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I'm increasingly worried about the prospect of a non-White America.
It'll be just like home for you
I'm more worried about the specific demographics. I don't want predators in here.
Why? Black population has hardly ever grown percentage-wise, hardly any muslims, we're getting a lot of east asians and latinos which is fine.
You don't understand. OP is warning us. He knows what Brazil is like and doesn't wish that upon us.
It's already over, flee to Europe if you can
you are worried for another country? couldn't be me
>we're getting a lot of east asians and latinos which is fine.
>flee to europe
You forgot to post the amerigiblino png
I'm genuinely worried about it. If America was to become a weak, corrupt and multiethnic state China and other Asiatic powers would establish themselves as the axis of geopolitical power. The West as a whole would totally collapse, with Latin America invariably following behind ,as always. Western civilization and culture would submerge into an abyss and probably disappear later on.
Better than us at least
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we need a map like that including other ethnicities too
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I want to drill a hole into my soul
just don't have children anon
who gives af about the world after you die?
Typical zilian mentality.
I’m not losing sleep
This thread is meant to Americans. Would you kindly take your leave?
It's always been an inevitability
lol theres nothing you can do about it retard
At some point blacks and mexicans will have birth rates below replacement while Mormons will keep pumping babies left and right and things will go back to normal
I wish the leave would be finalized but everything takes time. So much time. I'm losing sleep over it.
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Kike proganganda, fuck off back to africa pls.
why are sirs like this?
>chicanx hating other chicanx
Kek. Not even they like each other.
Brazilan are Africans. Redskins make up like 1% of their population we have ZERO relations to African cunts like Brazil, Venezuala, Columbia, Cuba, etc or european cunts like Argentina, uruguay, chile, etc.
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I'm hurt because you don't think I'm white
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>European countries like Argentina, Chile, Uruguay

They are just like you
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I try not to think about it. The days of a “white” america are long gone. EVERYONE except really old boomers view America as a diverse nation. Nothing ever lasts forever or something
They is about 25% chance you re white but ou still live in black country.
Argentina is max 15% indian which is technically more indian than your cuntry
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>I try not to think about it.
So do you just refuse to go outside anymore?
>Guatemalans in Nebraska and Alabama
Honestly, america's going to be perfectly fine.

Gen Z is roughly 50% white, 25% latino, 15% black and 5% asian.

Whites and Latinos will interbeed into castizos that will be indistinguishable from how white americans already look

African Americans will continue to be an isolated population

Asians are such a tiny percentage and this likely won't change because they're mostly wealthy so low fertility rates
Sweet Home Guatemala
>imagine being remotely ok with interbreeding with letrinos
You retards are truly finished.
>On average, we estimate that Latinos in the US carry 18.0% Native American ancestry, 65.1% European ancestry, and 6.2% African ancestry.
We're talking about latinos with higher than average euro ancestry like northern mexicans and cubans, not indio peruvians. If every latino in america bred with a white person, then the result would be a castizo population that is ~82.5% european
Holy cope. Just end yourself already lol.
It's over you kikes lost.
What's dark purple?
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How is that exactly your problem chud?
>Holy cope. Just end yourself already lol.
I'd rather live in castizo nation than the current state of England and the rest of Europe
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only india will be the only aryan nation left
>China and other Asiatic powers would establish themselves as the axis of geopolitical powe
this is a good thing dummy
look at dis brazilian nigga wanting to be controlled by eurojews lmfao
I don’t go out too often yeah
Southern Texas is Mexico, so why does this shock you?

