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It’s very apparent Germany is dying, economically, demographically, politically even, for anyone reading the news. But I genuinely don’t know where to escape to.

>all our neighbors are barely better of worse off
>Eastern Europe has still low salaries and their locals are also dying/ageing, faster than in the West even
>East Asia is fairly dystopian to be a wagie in, Japan opens up to Jeets gradually
>the United States don’t want skilled white migrants, only hordes of Sudacas
>Latin America has few decent places and is culturally far too different
>SEA … eh

Help a fellow whiteoid out.
get a passport and move to a cheap asian country. get a online job back in germany, and enjoy cheap living.
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>Used the word Sudaca
Spaniard spotted (maybe not)

I´ll be honest with you. There is no hope. Either that, or you´ll have to migrate to a very far away land and start a life from 0, just like the based immigrants did in the early late 1800´s. No language skills, no contacts, no technology, nothing. Go and either survive or get killed by locals.

There´s only hope in non-popular destinations (or the ones little known). Random islands on the pacific, Greenland, or just anywhere remote.

But yeah. It´s over AF.
But you have a great passport, and now we have technology.

PS: I also recommend Taiwan. First world-ish, decent people, and beautiful women.

If I could, I would live in northern europe (been living there for 4 years), but i´m a disgusting autistic subhuman. I´m giving up hope. Rn i´m in spain, but i´m considering starting a new life in Taiwan.
Literally no hope man.
Whether I should blame muh femminists, muh women, muh autism, or myself, reality is this. I will die alone if I don´t leave this shithole.

Good luck buddy.

And if one day you consider suicide, take others to hell with you
I moved here
>There is no hope. Either that, or you´ll have to migrate to a very far away land and start a life from 0
I dont understand this line of thinking at all. Why move to some new place to build from 0 when you can just do it in your declining but still top-tier nation? The only way out is personal success really, that is how you secure your existence and have a chance at having an imprint on the future. Even if you found some place where everyone is a 7 foot tall, jacked millionaire based trad aryan god it would be YOU that is inadequate and you would still feel like it's over and you have no chance.
Move to Serbia. And die there.
>>SEA … eh
the fuck is that supposed to mean?
>actual best place to move to
German salary via remote, living in SEA or travelling

Simple as
I WILL move to Austria
I WILL live in the alps
I WILL learn (or rather perfect my) German
I WILL listen to classical music
I WILL apply for citizenship after enough years
I WILL blame Germany for both world wars
I WILL die in a comfy Holzhaus
You don’t really get it; that way my life would still be completely tied to Germany and I’ll be left with nothing in case it goes further down the drain.
The US fucking sucks, I wish I could move to Germany. You want to trade places?
You just need to sit and enjoy what you all voted for.
in rural norway, the foreign workers are not so much poles and eastern euros, but actually germs and dutch. most of them nature refugees but i guess some of them also felt like you. they seem to like it here and i dont mind them at all.
based AVSTRIA enjoyer
You will always be tied to Germany, and Germany isn't going to collapse overnight. You are being a ridiculous baby. If you can't make a comfortable life for yourself there, nobody else will be better, unless you want to leave the world behind and go join a monastery in Greece or something like that.
Not many other options. The whole western world is going down the same path.
I realize the USA has very similar issues, but the stronger economy in recent decades and vast amount of space redeem it in some sense.
I saw a video recently about a rise of germans moving to Paraguay. So maybe there ?
Kill yourself.
Go to turkey and bring all your friends and family, also create German only zones
The weather seems depressing AF and there’s no way I’m learning your meme language, but otherwise it’s something I’d consider.
>your country is getting browner, more violent and poorer by the day?
>move to a country that’s always been brown, violent and poor

Sounds reasonable.
I know some of those schizo people and it’s a very very niche community requiring accumulated capital and/or farming and survival skills off the grid.
Or just move to Argentina, idk anon not many options.
Not true. Germany is on the downroad. America is just political unstable, we're economical ficked, because of the fucking policy.
Our politicans have deceided that we have to be the nation of wind and solar. They don't care whether it cares out or not...
It's not much stronger at all, especially for me (in software) now that pajeets are flooding across the borders. Germany has much more of a future, at least you guys are voting for positive change.
t. Argie
If you are going to surrender your inheritance and lose a competition to 75IQ scrawny armed sand monkeys then perhaps your genes deserve to die out with you. Giving up at the slightest sign of adversity in the most easy mode period in history
It is, compare economic growth for the last decade only.

