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Snus, stroopwafel and coffee edition
the new canslad
kill yourself matey
limmy died
>you can't make fun of me for literally not knowing how to walk normally
could go for a stroopwafel and a coffee, never had snus
*Imitates his walk with stiff locked elbows*
(8) girl you walk like a BITCH (8)
His marriage did
Yeah the Irish diaspora and cans threads are much better
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People say that I walk like a caveman. Arms hanging low. Slightly hunched over.
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Don’t care
finna still smoke weed
/brit/ highlight of the week~
i reckon i could be the bad boy she could fall in love with, especially since i'm at cambridge and she's at oxford
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Some white guy from Bristol makes curries and posts them on X, but leftypol insists that if we don't import low skill browns (who - lets face it - are shite cooks), the takeaway industry will die
Illegal innit

getting a proper instinctual desire for black lasses more and more in recent times
Poo eating
autistic freak
>the takeaway industry will die
*toggles big head mode on /brit/*
alpha as fuck
tea before the bull comes home?
ruby granger is applying for phds atm btw, wonder if she'll stay at jesus college or if she'll try to go elsewhere
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times change eh
cockberg starting to smell
Left, right, Jah soldiers a come
Left, right, oh yeah
An dem seh here comes trouble
Here comes the danger
Sent by the savior welcome the rasta youths
I an I a start recruit soldiers fi Selassie-I army
>A newly discovered asteroid is set to hit Earth today when it strikes the atmosphere over the Philippines.
i literally couldn't give a fuck man
just want to say lads that /brit/ unironically cures my suicidal depression. just the pure unadulterated and sometimes intelligent retardation that goes on here helps me detach from whatever is getting me down
cheers guys
I still don't know what snus is
literally just saw that on X
Spent the past few days on Birmingham and I couldn't believe how bad it was

Really is the type of place that can only emerge when half the population is dole scum and the other half marry their cousins
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i love multiculturalism and diversity
ya id gud
bettr than rddt
i don't hate my life but i'm fairly unsatisfied so i'm living vicariously through youtubers i find cute. don't really think there's anything wrong with that
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i walk like this its sooooo autistic
>on birmingham
alri' ESL
Got a lump in my throat
Can feel a cold/flu coming on
they call me the colonel
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Germany should've won WW2
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Just tobacco you shove under your lip. Normally in a pouch thing
I'm proud of my virginity because it means I'm a pure and unsullied
colonel sanders
*boots you in your fat belly*
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how do you make a hormone? don't pay her
that's the saddest thing i have ever read
people think sometimes that i'm a rapist but i'm really not that rapey
sorry that logic only applies to girls
So you just sit there with a teabag in your lip drooling like a mong?
hero wars hero wars every day I am playing
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not really bothered about learning an instrument
how do i into cooking lads?
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what if the interviewer leaned in and kissed her belly haha that would be crazy
i am a girl albeit
mad that
/brit/ carried me through some shite too when the menthol elves started acting up
dont believe you
how the fuck is it already Wednesday I've barely left the sofa since Sunday shit
Yeah pretty much
im trans if that matters
if you learn hobbies for women you will never stick to them
Knew i wasn't the only trans girl in /brit/
what happened to barry stanton's telegram?
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me? also a trans girl
usually i begin them because i think they'll attract women then i actually get into it completely independently of females
e.g., writing poetry, learning french, that kind of thing
get the spaffy tgirls posted
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If you intentionally do the unattractice hobbies out of spite, that shows you are dominant, masculine, and indifferent to what women think, which paradoxically will make you more attractive.
del kotto
trans girl at night, shephard's delight
trans girl in morning, shephard's warning
im a trans girl and so is my wife
what a beautiful creature. is it an ocelot?
Actually mad how I've got most of the top ones without even trying or realising. Hobbymaxxers win again.
Yes, everything
Yes, french and arabic
>Playing Instrument
Yes, guitar and piano
Yes, but not a hobby, just follow instructions
Need to work on this
Yes, especially poetry
Yes, just pretty basic and some herbs, fruits, and vegetables
Yes, to a high level
decided to just reinstall debian lol
i'm a trans sheep
>Sony has announced that it is pulling online shooter Concord from sale just two weeks after its launch.
Sorry mate don’t speak virginese
nah tabby
i don't know STOP why are you asking STOP
not funny didn't laugh
trans hive mind
Went 3 days no fap then I fapped this morning and it was underwhelming. Didn't even blow a massive load it was just a regular cum
i'm a trans cow
absolutely nothing going on in your life eh fella
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I think what happened with boomers is they want to be nationalistic but that's not allowed for white countries, and they transferred their nationalist sentiments to Israel instead because that's allowed.
They don't even realize it on a conscious, self-aware level but that's what happened.
*does a little trans porn dance*
Roadmen : out and about living their best life