Have you been to Ireland, filled with Macacos.
I dont know how it is in other south american countries but Brazilians are terrified of a power east asia for some reason, as if we have ever had a historical reason to be afraid of them.
This video shows the difference between Blacks and Mexicans. Blacks would have jumped in and stomped the Gringos to death. Mexicans lack the violence gene when it comes to dealing with Gringos.
you're not wrong.
You are an idiot
Mexicans marry Mexicans
Mexican with Black is more common than Mex/Anglo
I would definitely like a multipolar world. But it would be useless for us if the West collapses, since Latin America always follows Western trends.
Race isn't an issue it's culture, but nobody wants to open that box because then it means hating thirdies first and foremost.
>since Latin America always follows Western trends.
only because it's dependent on it
slaughter house and other similar bottom feeder work
>According to Pew Research, among all newlyweds, intermarried pairings were primarily White-Hispanic (43.3%) as compared to White-Asian (14.4%), White-Black (11.9%), and Other Combinations (30.4%)
stop spouting bullshit, hispanics and whites make up the vast majority of interracial marriages and relationships in the US, even white/black pairings are far more common than black/latino pairings
You glow.
You quote is stupid as it is not true to anyone who travels the East Coast. These are East Coast Latinos; first thing that comes to mind in the Yankee States when I hear the word Latino is a Afro-Latino.
Once we outnumber you such a thing will become a genetic imposisiblity.
Why don'y you just give up loll?
Just go back to europe silly.
Texas and Mexico are made up constructs. This while mfing continet is ours
Truth. Fuck these ignorant pretetious retards.
Based if true.
Also ignore the saxon, pretty sure he is some kind of wierd race fetish degenerate.
Based if true. We should also sell Venezuela columia and rest of the Amazon to the hindus, in exchange for tribute ofc.
It won't.
Not my problem lol imagine caring about these spooks
> first thing that comes to mind in the Yankee States when I hear the word Latino is a Afro-Latino.
afro latinos like dominicans are still 50% european on average, so within in a few generations they'll just be quadroons or octoroons

>Once we outnumber you such a thing will become a genetic imposisiblity.
Why don'y you just give up loll?
I don't think you understand what you are, all latinos have european ancestry, the vast majority have more than 40% (the only nations with less than 40% on average are Peru and Bolivia). That means the child born to a latino and a white person will always be majority european
>Race isn't an issue it's culture,
Cutlure is the manifestation of racial/genetic realties stupid bastard.
You are aware race defilers are condmened to the lowest circle of hell, right?
BBC porto ricans, I kneel.
High Mormon birth rates ended a while ago
>Whites and Latinos will interbeed into castizos that will be indistinguishable from how white americans already look
Puerto Rican are like that and Americans hated them
You can civilize thirdies if you destroy their backwards culture.
Now suck my dick you brown retard.
>so within in a few generations they'll just be quadroons or octoroons
That's literally what those Nazis is Brazil wee planning. Didnt exctly work out for them given that Brazil will prolly be more African than some African cunts in the future.
>all latinos have european ancestry,
WRONG. Meditoranoids are NOT WHITE they are semetic. I am 15% semetic. Semites originated from either the Levant or North Africa they are not indo-europeans.
>That means the child born to a latino and a white person will always be majority european
Your insanley stupid if you think soeone from Sicily or Spain is "white" lol they are about as white looking as Osama Bin Laden lol
>You are aware race defilers are condmened to the lowest circle of hell, right?
>And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married: for he had married an Ethiopian woman...And the anger of the Lord was kindled against them; and he departed. And the cloud departed from off the tabernacle; and, behold, Miriam became leprous, white as snow: and Aaron looked upon Miriam, and, behold, she was leprous. And Aaron said unto Moses, Alas, my lord, I beseech thee, lay not the sin upon us, wherein we have done foolishly, and wherein we have sinned. Let her not be as one dead, of whom the flesh is half consumed when he cometh out of his mother's womb.
The Lord commands us to bleach the world
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Straight off the plane in Philly
Killed a cop at the airport
While stealing cars
And the fent OD rates went up accordinly.
Pic realted have fun trying that AGAIN. My race evolved to be what it is over the corse of tens of thousands of years. We are genetically incompatible yith your cultures/religions.
#You cant train a chihuahua to become a bllodhound
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You are an idiot. These are real world typical USA Mexicans. How much Northern Spain do you see in them.
The North East got the worst of PR and they were mainly Blacks, and yes people hate them for good reason.
can't believe we have a lad defending Mexican/Chicano state of Texas And California lol

and the Chicano thinks they will over take politically/economically. nigga you seen
Mexico and Brazil and who's in power?
>The Lord commands us to bleach the world
Vh Aryan Moses. Almost as Aryan as Cortez lol.