And I know the
>line went up
meme and that it doesn’t correspond to life quality, but the indicators we have point up for the USA and down for Poorrope.
If you're so convinced it will get bad, then prepare for the flood and let it get bad. You're not a princess. The rodents will flee ship as soon as things get shaky, don't be like them Hans, be better.
They import merely young men. It's horrefing
Western Turkey and it's women call out for you and your penis
For what reason?

There will be no grace or thank you and we will faile at the end... What matter to fight or not anymore?
> at least you guys are voting for positive change.
Anon, I … Thuringia is the equivalent of Idaho or something. It literally doesn’t matter. On a national level, the cuckservative party will win big time.

I know I sound defeatist, but look at it this way, at a point when major cities look like Islamabad some provincial gains aint gonna be a turning point.
>but the indicators we have point up for the USA and down for Poorrope.
You guys have much more of a future in the long term though. So what if some retard politicians fuck your energy for a decade? Your people will still survive and thrive in the coming century. Our people will no longer exist soon.
You are even more ridiculous than him. "software" kek get a real job
I know it’s a joke but if you learned about Turkey, they’re getting displaced within their own country by Arabs and Kurds. And while you may see no difference, secular Turks see a great one.
An ethnonationalist winning Idaho or something would actually be an extreme win for us, you guys are doing much better than we are.
>Just do it from your top tier nation
My country is a shithole. We are the puerto rico of Europe. Mediocre, full of dumb subhumans, but okay-ish.

I have nothing here, and I want nothing anyway.
Starting a new life in taiwan would be slightly harder than here
Even though in one place i´m a foreigner without the privileges of a local, in my own continent i´m subhuman (proven fact)
>it´s a YOU problem
yeah, and the way to fix it, for me, it´s to run away
autism cannot be healed
What do you think you're using right now? Software, perchance? The modern world runs on computers, it's maybe the most valuable thing out there.
Stay in your country, accept immigrants. Don't you hate it when they steal your jobs? Why do you want to be an immigrant now? Stay there with your problems, chud
All of us here would be better off without it. Reduced to infants, scared to leave the embrace of a technological womb and put forth a minimal amount of effort to solve simple problems. No wonder these braindead thirdies are outcompeting us
>Western Turkey and it's women call out for you and your penis

>So what if some retard politicians fuck your energy for a decade?
It's not a decade... There is no guarantee that it will come back at all.
We're fucked.

Either the Energiewende turned out to be a genial act or we lose our wealth...

>Our people will no longer exist soon.
You'll be just marrie some beauty from sought America. It's hardly the same situation...

And, maybe, just maybe, it will become a thing for AI anyway.
I don't say LLMs will be able, but if you can make a theorem proofer (inference machine) why not traine a artifical intelligence to write code?

You will just need a human to check. And this can be done by a far less qualified one.
Get off 4chan then
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>It's not a decade... There is no guarantee that it will come back at all.
You realize you can just like... build nuclear plants right?
>You'll be just marrie some beauty from sought America
South America is a shithole and I hate Latinos.
>why not traine a artifical intelligence to write code?
Because they're retarded, I've tried to talk to ChatGPT about projects and it just spits back what you say to it. It can generate rote code just fine, but this'll at the very worst just make programmers far more productive.
Move to Saskatchewan and go work on a farm with your fellow german-canadians
See you tomorrow
Search specifically Christian God instead and you'll be happy where you are. People who think they are eternal + actually free of their ancestor sins are less bothered by lower quality of life at the moment and the general worldwide hysteria vibe.
>it's heckin' overino!
Nothing has really changed for me in the last 10 years or so. Hell, I even get along with all the foreigners despite being a turbo-racist.
>German salary

Better not pay any taxes.
> You realize you can just like... build nuclear plants right?
We can't... Our law requiered a lot and... even if, technical, it takes too much of time.

