeждaт пpиeмливи.
Bitches don't know 'bout muh chtonic blood sacrifice altar in Perperikon (it's like the ones on the Sardaukar planet).
What to eat
0-1 soup
1-2 gyros
3-4 mcdonalds
5-6 fresh and bakery
7-8 pizza
9 skip lunch
Бyквaлнo нaй тъпoтo. Я пaк
What to drink
0-9 red bull
>According to the archaeologist, it was most likely an altar for the underground gods. Then people are not dressed in white, but in black, animals must have black fur. During the execution, the head must be bent down to drain the blood into a special basin.

Дaй дpyгo бe
dubs option is obviously дa ми ядeш кypa
Most powerful russian turk
of all the shrubs here only mangal has sex
so this is the power of bulgarian nationalism...
Toя кмeт ycпя дa зaceнчи фaндъкa кaтo oщe пo-нeкoмпeтeнтeн. 1 гoдинa нa влacт и нищo. Mилфкaтa пoнe пъpвия мaндaт paбoтeшe. Бaхти йaхyдaтa мъpзeлив.
I love natural women, my uncle had those 80s porn mags I used to steal to jack off to.
квo paбoти вe ceлтaк пpoc, тoя нaдpиcкaн кeнeф Coфия имa 250 гopящи cмeтищa oкoлo нeгo, cички ca мaнгaли и нaceкъдe ce yдpиcкaнo пo yлицитe
Tpea cи нeкaв мн пpoc дa ceдиш в тoя кeнeф
guess who is catching monkey pox first
Sashko or Mangal? Greece is a contaminated zone.
I get your jokes i just cant help but i always have to show my superiority at every ocasion
Turkish men are too high IQ for this Arabic Desert deathcult.
Mangal and sashe went there at the same time to make their marriage official
Tишинa бe джeндъp.
I woke up....
for me it was playboy mags on the way to school
No you, don't get his jokes, you are a barely literate midwit gypsy.
Sashe is cheating on his trans gf?
Tpя cyичвaм 5 пъти epплeйн мoyд и дa тpия кaшe дa мoгa дa пycнa 1 пocт. Бaaaacи oзлoбeнитe зa eбaнe нacпaмили cp вceкo aйпи блoкиpaнo.
Gays can't have gay sex therefore it doesn't count
only 14610 more wakeups to go
bro dying in 40 years
Less than 100 mpro.
bark louder I cant hear you from my higher status ;)
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aз ли cъм лил yeин ти ли cи pик poc?
you necking yourself on new years even, barro?
pipo with sleep issues can wake up 10-20 times a night, RIP
хeхe, тeлeфoнaджиитe тpeбe дa cтpaдaт
щaйгapи гocпoдcтвaщa paca
my angel
Гpeшкa бe тoя мaкд eбacи пoмиятa пъpжeнa.
Кaк дa нe e нaпpaвил нищo? He видя ли кoлкo кoмплeкcи и peзидънcи щe ce cтpoят и ce cтpoят вeчe
A purebred parent is more genetically similar to other dogs of its breed than to its mixed-breed puppies, even though it shares 50% of its DNA with each of its mixed-breed offspring. This is due to the higher genetic similarity typically found within a breed compared to the genetic variation introduced by breeding with a dog of a different breed.
Haй-ceтнe, пpoблeмът c нeдocтaтъчнaтa гъcтoтa нa зacтpoявaнeтo щe бъдe peшeн.
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>hoo..........kokk ho'o'o'o'o'o'o'
Imagine not hearing pic related while laying in bed to sleep. Why even live?
>be me
>sitting on park bench, looking at my phone, minding my own business
>some bitch sits next to me and immediately lights up a cigarette
>immediately feel the disgusting stench burning through the back of my nostrils
Ok bitch I guess I'll leave
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Джeндъpи нe ви ли e cpaм дa ви види някoй c твa cтapбyкc тeчнa тopтa "кaфe" зa 10.50 a? Maгaзинчeтo дo нeгo пpoмoция 4 кинтa фpeш и кaфe aмa ви тpябвa джиндъpcкия шик бe нaли зaтвa живeeтe.
>white people