Race defliment is a sin against natue because it ignores the tens of thousand of years of environmentally specific evolution to crete races that are perfect for their given enviroment.

You want to create a genetically inferior people that are less suited for their envioment.

You are on the level of incest, kys.
Why is it fine?
>That's literally what those Nazis is Brazil wee planning. Didnt exctly work out for them given that Brazil will prolly be more African than some African cunts in the future.
Literally delusional, "black" people in Brazil are mulattos "the range of white admixture for Afro-Brazilians is typically between 30% and 70%; "pure" black Brazilians with more than 80% of their genes coming from African ancestry are a subgroup minority."

>WRONG. Meditoranoids are NOT WHITE they are semetic. I am 15% semetic. Semites originated from either the Levant or North Africa they are not indo-europeans.
all europeans have anatolian farmer ancestry which is likewise the most common ancestry in the levant and north africa. About 40% of anglo ancestry is the same as levantines.

>Your insanley stupid if you think soeone from Sicily or Spain is "white" lol they are about as white looking as Osama Bin Laden lol
this is just american retardation

you're never going to see white traits in someone that's only 50% white because all white traits are recessive. But all of those recessive white traits come to the forefront when they have children with a white person

is every chicano this mentally ill?
tpbp, black population has been at stable replacement rate for ~150 years, Asians consistently breed sub replacement level over here, and Latins are assimilating quicker than people are anticipating (unless you literally live on the border)
this, america's actually in a fantastic position compared to the rest of the anglosphere and europe in general
>is every chicano this mentally ill?
no the average chicano in Texas has a blue collar job, goes to church and go back to their home

Californian chicanos are a different story
Yeah I would say blacks are more violent than whites but NOWHERE NEAR AS VIOLENT AS US.
They mostly are all about stealing shit lol.
At least 1/4 aryan acording to the saxon lol.
>can't believe we have a lad defending Mexican/Chicano state of Texas And California lol
The strong will replace the weak. It's the first law of nature.
>who's in power?
The same kikes that are in power in usa and canada no shit. You live in a society ruled by money who else is going to climb to power than those who love it the most.
SOCAL Mexicans kill Gringos.

This. The US is a lot more fortunate than europe demographic-wise
Cope mechanism. It coudnt possibly be more over for the aryan race lol.
>all europeans have anatolian farmer ancestry which is likewise the most common ancestry in the levant and north africa. About 40% of anglo ancestry is the same as levantines.
Are jews and Arabs white then?
>this is just american retardation
A Sicilian looks NOTHING like a Dane, but you know who they do look like? A Iraqi lol.
>you're never going to see white traits in someone that's only 50% white because all white traits are recessive. But all of those recessive white traits come to the forefront when they have children with a white person
Holy mother of all cope, you finna OD on the copium my man.
>is every chicano this mentally ill?
How is accepting the realities of nature "mentally ill" whereas shilling for incest tier eugenics is not?
Thank you for confirming you have never set foot of this contient lol.
>no the average chicano in Texas has a blue collar job, goes to church and go back to their home
Bruh San Antonio is twice the ghetto that LA is and San Diego is basically Valhalla compared to the RGV.
Completley the other way around lol.
webm related in Texas btw
Based but it;s not enough. San Diego still white majority despite literally being on the border.
So in other words they have a few more decades before extiction.
Big consolation, my dude.
Maybe if they all returned to europa they could save it.
But they wont, becasue they are embodiment of pride.
you're genuinely retarded, continue with your doomer blackpill, but anyone with sense knows america is gonna be fine (or at least far better off than the rest of the white world)
Funny that you fucks hate us so much yet no one did or even said anything. I would like it more if you people said what you felt more often.
You're welcome to come to the UK puertobro
>continue with your doomer blackpill,
Coundt be further frm the truth saxon.
Europa could very easily be saved.
All that your people would have to do is retrn home.
Tens of millions of saxon like you comin from Canada, Australia, New Zealand, New Englannd.
Tens of millions of italians and spaniards coming from Brazil and Argnaina and NE usa.