>Because they're retarded, I've tried to talk to ChatGPT about projects and it just spits back what you say to it. It can generate rote code just fine, but this'll at the very worst just make programmers far more productive.

ChadGPT is just the first move. Before the end of the 2020s, you will seen first steps to automatise programming jobs.
Even Script Monkeys become replaceble at some point.

Thats not the only problem...
>but muh laws
You mean the thing that can be immediately changed if power changes hands?
>it takes too much time
Is a decade really that long in the grand scheme of things?
>ChadGPT is just the first move. Before the end of the 2020s, you will seen first steps to automatise programming jobs.
And this is based on what exactly? Why does this even matter to the future of Deutschland? The German people are of noble stock, and they're under less threat of destruction than we are. Blood makes the country.
>programming jobs
Oh, god. I think I remember you. Are you still doing this shit you autistic retard?
If you're ethnically German then you can move to Russia

let's not say something that can undermine your egalitarian and demographic constitution shall we?

weather is nothing like you think and the language is pretty close to and far better than german. not like you could ever talk down on anyone elses language anyway lol. you will even many like me who had german as third language at school. it was the thing before spanish took over and still more popular than french.
go back to turkey
Why the fuck would you learn spanish in norway
probably to communicate with americans
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its a pretty relevant language world wide and its a popular holiday destination for us, shows that we no longer consider work a reason to learn language (german) but rather holiday (spanish). english not included.
also, your flag, your comment and pic related, lol.
Move to a small german community in Rio Grande do Sul. They speak german, though a bit antiquated, and are still 100% german genetically. The only downside is that they are basically german speaking rednecks.
Everyone who speaks Spanish here is low-caste.
no one speaks spanish here but our low caste move to spain so they can live like high caste.
Southern brazilian serras bud, take care
Come to Brazil!
Everywhere is the same, man. There is no hope.
cum to chile
>ignore your survival instincts
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>top tier healthcare
>most advanced infrastructure
>amazing air quality
>no corruption
>criminals actually get persecuted
>lowest homicide and rape rates
If your survival instincts are telling you to flee the a declining world power to move to a rising nation completely foreign to your culture, you may be a jew.
move to katowice so i can make fun of you
That’s why I moved to Australia brudi

>becoming a citizen is ultra giga hard mode (germans unironically clean toilets and do spargel stechen and such)
>aussies are a bit uneducated & rude
>nanny government

>good salaries
>clean orderly country
>vast amount of space
>so many cute asian girls around hunting for BGC (big german cock) you don’t even need to socialise with anglo cunts
>superb surfing, fishing, diving
>full of immigrants but they are educated and not many muslims
sydeney of melburne?
I feel you broski. fascists and communists are encircling us from both sides from the inside. Meanwhile Russia is attacking democratic sovereign European countries. And the economy has yet to recover. I also sometimes think about leaving this hellscape that calls itself Deutschland.
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>full of immigrants
Imagine being a liberal
lmaoo dutchsland will never recover
it's over
not being a liberal means not being a german after 1945
Canada is your place
What’s the country?
>Latin America has few decent places and is culturally far too different
Not really, we are americanized af
But enough about Azerbaijan
Nigga show me one developed country that doesn’t have immigrants. Most of them educated and not criminal is as good as you’re going to get. Also I have massive yellow fever and all the memes are real, asian girls LOVE blonde blue eyed white boys
This Hans is just retarded, you only need one good place anyway. Chile, Urugay are nice. But people like him only whine and complain anyway, I doubt he has what it takes to move abroad and make a life there for himself.
Move to the Faroe Islands.
It's tiny, extremely remote and cold, but is the only European region with an above replacement birthrate and is naturally increasing in population. Plus they're very wealthy and beautiful.
Come to Greece and fuck our darkest women.
I would move to germany to enrich them culturally, but i'm too lazy to learn the language and don't like they prospect of being a manlet there.
Yeah males under 180cm lead a hard life over there, and the language is a giant problem. Also unless you are a “refugee” it’ll be super hard to get permanent residency aswell.
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We're all going to die.
>The US fucking sucks
Move to east coast (not NY) dummy. You will prettu much be in europe
Go to Rwanda, the land of opportunity for autistic white men.
>euros running away from their country at first signal of problem

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