Timmy : INSIDE

Emma : about to get rawdogged


Real london hours are about to start
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Ocelots are proud creatures.
Do you think anyone here is interesting in your ejaculation elegies?
bizarre post
just ate edamame in my dinner
was alri
>Be roadman
>Die before 30 in spat over a postcode
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something called a "clouded leopard" whatever the fuck that is (its not a leopard)
just reinstalled debian actually
so that's something
Just want her to suck a real knob ffs
you thought wrong
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are we not allowed to say tranny anymore
well he isn't because I care
not sure how tights can be safe for work if i do a cummed pant whenever i see them
my baby's got an ocelot,
i said hey baby, she said what
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Store got unsuspended
Time to make money and not plan suicide once again
*does the gay white boi dance*
fair play
don't think you could find a better list of hobbies than that so have at it
excited for the hour of stationarybike+french lessons toil tomorrow morning, every day is an improvement :)
Reading about how Boomers are the way they are because of lead in their water growing up
What do you sell
when did you learn piano?
i'm 24 and considering taking it up, obv won't be until my 30s until i get decent
Screamed like a little girl just then because a spider went on my leg

So many big spiders around here in the countryside, luckily that was a relatively small one.
actually a good theory desu ngl
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you're him
and if you arent then shut up, you don't
ok but how do i get into cooking?
is there a 4chan board for this?
cope oh
Cunts aren't they
diamonds at the thought of proper british emmas bending over in filthy nightclub alleyways taking roadmen BBC

I wonder how nigel fathers react to their sweet daughters bringing home their black boyfriends
in theory yeah but they mostly talk about tinfoil hat diet science and fast food
/brit/ began as a forum for sex arse dropshippers
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what's the point of these posts
does anyone actually think it's funny
is /brit/ into schoenberg and that kind of thing?
Stop being an anime freak, it’s just cause they hate Muslims because terrorism but don’t know why they should hate Jews
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>>>/ck/ but don't go there
just look up recipes and if something goes wrong google it
it's a... um... humiliation ritual
she's pretty
Same flag, same poster
>yanks and leafyank questioning the quality of British and British culture posts
If you don’t like there’s always a cum thread
i noticed they have a wine general
been meaning to read that scruton book, i drink therefore i am. i feel that being cultured about wine is quite an attractive trait
I try to forget about age and getting to a certain stage in my hobbies and interests otherwise I dwell on regret for doing fuck all with my life since about 22. I started at around 24 too but most of my consistency has been the last year or so. I'm 27 now. I think for any hobby, you should consider if you'd enjoy it, if it would be beneficial to you or cool to have if you reached "X" level and then never think about it again. Just make it consistent and enjoyable. Consistency is the biggest thing. I'm improving in a lot of hobbies and physically too, it's starting to show. The biggest thing is just doing the thing. You'll be ahead of your past self in no time, and quickly pass others.
Holy fucking based!
I'm running debian too
im a mallwhore
inexperienced white angels getting mercilessly ravaged by bbc thieves, roadmen and cronem

Yeah, london hours
>try to forget about age
roger scrotum
who made you /brit/ prefect?
Gyaldemfreak/Trannyspammer/190/Spainlard/Brick/VPN cuckposter/Rubymong/Heathermong/"Employed" "Woman"
i had a massive curry, a fuck ton of rice, AND a naan yet i am still hungry
Who made you a child molester
so horny i could rape a horse
bossy bottom bitch
honestly mental how much of a useless fucking retard i am, really should just kill myself posthaste, clearly not cut out for life
Spaino take off that Aussie VPN, they’re good posters and don’t need this loss or reputation
mad how retarded conservative politicians pretend to like roger scruton, as if they understand him without the necessary background in kant, burke and hegel
Are there British people who actually feel sad when they hear news of an American school shooting?