Europa could be saved instantly.

But what is more likley to happen is your race dies becasue of it;s pride, not a blackpill just the genetic reality of how your people tend to behave lol.
Use your BBC bro.
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We should bring back White Supremist laws.
Every race in it's own separate place.
Your people would rather die in the Arizona heat than go back to a climate more adjusted for you like Scotland.
Which is probally going to be what happens lol.
>Yeah I would say blacks are more violent than whites but NOWHERE NEAR AS VIOLENT AS US.
kek you are a spazz man. 95% of Latinos are peaceful as can be and the other 5% are so drunk/tweaked out that that can't shoot straight. You guys are no threat to anybody
>95% of Latinos are peaceful
Mexicans kill Mexicans
Not like Blacks who will randomly jump or kill an Anglo
Do you know what a percentage is
Actually touch grass you retard. This thread is mostly your posts.
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White people prosper in any environment, Paco. Just compare the cities of Texas, New Mexico and Arizona with the massive shitholes in the other side of the Rio Grande.
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Wrong. Especially if we including fent deaths.
Meanhwile blacks will only pull the trigger if you dont hand over the gucci.
Baby soft. You kill kids, grandmas and Chinamen. You are 5 feet tall and can't beat anyone in a fist fight, and you can't use a gun unless you are harming innocents.
That was a mistake and it was in Mexico. Find a vid of Mexicans doing this.

It would appear I have struck a never lol.
Are you a self-hating Mexican or a coping white, honestly cant tell.
Yet we will replace them. Because sophistication is not a subsitiute for the strengh needed to survive.
Semites are so disgundting when it comes to race defiling/incest.
Full stop, it would have been better to be colonized by northenr europeans than the kikes that still live amogst us.
>and you can't use a gun unless you are harming innocents.
You wouldnt surive a day in a hood where we make up at least half the pupulation full stop.
They didnt even kill that staten island kike tho Pussy shit. Also why you complaning about black TO ME? Your kind broght them here deal with it.
Mexicans have neither sophistication nor strength, and you're merely pawns for the tribe that actually is in power. If they wanted no replacement or immigration there would be none.
>Mexicans have neither sophistication nor strength,
We are responisble for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of whites per year pic realted.
What have you african monkey's accomplished?
>and you're merely pawns for the tribe that actually is in power. If they wanted no replacement or immigration there would be none.
Nigga you live in an oversized plantation wtf are you on about
Two different posters anon. And I'm just someone who hates namefags.
Amerikkka will balkanize into three nations, New Afrika, Aztlan, and USA
dont waste your time talking to a mexican, notice how deranged and needlessly aggressive he is. mexicans are the scum of the americas.
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Keep in mind Mexicans are taking over the Bullet Sponge role in the US Military from the Redneck/Rube types, just as they did in other low level jobs like labor and fast food. Do not be shocked to see a Mexican dominated US Army in the future.
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>Mexico's great accomplishment is being a drug mule for Jews
The pride of a mongrel at its finest.
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I dream of a fully White America.
Based and redpilled.
>Two different posters anon.
>And I'm just someone who hates namefags.
I have no choice. don't want people thnkin I;m white or black.
Yeah and Nah once the whites die off the entire western half willl belong to the East Asians.and the interior will go to the South Asians.
The eastern side will be mostly blacks and few remainign whites