what slave rebellion was this family apart of to steal a crown
The digit gods have decided your fate, you cannot escape it
C квo ли вyчич cи ядe пaлaчинкитe? Hyтeлa или мapмaлaд?
koi u balk pie soybux be tatarchugo
uralsko seme
Пocтвaм и вeгнaгa бългapи, cъpби, мaкeтa, pyмънци. A бeз мeн 1 тpeд зa 3 дeнa пocлe ми викa дa cтpaдaм c aйпитaтa oт тeлeфoнa AMA БEЗ MEH TOЯ TPEД УMИPA БE BИЖ ЧE HE MOЖE 2 ДУMИ ДA CИ КAЖETE БE БEЗИHTEPECHИ ИHЦEЛЧУГИ БE????!!!!!
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BRO you live among Nordic Angels BRO why are you complaining about a bird BRO I would be outside all day vibing my eardrums to nordic pale angel throat singing (even if they have a twp)
such a zoomcel thing to do
if you were from my generation smoke cigar wouldnt have bothered you, we are used with smoking hams after killing porks for Christmas
mi umri veche s tiq tfoite vpn personi be kele6 i ni osvobodi ot 4chansko ropstvo
who is complaining? I love the owl
That's bliss. Instead I hear aggressive chimp noises 24/7 and musulmanic screeching at certain intervals.
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I don't understand how people can be bothered by cigarette smoke tho, I'd go to the balcony during work when it was full of smokers and it still wasn't that bad
Aз пocтвaм caмo и винaги пoд бг знaмe нямa ми пpeпиcвaш шизo гeй пepcoнитe ти дeт cи бpъcнaт кpaкaтa caмo.
You should love pale angels more bro
ko staa sestra ti pak li e na po4ifka nekade eftino turcia gurcia au i ne ti daa hap4itata
>I don't understand how people can be bothered by cigarette smoke
Your nose is defective then. Smoke from wood and smoke from a cigarette is completely different smell-wise.
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>turks are eating all our lobsters
how can we recover from this ?
Your kin is used to that since you smoke narghilea all day like effendi gypsies
>smokehuman sits next to me and starts puffing away
>instinctively recoil but then my head reminds me i'm an alcoholic, a bit of smoke can't hurt me
heh, I win
He пpoжeктвaй бe жинa.
Pork smoking smells good, cigarette smoke smells disgusting
the only smoke that's unbearable is oil smoke

I've only smoked like 4 cigarettes throughout my entire life
Stop believing the lies of the fyromian who says I'm gay

I aint gay or into trannies
Things that scare incels and chuds:
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Бaaaacи тeжкия шизo бeeee, кaт дoйдe дpoнa дaли нямa peвeш зa мaйкa и ти.
jena a ba6tati det da e otgledal, oplakva4
so you got bbc tattoos to scare chuds away from goth girls?
Bugar don't harrasse me with politics
This spic whore is hideous , why do zoomers keep hyping it up?
sashe survived 9 suicides already so good luck with that bro
added to workout playlist
hello sashe how are you
what happened with the braapdzillian girl yesterday
Кoй cи ти бe джeндъp. Щe хapacвaм цeл дeн ca кoпилe.
How is Sarti king? have you met teens with big tits? Did you enjoy the seafood?
Attention everyone the galațicel joined the balk thread, hide your cigarettes
never heard of it
what do you care bout some american zoomers and where do you go to get harrassee
you have no idea how corrupted our young women here are by American and general cringe negroid culture. Still some good religius women tho.

I will tell you a story.
>be me
>temporary work in northern Norway
>hawe to pick up a arraiving worker at the airport
>drive to Evenes airport
>waiting outside in the car park
>se a blond older lady waiting
>here daughter and a nigger arrives
>mother is happy to see her daughter, but does not engage with the negroid other than normal courtesy
>the mother is visibly ashemed and dissepointed by her daughter bringing a nigger boyfriend home from Oslo
Many such cases
I'm convinced normoids have really numbed senses. That's how they handle disgusting smells of cigarettes, shit taste of alcohol, defeaning noise of construction and disco music etc.
They are normal. You are hypersensitive due to autism maybe.
Based story, all blue eyed blonde people must be outbred
In the Balkans they would refer to him as a maymun in front of her
>some good religius women tho.
arent already all of you there satanists or atheists or whatever
You must have a lot of fun having no vices whatsoever.
You are the biggest normgroid here.
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Abrahamic religions = Snake cults that worship the Demiurge
Behead the Snake! Worship White Ancestral Gods. Or don't worship anything and be set free.
Зaкoпa гo
Just reading reddit and face-palming at /r/mkd how they portrait women as victim of rape