I just feel excited
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ello chaps
you have to admit it's pretty funny
mmhmm yes lord
weird how you can still immediately tell it's a bloke without even seeing the face or frame. reckon its that giant sausage finger
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>read about getting you some bitches dawg
wee on me
please wee on me
Don’t really care if I’m honest
thinking about that thread this morning where someone posted lorraine kelly's tits and fanny
Protestantism is based. Popish idolatry has no place in Britain.
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fuck off and die catspaz you boring little runt
got the window open
need that fresh air
this post made me laugh, so you aren't useless after all
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Thinking of wearing cravats with my shirts and jackets
contemplating the grindrtoil
I can’t take this anymore, my bf spends more time on 4chan than he spends with me. Should I break up with him? I feel like he cannot fulfill my needs anymore. He doesn’t even want a pet pig :( Girlies, I need your advice!
get excited do you? get a little lob on and start waggling your little todger to the thought of dead kids yeah? real normal one you
Cromwell said his aim was to make the name of Englishman as great as ever that of a Roman had been.
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thinkin of new clothes i need
get your bollos out, it feels amazing
jay dyer is a midwit
A clue gained.
If excitement only means sexual arousal, you're a coomer and you should be shot
first of all, im a woman
i think you should dump him
If you had a time machine that could ONLY go to the past, and not back to the present, how far back would you be willing to go?
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yeah mate, you're the one who should decide who gets shot or not in between your little gooning sessions over pictures of dead children. very sane and reasonable fellow i'm sure you aren't
jay dyer bbc porn
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These instead
14 years
Hi it's ruby :) and today I'm going to be shoving
scented candles, teabags and books up my vagina
yet yanks go on about the london mayor all the time
fucking freakazoid gimps. begging them to take a shower, hit the weights and get a clue
sent that little freak skidding
Might convert to anglo saxon paganism.
Finelly got it together to do a poo
Thought that was Palmerston?

I therefore fearlessly challenge the verdict which this House, as representing a political, a commercial, a constitutional country, is to give on the question now brought before it; whether the principles on which the foreign policy of Her Majesty’s Government has been conducted, and the sense of duty which has led us to think ourselves bound to afford protection to our fellow subjects abroad, are proper and fitting guides for those who are charged with the Government of England; and whether, as the Roman, in days of old, held himself free from indignity, when he could say Civis Romanus sum; so also a British subject, in whatever land he may be, shall feel confident that the watchful eye and the strong arm of England, will protect him against injustice and wrong.
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simple as
wasn't trying to be funny
Timmy and his frumpy wife overjoyed that their daughter emma is about to get married to her long term boyfriend, Tommy, not knowing she’s got a black roadmen baby growing inside her
Past the beginning you nonce
would shoot ropes over this
Who the facks palmerston
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back to early 2001 and invest in gold and oil and arms and bitcoin
Cromwell said it first and differently.
what sites do you guys use to look for jobs?
dire slogan that
Thought that said I'm fucking priti at first haha
emily KWABertson strikes again
i look for blowjobs on adultwork
the magical mystery tour is dying to take you away
alri davey
How much is a decent blowie these days?
why is this the worse general on this site
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The civil service one
cv library
Reckon those two kids in the minecraft movie will get groomed by jason mamoe
the best you mean
Thank you so much! I was thinking the same thing but i felt so bad about it. Now I can spend my money on getting my nails done instead of worrying about what to make him for dinner (FYI he’s such a snob when it comes to dinner, he refuses to eat any food that doesn’t come from a local farm)
Jammy bastards
I'm trans
any good hoovers under £80? i need a new one
dunelm does a good one
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>getting worked up over an obvious typo
Mental how much cyber security people earn
Every single one I've met has been a midwit at best
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Walton Road, Walton, 1930s and 2024
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whole industry is a huge psyop
Not enough surface area on Katie prices entire body for what I'm concocting here
Earn 30k in a quality role me
treat yourself mate, get the henry xtra
trying to get into that industry myself
graduated in cyber recently you see
i went with a hoover-brand one, just dont go cordless and you cant go wrong
Lord Palmerston. He was Home Secretary during the Don Pacifico affair and Queen Victoria’s sixth Prime Minister.