We will keep existing tho outside that stpid pardime of countries and imaginary borders and this time we will get our tribute from the other races in a more ideal manner.
>the entire western half willl belong to the East Asians
East Asians will be a minority elite, the masses will be CHIs
They are cowardly, disloyal, ineffective in combat, and won't revert the Army's recruiting deficit.
the weak are replacing the strong. without political scheming you lot would've gotten erased long ago
Go back to Afrika.
Were the vikings "living off welfare" when they lived off stolen goods from saxon monasteries?
The Army hs been dominated by Blacks since at least the Vietnam era. /i don't think that's going to change,
If your a kike slave (pro-tip: you are) why would the kike support the destuction of their property? Retard.
Your race did not evolve to surive here. It's literally impossible.
>The Army hs been dominated by Blacks since at least the Vietnam era. /i don't think that's going to change,
grim, why did america allow this to happen
Mexico was a mistake, and i long for the day you lot are erased, pathetic race of losers, of the amerindians who sided with the kikes for the death of the aztecs, YOU DESCEND FROM COWARDS, TRAITORS, MONGRELS AND LOSERS
I'm not a race essentialist but there is truth that the modern latrino army is far lower morale, that's mainly because the previous bullet sponges all came from multigeneration military families that were pretty much a warrior caste in American society. The kind of martial tradition and spirit that took generations to build in these families collapsed in just 2 or 3 generations from 'nam to afghanistan and can't just be replaced by latinx mercenaries.
>East Asians will be a minority elite, the masses will be CHIs
Wrong look at SF and Seattle. We have limited presnece there and the rest of the west coast will follow. But I beleive we can come to an agreement unlike with the whites.
>Army's recruiting deficit.
Based. You some kind of kike lover, monkey boy?
>the weak are replacing the strong.
>Truth, just look at the fent rates lol. without political scheming you lot would've gotten erased long ago.
Thank you, clever scheming is very much our thing. It's the entire basis for the trap game.
I'll take amerindians over darkies desu
> Don Justo pizzas
Based tastemaxxer
>grim, why did america allow this to happen
I dunno why did the portugese and italian kikes let Brazil become 75% black?
Wrong we decend from the sacrificers not the sacrificied. Darwinian evolution striaght up.
We currently do not make up a disproportion percentage in the ZOG armies and we are never going to, retard.
Hi argentina on discount
5 latrinos wouldn't equal 1 southron in a real war.
>I dunno why did the portugese and italian kikes let Brazil become 75% black?
they didnt. every black person and leftist hates the reality that blacks are heavily diluted. and for some reason the country is trying to erase that we still have a lot of indiginous ancestry and cultural heritage
This chichano is seriously mentally ill, it's not even funny anymore
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in non combat roles
the blacks killed in jordan were cooks
they either join the military or rob/kill people in the streets