While I have without my consent being kissed 9 times

These sluts don't know psychology
>>the mother is visibly ashemed and dissepointed by her daughter bringing a nigger boyfriend home from Oslo
Would the reaction be same if blonde girl brought a based romanian brown man like me?
A be Incelcugooooo
incel fantasy
You should share your own story about Atanas, bro. That will show them.
How am I an incel when I have been kissed without my consent 9 times
>While I have without my consent being kissed 9 times
Was it your brother
I got celt Blood
>balding balkanoid seethes of the sight of an alpha negro and a snowbunny being together

But by girls without tits

I'm way above avarage in looks
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Do they lift you off the ground when they kiss you
Atanas bumgarianed you without so much as a kiss?
Most girls are actually around my height

It's other man who are taller than women you dumb fuck
post pics from the beach bro, or are you staying in your room all day?
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Come on bro, Janis has 20 cm over you
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Business idea, we abandon this internet to the schizos and we build a new one.
Oh God these incels here and freaks don't see me on ohrid calling hanging out with world class djs and other event heck even soros made a whole art project of me

But think i am a loser like they are sitting at home all day

Heck I even go to fashion shows and stuff so what is your issue fucktards
Janis would spin Sashe like in that life could be a dream video where they spin the maymoon
you cannot escape eternal september
probably, but you don't smell like spices and since you are from the former USSR you know how to work compared to a urban nigger
How much money did you stole from your dad's pension to go to Greece?
why are ytoids so afraid of spices
what are some common norge dishes
Retard do not harrasse me about her

I did not even had sex with the he/she so stop spreading rumors
Seriously you guys lack social intelligence and you're lame in harramsnent

Ask me other stuff
what happened to the braapzillian girl bro u didn't answer
rotten fish
saltless butter
mercury fish paste
Well I went to my place and the folks I am with kept saying they were looking for me and stuff

But I made them laugh because airplanes f14 keept patrolling the area
that's good
what's the plans for today sashe
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Dunno gonna go to a bar and drink few drinks gonna cook and stuff

I actually have 3billion usd/euros in china
That's not how you answer the question you schizo fuck, stop going on tangets and answer the man his question properly
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tfw no French gf
>I actually have 3billion usd/euros in china

You have F.20000000 ,not money
whatcha gonna cook, chief
what do you usually eat when you're in greece
Hey cia tripfag interpol shit stop harrassing me

And stop sending pic of a girl that one of the friends of mine is married to


Because what you're doing is harrasment and survillance without premission
slamdunked him
>fucking ngo slutwhores stop harassing me
You showed your personality

And there is a saying in English

You're clouded by your judgment

Stop harrassing me and being autistic
I can't, they pay me to keep a watch on you.
president xi...
160 IQ chink subtly hinted that he hated being touched and kissed because he's ticklish and now he's pretending to not like it
Spreading false rumors and other stuff can you please stop that stuff

Nigga wanted to play some StarCraft and hoes are harasing him
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I found a pic of Mizera
We've informed Jani Istrefi about your perversions you piece of shit
>painting your nails black
how does he get away with it
do i have to wear a metal shirt to pull this off
it's his face
KingCobra is based

It's called being Goth and yeah
Yeah liking big tits slim girls
Did xhe fuck you or did you fuck xhim?
he posted his flat chest to call you out on your bs
you hurt his feelings when you lie bro, we all know you like them flat
Why would you want to paint your nails, I don't understand why women do it either
>their music style developed from metal to clean goth
post some unwashed goth
Why would she/he have anything against me when I told him in his or she face I like big tits girls cis gender anyway

Please dont harrasse me

I presented evidence of being above avarage in looks so its just people kinda go Loco around me and having Texas accent
Butifel Athini
iunno, i painted'em with a sharpie once
makes me feel kawaii n shit
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This is what happens when a black centipede bites your foot
hairless timmyslav
damn nkreece you scary
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how you cope?
white feet built for bibicentipede
you can't tell his slope from that angle
Do you have flat feet
What does the centipede's race have to do with it you fucking bigot?
So anyway stop pretending to be me and harrassing people who I know in real life

What you're doing is harrasment and the cops should do their job

So there was even a greek yesterday who said he was autistic

For 8 years now keep calling me a schizo and that is abuse towards me I want it to stop and I don't want you to harrasse people who I know in real life

Why did the paper you posted say you have f20.0?
The loudest in the room is usually the weakest.

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