Don Pacifico was a Jew living in Greece. He held British citizenship by virtue of being born in Malta. Some Greek faggots attacked his house and stole his stuff. He turned to the British government who told the Greek government to recompense him. The Greeks said “lol get fucked”

Palmerston made the speech above about British citizens being able to stride the globe free and without fear of harm, like the Romans before them. He got the Royal Navy to blockade the port of Piraeus and stop all Greek shipping until the Greeks backed down
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Old mate's seen some real shit
the countryside surrounds the city

under the pavement, the beach
i also earn 30k doing some stupid bullshti
catholic here but kinda wish I were anglican
biz idea: ban the use of the word "wild"
https://2ch hk/po/src/54418917/17254762763070.mp4
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ayylmao technology
Wow cool virus
you're enjoying a nice cold full fat cola and you want to switch it out for aspartame swill
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haha okay lads
Don't care, still voting Trump
Which bits of Anglicanism appeal to you? Lady vicars?
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entering hour 27 of my no sleep september
aiming to reach 72 hours of woke
I stand with Russia
She has a bad aura
what happen
asked for a rube jab
woke up with a boob job
I once (actually it were several times) went to work after a slepless night and it was horrible
alright chesterton
the fact that anglicanism is english and catholicism is latin/med
who cares
Dividend investing is superior
extra large cheese pizzzzaaa
What does dividend mean
bouldering is the only thing I find fun
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Catholicism is anti British and is ultimately a subversive political movement for the benefit of Rome.
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nicholas john stabille III
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>Lasting for 432,000 years (1,200 divine years), Kali Yuga began 5,125 years ago and has 426,875 years left as of 2024 CE.
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West Derby Road, 1950s and 2024
the first thing one female coworker asked after seeing me at one of this days was "is everything alright?"
*presses A to join covenant*
if anglicanism is so english how come david cameron and boris johnson got away with converting to catholicism
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>interview gave me a verbal and written communication test
>was clearly just to filter out ESLs
>only question was "affect vs effect"
>picked the wrong one and got filtered out with the rest of the Pajeets
Catholicism is more than a religion, it is a political power. Therefore, I am led to believe there will be no peace in Ireland until the Catholic Church is crushed.
top 10 white boys
I like how Catholic churches look
based mong
You should be shot
Is the Church of England not a Protestant church? Would the king turn the house of God into a Roman temple?
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here's your controller bro
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Jay Dyer said that most of the Roman Catholic apologists on the Internet tend to be girly little faggots.
Tony "Fucking Cunt" Blair too
prefer the ridiculous versions of these gimmicks thats like a picture of a sybian or something
jack draper saving british tennis from the post-muzza slump
Why do they always say NYC and LA are the worse then when those I assume black dominated places are way worse
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Authoritarian, Protestant, Anti-Catholic, Imperialist, Puritanical, Racialist, Saxon neo British Empire conducting orbital strikes on India, Africa and the Middle East using Cromwell-class star destroyers
no second chances spastic
so are orthodox mongs
Christianity has been in the British Isles since Roman times and British and Irish Catholicism have their own flavour informed by their history of insular growth, oppression and revival
A lot of which catholic revival Anglicanism picked up at the same time
>Is the Church of England not a Protestant church?
>Would the king turn the house of God into a Roman temple?
Why are you scared to leave the country? What's keeping you here? The weather? The women? Family ties? Work?
Jimmy Carr heckle compilation
my convinction that every other cuntry is even worse
unfortunately my travels have backed up this hunch
they won't let me stay in japan
No interest in wasting my money on travel.
that's a bad thing
playing Splatoon
>Is the Church of England not a Protestant church?
It's practically catholic just without the Pope, making it just retarded
i want to live in japan
i should have been born there
>A lot of which catholic revival Anglicanism picked up at the same time
what does this mean?
Eating a packet of crisps I really don't like
that's wild
emigrating is very difficult for us
we're not a multi-lingual culture so we we're confined to the anglo-sphere
america refuse to let white people into their country in case we start competing with the ones already there
canada is a btech america which is worse in pretty much every way
non-wasp excolonies are dangerous
australia is the most realistic place but that's on literally the exact opposite side of the planet

put simply - any place worth being don't want us
i would be a god in japan
i would have sex
but i must suffer as a mid incel in the uk
where i will never have sex
thanks, I hope peace will happen soon
Everywhere hates us
Used fru-fru grammar, sorry
19th century there was a growing interest in the early and pre-protestant Church and that interest helped to drive anglocatholicism
Good looking chap
kicking my feet from joy

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