real niggaz handle their business
You'd rather be killed than robbed lol?
>in a real war.
You means the opium war going on right now? I think the current rate is 1 of our deaths for 5 of theirs currentyl.
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>kike lover
Mongrel projection
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>heavily diluted.
Holy cope. Your cunt looks indistinguable from Nigeria lol.
>we still have a lot of indiginous ancestry
Lies. Similiar lies that anglo americans claim that have no basis in reality and are only used to justify a level of indigenous, which is hella laugable.
You promote race-defiling you should be sterilized and lobotomized asap.
My man, you are literally descended from europeans. I don't know what to tell you
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Nigga you live in tranny central, are you sure you want to do there?
Do these drawings help you sleep at night?
>you are literally descended from europeans
You still refuse to answer me bro: Do you consider Jews and Arabs to be european/white?
Mexcrement bros?
Why would you say this
Why would some random kike killing amerindians like 300 years ago have any bearing my sleep habits lol?
Why do you allow the Americans to humiliate you so much, frens?
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Same kike vibes lol.
Why did you allow Americans to take over your capital city?
All I see are imaginary lines that have zero bearing on where I go and what I do.
We cal that true freedom somthing a platation monkey like you would never understand lol.
Fuck (((mexico)))
Fuck (((usa)))
Fuck (((brazil)))
and fuck your brainwashed ass.
Why are you still slaves and toilet cleaners after 70 years?
Becasue we were hoping they would destroy that kike infested city a second time. Sadly no such luck.
stop being rude with mexicans
also you're seething about a jeet larping as a chicano
We don't care for kike money simple as.
Do you desire the kike lifestyle of materialism and decadence, monkey fren?
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Why are you still such a gross social excrement?
>also you're seething about a jeet larping as a chicano
What even is that cope. I dislike hindus as much as I dislike whites, They are annoying and narcistic.
They are honestly living proof of what weed consumption over the course of thousands of years does to a mfer. Most dysgentic mfers physically and mentally on the planet.
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They're taking CDMX again :(
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Again with the kike shelkel shart, But also holy shit I should really get an Okinwan gf lol.
I wonder... do mexicans care much that half their territory was annexed by USA
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Mexican frens, if you are so proud about being mestizo, why do you always portray yourselves as White?
Based fuck those kikes.
Meanwhile in reality.
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Really half you say?
Those are kikes tho.
People can seethe but you're right
>if you are so proud about being mestizo
Also NO ONE is proud of being a quater kike. I'm assuming that is true for you "mullatoes" as well.
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Why does this Brazilian hate Mexicans so much?
Rules of nature, staright up..
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Mexican bros, we are we so dumb?
He's just your average grandson of a nazi officer coward who cant stand that Brazil is a culturally BLACK dominated cunt lol.
What your seeing is basically the written form of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-hkpspeI_A
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Mexicans bros, why does Timmy built such beautiful cities while ours are massive shitholes???????

Look, the difference can be seen from SPACE!
idk but most brazilians like mexico/mexicans (even tho chicanos seems to be kinda annoying at least on 4chan)
you'll always find a schizo for everything in 200mil population country
You're based as fuck, dunking on this retarded schizo CHI. Got sick of his endless rumblings of returning to worshiping Aztec gods and Aztlan Lebensraum fantasies that is equivalent to nation of Islam stupidity.
I'm not.

I'm convinced that rural, white Americans are the single worst group of people in the history of the world. No other demographic on earth enjoys so much financial help and political attention from all levels of government than rural whites. These are the most ridiculously overrepresented group of people on the face of the earth, and yet they still never stop whining about how "victimized" they are. They pay lower taxes, work fewer hours, receive more services, and collect more government subsidies than anyone else, and yet it's urban non-whites who're treated like the parasites in this country, even though it's them who're the ones being bled dry.

The senate is rigged in favor of rural whites, the electoral college rigs the presidency in favor of rural whites, both the senate and the presidency rigs the supreme court in favor of rural whites, and the House (which was created to represent population, despite all legislative power continuing to be centralized in the senate) has been rigged in favor of rural whites since the passage of the clearly unconstitutional reapportionment act of 1929, which essentially was the equivalent of a rural coup. Controlling the only legislative chamber with actual power wasn't enough, rural America needed both of them.

All of our problems (at least for the past century) have been due to the fact that rural America is nothing but a giant drain on the economical and productive metropolitan centers that actually fund the country. The federal government is constituted in such a way as to not only ensure a permanent dictatorship but rural whites, but to ensure there's a never-ending wealth redistribution from the cities to the countryside, where it goes from good use to being squandered on the worst, most ungrateful people in the world.

If all of rural white America died off and their regions were repopulated with Latin American migrants, we'd be free of this virus which is unseen in any other people on earth.
Alright J.D Vance. Still not voting,
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Meds now Joao
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Why is America so much better, Mexican bros? Why does Timmy always gets what's good?

This is unfair, we are the children of Huitzilopochtli!
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Yeah America is not white because of (you). Be respectful to your kin.
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You can deny the reality of nature all you want but it doenst mean that it is objectitvely the truth.
Uh, someone is having a hindu moment lol.
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Why do Anglo-Saxons ridicule us so much, Mexican bros? Why have we become such an object of mockery?
TF you mean he should be scared for his lyfe lol
Ay papi who ez in east LA,
Macho is thy name.
Free Aztlan now,
Your gardening done,
In Mexico as it is in California
Give us this day our daily tortilla
And forgive our illegal immigration
As we forgive those who illegally immigrate against us
Lead us not into ICE
But deliver us from the CIA
For thine is the narcotic and child trafficking forever and ever.
We will replace you lol.
Let me present you to northeastern brazilians.
>We will replace you lol.
>proud to be slaves to upper class white jews
Not really any different than back home in Mexico.
Like regular brazilains but with BBC extra size.
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>Not really any different than back home in Mexico.
Wrong the reap is plenty here.
>it's all hispanics and asians
Famous last words.
>Mexican authorities have been waging a deadly battle against drug cartels for nearly two decades, but with limited success. Thousands of Mexicans—including politicians, students, and journalists—die in the conflict every year. The country has seen more than 431,000 homicides since 2006, when the government declared war on the cartels.
>worships the cartels that ruins both countries and people with endless massacres
Cartel supporters will be shot on sight, all your opinions are worthless after you outed yourself.
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>Cartel supporters will be shot on sight, all your opinions are worthless after you outed yourself.
Look, imma be real with you, extreme violence and a compelte lack of empathy is the only genetic advatages we have over all the other races. If we do not accept this and then find a way to utilize this to our benifit we WILL GO EXTICT.
It's the single most imprtant aspect of reality
Also I was refering to the positive benefits of the fent trade (dead whites). Mexican has never not been the most homicidal place in the world (except maybe during the second world war lol) it's a genetic reality and if that violence can start to be used for purposes of survivablity than we are at least on the right track to useing violence for puropses other than our self-destruction.
>It's the single most imprtant aspect of reality
Refering of course to the whole survival of the fittest thing that made us what we are and will likley make us who we are in the future.
>stumbling over his words
No wonder you were enslaved so readily lel
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RIP Dixie
BBC too strong bros.
>worse than blacks
Mexcrement bros...
Blacks out there working two jobs so they buy (((Gucci))).
If only they worked harder on the trap game lol.
>posting nonstop on an /int/ bread for 4 hours to show how notmad you are
you're a full order of magnitude of poorer than white americans, on the same level as niggers. Your average height clocks in at a laughable 5'6.7 lower even than Asians. Hispanics are the fattest demographic in America; nearly 1 in 2 of your kind are obese. In every possible regard you're less than Whites, Blacks, Asiatics and Native Americans.
I know being so fundamentally vermin-like can be hard to deal with, but the solution is killing yourself, not shitting up my mongolian basketweaving forums.
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>but the solution is killing yourself,
Ironic since that is our solution for pigskins lol.
You think a lot like the red parts of the map ironically
America is just going to become a highly fractured nation. Hopefully it will weaken in power significantly too. Let rapidly aging China handle everything.
It's all doom and gloom, and it will probably be very bad, but new racial identitarianism will emerge and societies will split and be separate, which would be great.
>no response
>just cope
Holy fuck you've just been projecting this entire thread I've just realized. This is Advanced Placement Niggery
Blacks are as low as whites as are Hispanics. Actually whites surpassed blacks. The future is white and Hispanic.
Everything in the world goes through cycles. The western power cycle is sadly going to drop into a low. China may rule, but the problem is that they are just as poisoned by a modernized economy as we are, and aging faster than we are.

but for things to get better, you have to go through the rough. the west has been devastated before like it is now. the black death literally wiped out half of europe's population 700 years ago
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We’ll be fine. Minority majority to us is Argentinas demogrpahics.

80% of them have native blood, a third are mestizos (La Raza). They’re literally you except they despise their native heritage.
srs question - I am an east coaster and all the hispanics I see are just 4 foot tall olmec clones. are hispanics in the southwest more white?
No, it's massive cope. The latrinos in those studies claiming they're all 70% euro castizos are full of selection bias. Actual latrinos would never participate in those studies and are all brown as fuck.
America (the southwest) castizofying will make the American culture very Native American even if the blood isn’t. New Mexican Hispanics are one of the highest European blood Hispanic groups (beaten only by Uruguayans) and their entire cultural fabric has a gigantic Puebloan, Hopi, and other Local Native Undertone. Chicanos meanwhile are of mostly northern Mexican stock so have higher European blood than the Mexican average, they went on to restore the glory of mesoamerican society.

American Hispanics know better than anybody what they are, where they come from, and what their future is. It’s very admirable actually. Zapata, Chavez, etc. as well.
nigga most of you are obese or twinks like the rest of us
hopi culture? I just hopi the young generations can get off tiktok. maybe do that before doing your vvvgh spanish empire 2.0 stuff

the only cultural conquest people know american hispanics for are taco bell, cars that jump up and down, breaking bad, and crime
I’m white tho. Anglo white.
I appreciate that you're trying to boost up hispanics (I'm not hispanic, but it's nice of you) but you sound like the whatifalthist autist.
young hispanics aren't bringing some unique vgggh trad mesoamerican culture. they are just getting absorbed by black youth culture or white youth culture of either being gay or a chud
the purest hispanics are the short brown ones who work menial jobs and can't speak english despite being here for years
>american hispanics
>taco bell
lol fuck nah
I've heard from normalfags that have this mindset before.
I'm not. America is the biggest hispqn8c country now.
No, they’re half Spanish still. Speak the Spanish language, and are machismo. I do sound like whatifalthist (he’s a dumb nigger who thinks native Americans are subhumans tho).

I’m more referring to a concept called acculturation, when a new culture comes into contact with an old one. Native Americans are a demogrpahic minority, but being much older to the land, their culture has grown in influence. New age spirituality and superheroes have very native qualities to them for example. Mexican Catholicism is a de facto Aztec religion. The US being less stringent towards native culture in the modern day has allowed it to return with a vengents.
To add to this, they do assimilate but they usually have maintained their identity. And Mexican American culture isn’t just new transplants, multiple southwestern states have very old Mexican groups that basically count as seperate ethnic groups at this point.
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>with a vengents
Bad spelling, vengeance. And I mean how much they’ve come rolling back after being attempted to be wiped out.
20% of Mexicans marry and have kids with an anglo. Why do you people do this BLACKSBLAVKSBLACKS shit?
So uh. How is everyone doing?
It used to not be white. Nothing is inevitable. All it takes is action. I think there enough like-minded people that some type of action will be taken.
breaking bad was a documentary
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The Hispanics out east are newer and as a result form further south which is much more Native American. The closer you get to the border; the more likely you are to see European descendent Hispanics.

It’s still majority mestizos and harinzos but there’s a semi large minority of whites with casually Spanish last names. You don’t notice them until you see their name and they tell you their family.

I used study done by 23and me and the US government. The average southwest Hispanic is about 65% euro. Factor in the mostly pure Anglos and native americans, and you get a demographic profile very similar to Argentina.

It's too late for Asia to control anything.

You have black women calling Mexican men ugly in a joking way but are serious when they say they would never pick a "white Mexican" in those "what race would you not date" videos.

(Unless your dumber then black girls) You would understand that this statement made by a bunch of high school black girls speaks volumes. It's irreversible too.
retardado do caralho
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It has nothing to do with white people.
You can stop worrying because it already is
It's the traditionally chad races of nigs and anglos who die out while Indian, Chinese, Mexican, and Jewish nerd manlets will inherit the land. Based.
South America - particularly Argentina, Chile and Brazil - are an integral part of the West and European civilization. They are white

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